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Total online: 8 / 200

Server time

Season 2 Upgraded

Exp 150 dynamic, Drop 60

Last 10 players in game
Char nameResetLevel
Item actual drop
MapMonsterItemDrop count
from monster
from monster
Total drop count from all monsters
LorenciaBudge DragApple66922%9801
LorenciaBudge DragShort Bow2508%2716
LorenciaBudge DragVine Gloves2468%1516
LorenciaBudge DragSmall Axe2368%2550
LorenciaBudge DragLeather Gloves2307%1582
LorenciaBudge DragPad Gloves2267%1687
LorenciaBudge DragHand Axe2227%1558
LorenciaBudge DragSmall Shield2217%1670
LorenciaBudge DragCrossbow2197%1631
LorenciaBudge DragPad Boots2177%1541
LorenciaBudge DragShort Sword2067%1673
LorenciaBudge DragOrb of Summoning331%57744
LorenciaBudge DragTransformation Ring +0191%641
LorenciaBudge DragScroll of Archangel +1181%751
LorenciaBudge DragBox of Luck +1161%54062
LorenciaBudge DragBlood Bone +1130%756
LorenciaBudge DragDevils Eye130%199705
LorenciaBudge DragDevils Key100%199149
LorenciaBudge DragBox of Luck +780%136752
LorenciaBudge DragJewel of Bless50%61310
LorenciaBudge DragHorn of Uniria30%679937
LorenciaBudge DragRena +330%157649
LorenciaBudge DragJewel of Creation20%20831
LorenciaBudge DragJewel of Chaos10%27223
LorenciaBudge DragJewel of Soul10%56404
LorenciaBull FightApple44815%9801
LorenciaBull FightBuckler1555%1401
LorenciaBull FightVine Helm1545%1324
LorenciaBull FightCrossbow1485%1631
LorenciaBull FightVine Boots1425%1348
LorenciaBull FightLeather Gloves1425%1582
LorenciaBull FightPad Boots1405%1541
LorenciaBull FightShort Bow1365%2716
LorenciaBull FightPad Helm1304%1322
LorenciaBull FightVine Gloves1294%1516
LorenciaBull FightSkull Staff1294%1291
LorenciaBull FightSmall Axe1284%2550
LorenciaBull FightLeather Boots1254%1365
LorenciaBull FightPad Gloves1244%1687
LorenciaBull FightSmall Shield1224%1670
LorenciaBull FightLeather Helm1204%1374
LorenciaBull FightShort Sword1194%1673
LorenciaBull FightHand Axe1184%1558
LorenciaBull FightKris1074%1326
LorenciaBull FightTransformation Ring +0251%641
LorenciaBull FightBox of Luck +1231%54062
LorenciaBull FightDevils Eye201%199705
LorenciaBull FightBlood Bone +1140%756
LorenciaBull FightScroll of Archangel +1130%751
LorenciaBull FightScroll of Fire Ball120%89
LorenciaBull FightDevils Key120%199149
LorenciaBull FightBox of Luck +790%136752
LorenciaBull FightRena +330%157649
LorenciaBull FightHorn of Uniria30%679937
LorenciaBull FightJewel of Life20%42915
LorenciaBull FightJewel of Chaos10%27223
LorenciaBull FightOrb of Summoning10%57744
LorenciaBull FightJewel of Bless10%61310
LorenciaBull FightJewel of Soul10%56404
LorenciaDestructivWizards Ring527831%17079
LorenciaElite BullApple12522%9801
LorenciaElite BullVine Armor285%1517
LorenciaElite BullSword of Assassin285%1457
LorenciaElite BullGolden Crossbow244%1458
LorenciaElite BullPad Armor234%1394
LorenciaElite BullLeather Armor224%1453
LorenciaElite BullBronze Boots183%1457
LorenciaElite BullPad Boots173%1541
LorenciaElite BullSkull Staff163%1291
LorenciaElite BullLeather Gloves153%1582
LorenciaElite BullPad Pants153%1367
LorenciaElite BullLeather Helm142%1374
LorenciaElite BullCrossbow132%1631
LorenciaElite BullVine Boots132%1348
LorenciaElite BullVine Pants122%1339
LorenciaElite BullHand Axe122%1558
LorenciaElite BullHealing Orb122%1346
LorenciaElite BullPad Helm112%1322
LorenciaElite BullShort Sword112%1673
LorenciaElite BullBuckler112%1401
LorenciaElite BullBow112%1366
LorenciaElite BullSmall Shield112%1670
LorenciaElite BullVine Helm102%1324
LorenciaElite BullSmall Axe92%2550
LorenciaElite BullKris92%1326
LorenciaElite BullVine Gloves92%1516
LorenciaElite BullMace81%1215
LorenciaElite BullLeather Boots81%1365
LorenciaElite BullHorn Shield71%1346
LorenciaElite BullPad Gloves71%1687
LorenciaElite BullRapier71%1348
LorenciaElite BullKite Shield71%1451
LorenciaElite BullTransformation Ring +061%641
LorenciaElite BullShort Bow51%2716
LorenciaElite BullBox of Luck +741%136752
LorenciaElite BullBox of Luck +141%54062
LorenciaElite BullLeather Pants31%1399
LorenciaElite BullScroll of Power Wave31%111
LorenciaElite BullDevils Eye31%199705
LorenciaElite BullBlood Bone +120%756
LorenciaElite BullScroll of Archangel +120%751
LorenciaElite BullDevils Key20%199149
LorenciaElite BullJewel of Soul10%56404
LorenciaElite BullRena +310%157649
LorenciaElite BullScroll of Fire Ball10%89
LorenciaGiantDragon Lance2182%776
LorenciaGiantBronze Gloves2182%1484
LorenciaGiantVine Armor2082%1517
LorenciaGiantLeather Helm2062%1374
LorenciaGiantHorn Shield2022%1346
LorenciaGiantPad Pants2012%1367
LorenciaGiantOrb of Greater Fortitude1992%138522
LorenciaGiantRing of Poison1982%1025
LorenciaGiantBronze Boots1932%1457
LorenciaGiantSkull Shield1922%788
LorenciaGiantBronze Helm1912%915
LorenciaGiantKite Shield1912%1451
LorenciaGiantSilk Gloves1912%1431
LorenciaGiantVine Helm1902%1324
LorenciaGiantSilk Boots1902%786
LorenciaGiantLeather Pants1892%1399
LorenciaGiantDouble Axe1882%1392
LorenciaGiantGolden Crossbow1872%1458
LorenciaGiantSilk Helm1862%923
LorenciaGiantLeather Armor1862%1453
LorenciaGiantVine Pants1852%1339
LorenciaGiantBronze Pants1822%810
LorenciaGiantPendant of Fire1802%1456
LorenciaGiantPad Armor1782%1394
LorenciaGiantSword of Assassin1782%1457
LorenciaGiantBone Boots1772%957
LorenciaGiantDouble Poleaxe1762%1454
LorenciaGiantHealing Orb1762%1346
LorenciaGiantBone Gloves1732%1380
LorenciaGiantElven Bow1722%875
LorenciaGiantSkull Staff1712%1291
LorenciaGiantMorning Star1612%1396
LorenciaGiantLeather Gloves1421%1582
LorenciaGiantHand Axe1371%1558
LorenciaGiantPad Gloves1341%1687
LorenciaGiantLeather Boots1311%1365
LorenciaGiantPad Helm1301%1322
LorenciaGiantVine Boots1261%1348
LorenciaGiantShort Sword1231%1673
LorenciaGiantVine Gloves1221%1516
LorenciaGiantSmall Axe1141%2550
LorenciaGiantShort Bow1121%2716
LorenciaGiantPad Boots1071%1541
LorenciaGiantSmall Shield1041%1670
LorenciaGiantTransformation Ring +01041%641
LorenciaGiantBlood Bone +1791%756
LorenciaGiantDevils Eye781%199705
LorenciaGiantDevils Key681%199149
LorenciaGiantBox of Luck +3681%10963
LorenciaGiantScroll of Archangel +1641%751
LorenciaGiantBox of Luck +1591%54062
LorenciaGiantBox of Luck +7420%136752
LorenciaGiantOrb of Summoning400%57744
LorenciaGiantRena +3330%157649
LorenciaGiantScroll of Lighting330%158
LorenciaGiantScroll of Fire Ball160%89
LorenciaGiantScroll of Power Wave140%111
LorenciaGiantJewel of Bless110%61310
LorenciaGiantHorn of Uniria100%679937
LorenciaGiantScroll of Teleport70%125
LorenciaGiantJewel of Chaos60%27223
LorenciaGiantJewel of Soul60%56404
LorenciaGiantJewel of Life60%42915
LorenciaGiantJewel of Creation20%20831
LorenciaGolden DerBox of Luck +1028833%790
LorenciaGolden DerBox of Luck +8303%1320
LorenciaGolden DerBox of Luck +9283%1211
LorenciaHoundVine Pants873%1339
LorenciaHoundLeather Gloves863%1582
LorenciaHoundShort Sword843%1673
LorenciaHoundSkull Staff843%1291
LorenciaHoundPad Pants833%1367
LorenciaHoundHealing Orb803%1346
LorenciaHoundHorn Shield803%1346
LorenciaHoundPad Gloves803%1687
LorenciaHoundPad Boots793%1541
LorenciaHoundLeather Boots783%1365
LorenciaHoundPad Helm773%1322
LorenciaHoundSmall Axe763%2550
LorenciaHoundSmall Shield753%1670
LorenciaHoundLeather Pants743%1399
LorenciaHoundHand Axe723%1558
LorenciaHoundVine Boots703%1348
LorenciaHoundShort Bow703%2716
LorenciaHoundLeather Helm703%1374
LorenciaHoundVine Helm693%1324
LorenciaHoundVine Gloves632%1516
LorenciaHoundTransformation Ring +0231%641
LorenciaHoundScroll of Archangel +1161%751
LorenciaHoundDevils Key151%199149
LorenciaHoundBlood Bone +1141%756
LorenciaHoundBox of Luck +1130%54062
LorenciaHoundDevils Eye120%199705
LorenciaHoundScroll of Power Wave60%111
LorenciaHoundRena +340%157649
LorenciaHoundScroll of Fire Ball40%89
LorenciaHoundBox of Luck +740%136752
LorenciaHoundJewel of Chaos40%27223
LorenciaHoundJewel of Bless20%61310
LorenciaHoundJewel of Life20%42915
LorenciaHoundJewel of Soul20%56404
LorenciaHoundOrb of Summoning20%57744
LorenciaLIchOrb of Greater Fortitude7582%138522
LorenciaLIchVine Armor7132%1517
LorenciaLIchLeather Pants7032%1399
LorenciaLIchBronze Boots6952%1457
LorenciaLIchDouble Poleaxe6952%1454
LorenciaLIchBronze Gloves6872%1484
LorenciaLIchLeather Boots6862%1365
LorenciaLIchGolden Crossbow6812%1458
LorenciaLIchShort Bow6812%2716
LorenciaLIchKite Shield6792%1451
LorenciaLIchLeather Helm6772%1374
LorenciaLIchVine Boots6742%1348
LorenciaLIchPad Armor6732%1394
LorenciaLIchPendant of Fire6692%1456
LorenciaLIchSmall Shield6632%1670
LorenciaLIchHealing Orb6632%1346
LorenciaLIchHand Axe6622%1558
LorenciaLIchShort Sword6622%1673
LorenciaLIchSword of Assassin6552%1457
LorenciaLIchPad Gloves6532%1687
LorenciaLIchMorning Star6502%1396
LorenciaLIchPad Pants6502%1367
LorenciaLIchVine Pants6482%1339
LorenciaLIchPad Boots6482%1541
LorenciaLIchBone Gloves6472%1380
LorenciaLIchSmall Axe6452%2550
LorenciaLIchSilk Gloves6422%1431
LorenciaLIchPad Helm6412%1322
LorenciaLIchHorn Shield6412%1346
LorenciaLIchLeather Gloves6392%1582
LorenciaLIchLeather Armor6382%1453
LorenciaLIchVine Helm6312%1324
LorenciaLIchSkull Staff6302%1291
LorenciaLIchVine Gloves6242%1516
LorenciaLIchDouble Axe6142%1392
LorenciaLIchTransformation Ring +03181%641
LorenciaLIchScroll of Archangel +12291%751
LorenciaLIchDevils Eye2111%199705
LorenciaLIchDevils Key2011%199149
LorenciaLIchBlood Bone +12001%756
LorenciaLIchBox of Luck +11961%54062
LorenciaLIchRena +31180%157649
LorenciaLIchOrb of Summoning980%57744
LorenciaLIchBox of Luck +7960%136752
LorenciaLIchScroll of Power Wave570%111
LorenciaLIchScroll of Lighting540%158
LorenciaLIchJewel of Bless450%61310
LorenciaLIchJewel of Soul440%56404
LorenciaLIchJewel of Life330%42915
LorenciaLIchHorn of Uniria290%679937
LorenciaLIchJewel of Chaos270%27223
LorenciaLIchScroll of Fire Ball180%89
LorenciaLIchJewel of Creation110%20831
LorenciaSkeletonOrb of Greater Damage562%3566
LorenciaSkeletonOrb of Greater Fortitude532%138522
LorenciaSkeletonLarge Round Shield522%3577
LorenciaSkeletonSword of Assassin512%1457
LorenciaSkeletonPendant of Fire512%1456
LorenciaSkeletonDouble Poleaxe502%1454
LorenciaSkeletonBronze Gloves492%1484
LorenciaSkeletonBronze Boots492%1457
LorenciaSkeletonKite Shield472%1451
LorenciaSkeletonLeather Armor472%1453
LorenciaSkeletonSilk Boots462%786
LorenciaSkeletonLeather Gloves462%1582
LorenciaSkeletonPad Pants462%1367
LorenciaSkeletonDragon Lance452%776
LorenciaSkeletonHealing Orb452%1346
LorenciaSkeletonLeather Pants452%1399
LorenciaSkeletonBone Boots452%957
LorenciaSkeletonBone Gloves441%1380
LorenciaSkeletonVine Pants441%1339
LorenciaSkeletonElven Bow431%875
LorenciaSkeletonDouble Axe431%1392
LorenciaSkeletonPad Armor431%1394
LorenciaSkeletonSilk Helm421%923
LorenciaSkeletonBronze Pants421%810
LorenciaSkeletonBone Helm421%3442
LorenciaSkeletonBronze Helm421%915
LorenciaSkeletonAngelic Staff421%3609
LorenciaSkeletonSmall Axe401%2550
LorenciaSkeletonGolden Crossbow401%1458
LorenciaSkeletonBronze Armor391%3476
LorenciaSkeletonSmall Shield381%1670
LorenciaSkeletonSilk Pants371%3472
LorenciaSkeletonVine Armor371%1517
LorenciaSkeletonLeather Helm371%1374
LorenciaSkeletonSilk Gloves361%1431
LorenciaSkeletonHand Axe351%1558
LorenciaSkeletonMorning Star351%1396
LorenciaSkeletonTransformation Ring +0341%641
LorenciaSkeletonRing of Poison331%1025
LorenciaSkeletonSkull Staff321%1291
LorenciaSkeletonSkull Shield321%788
LorenciaSkeletonHorn Shield311%1346
LorenciaSkeletonVine Gloves311%1516
LorenciaSkeletonVine Helm301%1324
LorenciaSkeletonPad Boots291%1541
LorenciaSkeletonPad Helm291%1322
LorenciaSkeletonShort Bow281%2716
LorenciaSkeletonShort Sword281%1673
LorenciaSkeletonPad Gloves271%1687
LorenciaSkeletonLeather Boots251%1365
LorenciaSkeletonVine Boots241%1348
LorenciaSkeletonBlood Bone +1221%756
LorenciaSkeletonBox of Luck +1191%54062
LorenciaSkeletonDevils Eye191%199705
LorenciaSkeletonScroll of Archangel +1191%751
LorenciaSkeletonDevils Key171%199149
LorenciaSkeletonBox of Luck +3161%10963
LorenciaSkeletonRena +380%157649
LorenciaSkeletonBox of Luck +770%136752
LorenciaSkeletonScroll of Power Wave70%111
LorenciaSkeletonJewel of Bless50%61310
LorenciaSkeletonJewel of Soul40%56404
LorenciaSkeletonScroll of Fire Ball30%89
LorenciaSkeletonJewel of Chaos30%27223
LorenciaSkeletonHorn of Uniria20%679937
LorenciaSkeletonScroll of Teleport20%125
LorenciaSkeletonScroll of Lighting20%158
LorenciaSkeletonJewel of Life10%42915
LorenciaSkeletonOrb of Summoning10%57744
LorenciaSpiderShort Bow27311%2716
LorenciaSpiderSmall Axe25410%2550
LorenciaSpiderOrb of Summoning311%57744
LorenciaSpiderTransformation Ring +090%641
LorenciaSpiderBox of Luck +150%54062
LorenciaSpiderScroll of Archangel +140%751
LorenciaSpiderBox of Luck +730%136752
LorenciaSpiderJewel of Life20%42915
LorenciaSpiderDevils Key20%199149
LorenciaSpiderDevils Eye20%199705
LorenciaSpiderJewel of Bless10%61310
LorenciaWhite wizaJewel of Bless32228%61310
DungeonChief SkelBox of Luck +52310%14459
DungeonChief SkelSymbol of Kundun +12090%57725
DungeonChief SkelBrass Boots1440%10541
DungeonChief SkelBrass Pants1400%35852
DungeonChief SkelSphinx Boots1320%7268
DungeonChief SkelBrass Armor1280%35890
DungeonChief SkelBlade1260%37998
DungeonChief SkelWind Pants1220%7222
DungeonChief SkelLight Saber1200%34812
DungeonChief SkelThunder Staff1200%32932
DungeonChief SkelSphinx Mask1200%10441
DungeonChief SkelWind Armor1180%10533
DungeonChief SkelBattle Axe1180%7354
DungeonChief SkelLight Crossbow1170%10502
DungeonChief SkelSerpent Staff1160%7164
DungeonChief SkelTiger Bow1160%34836
DungeonChief SkelPlate Gloves1140%33257
DungeonChief SkelWind Helm1140%5349
DungeonChief SkelSpirit Boots1130%35209
DungeonChief SkelLight Plate Gloves1110%33654
DungeonChief SkelSpirit Gloves1100%35927
DungeonChief SkelSphinx Gloves1100%5551
DungeonChief SkelBrass Helm1090%37830
DungeonChief SkelBrass Gloves1090%10390
DungeonChief SkelRing of Earth1070%35543
DungeonChief SkelPendant of Wind1060%33525
DungeonChief SkelSpiked Shield1060%7274
DungeonChief SkelRing of Fire1050%7228
DungeonChief SkelTower Shield1050%35261
DungeonChief SkelScale Armor1050%5317
DungeonChief SkelBerdysh1040%36097
DungeonChief SkelPlate Boots1030%33447
DungeonChief SkelSpirit Helm1030%35021
DungeonChief SkelDragon Slayer Shield1030%35670
DungeonChief SkelGreat Hammer1020%35881
DungeonChief SkelSphinx Armor1010%35472
DungeonChief SkelSword of Salamander1000%10242
DungeonChief SkelGiant Trident980%5312
DungeonChief SkelNikea Axe980%32035
DungeonChief SkelSphinx Pants960%32437
DungeonChief SkelLight Spear960%33331
DungeonChief SkelSerpent Sword950%7461
DungeonChief SkelSpirit Pants930%33322
DungeonChief SkelPendant of Ice900%32342
DungeonChief SkelTransformation Ring +3770%15432
DungeonChief SkelDevils Key500%199149
DungeonChief SkelScroll of Archangel +2480%9980
DungeonChief SkelBox of Luck +3460%10963
DungeonChief SkelBlood Bone +2460%9558
DungeonChief SkelDevils Eye450%199705
DungeonChief SkelBox of Luck +1410%54062
DungeonChief SkelBox of Luck +7280%136752
DungeonChief SkelRena +3260%157649
DungeonChief SkelGuardian Angel160%757047
DungeonChief SkelScroll of Flame150%3700
DungeonChief SkelScroll of Ice110%1144
DungeonChief SkelScroll of Poison100%4284
DungeonChief SkelOrb of Summoning80%57744
DungeonChief SkelImp70%509474
DungeonChief SkelJewel of Life70%42915
DungeonChief SkelJewel of Soul60%56404
DungeonChief SkelJewel of Bless60%61310
DungeonChief SkelHorn of Uniria40%679937
DungeonChief SkelJewel of Chaos40%27223
DungeonChief SkelScroll of Twister10%3848
DungeonChief SkelSilk Gloves10%1431
DungeonChief SkelSmall Shield10%1670
DungeonCyclopsBox of Luck +5140%14459
DungeonCyclopsElven Axe90%5544
DungeonCyclopsLarge Round Shield80%3577
DungeonCyclopsSymbol of Kundun +180%57725
DungeonCyclopsSphinx Gloves60%5551
DungeonCyclopsRing of Ice60%4305
DungeonCyclopsRing of Poison60%1025
DungeonCyclopsBattle Bow60%5446
DungeonCyclopsMorning Star50%1396
DungeonCyclopsSilk Pants50%3472
DungeonCyclopsElven Shield50%4161
DungeonCyclopsWind Gloves50%5484
DungeonCyclopsPendant of Lighting40%4102
DungeonCyclopsScale Boots40%4926
DungeonCyclopsBone Pants40%4254
DungeonCyclopsBone Helm40%3442
DungeonCyclopsOrb of Impale30%3937
DungeonCyclopsSilk Boots30%786
DungeonCyclopsSilk Armor30%4242
DungeonCyclopsElven Bow30%875
DungeonCyclopsWind Boots30%5231
DungeonCyclopsWind Helm30%5349
DungeonCyclopsBronze Pants30%810
DungeonCyclopsGolden Crossbow30%1458
DungeonCyclopsTransformation Ring +130%378
DungeonCyclopsScale Helm30%5408
DungeonCyclopsKite Shield30%1451
DungeonCyclopsVine Armor30%1517
DungeonCyclopsDragon Lance30%776
DungeonCyclopsOrb of Greater Fortitude30%138522
DungeonCyclopsPlate Shield30%4649
DungeonCyclopsBone Armor20%4897
DungeonCyclopsOrb of Greater Damage20%3566
DungeonCyclopsScale Armor20%5317
DungeonCyclopsBronze Gloves20%1484
DungeonCyclopsAngelic Staff20%3609
DungeonCyclopsBox of Luck +720%136752
DungeonCyclopsDouble Axe20%1392
DungeonCyclopsScale Pants20%4750
DungeonCyclopsJewel of Life10%42915
DungeonCyclopsLeather Armor10%1453
DungeonCyclopsDevils Key10%199149
DungeonCyclopsBronze Helm10%915
DungeonCyclopsScroll of Archangel +110%751
DungeonCyclopsSmall Axe10%2550
DungeonCyclopsBone Gloves10%1380
DungeonCyclopsJewel of Chaos10%27223
DungeonCyclopsBone Boots10%957
DungeonCyclopsBox of Luck +310%10963
DungeonCyclopsSilk Gloves10%1431
DungeonCyclopsPad Armor10%1394
DungeonCyclopsBronze Armor10%3476
DungeonCyclopsBlood Bone +110%756
DungeonCyclopsSkull Shield10%788
DungeonCyclopsBronze Boots10%1457
DungeonCyclopsScroll of Meteorite10%797
DungeonCyclopsBox of Luck +110%54062
DungeonCyclopsScroll of Ice10%1144
DungeonCyclopsPendant of Fire10%1456
DungeonCyclopsScale Gloves10%4773
DungeonCyclopsSword of Assassin10%1457
DungeonDark KnighBox of Luck +52212%14459
DungeonDark KnighSymbol of Kundun +22192%42992
DungeonDark KnighLight Plate Gloves1341%33654
DungeonDark KnighLegendary Boots1331%11723
DungeonDark KnighOrb of Twisting Slash1321%8133
DungeonDark KnighTower Shield1301%35261
DungeonDark KnighBrass Armor1301%35890
DungeonDark KnighPlate Helm1291%11532
DungeonDark KnighSpirit Gloves1251%35927
DungeonDark KnighTiger Bow1251%34836
DungeonDark KnighPlate Pants1241%31519
DungeonDark KnighLight Plate Mask1241%11619
DungeonDark KnighSphinx Armor1231%35472
DungeonDark KnighDouble Blade1231%5721
DungeonDark KnighSpirit Boots1221%35209
DungeonDark KnighLegendary Sword1201%31014
DungeonDark KnighLight Spear1191%33331
DungeonDark KnighRing of Earth1181%35543
DungeonDark KnighPendant of Wind1181%33525
DungeonDark KnighPlate Armor1171%5687
DungeonDark KnighThunder Staff1151%32932
DungeonDark KnighPlate Boots1151%33447
DungeonDark KnighLight Plate Boots1151%31376
DungeonDark KnighSpirit Helm1151%35021
DungeonDark KnighLarkan Axe1131%11587
DungeonDark KnighSpirit Pants1121%33322
DungeonDark KnighLegendary Gloves1111%31067
DungeonDark KnighSpirit Armor1111%30610
DungeonDark KnighSerpent Spear1091%11520
DungeonDark KnighPendant of Water1091%11826
DungeonDark KnighGreat Hammer1081%35881
DungeonDark KnighRing of Magic1071%7781
DungeonDark KnighLight Saber1071%34812
DungeonDark KnighSerpent Crossbow1061%5746
DungeonDark KnighRing of Wind1041%30842
DungeonDark KnighPlate Gloves1031%33257
DungeonDark KnighSerpent Shield1011%31270
DungeonDark KnighBerdysh1011%36097
DungeonDark KnighLegendary Shield931%5721
DungeonDark KnighTransformation Ring +3631%15432
DungeonDark KnighBox of Luck +1530%54062
DungeonDark KnighBox of Luck +3470%10963
DungeonDark KnighDevils Key430%199149
DungeonDark KnighDevils Eye390%199705
DungeonDark KnighBlood Bone +3370%9309
DungeonDark KnighScroll of Archangel +3320%9417
DungeonDark KnighRena +3250%157649
DungeonDark KnighScroll of Evil Spirit230%26425
DungeonDark KnighHorn of Uniria230%679937
DungeonDark KnighGuardian Angel210%757047
DungeonDark KnighBox of Luck +7210%136752
DungeonDark KnighImp140%509474
DungeonDark KnighScroll of Flame130%3700
DungeonDark KnighScroll of Poison120%4284
DungeonDark KnighJewel of Life90%42915
DungeonDark KnighJewel of Chaos60%27223
DungeonDark KnighJewel of Bless60%61310
DungeonDark KnighJewel of Soul50%56404
DungeonDark KnighScroll of the Emperor40%293
DungeonDark KnighScroll of Twister10%3848
DungeonGhostSymbol of Kundun +1196%57725
DungeonGhostBox of Luck +5134%14459
DungeonGhostBattle Bow124%5446
DungeonGhostSphinx Gloves103%5551
DungeonGhostScale Gloves103%4773
DungeonGhostDevils Eye93%199705
DungeonGhostWind Gloves93%5484
DungeonGhostWind Armor93%10533
DungeonGhostScale Armor93%5317
DungeonGhostRing of Fire93%7228
DungeonGhostSphinx Boots83%7268
DungeonGhostSword of Salamander72%10242
DungeonGhostSerpent Sword72%7461
DungeonGhostGiant Trident72%5312
DungeonGhostBrass Gloves72%10390
DungeonGhostScale Helm72%5408
DungeonGhostScroll of Archangel +262%9980
DungeonGhostBlood Bone +262%9558
DungeonGhostWind Pants62%7222
DungeonGhostBrass Boots52%10541
DungeonGhostScale Boots52%4926
DungeonGhostDevils Key52%199149
DungeonGhostSilk Gloves41%1431
DungeonGhostBone Armor41%4897
DungeonGhostElven Axe41%5544
DungeonGhostLight Crossbow41%10502
DungeonGhostOrb of Greater Damage41%3566
DungeonGhostPlate Shield41%4649
DungeonGhostBone Gloves41%1380
DungeonGhostWind Helm31%5349
DungeonGhostSilk Helm31%923
DungeonGhostBronze Helm31%915
DungeonGhostElven Shield31%4161
DungeonGhostWind Boots31%5231
DungeonGhostSpiked Shield31%7274
DungeonGhostPendant of Lighting31%4102
DungeonGhostSerpent Staff31%7164
DungeonGhostSphinx Mask31%10441
DungeonGhostBone Boots31%957
DungeonGhostTransformation Ring +231%3065
DungeonGhostBattle Axe31%7354
DungeonGhostScroll of Archangel +131%751
DungeonGhostBox of Luck +331%10963
DungeonGhostOrb of Impale21%3937
DungeonGhostLarge Round Shield21%3577
DungeonGhostRing of Ice21%4305
DungeonGhostDouble Axe21%1392
DungeonGhostBox of Luck +121%54062
DungeonGhostBronze Armor21%3476
DungeonGhostSilk Pants21%3472
DungeonGhostBlood Bone +121%756
DungeonGhostSilk Armor21%4242
DungeonGhostBone Pants21%4254
DungeonGhostRing of Poison21%1025
DungeonGhostBronze Pants10%810
DungeonGhostBox of Luck +710%136752
DungeonGhostDragon Lance10%776
DungeonGhostSkull Shield10%788
DungeonGhostSilk Boots10%786
DungeonGhostScale Pants10%4750
DungeonGhostScroll of Teleport10%125
DungeonGorgonPendant of Ability115%7287
DungeonGorgonSerpent Crossbow115%5746
DungeonGorgonBox of Luck +5115%14459
DungeonGorgonSymbol of Kundun +2104%42992
DungeonGorgonSpirit Armor94%30610
DungeonGorgonDragon Pants94%74359
DungeonGorgonLegendary Sword94%31014
DungeonGorgonLight Plate Mask73%11619
DungeonGorgonLegendary Gloves73%31067
DungeonGorgonSerpent Shield73%31270
DungeonGorgonLegendary Pants73%30087
DungeonGorgonBattle Scepter73%29621
DungeonGorgonDouble Blade63%5721
DungeonGorgonLight Plate Boots63%31376
DungeonGorgonLegendary Shield63%5721
DungeonGorgonGuardian Pants63%29816
DungeonGorgonLarkan Axe63%11587
DungeonGorgonGuardian Boots63%26100
DungeonGorgonLegendary Helm52%7378
DungeonGorgonDevils Eye52%199705
DungeonGorgonGorgon Staff52%26185
DungeonGorgonTransformation Ring +452%2058
DungeonGorgonSerpent Spear42%11520
DungeonGorgonPlate Helm42%11532
DungeonGorgonPendant of Water42%11826
DungeonGorgonBronze Shield42%29816
DungeonGorgonDragon Boots42%29542
DungeonGorgonRing of Wind42%30842
DungeonGorgonPlate Pants42%31519
DungeonGorgonLegendary Boots42%11723
DungeonGorgonGuardian Gloves42%7481
DungeonGorgonOrb of Twisting Slash42%8133
DungeonGorgonLight Plate Pants31%7349
DungeonGorgonGiant Sword31%26285
DungeonGorgonGreat Scythe31%29568
DungeonGorgonRing of Magic31%7781
DungeonGorgonPlate Armor31%5687
DungeonGorgonDragon Gloves31%26155
DungeonGorgonScroll of Evil Spirit31%26425
DungeonGorgonGuardian Helm21%29701
DungeonGorgonScroll of Twister21%3848
DungeonGorgonBox of Luck +110%54062
DungeonGorgonJewel of Bless10%61310
DungeonGorgonJewel of Creation10%20831
DungeonGorgonRena +310%157649
DungeonGorgonBox of Luck +310%10963
DungeonGorgonJewel of Soul10%56404
DungeonGorgonBlood Bone +310%9309
DungeonHell HoundBox of Luck +515353%14459
DungeonHell HoundSymbol of Kundun +115143%57725
DungeonHell HoundSphinx Pants6761%32437
DungeonHell HoundScale Boots6711%4926
DungeonHell HoundBrass Helm6711%37830
DungeonHell HoundGreat Hammer6591%35881
DungeonHell HoundSphinx Boots6551%7268
DungeonHell HoundBrass Pants6541%35852
DungeonHell HoundDragon Slayer Shield6491%35670
DungeonHell HoundRing of Ice6461%4305
DungeonHell HoundRing of Fire6421%7228
DungeonHell HoundRing of Earth6421%35543
DungeonHell HoundWind Gloves6411%5484
DungeonHell HoundBrass Armor6401%35890
DungeonHell HoundBone Armor6401%4897
DungeonHell HoundGladius6401%4230
DungeonHell HoundSword of Salamander6401%10242
DungeonHell HoundSphinx Gloves6391%5551
DungeonHell HoundSphinx Mask6371%10441
DungeonHell HoundLight Crossbow6371%10502
DungeonHell HoundBlade6361%37998
DungeonHell HoundPendant of Lighting6351%4102
DungeonHell HoundSpiked Shield6321%7274
DungeonHell HoundOrb of Impale6311%3937
DungeonHell HoundFalcon6281%4741
DungeonHell HoundWind Pants6271%7222
DungeonHell HoundSerpent Sword6261%7461
DungeonHell HoundFlail6251%4703
DungeonHell HoundBattle Bow6251%5446
DungeonHell HoundWind Helm6241%5349
DungeonHell HoundBerdysh6231%36097
DungeonHell HoundArquebus6231%4273
DungeonHell HoundSpirit Gloves6231%35927
DungeonHell HoundScale Helm6181%5408
DungeonHell HoundSpear6161%4649
DungeonHell HoundWind Boots6161%5231
DungeonHell HoundBrass Boots6151%10541
DungeonHell HoundWind Armor6141%10533
DungeonHell HoundSilk Armor6131%4242
DungeonHell HoundElven Axe6111%5544
DungeonHell HoundScale Gloves6111%4773
DungeonHell HoundGiant Trident6081%5312
DungeonHell HoundElven Shield6081%4161
DungeonHell HoundSphinx Armor6071%35472
DungeonHell HoundNikea Axe6051%32035
DungeonHell HoundBattle Axe6031%7354
DungeonHell HoundScale Pants6031%4750
DungeonHell HoundPlate Shield6021%4649
DungeonHell HoundPendant of Ice5991%32342
DungeonHell HoundSerpent Staff5961%7164
DungeonHell HoundBone Pants5961%4254
DungeonHell HoundBrass Gloves5931%10390
DungeonHell HoundScale Armor5791%5317
DungeonHell HoundTransformation Ring +24911%3065
DungeonHell HoundDevils Eye3151%199705
DungeonHell HoundBox of Luck +13001%54062
DungeonHell HoundDevils Key2991%199149
DungeonHell HoundBox of Luck +32961%10963
DungeonHell HoundBlood Bone +22951%9558
DungeonHell HoundScroll of Archangel +22881%9980
DungeonHell HoundScroll of Meteorite1540%797
DungeonHell HoundRena +31510%157649
DungeonHell HoundBox of Luck +71380%136752
DungeonHell HoundGuardian Angel1340%757047
DungeonHell HoundScroll of Flame790%3700
DungeonHell HoundScroll of Poison420%4284
DungeonHell HoundJewel of Life400%42915
DungeonHell HoundJewel of Soul380%56404
DungeonHell HoundHorn of Uniria330%679937
DungeonHell HoundJewel of Bless290%61310
DungeonHell HoundImp240%509474
DungeonHell HoundScroll of Ice190%1144
DungeonHell HoundJewel of Chaos120%27223
DungeonHell HoundJewel of Creation50%20831
DungeonHell HoundOrb of Summoning40%57744
DungeonHell HoundVine Armor20%1517
DungeonHell HoundOrb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
DungeonHell HoundBronze Gloves10%1484
DungeonHell SpideBox of Luck +550%14459
DungeonHell SpideLight Saber50%34812
DungeonHell SpidePendant of Ice30%32342
DungeonHell SpideTower Shield30%35261
DungeonHell SpideRing of Earth30%35543
DungeonHell SpideBrass Pants30%35852
DungeonHell SpideSphinx Boots30%7268
DungeonHell SpideSpirit Helm30%35021
DungeonHell SpideBerdysh30%36097
DungeonHell SpideWind Armor20%10533
DungeonHell SpideElven Axe20%5544
DungeonHell SpideDevils Eye20%199705
DungeonHell SpideLight Crossbow20%10502
DungeonHell SpideScale Armor20%5317
DungeonHell SpideScale Gloves20%4773
DungeonHell SpideBattle Axe20%7354
DungeonHell SpideBrass Boots20%10541
DungeonHell SpideBlade20%37998
DungeonHell SpideScroll of Ice10%1144
DungeonHell SpideSphinx Mask10%10441
DungeonHell SpideSword of Salamander10%10242
DungeonHell SpideBrass Armor10%35890
DungeonHell SpideBrass Gloves10%10390
DungeonHell SpideWind Pants10%7222
DungeonHell SpideScroll of Archangel +210%9980
DungeonHell SpideBrass Helm10%37830
DungeonHell SpideSpirit Gloves10%35927
DungeonHell SpideFlail10%4703
DungeonHell SpideSpirit Boots10%35209
DungeonHell SpideScale Pants10%4750
DungeonHell SpideSphinx Pants10%32437
DungeonHell SpideBox of Luck +310%10963
DungeonHell SpideSymbol of Kundun +110%57725
DungeonHell SpideBlood Bone +210%9558
DungeonHell SpideNikea Axe10%32035
DungeonHell SpideRing of Fire10%7228
DungeonHell SpideGiant Trident10%5312
DungeonHell SpideDevils Key10%199149
DungeonHell SpideSerpent Sword10%7461
DungeonLarvaSymbol of Kundun +197%57725
DungeonLarvaRing of Poison54%1025
DungeonLarvaLarge Round Shield54%3577
DungeonLarvaBronze Helm43%915
DungeonLarvaSilk Boots43%786
DungeonLarvaAngelic Staff43%3609
DungeonLarvaSilk Pants43%3472
DungeonLarvaVine Pants43%1339
DungeonLarvaBox of Luck +532%14459
DungeonLarvaGolden Crossbow32%1458
DungeonLarvaPendant of Lighting32%4102
DungeonLarvaSilk Gloves32%1431
DungeonLarvaMorning Star22%1396
DungeonLarvaLeather Pants22%1399
DungeonLarvaBone Helm22%3442
DungeonLarvaSkull Shield22%788
DungeonLarvaPad Armor22%1394
DungeonLarvaKite Shield22%1451
DungeonLarvaOrb of Greater Damage22%3566
DungeonLarvaOrb of Impale22%3937
DungeonLarvaSword of Assassin22%1457
DungeonLarvaDouble Axe22%1392
DungeonLarvaBone Pants22%4254
DungeonLarvaScroll of Archangel +122%751
DungeonLarvaGuardian Angel22%757047
DungeonLarvaHorn Shield22%1346
DungeonLarvaScale Pants22%4750
DungeonLarvaVine Armor22%1517
DungeonLarvaBronze Armor22%3476
DungeonLarvaBronze Gloves11%1484
DungeonLarvaDevils Key11%199149
DungeonLarvaBronze Pants11%810
DungeonLarvaBone Armor11%4897
DungeonLarvaPendant of Fire11%1456
DungeonLarvaBone Boots11%957
DungeonLarvaScale Boots11%4926
DungeonLarvaJewel of Soul11%56404
DungeonLarvaScale Gloves11%4773
DungeonLarvaBronze Boots11%1457
DungeonLarvaRing of Ice11%4305
DungeonLarvaHorn of Uniria11%679937
DungeonLarvaDouble Poleaxe11%1454
DungeonLarvaSilk Helm11%923
DungeonLarvaPlate Shield11%4649
DungeonLarvaBone Gloves11%1380
DungeonLarvaSilk Armor11%4242
DungeonPoison BulBox of Luck +523614%14459
DungeonPoison BulSymbol of Kundun +123344%57725
DungeonPoison BulTower Shield13882%35261
DungeonPoison BulBlade13742%37998
DungeonPoison BulLegendary Boots13712%11723
DungeonPoison BulPendant of Wind13682%33525
DungeonPoison BulSpirit Gloves13592%35927
DungeonPoison BulGreat Hammer13592%35881
DungeonPoison BulSphinx Armor13562%35472
DungeonPoison BulSpirit Boots13552%35209
DungeonPoison BulPendant of Water13542%11826
DungeonPoison BulPlate Boots13532%33447
DungeonPoison BulLight Plate Gloves13392%33654
DungeonPoison BulBrass Helm13322%37830
DungeonPoison BulSerpent Shield13312%31270
DungeonPoison BulSerpent Spear13302%11520
DungeonPoison BulPlate Helm13302%11532
DungeonPoison BulSpirit Armor13262%30610
DungeonPoison BulTiger Bow13202%34836
DungeonPoison BulLight Saber13182%34812
DungeonPoison BulLight Plate Boots13162%31376
DungeonPoison BulThunder Staff13152%32932
DungeonPoison BulBrass Armor13072%35890
DungeonPoison BulPlate Gloves12962%33257
DungeonPoison BulDragon Slayer Shield12892%35670
DungeonPoison BulLight Plate Mask12862%11619
DungeonPoison BulLegendary Sword12832%31014
DungeonPoison BulBrass Pants12812%35852
DungeonPoison BulSpirit Helm12752%35021
DungeonPoison BulBerdysh12742%36097
DungeonPoison BulRing of Earth12742%35543
DungeonPoison BulRing of Wind12672%30842
DungeonPoison BulSpirit Pants12652%33322
DungeonPoison BulLight Spear12652%33331
DungeonPoison BulPlate Pants12602%31519
DungeonPoison BulLarkan Axe12582%11587
DungeonPoison BulLegendary Gloves12542%31067
DungeonPoison BulTransformation Ring +36831%15432
DungeonPoison BulOrb of Summoning5671%57744
DungeonPoison BulBox of Luck +14491%54062
DungeonPoison BulScroll of Archangel +34481%9417
DungeonPoison BulDevils Key4351%199149
DungeonPoison BulBox of Luck +34311%10963
DungeonPoison BulBlood Bone +34071%9309
DungeonPoison BulDevils Eye4001%199705
DungeonPoison BulBox of Luck +72350%136752
DungeonPoison BulScroll of Flame2070%3700
DungeonPoison BulRena +32070%157649
DungeonPoison BulScroll of Evil Spirit1880%26425
DungeonPoison BulScroll of Poison1670%4284
DungeonPoison BulScroll of Twister1230%3848
DungeonPoison BulHorn of Uniria990%679937
DungeonPoison BulGuardian Angel770%757047
DungeonPoison BulJewel of Soul400%56404
DungeonPoison BulJewel of Bless390%61310
DungeonPoison BulJewel of Life300%42915
DungeonPoison BulImp250%509474
DungeonPoison BulJewel of Chaos220%27223
DungeonPoison BulJewel of Creation110%20831
DungeonPoison BulScroll of the Emperor50%293
DungeonPoison BulMorning Star30%1396
DungeonPoison BulSword of Assassin20%1457
DungeonPoison BulSilk Pants20%3472
DungeonPoison BulLarge Round Shield20%3577
DungeonPoison BulBone Helm10%3442
DungeonPoison BulPendant of Fire10%1456
DungeonPoison BulSilk Armor10%4242
DungeonPoison BulAngelic Staff10%3609
DungeonPoison BulDragon Lance10%776
DungeonPoison BulArquebus10%4273
DungeonPoison BulDouble Poleaxe10%1454
DungeonPoison BulBronze Armor10%3476
DungeonPoison BulBone Gloves10%1380
DungeonPoison BulOrb of Greater Damage10%3566
DungeonPoison BulSilk Boots10%786
DungeonPoison BulOrb of Impale10%3937
DungeonPoison BulBone Boots10%957
DungeonPoison BulOrb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
DungeonSea WormGreat Dragon Pants1053316%1116594
DungeonSea WormDark Soul Pants1049116%1129043
DungeonSea WormDark Master Armor1043516%1128694
DungeonSea WormDark Soul Armor1042216%1372053
DungeonSea WormHurricane Pants1029216%1371261
DungeonSea WormSymbol of Kundun +724014%543835
DungeonSea WormBox of Luck +523954%14459
DungeonSea WormSpirit +111602%418173
DungeonSea WormTransformation Ring +57131%392177
DungeonSea WormSpirit +05981%182784
DungeonSea WormImp5971%509474
DungeonSea WormBox of Luck +35251%10963
DungeonSea WormRena +32820%157649
DungeonSea WormHorn of Uniria2560%679937
DungeonSea WormBox of Luck +72310%136752
DungeonSea WormGuardian Angel1100%757047
DungeonSea WormVenom Mist Armor980%6838
DungeonSea WormDragon Knight Boots950%6849
DungeonSea WormSylphid Ray Pants940%6990
DungeonSea WormSunlight Boots930%6832
DungeonSea WormExplosion Blade930%6943
DungeonSea WormVenom Mist Gloves920%6900
DungeonSea WormSylphid Ray Helm910%6965
DungeonSea WormVenom Mist Pants890%6985
DungeonSea WormSunlight Gloves870%6824
DungeonSea WormDragon Knight Gloves870%6877
DungeonSea WormVolcano Armor860%6861
DungeonSea WormVenom Mist Boots850%6814
DungeonSea WormVolcano Boots850%6948
DungeonSea WormVolcano Gloves840%7042
DungeonSea WormSunlight Armor840%6938
DungeonSea WormSunlight Pants830%6814
DungeonSea WormSylphid Ray Gloves820%6900
DungeonSea WormDragon Knight Pants810%6948
DungeonSea WormBone Blade810%6874
DungeonSea WormVenom Mist Helm780%6882
DungeonSea WormDragon Knight Helm770%6846
DungeonSea WormSunlight Mask740%6916
DungeonSea WormGrand Viper Staff730%6902
DungeonSea WormSoleil Scepter730%6773
DungeonSea WormSylphid Ray Armor730%6977
DungeonSea WormDragon Knight Armor720%6873
DungeonSea WormVolcano Pants680%6803
DungeonSea WormSylphid Ray Boots670%6883
DungeonSea WormJewel of Bless660%61310
DungeonSea WormSylph Wind Bow600%6895
DungeonSea WormJewel of Life550%42915
DungeonSea WormJewel of Creation470%20831
DungeonSea WormOrb of Summoning470%57744
DungeonSea WormJewel of Soul450%56404
DungeonSea WormPet Rudolph300%13837
DungeonSea WormJewel of Chaos230%27223
DungeonSea WormBless of Guardian180%18
DungeonSea WormSplinter of Armor140%14
DungeonSea WormClaw of Beast110%11
DungeonSea WormThunder Hawk Gloves30%275348
DungeonSea WormScroll of Summon20%257114
DungeonSea WormGrand Soul Armor20%163780
DungeonSea WormDark Phoenix Helm20%163652
DungeonSea WormDark Master Gloves20%188400
DungeonSea WormGreat Dragon Gloves20%128394
DungeonSea WormStaff of Destruction10%199143
DungeonSea WormDark Soul Boots10%126533
DungeonSea WormDark Steel Armor10%117377
DungeonSea WormHoly Spirit Armor10%164549
DungeonSea WormBlack Dragon Armor10%199237
DungeonSea WormDark Phoenix Gloves10%236326
DungeonSea WormDark Phoenix Boots10%166255
DungeonSea WormThunder Hawk Boots10%169057
DungeonSea WormDragon Spear10%170360
DungeonSea WormDark Steel Pants10%169509
DungeonSea WormLord Scepter10%253612
DungeonSkeletonVine Helm50%1324
DungeonSkeletonSilk Gloves50%1431
DungeonSkeletonVine Armor40%1517
DungeonSkeletonSilk Helm30%923
DungeonSkeletonSilk Pants30%3472
DungeonSkeletonShort Sword30%1673
DungeonSkeletonBone Helm30%3442
DungeonSkeletonGolden Crossbow30%1458
DungeonSkeletonBox of Luck +530%14459
DungeonSkeletonBronze Helm30%915
DungeonSkeletonBone Boots30%957
DungeonSkeletonBronze Pants30%810
DungeonSkeletonVine Pants30%1339
DungeonSkeletonElven Bow30%875
DungeonSkeletonPad Gloves30%1687
DungeonSkeletonHealing Orb30%1346
DungeonSkeletonOrb of Greater Damage30%3566
DungeonSkeletonSilk Boots20%786
DungeonSkeletonPad Armor20%1394
DungeonSkeletonPendant of Fire20%1456
DungeonSkeletonMorning Star20%1396
DungeonSkeletonDragon Lance20%776
DungeonSkeletonBronze Boots20%1457
DungeonSkeletonScroll of Archangel +120%751
DungeonSkeletonDouble Axe20%1392
DungeonSkeletonLeather Armor20%1453
DungeonSkeletonRing of Poison20%1025
DungeonSkeletonPad Helm20%1322
DungeonSkeletonSkull Shield20%788
DungeonSkeletonAngelic Staff20%3609
DungeonSkeletonLarge Round Shield20%3577
DungeonSkeletonSkull Staff20%1291
DungeonSkeletonHand Axe20%1558
DungeonSkeletonBox of Luck +310%10963
DungeonSkeletonScroll of Teleport10%125
DungeonSkeletonJewel of Creation10%20831
DungeonSkeletonBone Gloves10%1380
DungeonSkeletonBlood Bone +110%756
DungeonSkeletonHorn of Uniria10%679937
DungeonSkeletonLeather Pants10%1399
DungeonSkeletonSmall Shield10%1670
DungeonSkeletonPad Pants10%1367
DungeonSkeletonVine Boots10%1348
DungeonSkeletonRena +310%157649
DungeonSkeletonSmall Axe10%2550
DungeonSkeletonBox of Luck +710%136752
DungeonSkeletonShort Bow10%2716
DungeonSkeletonPad Boots10%1541
DungeonSkeletonLeather Boots10%1365
DungeonSkeletonDouble Poleaxe10%1454
DungeonSkeletonSword of Assassin10%1457
DungeonSkeletonBronze Gloves10%1484
DungeonSkeletonOrb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
DungeonSkeleton ABox of Luck +5811%14459
DungeonSkeleton ASymbol of Kundun +1751%57725
DungeonSkeleton AElven Axe440%5544
DungeonSkeleton AWind Armor430%10533
DungeonSkeleton AScale Helm430%5408
DungeonSkeleton ABattle Axe420%7354
DungeonSkeleton ASword of Salamander410%10242
DungeonSkeleton ASpear410%4649
DungeonSkeleton ABattle Bow410%5446
DungeonSkeleton ASerpent Staff400%7164
DungeonSkeleton ASpiked Shield380%7274
DungeonSkeleton AWind Pants380%7222
DungeonSkeleton ASphinx Pants370%32437
DungeonSkeleton ALight Crossbow370%10502
DungeonSkeleton AGiant Trident360%5312
DungeonSkeleton AFalcon360%4741
DungeonSkeleton APlate Shield360%4649
DungeonSkeleton ASerpent Sword350%7461
DungeonSkeleton AScale Armor350%5317
DungeonSkeleton AScale Pants350%4750
DungeonSkeleton ANikea Axe350%32035
DungeonSkeleton APendant of Ice350%32342
DungeonSkeleton ABrass Gloves340%10390
DungeonSkeleton ASphinx Gloves330%5551
DungeonSkeleton AWind Gloves330%5484
DungeonSkeleton AWind Boots320%5231
DungeonSkeleton AWind Helm320%5349
DungeonSkeleton ARing of Fire300%7228
DungeonSkeleton ABone Armor280%4897
DungeonSkeleton ASphinx Boots270%7268
DungeonSkeleton ABrass Boots270%10541
DungeonSkeleton ASphinx Mask270%10441
DungeonSkeleton ALarge Round Shield240%3577
DungeonSkeleton ASilk Pants230%3472
DungeonSkeleton ABronze Armor230%3476
DungeonSkeleton ABox of Luck +3230%10963
DungeonSkeleton AFlail220%4703
DungeonSkeleton AOrb of Impale220%3937
DungeonSkeleton ABlood Bone +2220%9558
DungeonSkeleton ABone Boots210%957
DungeonSkeleton ABronze Helm210%915
DungeonSkeleton ABone Helm210%3442
DungeonSkeleton ATransformation Ring +2200%3065
DungeonSkeleton AKatana190%913
DungeonSkeleton AArquebus190%4273
DungeonSkeleton ASilk Armor180%4242
DungeonSkeleton ABox of Luck +1180%54062
DungeonSkeleton AHalberd180%3646
DungeonSkeleton AScale Boots180%4926
DungeonSkeleton AElven Bow160%875
DungeonSkeleton ABone Pants160%4254
DungeonSkeleton ADevils Eye160%199705
DungeonSkeleton AGladius160%4230
DungeonSkeleton AAngelic Staff160%3609
DungeonSkeleton APendant of Lighting160%4102
DungeonSkeleton ARing of Poison150%1025
DungeonSkeleton ASilk Helm140%923
DungeonSkeleton AElven Shield140%4161
DungeonSkeleton ARing of Ice140%4305
DungeonSkeleton AScale Gloves130%4773
DungeonSkeleton ATomahawk120%3520
DungeonSkeleton AOrb of Summoning110%57744
DungeonSkeleton AScroll of Archangel +2110%9980
DungeonSkeleton AOrb of Greater Damage110%3566
DungeonSkeleton AHorn of Uniria70%679937
DungeonSkeleton AJewel of Soul60%56404
DungeonSkeleton ADevils Key60%199149
DungeonSkeleton AScroll of Teleport50%125
DungeonSkeleton AJewel of Bless40%61310
DungeonSkeleton AScroll of Ice40%1144
DungeonSkeleton ARena +330%157649
DungeonSkeleton AImp20%509474
DungeonSkeleton AScroll of Meteorite20%797
DungeonSkeleton ABox of Luck +720%136752
DungeonSkeleton AJewel of Life10%42915
DungeonSkeleton ALeather Pants10%1399
DungeonSkeleton AScroll of Poison10%4284
DungeonSkeleton AShort Sword10%1673
DungeonThunder LiBox of Luck +52654%14459
DungeonThunder LiSymbol of Kundun +12494%57725
DungeonThunder LiBrass Pants2023%35852
DungeonThunder LiLight Spear2023%33331
DungeonThunder LiDragon Slayer Shield1993%35670
DungeonThunder LiGreat Hammer1963%35881
DungeonThunder LiSphinx Pants1943%32437
DungeonThunder LiRing of Earth1933%35543
DungeonThunder LiSpirit Helm1893%35021
DungeonThunder LiBerdysh1883%36097
DungeonThunder LiTower Shield1863%35261
DungeonThunder LiTiger Bow1853%34836
DungeonThunder LiSpirit Gloves1843%35927
DungeonThunder LiPendant of Wind1833%33525
DungeonThunder LiSpirit Armor1833%30610
DungeonThunder LiPendant of Ice1833%32342
DungeonThunder LiThunder Staff1823%32932
DungeonThunder LiBlade1823%37998
DungeonThunder LiBrass Helm1823%37830
DungeonThunder LiSpirit Boots1803%35209
DungeonThunder LiBrass Armor1803%35890
DungeonThunder LiNikea Axe1793%32035
DungeonThunder LiLight Plate Gloves1793%33654
DungeonThunder LiPlate Boots1773%33447
DungeonThunder LiPlate Gloves1763%33257
DungeonThunder LiLegendary Sword1743%31014
DungeonThunder LiRing of Wind1743%30842
DungeonThunder LiLight Saber1733%34812
DungeonThunder LiSphinx Armor1733%35472
DungeonThunder LiSpirit Pants1713%33322
DungeonThunder LiLegendary Gloves1663%31067
DungeonThunder LiTransformation Ring +3691%15432
DungeonThunder LiScroll of Archangel +2551%9980
DungeonThunder LiHorn of Uniria541%679937
DungeonThunder LiBox of Luck +1501%54062
DungeonThunder LiGuardian Angel481%757047
DungeonThunder LiBox of Luck +3441%10963
DungeonThunder LiDevils Eye401%199705
DungeonThunder LiBlood Bone +2391%9558
DungeonThunder LiScroll of Poison310%4284
DungeonThunder LiOrb of Summoning310%57744
DungeonThunder LiDevils Key300%199149
DungeonThunder LiRena +3280%157649
DungeonThunder LiBox of Luck +7200%136752
DungeonThunder LiScroll of Twister100%3848
DungeonThunder LiImp100%509474
DungeonThunder LiScroll of Flame100%3700
DungeonThunder LiJewel of Chaos70%27223
DungeonThunder LiJewel of Soul50%56404
DungeonThunder LiJewel of Life40%42915
DungeonThunder LiJewel of Bless30%61310
DungeonThunder LiJewel of Creation20%20831
DungeonThunder LiTomahawk10%3520
DungeonThunder LiPad Pants10%1367
DungeonThunder LiPendant of Fire10%1456
DungeonThunder LiSilk Gloves10%1431
DeviasAssassinSymbol of Kundun +12484%57725
DeviasAssassinBox of Luck +52204%14459
DeviasAssassinHorn Shield972%1346
DeviasAssassinOrb of Greater Fortitude962%138522
DeviasAssassinBone Boots962%957
DeviasAssassinPad Pants952%1367
DeviasAssassinSilk Pants932%3472
DeviasAssassinDragon Lance932%776
DeviasAssassinRing of Poison922%1025
DeviasAssassinSilk Helm912%923
DeviasAssassinScale Gloves912%4773
DeviasAssassinBronze Pants912%810
DeviasAssassinLarge Round Shield902%3577
DeviasAssassinDouble Axe892%1392
DeviasAssassinLeather Pants882%1399
DeviasAssassinScale Helm882%5408
DeviasAssassinPendant of Fire882%1456
DeviasAssassinBone Pants882%4254
DeviasAssassinBone Armor861%4897
DeviasAssassinVine Pants861%1339
DeviasAssassinLeather Armor851%1453
DeviasAssassinBattle Bow851%5446
DeviasAssassinRing of Ice831%4305
DeviasAssassinOrb of Greater Damage821%3566
DeviasAssassinDouble Poleaxe821%1454
DeviasAssassinElven Shield821%4161
DeviasAssassinBronze Armor811%3476
DeviasAssassinBronze Boots811%1457
DeviasAssassinOrb of Impale801%3937
DeviasAssassinElven Bow801%875
DeviasAssassinBone Helm791%3442
DeviasAssassinSword of Assassin791%1457
DeviasAssassinElven Axe791%5544
DeviasAssassinBone Gloves781%1380
DeviasAssassinAngelic Staff781%3609
DeviasAssassinScale Pants781%4750
DeviasAssassinVine Armor771%1517
DeviasAssassinGolden Crossbow771%1458
DeviasAssassinScale Boots761%4926
DeviasAssassinSilk Gloves761%1431
DeviasAssassinSkull Shield761%788
DeviasAssassinMorning Star751%1396
DeviasAssassinBronze Helm731%915
DeviasAssassinPendant of Lighting721%4102
DeviasAssassinWind Gloves721%5484
DeviasAssassinBronze Gloves711%1484
DeviasAssassinPlate Shield701%4649
DeviasAssassinSilk Boots701%786
DeviasAssassinSilk Armor691%4242
DeviasAssassinKite Shield661%1451
DeviasAssassinTransformation Ring +1651%378
DeviasAssassinHealing Orb641%1346
DeviasAssassinPad Armor641%1394
DeviasAssassinDevils Eye561%199705
DeviasAssassinBox of Luck +1511%54062
DeviasAssassinBlood Bone +1491%756
DeviasAssassinBox of Luck +3481%10963
DeviasAssassinDevils Key431%199149
DeviasAssassinScroll of Archangel +1431%751
DeviasAssassinHorn of Uniria341%679937
DeviasAssassinBox of Luck +7240%136752
DeviasAssassinRena +3240%157649
DeviasAssassinScroll of Lighting110%158
DeviasAssassinScroll of Meteorite80%797
DeviasAssassinJewel of Soul80%56404
DeviasAssassinJewel of Chaos70%27223
DeviasAssassinScroll of Ice70%1144
DeviasAssassinJewel of Life60%42915
DeviasAssassinScroll of Teleport60%125
DeviasAssassinJewel of Bless50%61310
DeviasAssassinScroll of Power Wave30%111
DeviasAssassinOrb of Summoning20%57744
DeviasAssassinJewel of Creation20%20831
DeviasDestructivWizards Ring570333%17079
DeviasElite YetiBox of Luck +562094%14459
DeviasElite YetiSymbol of Kundun +161924%57725
DeviasElite YetiElven Shield26272%4161
DeviasElite YetiAngelic Staff26162%3609
DeviasElite YetiBone Armor25842%4897
DeviasElite YetiHalberd25802%3646
DeviasElite YetiScale Gloves25802%4773
DeviasElite YetiScale Pants25802%4750
DeviasElite YetiWind Gloves25712%5484
DeviasElite YetiScale Boots25682%4926
DeviasElite YetiElven Axe25672%5544
DeviasElite YetiWind Armor25662%10533
DeviasElite YetiBlade25642%37998
DeviasElite YetiFlail25602%4703
DeviasElite YetiGiant Trident25552%5312
DeviasElite YetiBattle Axe25532%7354
DeviasElite YetiLight Crossbow25472%10502
DeviasElite YetiSilk Armor25472%4242
DeviasElite YetiSphinx Gloves25472%5551
DeviasElite YetiTomahawk25432%3520
DeviasElite YetiPendant of Lighting25412%4102
DeviasElite YetiArquebus25402%4273
DeviasElite YetiPlate Shield25372%4649
DeviasElite YetiBattle Bow25352%5446
DeviasElite YetiOrb of Greater Damage25312%3566
DeviasElite YetiOrb of Impale25302%3937
DeviasElite YetiSerpent Sword25262%7461
DeviasElite YetiLarge Round Shield25262%3577
DeviasElite YetiRing of Ice25252%4305
DeviasElite YetiBrass Pants25102%35852
DeviasElite YetiBone Pants25082%4254
DeviasElite YetiScale Armor25072%5317
DeviasElite YetiDragon Slayer Shield25052%35670
DeviasElite YetiBrass Boots24952%10541
DeviasElite YetiWind Boots24952%5231
DeviasElite YetiBone Helm24942%3442
DeviasElite YetiSerpent Staff24922%7164
DeviasElite YetiNikea Axe24912%32035
DeviasElite YetiGladius24912%4230
DeviasElite YetiSphinx Boots24852%7268
DeviasElite YetiSphinx Mask24832%10441
DeviasElite YetiSilk Pants24742%3472
DeviasElite YetiBrass Gloves24732%10390
DeviasElite YetiScale Helm24712%5408
DeviasElite YetiSphinx Pants24702%32437
DeviasElite YetiRing of Fire24692%7228
DeviasElite YetiWind Pants24682%7222
DeviasElite YetiWind Helm24672%5349
DeviasElite YetiFalcon24662%4741
DeviasElite YetiSpear24542%4649
DeviasElite YetiBrass Helm24432%37830
DeviasElite YetiPendant of Ice24312%32342
DeviasElite YetiBronze Armor24292%3476
DeviasElite YetiSword of Salamander24262%10242
DeviasElite YetiSpiked Shield24252%7274
DeviasElite YetiTransformation Ring +218751%3065
DeviasElite YetiScroll of Archangel +212671%9980
DeviasElite YetiBox of Luck +112311%54062
DeviasElite YetiBox of Luck +312161%10963
DeviasElite YetiDevils Eye12081%199705
DeviasElite YetiDevils Key11951%199149
DeviasElite YetiBlood Bone +211681%9558
DeviasElite YetiRena +36370%157649
DeviasElite YetiBox of Luck +75750%136752
DeviasElite YetiHorn of Uniria4640%679937
DeviasElite YetiScroll of Poison4430%4284
DeviasElite YetiScroll of Meteorite4070%797
DeviasElite YetiScroll of Ice3510%1144
DeviasElite YetiImp2810%509474
DeviasElite YetiOrb of Summoning2690%57744
DeviasElite YetiApple1300%9801
DeviasElite YetiJewel of Soul1280%56404
DeviasElite YetiJewel of Bless1080%61310
DeviasElite YetiJewel of Life1040%42915
DeviasElite YetiScroll of Flame870%3700
DeviasElite YetiGuardian Angel820%757047
DeviasElite YetiJewel of Chaos620%27223
DeviasElite YetiJewel of Creation310%20831
DeviasGolden DerBox of Luck +1017220%790
DeviasGolden DerBox of Luck +9212%1211
DeviasGolden DerBox of Luck +8192%1320
DeviasGolden DevBox of Luck +91111100%1211
DeviasHommerdBox of Luck +5703%14459
DeviasHommerdMorning Star472%1396
DeviasHommerdOrb of Impale462%3937
DeviasHommerdOrb of Greater Damage452%3566
DeviasHommerdBone Boots442%957
DeviasHommerdBone Helm412%3442
DeviasHommerdSilk Pants412%3472
DeviasHommerdBronze Pants402%810
DeviasHommerdScale Gloves402%4773
DeviasHommerdAngelic Staff402%3609
DeviasHommerdBone Pants392%4254
DeviasHommerdPendant of Lighting392%4102
DeviasHommerdSilk Helm392%923
DeviasHommerdDragon Lance382%776
DeviasHommerdSkull Shield382%788
DeviasHommerdPendant of Fire372%1456
DeviasHommerdScale Boots372%4926
DeviasHommerdSilk Gloves372%1431
DeviasHommerdLeather Armor362%1453
DeviasHommerdElven Shield352%4161
DeviasHommerdKite Shield352%1451
DeviasHommerdSword of Assassin342%1457
DeviasHommerdLarge Round Shield342%3577
DeviasHommerdBronze Helm342%915
DeviasHommerdOrb of Greater Fortitude322%138522
DeviasHommerdDouble Poleaxe322%1454
DeviasHommerdSilk Armor311%4242
DeviasHommerdBronze Gloves311%1484
DeviasHommerdBronze Armor311%3476
DeviasHommerdBone Armor291%4897
DeviasHommerdBone Gloves281%1380
DeviasHommerdDouble Axe281%1392
DeviasHommerdBronze Boots281%1457
DeviasHommerdGolden Crossbow271%1458
DeviasHommerdVine Armor271%1517
DeviasHommerdSilk Boots271%786
DeviasHommerdRing of Poison261%1025
DeviasHommerdElven Bow261%875
DeviasHommerdPad Armor261%1394
DeviasHommerdTransformation Ring +1261%378
DeviasHommerdRing of Ice251%4305
DeviasHommerdBox of Luck +3231%10963
DeviasHommerdVine Pants211%1339
DeviasHommerdSkull Staff191%1291
DeviasHommerdHorn Shield191%1346
DeviasHommerdHealing Orb191%1346
DeviasHommerdVine Helm181%1324
DeviasHommerdBlood Bone +1181%756
DeviasHommerdDevils Key171%199149
DeviasHommerdLeather Pants171%1399
DeviasHommerdScroll of Archangel +1161%751
DeviasHommerdDevils Eye161%199705
DeviasHommerdPad Pants161%1367
DeviasHommerdBox of Luck +1121%54062
DeviasHommerdLeather Helm121%1374
DeviasHommerdBox of Luck +7111%136752
DeviasHommerdScroll of Teleport80%125
DeviasHommerdRena +360%157649
DeviasHommerdScroll of Lighting40%158
DeviasHommerdScroll of Power Wave40%111
DeviasHommerdJewel of Chaos30%27223
DeviasHommerdGuardian Angel30%757047
DeviasHommerdOrb of Summoning20%57744
DeviasHommerdJewel of Soul20%56404
DeviasHommerdHorn of Uniria10%679937
DeviasHommerdJewel of Creation10%20831
DeviasHommerdScroll of Meteorite10%797
DeviasIce MonsteBox of Luck +53134%14459
DeviasIce MonsteOrb of Impale1202%3937
DeviasIce MonstePad Boots1162%1541
DeviasIce MonsteLeather Armor1132%1453
DeviasIce MonsteBronze Helm1122%915
DeviasIce MonsteVine Helm1092%1324
DeviasIce MonstePad Pants1092%1367
DeviasIce MonsteLeather Helm1082%1374
DeviasIce MonsteBronze Pants1082%810
DeviasIce MonsteHalberd1082%3646
DeviasIce MonsteSilk Pants1071%3472
DeviasIce MonsteScale Boots1071%4926
DeviasIce MonsteLeather Boots1071%1365
DeviasIce MonsteSilk Gloves1071%1431
DeviasIce MonsteSkull Shield1061%788
DeviasIce MonsteOrb of Greater Damage1041%3566
DeviasIce MonsteHealing Orb1031%1346
DeviasIce MonsteVine Gloves1021%1516
DeviasIce MonsteBronze Gloves1021%1484
DeviasIce MonsteDouble Axe1021%1392
DeviasIce MonsteRapier1021%1348
DeviasIce MonsteGladius1011%4230
DeviasIce MonsteCrossbow1011%1631
DeviasIce MonsteBow1011%1366
DeviasIce MonsteSword of Assassin1011%1457
DeviasIce MonsteDouble Poleaxe1011%1454
DeviasIce MonsteBone Armor1001%4897
DeviasIce MonsteLeather Pants1001%1399
DeviasIce MonsteArquebus991%4273
DeviasIce MonsteMorning Star991%1396
DeviasIce MonsteKite Shield981%1451
DeviasIce MonsteSilk Boots981%786
DeviasIce MonsteKris971%1326
DeviasIce MonsteLeather Gloves971%1582
DeviasIce MonsteVine Pants971%1339
DeviasIce MonsteBronze Armor941%3476
DeviasIce MonsteKatana941%913
DeviasIce MonsteHorn Shield941%1346
DeviasIce MonsteSkull Staff941%1291
DeviasIce MonsteBronze Boots941%1457
DeviasIce MonsteSilk Helm941%923
DeviasIce MonsteAngelic Staff931%3609
DeviasIce MonsteScale Gloves931%4773
DeviasIce MonsteElven Bow931%875
DeviasIce MonsteElven Shield921%4161
DeviasIce MonsteVine Armor921%1517
DeviasIce MonsteFlail921%4703
DeviasIce MonsteTransformation Ring +1911%378
DeviasIce MonsteVine Boots911%1348
DeviasIce MonsteRing of Ice901%4305
DeviasIce MonsteOrb of Greater Fortitude901%138522
DeviasIce MonstePad Helm891%1322
DeviasIce MonsteGolden Crossbow891%1458
DeviasIce MonsteBone Helm891%3442
DeviasIce MonsteSilk Armor881%4242
DeviasIce MonsteBone Boots881%957
DeviasIce MonsteBuckler871%1401
DeviasIce MonsteTomahawk861%3520
DeviasIce MonsteRing of Poison861%1025
DeviasIce MonsteLarge Round Shield841%3577
DeviasIce MonstePad Armor831%1394
DeviasIce MonsteHand Axe821%1558
DeviasIce MonstePendant of Fire811%1456
DeviasIce MonstePendant of Lighting801%4102
DeviasIce MonsteMace791%1215
DeviasIce MonsteBone Gloves711%1380
DeviasIce MonsteBone Pants701%4254
DeviasIce MonsteDevils Key631%199149
DeviasIce MonsteBox of Luck +3621%10963
DeviasIce MonsteDragon Lance621%776
DeviasIce MonsteBlood Bone +1571%756
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Archangel +1551%751
DeviasIce MonsteDevils Eye441%199705
DeviasIce MonsteBox of Luck +1441%54062
DeviasIce MonsteBox of Luck +7330%136752
DeviasIce MonsteRena +3200%157649
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Meteorite110%797
DeviasIce MonsteOrb of Summoning90%57744
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Fire Ball90%89
DeviasIce MonsteJewel of Bless80%61310
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Teleport70%125
DeviasIce MonsteHorn of Uniria70%679937
DeviasIce MonsteJewel of Soul60%56404
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Power Wave60%111
DeviasIce MonsteJewel of Life50%42915
DeviasIce MonsteJewel of Chaos30%27223
DeviasIce MonsteScroll of Lighting20%158
DeviasIce MonsteJewel of Creation10%20831
DeviasIce QueenSymbol of Kundun +2164%42992
DeviasIce QueenPlate Gloves143%33257
DeviasIce QueenThunder Staff143%32932
DeviasIce QueenLarkan Axe133%11587
DeviasIce QueenBox of Luck +5123%14459
DeviasIce QueenPendant of Wind123%33525
DeviasIce QueenLight Plate Boots113%31376
DeviasIce QueenOrb of Twisting Slash113%8133
DeviasIce QueenGuardian Gloves113%7481
DeviasIce QueenLight Plate Gloves102%33654
DeviasIce QueenDouble Blade102%5721
DeviasIce QueenGuardian Boots102%26100
DeviasIce QueenGorgon Staff102%26185
DeviasIce QueenRing of Wind102%30842
DeviasIce QueenSpirit Pants102%33322
DeviasIce QueenLegendary Gloves102%31067
DeviasIce QueenGiant Sword102%26285
DeviasIce QueenLight Plate Pants102%7349
DeviasIce QueenLegendary Sword92%31014
DeviasIce QueenPlate Armor92%5687
DeviasIce QueenSerpent Crossbow92%5746
DeviasIce QueenLegendary Boots92%11723
DeviasIce QueenPlate Boots82%33447
DeviasIce QueenRing of Magic82%7781
DeviasIce QueenPendant of Water82%11826
DeviasIce QueenSpirit Armor82%30610
DeviasIce QueenLegendary Shield82%5721
DeviasIce QueenTower Shield82%35261
DeviasIce QueenPlate Helm82%11532
DeviasIce QueenLight Spear82%33331
DeviasIce QueenDragon Gloves72%26155
DeviasIce QueenPendant of Ability72%7287
DeviasIce QueenHorn of Uniria72%679937
DeviasIce QueenLegendary Helm61%7378
DeviasIce QueenSpirit Boots61%35209
DeviasIce QueenLight Plate Mask61%11619
DeviasIce QueenBrass Armor51%35890
DeviasIce QueenPendant of Ice51%32342
DeviasIce QueenPlate Pants51%31519
DeviasIce QueenBlood Bone +351%9309
DeviasIce QueenSerpent Shield41%31270
DeviasIce QueenLight Saber41%34812
DeviasIce QueenScroll of Evil Spirit41%26425
DeviasIce QueenBox of Luck +741%136752
DeviasIce QueenSpirit Gloves41%35927
DeviasIce QueenSpirit Helm41%35021
DeviasIce QueenBox of Luck +131%54062
DeviasIce QueenSerpent Spear31%11520
DeviasIce QueenTiger Bow31%34836
DeviasIce QueenRena +320%157649
DeviasIce QueenRing of Earth20%35543
DeviasIce QueenTransformation Ring +420%2058
DeviasIce QueenOrb of Summoning20%57744
DeviasIce QueenScroll of Archangel +310%9417
DeviasIce QueenDevils Key10%199149
DeviasIce QueenBox of Luck +310%10963
DeviasIce QueenJewel of Bless10%61310
DeviasIce QueenScroll of Flame10%3700
DeviasIce QueenGreat Hammer10%35881
DeviasIce QueenJewel of Creation10%20831
DeviasIce QueenApple10%9801
DeviasIce QueenJewel of Life10%42915
DeviasIce QueenScroll of Twister10%3848
DeviasPhoenix ofDark Phoenix Armor210%386797
DeviasWhite wizaJewel of Bless38333%61310
DeviasWormOrb of Greater Damage2135%3566
DeviasWormRing of Ice1944%4305
DeviasWormBronze Armor1904%3476
DeviasWormLarge Round Shield1904%3577
DeviasWormOrb of Impale1864%3937
DeviasWormSilk Pants1864%3472
DeviasWormBone Pants1864%4254
DeviasWormSilk Armor1854%4242
DeviasWormAngelic Staff1814%3609
DeviasWormBone Helm1804%3442
DeviasWormBox of Luck +51744%14459
DeviasWormTransformation Ring +1511%378
DeviasWormSilk Helm401%923
DeviasWormLeather Gloves381%1582
DeviasWormHealing Orb361%1346
DeviasWormBronze Gloves341%1484
DeviasWormLeather Armor331%1453
DeviasWormSkull Shield331%788
DeviasWormSilk Boots321%786
DeviasWormLeather Pants321%1399
DeviasWormBlood Bone +1311%756
DeviasWormScroll of Archangel +1311%751
DeviasWormDouble Poleaxe311%1454
DeviasWormHorn Shield311%1346
DeviasWormVine Armor291%1517
DeviasWormBone Boots291%957
DeviasWormBronze Helm291%915
DeviasWormBox of Luck +3291%10963
DeviasWormDevils Eye291%199705
DeviasWormDouble Axe281%1392
DeviasWormVine Gloves281%1516
DeviasWormBox of Luck +1281%54062
DeviasWormShort Bow281%2716
DeviasWormRing of Poison281%1025
DeviasWormPad Boots281%1541
DeviasWormMorning Star281%1396
DeviasWormDragon Lance271%776
DeviasWormVine Boots271%1348
DeviasWormPad Helm271%1322
DeviasWormLeather Helm271%1374
DeviasWormPendant of Fire271%1456
DeviasWormDevils Key261%199149
DeviasWormVine Helm261%1324
DeviasWormShort Sword261%1673
DeviasWormSword of Assassin261%1457
DeviasWormGolden Crossbow251%1458
DeviasWormSkull Staff251%1291
DeviasWormBone Gloves241%1380
DeviasWormOrb of Greater Fortitude241%138522
DeviasWormLeather Boots241%1365
DeviasWormElven Bow231%875
DeviasWormKite Shield231%1451
DeviasWormVine Pants220%1339
DeviasWormPad Gloves220%1687
DeviasWormBronze Pants210%810
DeviasWormSilk Gloves210%1431
DeviasWormHand Axe210%1558
DeviasWormBronze Boots210%1457
DeviasWormPad Armor200%1394
DeviasWormSmall Shield200%1670
DeviasWormPad Pants200%1367
DeviasWormBox of Luck +7130%136752
DeviasWormRena +390%157649
DeviasWormJewel of Soul80%56404
DeviasWormJewel of Life50%42915
DeviasWormScroll of Teleport50%125
DeviasWormJewel of Bless50%61310
DeviasWormScroll of Fire Ball40%89
DeviasWormOrb of Summoning40%57744
DeviasWormHorn of Uniria20%679937
DeviasWormJewel of Creation20%20831
DeviasWormScroll of Power Wave20%111
DeviasWormJewel of Chaos10%27223
DeviasWormScroll of Lighting10%158
DeviasYetiSymbol of Kundun +13464%57725
DeviasYetiBox of Luck +53234%14459
DeviasYetiScale Boots1752%4926
DeviasYetiSpiked Shield1742%7274
DeviasYetiBone Pants1722%4254
DeviasYetiPendant of Lighting1702%4102
DeviasYetiSphinx Gloves1702%5551
DeviasYetiRing of Fire1672%7228
DeviasYetiScale Helm1632%5408
DeviasYetiElven Shield1622%4161
DeviasYetiScale Armor1612%5317
DeviasYetiSphinx Boots1612%7268
DeviasYetiBattle Axe1602%7354
DeviasYetiSilk Armor1562%4242
DeviasYetiPlate Shield1552%4649
DeviasYetiOrb of Impale1552%3937
DeviasYetiRing of Ice1552%4305
DeviasYetiWind Gloves1522%5484
DeviasYetiElven Axe1522%5544
DeviasYetiWind Helm1512%5349
DeviasYetiSerpent Sword1502%7461
DeviasYetiSerpent Staff1492%7164
DeviasYetiBattle Bow1482%5446
DeviasYetiScale Pants1462%4750
DeviasYetiBone Armor1452%4897
DeviasYetiWind Boots1442%5231
DeviasYetiGiant Trident1442%5312
DeviasYetiScale Gloves1442%4773
DeviasYetiWind Pants1271%7222
DeviasYetiTransformation Ring +21091%3065
DeviasYetiBronze Armor951%3476
DeviasYetiBone Boots931%957
DeviasYetiAngelic Staff921%3609
DeviasYetiMorning Star911%1396
DeviasYetiDouble Axe851%1392
DeviasYetiOrb of Greater Fortitude821%138522
DeviasYetiElven Bow801%875
DeviasYetiGolden Crossbow801%1458
DeviasYetiSilk Boots791%786
DeviasYetiLarge Round Shield791%3577
DeviasYetiSword of Assassin781%1457
DeviasYetiPendant of Fire781%1456
DeviasYetiOrb of Greater Damage781%3566
DeviasYetiBox of Luck +1771%54062
DeviasYetiBone Gloves761%1380
DeviasYetiBronze Helm751%915
DeviasYetiSilk Gloves741%1431
DeviasYetiDouble Poleaxe731%1454
DeviasYetiBone Helm731%3442
DeviasYetiBronze Pants731%810
DeviasYetiDragon Lance721%776
DeviasYetiDevils Key721%199149
DeviasYetiKite Shield711%1451
DeviasYetiSkull Shield701%788
DeviasYetiRing of Poison701%1025
DeviasYetiBlood Bone +1701%756
DeviasYetiSilk Helm701%923
DeviasYetiSilk Pants691%3472
DeviasYetiBox of Luck +3681%10963
DeviasYetiScroll of Archangel +1671%751
DeviasYetiBronze Gloves671%1484
DeviasYetiBronze Boots571%1457
DeviasYetiDevils Eye511%199705
DeviasYetiHorn of Uniria511%679937
DeviasYetiBox of Luck +7350%136752
DeviasYetiRena +3310%157649
DeviasYetiJewel of Soul180%56404
DeviasYetiScroll of Teleport150%125
DeviasYetiScroll of Lighting150%158
DeviasYetiScroll of Meteorite130%797
DeviasYetiScroll of Poison110%4284
DeviasYetiScroll of Ice110%1144
DeviasYetiJewel of Chaos100%27223
DeviasYetiJewel of Life90%42915
DeviasYetiGuardian Angel90%757047
DeviasYetiJewel of Bless80%61310
DeviasYetiOrb of Summoning50%57744
DeviasYetiSmall Shield10%1670
DeviasYetiShort Bow10%2716
DeviasYetiHand Axe10%1558
DeviasYetiJewel of Creation10%20831
NoriaAgonVine Gloves154%1516
NoriaAgonVine Boots123%1348
NoriaAgonHorn Shield113%1346
NoriaAgonLeather Helm102%1374
NoriaAgonSkull Staff102%1291
NoriaAgonKite Shield102%1451
NoriaAgonBronze Helm92%915
NoriaAgonPad Helm92%1322
NoriaAgonSkull Shield92%788
NoriaAgonOrb of Greater Fortitude92%138522
NoriaAgonSilk Boots92%786
NoriaAgonLeather Armor92%1453
NoriaAgonVine Helm82%1324
NoriaAgonDouble Poleaxe82%1454
NoriaAgonTransformation Ring +082%641
NoriaAgonElven Bow82%875
NoriaAgonShort Bow72%2716
NoriaAgonBone Gloves72%1380
NoriaAgonPad Gloves72%1687
NoriaAgonMorning Star72%1396
NoriaAgonLeather Pants72%1399
NoriaAgonBone Boots72%957
NoriaAgonDragon Lance61%776
NoriaAgonSword of Assassin61%1457
NoriaAgonVine Armor61%1517
NoriaAgonPad Boots61%1541
NoriaAgonShort Sword61%1673
NoriaAgonVine Pants61%1339
NoriaAgonSmall Axe61%2550
NoriaAgonSilk Gloves61%1431
NoriaAgonBlood Bone +151%756
NoriaAgonGolden Crossbow51%1458
NoriaAgonPad Armor51%1394
NoriaAgonLeather Boots41%1365
NoriaAgonBronze Pants41%810
NoriaAgonLeather Gloves41%1582
NoriaAgonSmall Shield41%1670
NoriaAgonSilk Helm41%923
NoriaAgonPendant of Fire41%1456
NoriaAgonBronze Boots31%1457
NoriaAgonRena +331%157649
NoriaAgonHand Axe31%1558
NoriaAgonScroll of Lighting31%158
NoriaAgonBronze Gloves31%1484
NoriaAgonDouble Axe31%1392
NoriaAgonHealing Orb31%1346
NoriaAgonPad Pants31%1367
NoriaAgonBox of Luck +120%54062
NoriaAgonDevils Eye20%199705
NoriaAgonScroll of Archangel +120%751
NoriaAgonJewel of Chaos10%27223
NoriaAgonDevils Key10%199149
NoriaAgonOrb of Summoning10%57744
NoriaAgonJewel of Creation10%20831
NoriaAgonJewel of Bless10%61310
NoriaBeetle MonApple16317%9801
NoriaBeetle MonHealing Orb687%1346
NoriaBeetle MonRapier637%1348
NoriaBeetle MonPad Pants637%1367
NoriaBeetle MonPad Armor606%1394
NoriaBeetle MonLeather Pants576%1399
NoriaBeetle MonHorn Shield576%1346
NoriaBeetle MonBow576%1366
NoriaBeetle MonVine Pants505%1339
NoriaBeetle MonLeather Armor505%1453
NoriaBeetle MonVine Armor495%1517
NoriaBeetle MonShort Sword152%1673
NoriaBeetle MonPad Helm121%1322
NoriaBeetle MonSmall Axe121%2550
NoriaBeetle MonCrossbow111%1631
NoriaBeetle MonLeather Gloves111%1582
NoriaBeetle MonPad Gloves111%1687
NoriaBeetle MonMace101%1215
NoriaBeetle MonOrb of Summoning101%57744
NoriaBeetle MonPad Boots101%1541
NoriaBeetle MonVine Helm91%1324
NoriaBeetle MonLeather Boots81%1365
NoriaBeetle MonTransformation Ring +081%641
NoriaBeetle MonBuckler71%1401
NoriaBeetle MonKris61%1326
NoriaBeetle MonShort Bow61%2716
NoriaBeetle MonScroll of Archangel +161%751
NoriaBeetle MonSkull Staff61%1291
NoriaBeetle MonScroll of Fire Ball61%89
NoriaBeetle MonSmall Shield61%1670
NoriaBeetle MonLeather Helm61%1374
NoriaBeetle MonDevils Key61%199149
NoriaBeetle MonBox of Luck +151%54062
NoriaBeetle MonHand Axe51%1558
NoriaBeetle MonBlood Bone +151%756
NoriaBeetle MonVine Gloves40%1516
NoriaBeetle MonDevils Eye40%199705
NoriaBeetle MonVine Boots40%1348
NoriaBeetle MonScroll of Power Wave30%111
NoriaBeetle MonRena +330%157649
NoriaBeetle MonJewel of Creation10%20831
NoriaBeetle MonBox of Luck +710%136752
NoriaBeetle MonJewel of Life10%42915
NoriaChain ScorApple22015%9801
NoriaChain ScorHand Axe1228%1558
NoriaChain ScorShort Bow1037%2716
NoriaChain ScorSmall Shield1007%1670
NoriaChain ScorLeather Boots976%1365
NoriaChain ScorVine Boots956%1348
NoriaChain ScorSmall Axe906%2550
NoriaChain ScorVine Gloves906%1516
NoriaChain ScorPad Boots906%1541
NoriaChain ScorCrossbow876%1631
NoriaChain ScorPad Helm876%1322
NoriaChain ScorPad Gloves846%1687
NoriaChain ScorShort Sword825%1673
NoriaChain ScorLeather Gloves654%1582
NoriaChain ScorOrb of Summoning201%57744
NoriaChain ScorTransformation Ring +0161%641
NoriaChain ScorDevils Eye91%199705
NoriaChain ScorBox of Luck +181%54062
NoriaChain ScorScroll of Fire Ball70%89
NoriaChain ScorDevils Key60%199149
NoriaChain ScorBlood Bone +160%756
NoriaChain ScorScroll of Archangel +150%751
NoriaChain ScorJewel of Life30%42915
NoriaChain ScorJewel of Chaos20%27223
NoriaChain ScorBox of Luck +720%136752
NoriaChain ScorJewel of Soul10%56404
NoriaChain ScorHorn of Uniria10%679937
NoriaChain ScorRena +310%157649
NoriaChain ScorJewel of Bless10%61310
NoriaChain ScorJewel of Creation10%20831
NoriaDestructivWizards Ring609836%17079
NoriaElite GoblApple247%9801
NoriaElite GoblHealing Orb196%1346
NoriaElite GoblLeather Boots165%1365
NoriaElite GoblLeather Helm155%1374
NoriaElite GoblKris155%1326
NoriaElite GoblSmall Axe155%2550
NoriaElite GoblBow134%1366
NoriaElite GoblMace134%1215
NoriaElite GoblVine Pants134%1339
NoriaElite GoblLeather Gloves134%1582
NoriaElite GoblPad Helm124%1322
NoriaElite GoblVine Boots124%1348
NoriaElite GoblShort Bow124%2716
NoriaElite GoblPad Boots124%1541
NoriaElite GoblShort Sword113%1673
NoriaElite GoblHand Axe113%1558
NoriaElite GoblPad Gloves103%1687
NoriaElite GoblPad Pants103%1367
NoriaElite GoblSkull Staff103%1291
NoriaElite GoblVine Helm103%1324
NoriaElite GoblLeather Pants93%1399
NoriaElite GoblVine Gloves93%1516
NoriaElite GoblSmall Shield93%1670
NoriaElite GoblCrossbow82%1631
NoriaElite GoblTransformation Ring +072%641
NoriaElite GoblBuckler62%1401
NoriaElite GoblScroll of Archangel +141%751
NoriaElite GoblBox of Luck +721%136752
NoriaElite GoblBox of Luck +121%54062
NoriaElite GoblBlood Bone +121%756
NoriaElite GoblJewel of Chaos10%27223
NoriaElite GoblDevils Key10%199149
NoriaElite GoblOrb of Summoning10%57744
NoriaElite GoblHorn of Uniria10%679937
NoriaElite GoblJewel of Soul10%56404
NoriaForest MonApple95%9801
NoriaForest MonBone Gloves74%1380
NoriaForest MonSkull Shield74%788
NoriaForest MonPendant of Fire74%1456
NoriaForest MonVine Boots63%1348
NoriaForest MonBronze Gloves63%1484
NoriaForest MonPad Helm63%1322
NoriaForest MonSword of Assassin53%1457
NoriaForest MonBronze Pants53%810
NoriaForest MonBow53%1366
NoriaForest MonDouble Poleaxe53%1454
NoriaForest MonHealing Orb53%1346
NoriaForest MonKite Shield53%1451
NoriaForest MonKris53%1326
NoriaForest MonSilk Boots53%786
NoriaForest MonSmall Shield53%1670
NoriaForest MonVine Gloves53%1516
NoriaForest MonRapier42%1348
NoriaForest MonVine Armor42%1517
NoriaForest MonSilk Gloves42%1431
NoriaForest MonBuckler42%1401
NoriaForest MonVine Pants42%1339
NoriaForest MonBox of Luck +132%54062
NoriaForest MonShort Bow32%2716
NoriaForest MonDragon Lance32%776
NoriaForest MonPad Gloves32%1687
NoriaForest MonHorn Shield32%1346
NoriaForest MonOrb of Greater Fortitude32%138522
NoriaForest MonBronze Boots32%1457
NoriaForest MonLeather Pants32%1399
NoriaForest MonLeather Armor32%1453
NoriaForest MonMorning Star32%1396
NoriaForest MonRena +332%157649
NoriaForest MonHand Axe32%1558
NoriaForest MonGolden Crossbow32%1458
NoriaForest MonPad Pants32%1367
NoriaForest MonMace21%1215
NoriaForest MonDevils Eye21%199705
NoriaForest MonShort Sword21%1673
NoriaForest MonDouble Axe21%1392
NoriaForest MonVine Helm21%1324
NoriaForest MonCrossbow21%1631
NoriaForest MonLeather Helm11%1374
NoriaForest MonJewel of Soul11%56404
NoriaForest MonPad Armor11%1394
NoriaForest MonScroll of Lighting11%158
NoriaForest MonDevils Key11%199149
NoriaForest MonTransformation Ring +011%641
NoriaForest MonScroll of Power Wave11%111
NoriaForest MonLeather Boots11%1365
NoriaForest MonOrb of Summoning11%57744
NoriaForest MonScroll of Archangel +111%751
NoriaForest MonLeather Gloves11%1582
NoriaForest MonSmall Axe11%2550
NoriaForest MonJewel of Bless11%61310
NoriaGoblinShort Bow25716%2716
NoriaGoblinShort Sword24816%1673
NoriaGoblinPad Gloves24115%1687
NoriaGoblinSmall Shield23915%1670
NoriaGoblinSmall Axe22814%2550
NoriaGoblinOrb of Summoning523%57744
NoriaGoblinTransformation Ring +0161%641
NoriaGoblinDevils Eye141%199705
NoriaGoblinBlood Bone +181%756
NoriaGoblinDevils Key70%199149
NoriaGoblinBox of Luck +150%54062
NoriaGoblinScroll of Archangel +150%751
NoriaGoblinBox of Luck +730%136752
NoriaGoblinJewel of Soul30%56404
NoriaGoblinRena +310%157649
NoriaGoblinJewel of Creation10%20831
NoriaGoblinHorn of Uniria10%679937
NoriaGolden DerBox of Luck +1024028%790
NoriaGolden DerBox of Luck +9334%1211
NoriaGolden DerBox of Luck +8324%1320
NoriaGolden GobBox of Luck +81168100%1320
NoriaHunterSkull Staff104%1291
NoriaHunterPendant of Fire94%1456
NoriaHunterHand Axe83%1558
NoriaHunterBronze Boots73%1457
NoriaHunterVine Pants73%1339
NoriaHunterHealing Orb73%1346
NoriaHunterMorning Star73%1396
NoriaHunterShort Bow73%2716
NoriaHunterLeather Gloves63%1582
NoriaHunterVine Armor63%1517
NoriaHunterVine Helm63%1324
NoriaHunterSmall Shield63%1670
NoriaHunterOrb of Greater Fortitude63%138522
NoriaHunterKite Shield52%1451
NoriaHunterHorn Shield52%1346
NoriaHunterPad Helm52%1322
NoriaHunterVine Boots52%1348
NoriaHunterLeather Boots52%1365
NoriaHunterLeather Armor42%1453
NoriaHunterLeather Pants42%1399
NoriaHunterSmall Axe42%2550
NoriaHunterLeather Helm42%1374
NoriaHunterPad Gloves42%1687
NoriaHunterPad Pants31%1367
NoriaHunterPad Armor31%1394
NoriaHunterShort Sword31%1673
NoriaHunterSword of Assassin31%1457
NoriaHunterBronze Gloves31%1484
NoriaHunterGolden Crossbow31%1458
NoriaHunterDouble Poleaxe31%1454
NoriaHunterOrb of Summoning21%57744
NoriaHunterRena +321%157649
NoriaHunterJewel of Soul21%56404
NoriaHunterTransformation Ring +021%641
NoriaHunterPad Boots21%1541
NoriaHunterVine Gloves10%1516
NoriaHunterDevils Eye10%199705
NoriaHunterDevils Key10%199149
NoriaHunterScroll of Fire Ball10%89
NoriaHunterBox of Luck +110%54062
NoriaHunterBlood Bone +110%756
NoriaSpiderShort Bow69027%2716
NoriaSpiderSmall Axe65126%2550
NoriaSpiderOrb of Summoning643%57744
NoriaSpiderBlood Bone +1131%756
NoriaSpiderTransformation Ring +0131%641
NoriaSpiderBox of Luck +170%54062
NoriaSpiderDevils Eye70%199705
NoriaSpiderScroll of Archangel +160%751
NoriaSpiderDevils Key50%199149
NoriaSpiderRena +350%157649
NoriaSpiderJewel of Bless30%61310
NoriaSpiderBox of Luck +720%136752
NoriaSpiderJewel of Life20%42915
NoriaSpiderJewel of Chaos10%27223
NoriaSpiderJewel of Soul10%56404
NoriaStone GoleApple35117%9801
NoriaStone GoleLeather Armor382%1453
NoriaStone GoleOrb of Greater Damage372%3566
NoriaStone GoleMace362%1215
NoriaStone GolePad Gloves352%1687
NoriaStone GoleCrossbow352%1631
NoriaStone GoleBronze Gloves342%1484
NoriaStone GoleBone Gloves342%1380
NoriaStone GoleMorning Star332%1396
NoriaStone GoleShort Bow332%2716
NoriaStone GolePendant of Fire322%1456
NoriaStone GoleSilk Helm322%923
NoriaStone GoleSilk Boots312%786
NoriaStone GoleAngelic Staff312%3609
NoriaStone GoleBronze Pants301%810
NoriaStone GolePad Helm301%1322
NoriaStone GoleVine Armor291%1517
NoriaStone GoleBronze Helm281%915
NoriaStone GoleLeather Boots281%1365
NoriaStone GoleKatana281%913
NoriaStone GoleDouble Axe271%1392
NoriaStone GoleKite Shield271%1451
NoriaStone GoleBronze Armor271%3476
NoriaStone GoleGolden Crossbow271%1458
NoriaStone GoleShort Sword271%1673
NoriaStone GoleSilk Gloves261%1431
NoriaStone GolePad Armor261%1394
NoriaStone GoleLeather Gloves261%1582
NoriaStone GoleSkull Staff261%1291
NoriaStone GoleBone Boots261%957
NoriaStone GoleVine Helm251%1324
NoriaStone GoleDouble Poleaxe251%1454
NoriaStone GoleVine Boots251%1348
NoriaStone GoleLarge Round Shield251%3577
NoriaStone GoleHorn Shield251%1346
NoriaStone GoleLeather Pants251%1399
NoriaStone GoleLeather Helm241%1374
NoriaStone GoleTransformation Ring +0241%641
NoriaStone GoleRapier241%1348
NoriaStone GoleBuckler241%1401
NoriaStone GoleElven Bow241%875
NoriaStone GoleVine Pants241%1339
NoriaStone GoleSmall Axe241%2550
NoriaStone GoleHand Axe231%1558
NoriaStone GoleSkull Shield231%788
NoriaStone GolePad Boots231%1541
NoriaStone GoleKris231%1326
NoriaStone GoleOrb of Greater Fortitude231%138522
NoriaStone GoleBow221%1366
NoriaStone GolePad Pants221%1367
NoriaStone GoleTomahawk221%3520
NoriaStone GoleVine Gloves221%1516
NoriaStone GoleDragon Lance221%776
NoriaStone GoleSilk Pants211%3472
NoriaStone GoleBone Helm211%3442
NoriaStone GoleSword of Assassin211%1457
NoriaStone GoleBronze Boots211%1457
NoriaStone GoleSmall Shield201%1670
NoriaStone GoleRing of Poison161%1025
NoriaStone GoleScroll of Archangel +1161%751
NoriaStone GoleDevils Key151%199149
NoriaStone GoleHealing Orb151%1346
NoriaStone GoleBox of Luck +1151%54062
NoriaStone GoleBlood Bone +1121%756
NoriaStone GoleBox of Luck +3100%10963
NoriaStone GoleDevils Eye60%199705
NoriaStone GoleScroll of Teleport50%125
NoriaStone GoleRena +340%157649
NoriaStone GoleBox of Luck +740%136752
NoriaStone GoleScroll of Lighting30%158
NoriaStone GoleScroll of Fire Ball20%89
NoriaStone GoleHorn of Uniria20%679937
NoriaStone GoleJewel of Chaos20%27223
NoriaStone GoleJewel of Life20%42915
NoriaStone GoleScroll of Power Wave10%111
NoriaWhite wizaJewel of Bless44939%61310
Lost TowerBalrogHelical Sword217%74520
Lost TowerBalrogBill of Balrog18%122011
Lost TowerBalrogLegendary Armor18%74588
Lost TowerBalrogDragon Helm18%130936
Lost TowerBalrogLighting Sword18%136691
Lost TowerBalrogLegendary Staff18%137020
Lost TowerBalrogTransformation Ring +518%392177
Lost TowerBalrogDevils Key18%199149
Lost TowerBalrogOrb of Penetration18%148821
Lost TowerBalrogAdamantine Boots18%136453
Lost TowerBalrogOrb of Fire Slash18%139201
Lost TowerCursed WizSymbol of Kundun +214474%42992
Lost TowerCursed WizOrb of Twisting Slash8922%8133
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Sword8912%31014
Lost TowerCursed WizPendant of Water8842%11826
Lost TowerCursed WizSerpent Spear8832%11520
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Boots8822%11723
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Shield8742%5721
Lost TowerCursed WizBattle Scepter8722%29621
Lost TowerCursed WizDragon Boots8722%29542
Lost TowerCursed WizBronze Shield8682%29816
Lost TowerCursed WizSerpent Shield8662%31270
Lost TowerCursed WizRing of Wind8622%30842
Lost TowerCursed WizDouble Blade8612%5721
Lost TowerCursed WizPlate Armor8552%5687
Lost TowerCursed WizLight Plate Mask8532%11619
Lost TowerCursed WizGuardian Gloves8512%7481
Lost TowerCursed WizPendant of Ability8502%7287
Lost TowerCursed WizPlate Pants8422%31519
Lost TowerCursed WizGuardian Helm8312%29701
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Pants8302%30087
Lost TowerCursed WizGiant Sword8302%26285
Lost TowerCursed WizLarkan Axe8302%11587
Lost TowerCursed WizDragon Gloves8292%26155
Lost TowerCursed WizLight Plate Pants8282%7349
Lost TowerCursed WizRing of Magic8262%7781
Lost TowerCursed WizGuardian Pants8252%29816
Lost TowerCursed WizPlate Helm8252%11532
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Helm8242%7378
Lost TowerCursed WizGuardian Boots8232%26100
Lost TowerCursed WizGorgon Staff8222%26185
Lost TowerCursed WizLight Plate Boots8172%31376
Lost TowerCursed WizGreat Scythe8062%29568
Lost TowerCursed WizSerpent Crossbow7872%5746
Lost TowerCursed WizSpirit Armor7842%30610
Lost TowerCursed WizLegendary Gloves7832%31067
Lost TowerCursed WizBox of Luck +67722%240270
Lost TowerCursed WizTransformation Ring +44591%2058
Lost TowerCursed WizBox of Luck +32921%10963
Lost TowerCursed WizDevils Eye2781%199705
Lost TowerCursed WizBlood Bone +32761%9309
Lost TowerCursed WizDevils Key2751%199149
Lost TowerCursed WizBox of Luck +12701%54062
Lost TowerCursed WizScroll of Archangel +32651%9417
Lost TowerCursed WizScroll of Evil Spirit2391%26425
Lost TowerCursed WizHorn of Uniria1510%679937
Lost TowerCursed WizBox of Luck +71470%136752
Lost TowerCursed WizRena +31300%157649
Lost TowerCursed WizImp1060%509474
Lost TowerCursed WizScroll of Twister910%3848
Lost TowerCursed WizOrb of Summoning480%57744
Lost TowerCursed WizGuardian Angel430%757047
Lost TowerCursed WizJewel of Bless370%61310
Lost TowerCursed WizJewel of Soul260%56404
Lost TowerCursed WizJewel of Life230%42915
Lost TowerCursed WizJewel of Chaos150%27223
Lost TowerCursed WizScroll of the Emperor120%293
Lost TowerCursed WizJewel of Creation30%20831
Lost TowerDeath CowSymbol of Kundun +215183%42992
Lost TowerDeath CowOrb of Twisting Slash9432%8133
Lost TowerDeath CowPendant of Water9362%11826
Lost TowerDeath CowSerpent Spear9302%11520
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Gloves9292%7481
Lost TowerDeath CowBronze Shield9272%29816
Lost TowerDeath CowLight Plate Pants9262%7349
Lost TowerDeath CowBattle Scepter9172%29621
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Boots9162%26100
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Helm9162%29701
Lost TowerDeath CowLegendary Helm9132%7378
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Armor9112%130523
Lost TowerDeath CowDouble Blade9102%5721
Lost TowerDeath CowAdamantine Gloves9072%131284
Lost TowerDeath CowDragon Helm9062%130936
Lost TowerDeath CowDragon Gloves9052%26155
Lost TowerDeath CowLarkan Axe9042%11587
Lost TowerDeath CowGorgon Staff8972%26185
Lost TowerDeath CowGiant Sword8902%26285
Lost TowerDeath CowHelical Sword8902%74520
Lost TowerDeath CowPendant of Ability8892%7287
Lost TowerDeath CowLegendary Pants8872%30087
Lost TowerDeath CowLight Plate Mask8862%11619
Lost TowerDeath CowLegendary Boots8822%11723
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Pants8792%29816
Lost TowerDeath CowDragon Boots8782%29542
Lost TowerDeath CowDragon Pants8752%74359
Lost TowerDeath CowPlate Helm8672%11532
Lost TowerDeath CowRing of Magic8652%7781
Lost TowerDeath CowPlate Armor8642%5687
Lost TowerDeath CowBox of Luck +68612%240270
Lost TowerDeath CowLegendary Armor8592%74588
Lost TowerDeath CowLegendary Shield8592%5721
Lost TowerDeath CowGreat Scythe8502%29568
Lost TowerDeath CowSerpent Crossbow8492%5746
Lost TowerDeath CowSilver Bow8472%74563
Lost TowerDeath CowTransformation Ring +45031%2058
Lost TowerDeath CowDevils Key3271%199149
Lost TowerDeath CowBlood Bone +43231%23322
Lost TowerDeath CowScroll of Archangel +43221%23530
Lost TowerDeath CowDevils Eye3211%199705
Lost TowerDeath CowScroll of Archangel +33171%9417
Lost TowerDeath CowBox of Luck +33101%10963
Lost TowerDeath CowBlood Bone +32911%9309
Lost TowerDeath CowBox of Luck +12861%54062
Lost TowerDeath CowScroll of Twister2310%3848
Lost TowerDeath CowGuardian Angel2070%757047
Lost TowerDeath CowBox of Luck +71710%136752
Lost TowerDeath CowHorn of Uniria1620%679937
Lost TowerDeath CowRena +31520%157649
Lost TowerDeath CowImp1430%509474
Lost TowerDeath CowScroll of Evil Spirit1380%26425
Lost TowerDeath CowOrb of Summoning440%57744
Lost TowerDeath CowJewel of Bless330%61310
Lost TowerDeath CowJewel of Soul270%56404
Lost TowerDeath CowJewel of Life190%42915
Lost TowerDeath CowJewel of Chaos150%27223
Lost TowerDeath CowJewel of Creation140%20831
Lost TowerDeath CowScroll of the Emperor120%293
Lost TowerDeath CowBrass Boots10%10541
Lost TowerDeath CowSpiked Shield10%7274
Lost TowerDeath CowRing of Fire10%7228
Lost TowerDeath CowBattle Axe10%7354
Lost TowerDeath CowSerpent Sword10%7461
Lost TowerDeath CowWind Helm10%5349
Lost TowerDeath CowSilk Gloves10%1431
Lost TowerDeath CowSerpent Staff10%7164
Lost TowerDeath CowPlate Shield10%4649
Lost TowerDeath GorgSymbol of Kundun +225953%42992
Lost TowerDeath GorgOrb of Penetration25433%148821
Lost TowerDeath GorgSilver Bow23533%74563
Lost TowerDeath GorgHelical Sword23423%74520
Lost TowerDeath GorgGreat Scythe23423%29568
Lost TowerDeath GorgLegendary Armor23313%74588
Lost TowerDeath GorgDragon Helm23293%130936
Lost TowerDeath GorgBattle Scepter23113%29621
Lost TowerDeath GorgDragon Pants23113%74359
Lost TowerDeath GorgOrb of Fire Slash22993%139201
Lost TowerDeath GorgGuardian Pants22963%29816
Lost TowerDeath GorgLegendary Staff22963%137020
Lost TowerDeath GorgAdamantine Boots22933%136453
Lost TowerDeath GorgDragon Shield22863%137099
Lost TowerDeath GorgAdamantine Gloves22843%131284
Lost TowerDeath GorgOrb of Greater Fortitude22803%138522
Lost TowerDeath GorgBronze Shield22793%29816
Lost TowerDeath GorgLight Plate Armor22733%138873
Lost TowerDeath GorgDragon Boots22683%29542
Lost TowerDeath GorgBill of Balrog22503%122011
Lost TowerDeath GorgGuardian Armor22433%130523
Lost TowerDeath GorgLighting Sword22353%136691
Lost TowerDeath GorgDragon Armor22243%136838
Lost TowerDeath GorgLegendary Pants22213%30087
Lost TowerDeath GorgGuardian Helm21853%29701
Lost TowerDeath GorgBox of Luck +612432%240270
Lost TowerDeath GorgTransformation Ring +57841%392177
Lost TowerDeath GorgDevils Key5481%199149
Lost TowerDeath GorgScroll of Archangel +45091%23530
Lost TowerDeath GorgBox of Luck +35071%10963
Lost TowerDeath GorgBlood Bone +44781%23322
Lost TowerDeath GorgBox of Luck +14691%54062
Lost TowerDeath GorgDevils Eye4441%199705
Lost TowerDeath GorgScroll of Evil Spirit3600%26425
Lost TowerDeath GorgGuardian Angel2550%757047
Lost TowerDeath GorgHorn of Uniria2460%679937
Lost TowerDeath GorgBox of Luck +72380%136752
Lost TowerDeath GorgRena +32360%157649
Lost TowerDeath GorgImp1410%509474
Lost TowerDeath GorgScroll of Hellfire1170%9016
Lost TowerDeath GorgJewel of Soul680%56404
Lost TowerDeath GorgJewel of Bless480%61310
Lost TowerDeath GorgJewel of Life400%42915
Lost TowerDeath GorgJewel of Chaos330%27223
Lost TowerDeath GorgOrb of Summoning190%57744
Lost TowerDeath GorgJewel of Creation110%20831
Lost TowerDeath GorgSoul Shard of Wizard10%48
Lost TowerDeath KnigSymbol of Kundun +2250614%42992
Lost TowerDeath KnigOrb of Fire Slash210124%139201
Lost TowerDeath KnigOrb of Greater Fortitude195653%138522
Lost TowerDeath KnigAdamantine Gloves188153%131284
Lost TowerDeath KnigGuardian Pants187423%29816
Lost TowerDeath KnigLight Plate Armor186923%138873
Lost TowerDeath KnigGreat Scythe186883%29568
Lost TowerDeath KnigLegendary Staff186523%137020
Lost TowerDeath KnigAdamantine Boots186353%136453
Lost TowerDeath KnigBronze Shield186333%29816
Lost TowerDeath KnigGorgon Staff186283%26185
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Helm186173%130936
Lost TowerDeath KnigGiant Sword186143%26285
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Shield186073%137099
Lost TowerDeath KnigLegendary Pants185873%30087
Lost TowerDeath KnigHelical Sword185643%74520
Lost TowerDeath KnigGuardian Armor185573%130523
Lost TowerDeath KnigGuardian Boots185463%26100
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Boots185123%29542
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Gloves185103%26155
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Armor185093%136838
Lost TowerDeath KnigLighting Sword185023%136691
Lost TowerDeath KnigSilver Bow184593%74563
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Pants184293%74359
Lost TowerDeath KnigLegendary Armor183813%74588
Lost TowerDeath KnigBattle Scepter182793%29621
Lost TowerDeath KnigGuardian Helm182703%29701
Lost TowerDeath KnigBox of Luck +6127932%240270
Lost TowerDeath KnigTransformation Ring +576821%392177
Lost TowerDeath KnigHorn of Uniria59191%679937
Lost TowerDeath KnigImp55901%509474
Lost TowerDeath KnigBox of Luck +350741%10963
Lost TowerDeath KnigScroll of Archangel +450641%23530
Lost TowerDeath KnigDevils Eye49871%199705
Lost TowerDeath KnigDevils Key49341%199149
Lost TowerDeath KnigBlood Bone +449191%23322
Lost TowerDeath KnigBox of Luck +149161%54062
Lost TowerDeath KnigGuardian Angel32411%757047
Lost TowerDeath KnigBox of Luck +725180%136752
Lost TowerDeath KnigRena +325020%157649
Lost TowerDeath KnigScroll of Evil Spirit22960%26425
Lost TowerDeath KnigScroll of Hellfire9040%9016
Lost TowerDeath KnigJewel of Soul5100%56404
Lost TowerDeath KnigJewel of Bless4870%61310
Lost TowerDeath KnigJewel of Life3850%42915
Lost TowerDeath KnigJewel of Chaos3050%27223
Lost TowerDeath KnigJewel of Creation1340%20831
Lost TowerDeath KnigOrb of Summoning1300%57744
Lost TowerDeath KnigSoul Shard of Wizard440%48
Lost TowerDeath KnigBroken Sword210%129
Lost TowerDeath KnigTear of Elf210%22
Lost TowerDeath KnigRing of Fire120%7228
Lost TowerDeath KnigSphinx Mask110%10441
Lost TowerDeath KnigSerpent Staff110%7164
Lost TowerDeath KnigLight Crossbow100%10502
Lost TowerDeath KnigBrass Boots100%10541
Lost TowerDeath KnigElven Axe90%5544
Lost TowerDeath KnigSpiked Shield90%7274
Lost TowerDeath KnigGiant Trident90%5312
Lost TowerDeath KnigWind Boots90%5231
Lost TowerDeath KnigPendant of Ice80%32342
Lost TowerDeath KnigNikea Axe80%32035
Lost TowerDeath KnigSphinx Pants80%32437
Lost TowerDeath KnigWind Gloves80%5484
Lost TowerDeath KnigBattle Axe80%7354
Lost TowerDeath KnigBrass Helm70%37830
Lost TowerDeath KnigBerdysh70%36097
Lost TowerDeath KnigBattle Bow70%5446
Lost TowerDeath KnigSphinx Boots70%7268
Lost TowerDeath KnigSphinx Gloves70%5551
Lost TowerDeath KnigBlade60%37998
Lost TowerDeath KnigScale Helm60%5408
Lost TowerDeath KnigSerpent Sword60%7461
Lost TowerDeath KnigSword of Salamander60%10242
Lost TowerDeath KnigWind Armor50%10533
Lost TowerDeath KnigWind Pants50%7222
Lost TowerDeath KnigBrass Gloves50%10390
Lost TowerDeath KnigBrass Pants50%35852
Lost TowerDeath KnigDragon Slayer Shield40%35670
Lost TowerDeath KnigWind Helm40%5349
Lost TowerDeath KnigScale Armor30%5317
Lost TowerDeath KnigScroll of Meteorite10%797
Lost TowerDeath KnigScroll of Poison10%4284
Lost TowerDevilSymbol of Kundun +215724%42992
Lost TowerDevilOrb of Fire Slash14393%139201
Lost TowerDevilDragon Shield13523%137099
Lost TowerDevilLegendary Staff13393%137020
Lost TowerDevilDragon Armor13303%136838
Lost TowerDevilLighting Sword13233%136691
Lost TowerDevilOrb of Greater Fortitude13043%138522
Lost TowerDevilAdamantine Boots12703%136453
Lost TowerDevilBattle Scepter10873%29621
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Gloves10783%7481
Lost TowerDevilLight Plate Pants10693%7349
Lost TowerDevilGiant Sword10642%26285
Lost TowerDevilPendant of Ability10572%7287
Lost TowerDevilGorgon Staff10512%26185
Lost TowerDevilLegendary Armor10482%74588
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Pants10482%29816
Lost TowerDevilLegendary Helm10452%7378
Lost TowerDevilDragon Gloves10382%26155
Lost TowerDevilBronze Shield10352%29816
Lost TowerDevilHelical Sword10332%74520
Lost TowerDevilDragon Helm10302%130936
Lost TowerDevilDragon Pants10292%74359
Lost TowerDevilAdamantine Gloves10242%131284
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Armor10222%130523
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Helm10112%29701
Lost TowerDevilGreat Scythe10102%29568
Lost TowerDevilSilver Bow10072%74563
Lost TowerDevilLegendary Pants9862%30087
Lost TowerDevilDragon Boots9832%29542
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Boots9762%26100
Lost TowerDevilBox of Luck +68572%240270
Lost TowerDevilTransformation Ring +55341%392177
Lost TowerDevilDevils Key3601%199149
Lost TowerDevilBox of Luck +33581%10963
Lost TowerDevilBox of Luck +13511%54062
Lost TowerDevilBlood Bone +43451%23322
Lost TowerDevilDevils Eye3311%199705
Lost TowerDevilScroll of Archangel +43231%23530
Lost TowerDevilScroll of Evil Spirit2751%26425
Lost TowerDevilImp2181%509474
Lost TowerDevilBox of Luck +71960%136752
Lost TowerDevilGuardian Angel1880%757047
Lost TowerDevilHorn of Uniria1670%679937
Lost TowerDevilRena +31540%157649
Lost TowerDevilJewel of Bless350%61310
Lost TowerDevilJewel of Soul300%56404
Lost TowerDevilJewel of Life260%42915
Lost TowerDevilJewel of Chaos190%27223
Lost TowerDevilScroll of Hellfire120%9016
Lost TowerDevilJewel of Creation100%20831
Lost TowerDevilScroll of the Emperor70%293
Lost TowerDevilOrb of Summoning60%57744
Lost TowerPoison ShaSymbol of Kundun +2310%42992
Lost TowerPoison ShaPendant of Ability310%7287
Lost TowerPoison ShaPlate Pants240%31519
Lost TowerPoison ShaPlate Armor240%5687
Lost TowerPoison ShaPendant of Wind240%33525
Lost TowerPoison ShaSpirit Helm230%35021
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Plate Boots220%31376
Lost TowerPoison ShaDouble Blade220%5721
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Plate Gloves220%33654
Lost TowerPoison ShaSerpent Crossbow200%5746
Lost TowerPoison ShaSerpent Shield190%31270
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Plate Pants180%7349
Lost TowerPoison ShaSpirit Pants180%33322
Lost TowerPoison ShaTiger Bow180%34836
Lost TowerPoison ShaPendant of Water180%11826
Lost TowerPoison ShaLarkan Axe170%11587
Lost TowerPoison ShaRing of Magic170%7781
Lost TowerPoison ShaTower Shield170%35261
Lost TowerPoison ShaLegendary Boots170%11723
Lost TowerPoison ShaLegendary Sword160%31014
Lost TowerPoison ShaSerpent Spear150%11520
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Plate Mask150%11619
Lost TowerPoison ShaPlate Gloves150%33257
Lost TowerPoison ShaOrb of Twisting Slash140%8133
Lost TowerPoison ShaBox of Luck +6130%240270
Lost TowerPoison ShaSpirit Boots130%35209
Lost TowerPoison ShaPlate Helm120%11532
Lost TowerPoison ShaTransformation Ring +4120%2058
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Spear110%33331
Lost TowerPoison ShaPlate Boots110%33447
Lost TowerPoison ShaSpirit Armor110%30610
Lost TowerPoison ShaLegendary Shield110%5721
Lost TowerPoison ShaRing of Wind110%30842
Lost TowerPoison ShaLight Saber110%34812
Lost TowerPoison ShaBox of Luck +3100%10963
Lost TowerPoison ShaLegendary Helm90%7378
Lost TowerPoison ShaBox of Luck +190%54062
Lost TowerPoison ShaThunder Staff90%32932
Lost TowerPoison ShaGuardian Gloves80%7481
Lost TowerPoison ShaScroll of Archangel +380%9417
Lost TowerPoison ShaLegendary Gloves70%31067
Lost TowerPoison ShaBlood Bone +350%9309
Lost TowerPoison ShaDevils Key50%199149
Lost TowerPoison ShaGuardian Angel40%757047
Lost TowerPoison ShaDevils Eye40%199705
Lost TowerPoison ShaRena +340%157649
Lost TowerPoison ShaImp30%509474
Lost TowerPoison ShaBox of Luck +730%136752
Lost TowerPoison ShaScroll of Evil Spirit30%26425
Lost TowerPoison ShaJewel of Chaos20%27223
Lost TowerPoison ShaHorn of Uniria20%679937
Lost TowerPoison ShaJewel of Soul10%56404
Lost TowerPoison ShaScroll of Twister10%3848
Lost TowerPoison ShaScroll of Flame10%3700
Lost TowerPoison ShaJewel of Life10%42915
Lost TowerShadowSymbol of Kundun +221024%42992
Lost TowerShadowLegendary Gloves12302%31067
Lost TowerShadowSphinx Armor12262%35472
Lost TowerShadowOrb of Twisting Slash12222%8133
Lost TowerShadowLegendary Boots12212%11723
Lost TowerShadowSpirit Gloves12212%35927
Lost TowerShadowLight Saber12192%34812
Lost TowerShadowSerpent Shield12172%31270
Lost TowerShadowPlate Helm12062%11532
Lost TowerShadowPendant of Water12062%11826
Lost TowerShadowSpirit Boots12042%35209
Lost TowerShadowBrass Armor12032%35890
Lost TowerShadowTiger Bow12032%34836
Lost TowerShadowLight Plate Boots12032%31376
Lost TowerShadowLight Plate Mask12022%11619
Lost TowerShadowLegendary Sword12022%31014
Lost TowerShadowLight Spear11982%33331
Lost TowerShadowThunder Staff11982%32932
Lost TowerShadowSpirit Helm11972%35021
Lost TowerShadowSpirit Armor11922%30610
Lost TowerShadowPlate Gloves11912%33257
Lost TowerShadowTower Shield11892%35261
Lost TowerShadowSpirit Pants11882%33322
Lost TowerShadowPlate Pants11762%31519
Lost TowerShadowBerdysh11742%36097
Lost TowerShadowBlade11702%37998
Lost TowerShadowRing of Magic11702%7781
Lost TowerShadowLight Plate Gloves11692%33654
Lost TowerShadowPlate Boots11662%33447
Lost TowerShadowGreat Hammer11652%35881
Lost TowerShadowSerpent Spear11572%11520
Lost TowerShadowRing of Wind11572%30842
Lost TowerShadowRing of Earth11502%35543
Lost TowerShadowLarkan Axe11482%11587
Lost TowerShadowPendant of Wind11342%33525
Lost TowerShadowBrass Helm11242%37830
Lost TowerShadowBox of Luck +610512%240270
Lost TowerShadowTransformation Ring +35831%15432
Lost TowerShadowScroll of Archangel +34291%9417
Lost TowerShadowDevils Eye4221%199705
Lost TowerShadowBox of Luck +34151%10963
Lost TowerShadowBlood Bone +34061%9309
Lost TowerShadowBox of Luck +14001%54062
Lost TowerShadowDevils Key3801%199149
Lost TowerShadowGuardian Angel2390%757047
Lost TowerShadowBox of Luck +72360%136752
Lost TowerShadowRena +32120%157649
Lost TowerShadowImp1890%509474
Lost TowerShadowScroll of Evil Spirit1590%26425
Lost TowerShadowScroll of Flame1240%3700
Lost TowerShadowOrb of Summoning1000%57744
Lost TowerShadowHorn of Uniria760%679937
Lost TowerShadowScroll of Twister750%3848
Lost TowerShadowScroll of Poison610%4284
Lost TowerShadowJewel of Bless530%61310
Lost TowerShadowScroll of the Emperor430%293
Lost TowerShadowJewel of Life410%42915
Lost TowerShadowJewel of Soul330%56404
Lost TowerShadowJewel of Chaos210%27223
Lost TowerShadowJewel of Creation130%20831
Lost TowerShadowElven Shield20%4161
Lost TowerShadowHorn Shield20%1346
Lost TowerShadowBone Helm10%3442
Lost TowerShadowKite Shield10%1451
Lost TowerShadowElven Bow10%875
Lost TowerShadowSkull Staff10%1291
Lost TowerShadowAngelic Staff10%3609
Lost TowerShadowRing of Poison10%1025
Lost TowerShadowSilk Boots10%786
Lost TowerShadowArquebus10%4273
Lost TowerShadowBuckler10%1401
Lost TowerShadowBone Gloves10%1380
Lost TowerShadowScale Boots10%4926
Lost TowerShadowBronze Boots10%1457
Lost TowerShadowPendant of Fire10%1456
Lost TowerShadowPad Helm10%1322
ArenaAegis7Great Dragon Helm140%341555
ArenaAegis7Great Reign Crossbow140%386267
ArenaAegis7Dragon Soul Staff120%386281
ArenaAegis7Hurricane Gloves110%235643
ArenaAegis7Dark Breaker100%342121
ArenaAegis7Dark Master Pants100%1123568
ArenaAegis7Hurricane Boots100%1123073
ArenaAegis7Thunder Blade90%348277
ArenaAegis7Red Spirit Pants90%386729
ArenaAegis7Scroll of Fire Scream90%235363
ArenaAegis7Thunder Hawk Armor90%639707
ArenaAegis7Dark Soul Helm90%1124378
ArenaAegis7Red Spirit Armor80%770788
ArenaAegis7Dark Phoenix Armor60%386797
ArenaAegis7Symbol of Kundun +660%340511
ArenaAegis7Rune Blade60%384994
ArenaAegis7Dark Master Mask60%513210
ArenaAegis7Devils Eye30%199705
ArenaAegis7Rena +330%157649
ArenaAegis7Horn of Uniria30%679937
ArenaAegis7Box of Luck +330%10963
ArenaAegis7Spirit +120%418173
ArenaAegis7Spirit +010%182784
ArenaAegis7Transformation Ring +510%392177
ArenaAegis7Scroll of Nova10%39384
ArenaAegis7Scroll of Archangel +710%124171
ArenaBerserkerScroll of Summon90%257114
ArenaBerserkerGreat Reign Crossbow60%386267
ArenaBerserkerLord Scepter60%253612
ArenaBerserkerRune Blade50%384994
ArenaBerserkerDark Steel Pants40%169509
ArenaBerserkerRed Spirit Pants40%386729
ArenaBerserkerGrand Soul Armor30%163780
ArenaBerserkerGreat Dragon Boots30%253605
ArenaBerserkerDevils Key20%199149
ArenaBerserkerStaff of Destruction20%199143
ArenaBerserkerDragon Soul Staff20%386281
ArenaBerserkerDark Phoenix Armor20%386797
ArenaBerserkerThunder Hawk Pants20%220390
ArenaBerserkerElemental Mace10%199022
ArenaBerserkerThunder Hawk Gloves10%275348
ArenaBerserkerRed Spirit Boots10%261364
ArenaBerserkerDark Phoenix Helm10%163652
ArenaBerserkerCelestial Bow10%163853
ArenaBerserkerRed Spirit Helm10%166251
ArenaBerserkerScroll of Electric Spark10%173629
ArenaBerserkerTransformation Ring +510%392177
ArenaBerserkerGreat Dragon Gloves10%128394
ArenaBerserkerDark Soul Boots10%126533
ArenaBerserkerBlack Dragon Armor10%199237
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Electric Spark1590%173629
ArenaBlood SoldLord Scepter1580%253612
ArenaBlood SoldDark Steel Pants1550%169509
ArenaBlood SoldDark Phoenix Armor1510%386797
ArenaBlood SoldThunder Hawk Boots1450%169057
ArenaBlood SoldRed Spirit Pants1450%386729
ArenaBlood SoldDragon Soul Staff1440%386281
ArenaBlood SoldGrand Soul Armor1440%163780
ArenaBlood SoldDragon Spear1430%170360
ArenaBlood SoldStaff of Destruction1430%199143
ArenaBlood SoldThunder Hawk Pants1420%220390
ArenaBlood SoldDark Phoenix Helm1400%163652
ArenaBlood SoldGreat Dragon Gloves1360%128394
ArenaBlood SoldCelestial Bow1350%163853
ArenaBlood SoldDark Master Boots1340%126168
ArenaBlood SoldElemental Mace1340%199022
ArenaBlood SoldDark Phoenix Boots1340%166255
ArenaBlood SoldSymbol of Kundun +61330%340511
ArenaBlood SoldGreat Reign Crossbow1320%386267
ArenaBlood SoldHoly Spirit Armor1310%164549
ArenaBlood SoldBlack Dragon Armor1300%199237
ArenaBlood SoldDark Phoenix Pants1290%117569
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Summon1290%257114
ArenaBlood SoldDark Soul Boots1280%126533
ArenaBlood SoldRed Spirit Helm1260%166251
ArenaBlood SoldGreat Dragon Boots1220%253605
ArenaBlood SoldRune Blade1180%384994
ArenaBlood SoldDark Steel Armor1120%117377
ArenaBlood SoldSpirit +1790%418173
ArenaBlood SoldHorn of Uniria440%679937
ArenaBlood SoldTransformation Ring +5400%392177
ArenaBlood SoldDevils Eye370%199705
ArenaBlood SoldBlood Bone +7340%124309
ArenaBlood SoldBox of Luck +3310%10963
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Archangel +7290%124171
ArenaBlood SoldDevils Key230%199149
ArenaBlood SoldBox of Luck +7140%136752
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Teleport Ally120%19451
ArenaBlood SoldRena +3110%157649
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Decay70%22624
ArenaBlood SoldJewel of Soul50%56404
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Ice Storm40%16761
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Nova40%39384
ArenaBlood SoldAdamantine Mask30%146516
ArenaBlood SoldStorm Crow Pants30%169050
ArenaBlood SoldStaff of Resurrection20%112595
ArenaBlood SoldJewel of Creation20%20831
ArenaBlood SoldPet Rudolph20%13837
ArenaBlood SoldJewel of Life20%42915
ArenaBlood SoldJewel of Chaos10%27223
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Hellfire10%9016
ArenaBlood SoldElemental Shield10%146377
ArenaBlood SoldMaster Scepter10%129097
ArenaBlood SoldOrb of Summoning10%57744
ArenaBlood SoldScroll of Inferno10%16758
ArenaBlood SoldJewel of Bless10%61310
ArenaBlood SoldAdamantine Pants10%113221
ArenaChief SkelScroll of Summon20%257114
ArenaChief SkelDevils Key20%199149
ArenaChief SkelRune Blade20%384994
ArenaChief SkelScroll of Fire Scream20%235363
ArenaChief SkelDark Breaker20%342121
ArenaChief SkelDragon Soul Staff10%386281
ArenaChief SkelThunder Hawk Pants10%220390
ArenaChief SkelGreat Reign Crossbow10%386267
ArenaChief SkelDark Soul Boots10%126533
ArenaChief SkelDark Master Mask10%513210
ArenaChief SkelDark Phoenix Pants10%117569
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of FireBurst6620%172596
ArenaDeath AngeOrb of Death Stab6390%115636
ArenaDeath AngeMaster Scepter6030%129097
ArenaDeath AngeBill of Balrog5950%122011
ArenaDeath AngeAquagold Crossbow5920%129979
ArenaDeath AngeStaff of Resurrection5920%112595
ArenaDeath AngeGrand Soul Gloves5840%101780
ArenaDeath AngeAdamantine Mask5810%146516
ArenaDeath AngeStorm Crow Pants5810%169050
ArenaDeath AngeHoly Spirit Gloves5740%115842
ArenaDeath AngeElemental Shield5650%146377
ArenaDeath AngeCrystal Morning Star5650%146313
ArenaDeath AngeBluewing Crossbow5620%155408
ArenaDeath AngeCrystal Sword5550%129726
ArenaDeath AngeAdamantine Pants5510%113221
ArenaDeath AngeGrand Soul Shield5490%168803
ArenaDeath AngeOrb of Penetration5440%148821
ArenaDeath AngeStorm Crow Gloves5360%113032
ArenaDeath AngeStorm Crow Boots5290%129371
ArenaDeath AngeSymbol of Kundun +33950%117836
ArenaDeath AngeTransformation Ring +51300%392177
ArenaDeath AngeHorn of Uniria1200%679937
ArenaDeath AngeDark Master Armor1030%1128694
ArenaDeath AngeGuardian Angel1020%757047
ArenaDeath AngeGreat Dragon Pants1000%1116594
ArenaDeath AngeDark Soul Helm910%1124378
ArenaDeath AngeHurricane Boots890%1123073
ArenaDeath AngeDark Soul Pants860%1129043
ArenaDeath AngeBox of Luck +3860%10963
ArenaDeath AngeDevils Key830%199149
ArenaDeath AngeBlood Bone +5800%15095
ArenaDeath AngeDevils Eye780%199705
ArenaDeath AngeDark Master Pants780%1123568
ArenaDeath AngeBox of Luck +1720%54062
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of Archangel +5680%14888
ArenaDeath AngeRena +3430%157649
ArenaDeath AngeRed Spirit Armor410%770788
ArenaDeath AngeBox of Luck +7360%136752
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of Aqua Beam340%17570
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of Evil Spirit310%26425
ArenaDeath AngeImp280%509474
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of Hellfire270%9016
ArenaDeath AngeSymbol of Kundun +7210%543835
ArenaDeath AngeThunder Hawk Armor200%639707
ArenaDeath AngeJewel of Bless150%61310
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit +1150%418173
ArenaDeath AngeJewel of Soul110%56404
ArenaDeath AngeJewel of Life90%42915
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit +090%182784
ArenaDeath AngeJewel of Chaos60%27223
ArenaDeath AngeJewel of Creation40%20831
ArenaDeath AngeBrass Armor30%35890
ArenaDeath AngeLarkan Axe30%11587
ArenaDeath AngeThunder Hawk Pants30%220390
ArenaDeath AngeDark Phoenix Pants30%117569
ArenaDeath AngeDark Phoenix Boots20%166255
ArenaDeath AngeDark Master Boots20%126168
ArenaDeath AngeLegendary Gloves20%31067
ArenaDeath AngeDouble Blade20%5721
ArenaDeath AngeTiger Bow20%34836
ArenaDeath AngeGreat Reign Crossbow20%386267
ArenaDeath AngeHurricane Gloves10%235643
ArenaDeath AngeRune Blade10%384994
ArenaDeath AngeRed Spirit Pants10%386729
ArenaDeath AngeDark Steel Pants10%169509
ArenaDeath AngeDark Steel Armor10%117377
ArenaDeath AngeScroll of Archangel +710%124171
ArenaDeath AngePendant of Wind10%33525
ArenaDeath AngeRing of Magic10%7781
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit Armor10%30610
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit Boots10%35209
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit Pants10%33322
ArenaDeath AngeSpirit Gloves10%35927
ArenaDeath AngeSphinx Armor10%35472
ArenaDeath AngeThunder Hawk Gloves10%275348
ArenaDeath AngePlate Armor10%5687
ArenaDeath AngePlate Pants10%31519
ArenaDeath AngePlate Gloves10%33257
ArenaDeath AngeGreat Dragon Gloves10%128394
ArenaDeath AngeDark Breaker10%342121
ArenaDeath AngeHoly Spirit Armor10%164549
ArenaDeath AngeGreat Dragon Helm10%341555
ArenaDeath CentHurricane Armor21510%2010726
ArenaDeath CentGreat Dragon Armor14570%1522585
ArenaDeath CentHurricane Pants14140%1371261
ArenaDeath CentDark Soul Armor13590%1372053
ArenaDeath CentHorn of Uniria7500%679937
ArenaDeath CentSymbol of Kundun +72250%543835
ArenaDeath CentSpirit +11220%418173
ArenaDeath CentHoly Spirit Boots820%189284
ArenaDeath CentOrb of Death Stab800%115636
ArenaDeath CentCrystal Sword800%129726
ArenaDeath CentTransformation Ring +5800%392177
ArenaDeath CentScroll of FireBurst780%172596
ArenaDeath CentOrb of Ice Arrow780%189255
ArenaDeath CentStorm Crow Armor760%227934
ArenaDeath CentSword of Destruction750%265757
ArenaDeath CentGrand Soul Helm750%188216
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Critical Damage750%266565
ArenaDeath CentDark Steel Gloves740%174899
ArenaDeath CentGreat Scepter740%265287
ArenaDeath CentGrand Soul Shield730%168803
ArenaDeath CentMaster Scepter730%129097
ArenaDeath CentGrand Soul Boots730%144339
ArenaDeath CentBox of Luck +3720%10963
ArenaDeath CentBlack Dragon Helm710%264533
ArenaDeath CentBlack Dragon Gloves710%161705
ArenaDeath CentOrb of Rageful Blow700%244317
ArenaDeath CentDark Steel Boots680%244667
ArenaDeath CentBlack Dragon Boots680%259966
ArenaDeath CentStorm Crow Boots680%129371
ArenaDeath CentStorm Crow Pants660%169050
ArenaDeath CentAdamantine Armor660%258861
ArenaDeath CentAquagold Crossbow660%129979
ArenaDeath CentHoly Spirit Gloves650%115842
ArenaDeath CentSymbol of Kundun +4590%82503
ArenaDeath CentSpirit +0560%182784
ArenaDeath CentRena +3340%157649
ArenaDeath CentBox of Luck +7330%136752
ArenaDeath CentImp270%509474
ArenaDeath CentDevils Key150%199149
ArenaDeath CentGuardian Angel150%757047
ArenaDeath CentDevils Eye140%199705
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Archangel +6110%20172
ArenaDeath CentBlood Bone +6100%20311
ArenaDeath CentJewel of Bless90%61310
ArenaDeath CentJewel of Creation70%20831
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Teleport Ally70%19451
ArenaDeath CentJewel of Life60%42915
ArenaDeath CentJewel of Soul60%56404
ArenaDeath CentJewel of Chaos50%27223
ArenaDeath CentPet Rudolph40%13837
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Aqua Beam40%17570
ArenaDeath CentDark Steel Pants40%169509
ArenaDeath CentThunder Hawk Boots30%169057
ArenaDeath CentDark Master Gloves30%188400
ArenaDeath CentBlack Dragon Armor30%199237
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Electric Spark20%173629
ArenaDeath CentRed Spirit Armor20%770788
ArenaDeath CentDark Phoenix Gloves20%236326
ArenaDeath CentDark Breaker20%342121
ArenaDeath CentCelestial Bow20%163853
ArenaDeath CentDark Soul Helm20%1124378
ArenaDeath CentOrb of Summoning20%57744
ArenaDeath CentLegendary Shield10%5721
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Cometfall10%13899
ArenaDeath CentHoly Spirit Armor10%164549
ArenaDeath CentGreat Dragon Boots10%253605
ArenaDeath CentGreat Dragon Pants10%1116594
ArenaDeath CentDark Master Pants10%1123568
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Archangel +710%124171
ArenaDeath CentDark Master Boots10%126168
ArenaDeath CentGuardian Pants10%29816
ArenaDeath CentScroll of Decay10%22624
ArenaDeath CentElemental Mace10%199022
ArenaDeath CentDragon Pants10%74359
ArenaDeath CentDark Phoenix Armor10%386797
ArenaDeath CentLord Scepter10%253612
ArenaDeath CentGreat Reign Crossbow10%386267
ArenaDeath CentDark Phoenix Boots10%166255
ArenaDeath CentSymbol of Kundun +610%340511
ArenaDeath CentRune Blade10%384994
ArenaDeath CentDark Master Mask10%513210
ArenaDeath CentGuardian Gloves10%7481
ArenaDeath CentDark Phoenix Helm10%163652
ArenaDeath CentThunder Hawk Gloves10%275348
ArenaDeath CentHoly Spirit Pants10%269652
ArenaDeath CentGreat Dragon Gloves10%128394
ArenaDeath CowSymbol of Kundun +2380%42992
ArenaDeath CowGorgon Staff300%26185
ArenaDeath CowGuardian Armor300%130523
ArenaDeath CowHorn of Uniria300%679937
ArenaDeath CowPendant of Ability290%7287
ArenaDeath CowDragon Helm290%130936
ArenaDeath CowLegendary Armor270%74588
ArenaDeath CowGuardian Boots260%26100
ArenaDeath CowBattle Scepter260%29621
ArenaDeath CowLegendary Pants260%30087
ArenaDeath CowGuardian Pants260%29816
ArenaDeath CowDragon Gloves250%26155
ArenaDeath CowPlate Helm250%11532
ArenaDeath CowRing of Magic250%7781
ArenaDeath CowLegendary Helm240%7378
ArenaDeath CowGiant Sword240%26285
ArenaDeath CowAdamantine Gloves240%131284
ArenaDeath CowSerpent Crossbow240%5746
ArenaDeath CowHelical Sword240%74520
ArenaDeath CowOrb of Twisting Slash230%8133
ArenaDeath CowLarkan Axe230%11587
ArenaDeath CowPendant of Water230%11826
ArenaDeath CowSerpent Spear220%11520
ArenaDeath CowLight Plate Pants220%7349
ArenaDeath CowGreat Scythe210%29568
ArenaDeath CowGuardian Gloves200%7481
ArenaDeath CowDouble Blade190%5721
ArenaDeath CowBronze Shield190%29816
ArenaDeath CowLight Plate Mask190%11619
ArenaDeath CowPlate Armor190%5687
ArenaDeath CowImp180%509474
ArenaDeath CowSilver Bow180%74563
ArenaDeath CowDragon Pants180%74359
ArenaDeath CowLegendary Shield160%5721
ArenaDeath CowLegendary Boots160%11723
ArenaDeath CowBox of Luck +3150%10963
ArenaDeath CowGuardian Helm150%29701
ArenaDeath CowDragon Boots140%29542
ArenaDeath CowTransformation Ring +4140%2058
ArenaDeath CowScroll of Archangel +4140%23530
ArenaDeath CowDevils Key110%199149
ArenaDeath CowBlood Bone +4100%23322
ArenaDeath CowScroll of Archangel +3100%9417
ArenaDeath CowDevils Eye80%199705
ArenaDeath CowBlood Bone +380%9309
ArenaDeath CowBox of Luck +180%54062
ArenaDeath CowOrb of Summoning50%57744
ArenaDeath CowScroll of Twister50%3848
ArenaDeath CowRena +330%157649
ArenaDeath CowJewel of Soul20%56404
ArenaDeath CowScale Gloves20%4773
ArenaDeath CowScroll of Evil Spirit10%26425
ArenaDeath CowBox of Luck +710%136752
ArenaDeath CowJewel of Bless10%61310
ArenaDeath CowJewel of Life10%42915
ArenaDeath CowJewel of Chaos10%27223
ArenaDeath CowSpiked Shield10%7274
ArenaDeath CowJewel of Creation10%20831
ArenaDrakanGrand Soul Boots70%144339
ArenaDrakanBlack Dragon Pants70%254444
ArenaDrakanAdamantine Armor70%258861
ArenaDrakanGreat Scepter60%265287
ArenaDrakanDark Phoenix Gloves60%236326
ArenaDrakanHoly Spirit Helm60%241941
ArenaDrakanOrb of Ice Arrow60%189255
ArenaDrakanBlack Dragon Gloves60%161705
ArenaDrakanStorm Crow Armor50%227934
ArenaDrakanGrand Soul Helm50%188216
ArenaDrakanSword of Destruction50%265757
ArenaDrakanSaint Crossbow40%253341
ArenaDrakanDark Steel Mask40%241825
ArenaDrakanDark Steel Gloves40%174899
ArenaDrakanRed Spirit Gloves30%253267
ArenaDrakanBlack Dragon Boots30%259966
ArenaDrakanGrand Soul Pants30%235976
ArenaDrakanScroll of Critical Damage20%266565
ArenaDrakanScroll of Soul Barrier20%12448
ArenaDrakanSymbol of Kundun +520%136323
ArenaDrakanOrb of Rageful Blow20%244317
ArenaDrakanScroll of Archangel +720%124171
ArenaDrakanBlack Dragon Helm20%264533
ArenaDrakanDevils Eye10%199705
ArenaDrakanHoly Spirit Boots10%189284
ArenaDrakanDevils Key10%199149
ArenaDrakanDark Steel Boots10%244667
ArenaDrakanHorn of Uniria10%679937
ArenaDrakanScroll of Cometfall10%13899
ArenaGenociderGreat Dragon Helm4170%341555
ArenaGenociderDark Breaker4050%342121
ArenaGenociderRed Spirit Pants3970%386729
ArenaGenociderThunder Blade3950%348277
ArenaGenociderLord Scepter3860%253612
ArenaGenociderGreat Reign Crossbow3830%386267
ArenaGenociderScroll of Summon3720%257114
ArenaGenociderDark Steel Armor3720%117377
ArenaGenociderDragon Soul Staff3670%386281
ArenaGenociderDark Master Boots3590%126168
ArenaGenociderDark Soul Boots3570%126533
ArenaGenociderGreat Dragon Boots3550%253605
ArenaGenociderThunder Hawk Pants3510%220390
ArenaGenociderScroll of Fire Scream3510%235363
ArenaGenociderRune Blade3500%384994
ArenaGenociderHurricane Gloves3480%235643
ArenaGenociderDark Phoenix Armor3360%386797
ArenaGenociderGreat Dragon Gloves3350%128394
ArenaGenociderDark Phoenix Pants3270%117569
ArenaGenociderSymbol of Kundun +62900%340511
ArenaGenociderSpirit +11500%418173
ArenaGenociderDragon Spear1160%170360
ArenaGenociderDark Steel Pants1150%169509
ArenaGenociderThunder Hawk Boots1140%169057
ArenaGenociderScroll of Electric Spark1130%173629
ArenaGenociderCelestial Bow1100%163853
ArenaGenociderGrand Soul Armor1100%163780
ArenaGenociderHoly Spirit Armor1030%164549
ArenaGenociderDark Phoenix Boots980%166255
ArenaGenociderDark Phoenix Helm940%163652
ArenaGenociderRed Spirit Helm900%166251
ArenaGenociderTransformation Ring +5740%392177
ArenaGenociderBlood Bone +7740%124309
ArenaGenociderSpirit +0620%182784
ArenaGenociderHorn of Uniria620%679937
ArenaGenociderGuardian Angel520%757047
ArenaGenociderDevils Key510%199149
ArenaGenociderDevils Eye510%199705
ArenaGenociderBox of Luck +3460%10963
ArenaGenociderScroll of Archangel +7410%124171
ArenaGenociderRena +3370%157649
ArenaGenociderBox of Luck +7350%136752
ArenaGenociderScroll of Decay320%22624
ArenaGenociderScroll of Inferno200%16758
ArenaGenociderScroll of Nova140%39384
ArenaGenociderScroll of Ice Storm90%16761
ArenaGenociderJewel of Bless80%61310
ArenaGenociderJewel of Life70%42915
ArenaGenociderJewel of Chaos70%27223
ArenaGenociderJewel of Soul50%56404
ArenaGenociderOrb of Rageful Blow40%244317
ArenaGenociderOrb of Death Stab20%115636
ArenaGenociderStorm Crow Pants20%169050
ArenaGenociderBlack Dragon Boots20%259966
ArenaGenociderStorm Crow Boots20%129371
ArenaGenociderPet Rudolph20%13837
ArenaGenociderStorm Crow Gloves20%113032
ArenaGenociderJewel of Creation20%20831
ArenaGenociderMaster Scepter10%129097
ArenaGenociderGrand Soul Boots10%144339
ArenaGenociderStaff of Resurrection10%112595
ArenaGenociderBlack Dragon Gloves10%161705
ArenaGenociderGrand Soul Gloves10%101780
ArenaGenociderStorm Crow Armor10%227934
ArenaGenociderAdamantine Pants10%113221
ArenaNecron5Great Scepter70%265287
ArenaNecron5Dark Steel Pants60%169509
ArenaNecron5Dragon Spear40%170360
ArenaNecron5Thunder Hawk Gloves40%275348
ArenaNecron5Saint Crossbow30%253341
ArenaNecron5Dark Phoenix Gloves30%236326
ArenaNecron5Celestial Bow30%163853
ArenaNecron5Dark Phoenix Boots30%166255
ArenaNecron5Grand Soul Armor30%163780
ArenaNecron5Dark Steel Boots30%244667
ArenaNecron5Holy Spirit Helm30%241941
ArenaNecron5Dark Master Gloves30%188400
ArenaNecron5Sword of Destruction30%265757
ArenaNecron5Red Spirit Helm20%166251
ArenaNecron5Elemental Mace20%199022
ArenaNecron5Red Spirit Boots20%261364
ArenaNecron5Staff of Destruction20%199143
ArenaNecron5Scroll of Critical Damage20%266565
ArenaNecron5Scroll of Electric Spark20%173629
ArenaNecron5Black Dragon Helm20%264533
ArenaNecron5Transformation Ring +520%392177
ArenaNecron5Dark Steel Mask20%241825
ArenaNecron5Devils Eye20%199705
ArenaNecron5Red Spirit Gloves20%253267
ArenaNecron5Dark Phoenix Helm20%163652
ArenaNecron5Holy Spirit Pants20%269652
ArenaNecron5Thunder Hawk Boots20%169057
ArenaNecron5Black Dragon Armor20%199237
ArenaNecron5Scroll of Archangel +710%124171
ArenaNecron5Symbol of Kundun +610%340511
ArenaNecron5Box of Luck +710%136752
ArenaNecron5Box of Luck +310%10963
ArenaNecron5Black Dragon Pants10%254444
ArenaNecron5Grand Soul Pants10%235976
ArenaNecron5Blood Bone +710%124309
ArenaNecron5Holy Spirit Armor10%164549
ArenaNecron6Hurricane Gloves930%235643
ArenaNecron6Thunder Blade920%348277
ArenaNecron6Red Spirit Pants840%386729
ArenaNecron6Red Spirit Armor800%770788
ArenaNecron6Rune Blade790%384994
ArenaNecron6Thunder Hawk Armor790%639707
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Summon780%257114
ArenaNecron6Dragon Soul Staff780%386281
ArenaNecron6Dark Breaker740%342121
ArenaNecron6Lord Scepter730%253612
ArenaNecron6Dark Phoenix Armor720%386797
ArenaNecron6Thunder Hawk Pants660%220390
ArenaNecron6Great Reign Crossbow650%386267
ArenaNecron6Dark Master Mask650%513210
ArenaNecron6Great Dragon Helm650%341555
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Fire Scream620%235363
ArenaNecron6Symbol of Kundun +6580%340511
ArenaNecron6Great Dragon Boots560%253605
ArenaNecron6Horn of Uniria190%679937
ArenaNecron6Spirit +1170%418173
ArenaNecron6Transformation Ring +5150%392177
ArenaNecron6Devils Key120%199149
ArenaNecron6Blood Bone +7100%124309
ArenaNecron6Devils Eye100%199705
ArenaNecron6Rena +360%157649
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Archangel +760%124171
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Decay60%22624
ArenaNecron6Spirit +050%182784
ArenaNecron6Box of Luck +350%10963
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Nova30%39384
ArenaNecron6Jewel of Chaos20%27223
ArenaNecron6Jewel of Soul20%56404
ArenaNecron6Scroll of Ice Storm10%16761
ArenaNecron6Orb of Summoning10%57744
ArenaNecron6Storm Crow Armor10%227934
ArenaNecron6Jewel of Creation10%20831
ArenaNecron6Pet Rudolph10%13837
ArenaNecron7Dark Master Armor420%1128694
ArenaNecron7Dark Soul Pants350%1129043
ArenaNecron7Hurricane Pants280%1371261
ArenaNecron7Dark Soul Armor250%1372053
ArenaNecron7Great Dragon Pants180%1116594
ArenaNecron7Horn of Uniria120%679937
ArenaNecron7Spirit +150%418173
ArenaNecron7Rena +340%157649
ArenaNecron7Symbol of Kundun +740%543835
ArenaNecron7Orb of Summoning30%57744
ArenaNecron7Transformation Ring +520%392177
ArenaNecron7Lord Scepter10%253612
ArenaNecron7Jewel of Creation10%20831
ArenaNecron7Box of Luck +310%10963
ArenaRogue CentThunder Blade90%348277
ArenaRogue CentDark Breaker60%342121
ArenaRogue CentThunder Hawk Armor60%639707
ArenaRogue CentGreat Dragon Helm50%341555
ArenaRogue CentScroll of Fire Scream30%235363
ArenaRogue CentDark Soul Helm30%1124378
ArenaRogue CentRed Spirit Armor30%770788
ArenaRogue CentSpirit +120%418173
ArenaRogue CentDark Master Mask20%513210
ArenaRogue CentRune Blade20%384994
ArenaRogue CentDark Master Pants20%1123568
ArenaRogue CentGreat Dragon Pants20%1116594
ArenaRogue CentHurricane Gloves20%235643
ArenaRogue CentScroll of Decay10%22624
ArenaRogue CentHurricane Boots10%1123073
ArenaRogue CentDark Phoenix Armor10%386797
ArenaRogue CentDevils Key10%199149
ArenaSchriker4Grand Soul Pants120%235976
ArenaSchriker4Great Scepter60%265287
ArenaSchriker4Black Dragon Helm50%264533
ArenaSchriker4Dark Steel Mask50%241825
ArenaSchriker4Adamantine Armor50%258861
ArenaSchriker4Grand Soul Helm50%188216
ArenaSchriker4Holy Spirit Boots50%189284
ArenaSchriker4Black Dragon Boots50%259966
ArenaSchriker4Orb of Rageful Blow50%244317
ArenaSchriker4Orb of Ice Arrow40%189255
ArenaSchriker4Red Spirit Gloves40%253267
ArenaSchriker4Dark Steel Boots40%244667
ArenaSchriker4Red Spirit Boots40%261364
ArenaSchriker4Symbol of Kundun +540%136323
ArenaSchriker4Holy Spirit Pants30%269652
ArenaSchriker4Thunder Hawk Gloves30%275348
ArenaSchriker4Holy Spirit Helm30%241941
ArenaSchriker4Dark Phoenix Gloves30%236326
ArenaSchriker4Transformation Ring +520%392177
ArenaSchriker4Sword of Destruction20%265757
ArenaSchriker4Dark Soul Gloves20%261417
ArenaSchriker4Storm Crow Armor20%227934
ArenaSchriker4Devils Key10%199149
ArenaSchriker4Devils Eye10%199705
ArenaSchriker4Horn of Uniria10%679937
ArenaSchriker4Storm Crow Pants10%169050
ArenaSchriker4Blood Bone +710%124309
ArenaSchriker4Scroll of Critical Damage10%266565
ArenaSchriker4Black Dragon Pants10%254444
ArenaSchriker7Hurricane Armor299341%2010726
ArenaSchriker7Arrow Viper Bow298231%551273
ArenaSchriker7Great Dragon Armor298071%1522585
ArenaSchriker7Dark Soul Armor75720%1372053
ArenaSchriker7Hurricane Pants74850%1371261
ArenaSchriker7Horn of Uniria70470%679937
ArenaSchriker7Symbol of Kundun +738480%543835
ArenaSchriker7Guardian Angel29460%757047
ArenaSchriker7Spirit +120290%418173
ArenaSchriker7Transformation Ring +512250%392177
ArenaSchriker7Spirit +09830%182784
ArenaSchriker7Box of Luck +37770%10963
ArenaSchriker7Rena +35100%157649
ArenaSchriker7Box of Luck +74370%136752
ArenaSchriker7Orb of Summoning4090%57744
ArenaSchriker7Jewel of Life1220%42915
ArenaSchriker7Jewel of Bless1190%61310
ArenaSchriker7Jewel of Soul1150%56404
ArenaSchriker7Jewel of Creation880%20831
ArenaSchriker7Jewel of Chaos710%27223
ArenaSchriker7Pet Rudolph480%13837
ArenaSchriker7Dark Soul Helm340%1124378
ArenaSchriker7Hurricane Boots320%1123073
ArenaSchriker7Dark Master Pants280%1123568
ArenaSchriker7Red Spirit Armor270%770788
ArenaSchriker7Thunder Hawk Armor60%639707
ArenaSchriker7Great Reign Crossbow60%386267
ArenaSchriker7Great Dragon Helm60%341555
ArenaSchriker7Thunder Hawk Pants60%220390
ArenaSchriker7Dark Phoenix Armor50%386797
ArenaSchriker7Red Spirit Pants50%386729
ArenaSchriker7Dark Master Mask40%513210
ArenaSchriker7Rune Blade30%384994
ArenaSchriker7Thunder Blade30%348277
ArenaSchriker7Hurricane Gloves30%235643
ArenaSchriker7Dragon Soul Staff30%386281
ArenaSchriker7Scroll of Ice Storm20%16761
ArenaSchriker7Dark Breaker20%342121
ArenaSchriker7Scroll of Decay10%22624
ArenaSchriker7Scroll of Fire Scream10%235363
AtlansAegis7Red Spirit Pants941453%386729
AtlansAegis7Dragon Soul Staff940673%386281
AtlansAegis7Dark Phoenix Armor940303%386797
AtlansAegis7Red Spirit Armor938983%770788
AtlansAegis7Hurricane Gloves938453%235643
AtlansAegis7Great Reign Crossbow938033%386267
AtlansAegis7Dark Breaker937453%342121
AtlansAegis7Thunder Hawk Armor936853%639707
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Fire Scream935503%235363
AtlansAegis7Hurricane Boots935393%1123073
AtlansAegis7Dark Master Mask935293%513210
AtlansAegis7Dark Master Pants934773%1123568
AtlansAegis7Rune Blade934153%384994
AtlansAegis7Thunder Blade933563%348277
AtlansAegis7Great Dragon Helm933003%341555
AtlansAegis7Dark Soul Helm932043%1124378
AtlansAegis7Symbol of Kundun +6626392%340511
AtlansAegis7Box of Luck +6314951%240270
AtlansAegis7Spirit +1307271%418173
AtlansAegis7Horn of Uniria215191%679937
AtlansAegis7Transformation Ring +5190561%392177
AtlansAegis7Spirit +0155621%182784
AtlansAegis7Guardian Angel146270%757047
AtlansAegis7Blood Bone +7123210%124309
AtlansAegis7Devils Eye123100%199705
AtlansAegis7Devils Key121190%199149
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Archangel +7120060%124171
AtlansAegis7Rena +376870%157649
AtlansAegis7Box of Luck +761470%136752
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Nova49590%39384
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Decay49410%22624
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Ice Storm39240%16761
AtlansAegis7Jewel of Bless19120%61310
AtlansAegis7Jewel of Soul18890%56404
AtlansAegis7Jewel of Life14720%42915
AtlansAegis7Orb of Summoning13570%57744
AtlansAegis7Jewel of Chaos10900%27223
AtlansAegis7Pet Rudolph8810%13837
AtlansAegis7Jewel of Creation4960%20831
AtlansAegis7Great Scepter290%265287
AtlansAegis7Orb of Rageful Blow290%244317
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Critical Damage260%266565
AtlansAegis7Dark Steel Gloves260%174899
AtlansAegis7Sword of Destruction260%265757
AtlansAegis7Grand Soul Pants250%235976
AtlansAegis7Black Dragon Pants250%254444
AtlansAegis7Red Spirit Gloves240%253267
AtlansAegis7Black Dragon Gloves240%161705
AtlansAegis7Holy Spirit Boots230%189284
AtlansAegis7Saint Crossbow230%253341
AtlansAegis7Dark Phoenix Gloves220%236326
AtlansAegis7Dark Steel Boots220%244667
AtlansAegis7Black Dragon Helm220%264533
AtlansAegis7Black Dragon Boots220%259966
AtlansAegis7Holy Spirit Helm210%241941
AtlansAegis7Orb of Ice Arrow210%189255
AtlansAegis7Storm Crow Armor200%227934
AtlansAegis7Grand Soul Helm200%188216
AtlansAegis7Adamantine Armor190%258861
AtlansAegis7Grand Soul Boots180%144339
AtlansAegis7Dark Steel Mask170%241825
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Aqua Beam30%17570
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Teleport Ally30%19451
AtlansAegis7Scroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
AtlansBahamutSymbol of Kundun +149544%57725
AtlansBahamutPlate Boots34203%33447
AtlansBahamutRing of Earth34113%35543
AtlansBahamutPendant of Wind34043%33525
AtlansBahamutNikea Axe33943%32035
AtlansBahamutSpirit Boots33943%35209
AtlansBahamutBrass Helm33753%37830
AtlansBahamutBrass Boots33643%10541
AtlansBahamutTower Shield33613%35261
AtlansBahamutSphinx Pants33533%32437
AtlansBahamutGreat Hammer33473%35881
AtlansBahamutLight Saber33413%34812
AtlansBahamutLight Plate Gloves33353%33654
AtlansBahamutSpirit Gloves33313%35927
AtlansBahamutWind Armor33303%10533
AtlansBahamutLight Spear33223%33331
AtlansBahamutBrass Pants33213%35852
AtlansBahamutSpirit Helm33123%35021
AtlansBahamutBrass Armor33113%35890
AtlansBahamutPendant of Ice33113%32342
AtlansBahamutSword of Salamander33113%10242
AtlansBahamutBrass Gloves33063%10390
AtlansBahamutLight Crossbow32913%10502
AtlansBahamutThunder Staff32893%32932
AtlansBahamutDragon Slayer Shield32883%35670
AtlansBahamutSphinx Armor32743%35472
AtlansBahamutSphinx Mask32533%10441
AtlansBahamutSpirit Pants32473%33322
AtlansBahamutPlate Gloves32243%33257
AtlansBahamutTiger Bow31763%34836
AtlansBahamutBox of Luck +625272%240270
AtlansBahamutTransformation Ring +314091%15432
AtlansBahamutScroll of Archangel +29821%9980
AtlansBahamutDevils Key9801%199149
AtlansBahamutBox of Luck +19681%54062
AtlansBahamutBlood Bone +29231%9558
AtlansBahamutDevils Eye9011%199705
AtlansBahamutHorn of Uniria8991%679937
AtlansBahamutBox of Luck +74810%136752
AtlansBahamutRena +34650%157649
AtlansBahamutScroll of Poison4370%4284
AtlansBahamutGuardian Angel3590%757047
AtlansBahamutScroll of Ice3190%1144
AtlansBahamutScroll of Flame1730%3700
AtlansBahamutJewel of Bless1000%61310
AtlansBahamutJewel of Soul940%56404
AtlansBahamutScroll of Twister940%3848
AtlansBahamutJewel of Life840%42915
AtlansBahamutJewel of Chaos660%27223
AtlansBahamutJewel of Creation290%20831
AtlansBahamutOrb of Summoning230%57744
AtlansBahamutPad Boots30%1541
AtlansBahamutVine Pants20%1339
AtlansBahamutDouble Axe20%1392
AtlansBahamutLeather Helm20%1374
AtlansBahamutPad Helm10%1322
AtlansBahamutSilk Pants10%3472
AtlansBahamutSkull Staff10%1291
AtlansBahamutPad Pants10%1367
AtlansBahamutBronze Helm10%915
AtlansBahamutKite Shield10%1451
AtlansBahamutLeather Pants10%1399
AtlansBahamutElven Bow10%875
AtlansBahamutOrb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
AtlansBahamutVine Boots10%1348
AtlansBahamutShort Bow10%2716
AtlansBahamutLeather Armor10%1453
AtlansBahamutBone Boots10%957
AtlansBahamutRing of Poison10%1025
AtlansBahamutAngelic Staff10%3609
AtlansBahamutVine Gloves10%1516
AtlansBahamutGolden Crossbow10%1458
AtlansBahamutLarge Round Shield10%3577
AtlansBahamutBronze Gloves10%1484
AtlansBahamutSword of Assassin10%1457
AtlansBahamutBronze Pants10%810
AtlansBlood SoldHurricane Boots1303015%1123073
AtlansBlood SoldDark Soul Helm1302775%1124378
AtlansBlood SoldRed Spirit Armor1301995%770788
AtlansBlood SoldGreat Dragon Pants1301435%1116594
AtlansBlood SoldDark Master Mask1300885%513210
AtlansBlood SoldThunder Hawk Armor1300625%639707
AtlansBlood SoldDark Master Armor1298615%1128694
AtlansBlood SoldDark Soul Pants1298605%1129043
AtlansBlood SoldDark Master Pants1298325%1123568
AtlansBlood SoldSymbol of Kundun +7538722%543835
AtlansBlood SoldBox of Luck +6271081%240270
AtlansBlood SoldSpirit +1265581%418173
AtlansBlood SoldHorn of Uniria202291%679937
AtlansBlood SoldImp177061%509474
AtlansBlood SoldGuardian Angel172631%757047
AtlansBlood SoldGreat Dragon Helm163621%341555
AtlansBlood SoldDark Breaker163221%342121
AtlansBlood SoldTransformation Ring +5161921%392177
AtlansBlood SoldThunder Blade158451%348277
AtlansBlood SoldSpirit +0131710%182784
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Nova115880%39384
AtlansBlood SoldBlood Bone +7105540%124309
AtlansBlood SoldDevils Key103680%199149
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Archangel +7103670%124171
AtlansBlood SoldDevils Eye103280%199705
AtlansBlood SoldRena +367810%157649
AtlansBlood SoldBox of Luck +753270%136752
AtlansBlood SoldJewel of Life22720%42915
AtlansBlood SoldJewel of Bless16100%61310
AtlansBlood SoldJewel of Soul15890%56404
AtlansBlood SoldJewel of Chaos10060%27223
AtlansBlood SoldPet Rudolph8390%13837
AtlansBlood SoldOrb of Summoning4240%57744
AtlansBlood SoldJewel of Creation4110%20831
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Critical Damage200%266565
AtlansBlood SoldDark Master Gloves190%188400
AtlansBlood SoldHoly Spirit Helm190%241941
AtlansBlood SoldStaff of Destruction180%199143
AtlansBlood SoldDark Steel Mask180%241825
AtlansBlood SoldGreat Scepter160%265287
AtlansBlood SoldHoly Spirit Pants160%269652
AtlansBlood SoldDark Phoenix Gloves160%236326
AtlansBlood SoldSaint Crossbow160%253341
AtlansBlood SoldHoly Spirit Boots160%189284
AtlansBlood SoldBlack Dragon Pants150%254444
AtlansBlood SoldGrand Soul Helm150%188216
AtlansBlood SoldThunder Hawk Boots150%169057
AtlansBlood SoldCelestial Bow150%163853
AtlansBlood SoldDark Steel Boots150%244667
AtlansBlood SoldBlack Dragon Helm140%264533
AtlansBlood SoldGrand Soul Pants140%235976
AtlansBlood SoldDark Steel Pants140%169509
AtlansBlood SoldDark Phoenix Helm140%163652
AtlansBlood SoldOrb of Ice Arrow140%189255
AtlansBlood SoldThunder Hawk Gloves130%275348
AtlansBlood SoldGrand Soul Armor120%163780
AtlansBlood SoldElemental Mace120%199022
AtlansBlood SoldDark Soul Gloves120%261417
AtlansBlood SoldBlack Dragon Armor110%199237
AtlansBlood SoldRed Spirit Gloves110%253267
AtlansBlood SoldRed Spirit Boots110%261364
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Electric Spark100%173629
AtlansBlood SoldSword of Destruction90%265757
AtlansBlood SoldHoly Spirit Armor70%164549
AtlansBlood SoldDragon Spear60%170360
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Soul Barrier30%12448
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Inferno20%16758
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
AtlansBlood SoldScroll of Cometfall10%13899
AtlansDeath AngeHurricane Boots2515037%1123073
AtlansDeath AngeDark Master Pants2512667%1123568
AtlansDeath AngeGreat Dragon Pants2510147%1116594
AtlansDeath AngeDark Master Armor2509067%1128694
AtlansDeath AngeDark Soul Pants2505857%1129043
AtlansDeath AngeDark Soul Helm2504787%1124378
AtlansDeath AngeSymbol of Kundun +7650982%543835
AtlansDeath AngeThunder Hawk Armor627862%639707
AtlansDeath AngeRed Spirit Armor627672%770788
AtlansDeath AngeGuardian Angel492461%757047
AtlansDeath AngeImp348581%509474
AtlansDeath AngeBox of Luck +6330621%240270
AtlansDeath AngeSpirit +1320361%418173
AtlansDeath AngeTransformation Ring +5197911%392177
AtlansDeath AngeSpirit +0158690%182784
AtlansDeath AngeHorn of Uniria118690%679937
AtlansDeath AngeRena +381520%157649
AtlansDeath AngeBox of Luck +765780%136752
AtlansDeath AngeOrb of Summoning38340%57744
AtlansDeath AngeJewel of Life23590%42915
AtlansDeath AngeJewel of Soul23390%56404
AtlansDeath AngeJewel of Bless22770%61310
AtlansDeath AngeJewel of Creation17350%20831
AtlansDeath AngeJewel of Chaos13630%27223
AtlansDeath AngePet Rudolph9850%13837
AtlansDeath AngeCelestial Bow350%163853
AtlansDeath AngeScroll of Electric Spark300%173629
AtlansDeath AngeElemental Mace290%199022
AtlansDeath AngeHoly Spirit Pants290%269652
AtlansDeath AngeDark Soul Gloves280%261417
AtlansDeath AngeGrand Soul Armor270%163780
AtlansDeath AngeDark Master Boots270%126168
AtlansDeath AngeDark Phoenix Boots270%166255
AtlansDeath AngeDark Soul Boots270%126533
AtlansDeath AngeThunder Hawk Gloves260%275348
AtlansDeath AngeGreat Dragon Gloves260%128394
AtlansDeath AngeDark Phoenix Pants250%117569
AtlansDeath AngeRed Spirit Helm250%166251
AtlansDeath AngeDark Master Gloves250%188400
AtlansDeath AngeThunder Hawk Boots240%169057
AtlansDeath AngeStaff of Destruction230%199143
AtlansDeath AngeHoly Spirit Helm230%241941
AtlansDeath AngeHoly Spirit Armor230%164549
AtlansDeath AngeRed Spirit Boots230%261364
AtlansDeath AngeDragon Spear230%170360
AtlansDeath AngeBlack Dragon Armor210%199237
AtlansDeath AngeGrand Soul Pants190%235976
AtlansDeath AngeDark Steel Armor180%117377
AtlansDeath AngeDark Steel Mask170%241825
AtlansDeath AngeDark Steel Pants150%169509
AtlansDeath AngeDark Phoenix Helm150%163652
AtlansDeath AngeDark Phoenix Gloves140%236326
AtlansDeath AngeScroll of Cometfall20%13899
AtlansDeath AngeScroll of Teleport Ally20%19451
AtlansDeath AngeScroll of Ice Storm10%16761
AtlansDeath AngeScroll of Decay10%22624
AtlansDeath CentHurricane Armor104051516%2010726
AtlansDeath CentDark Soul Armor69532011%1372053
AtlansDeath CentHurricane Pants69408211%1371261
AtlansDeath CentGreat Dragon Armor69258311%1522585
AtlansDeath CentGuardian Angel2819464%757047
AtlansDeath CentHorn of Uniria1768063%679937
AtlansDeath CentSymbol of Kundun +71223972%543835
AtlansDeath CentImp1188202%509474
AtlansDeath CentBox of Luck +6614951%240270
AtlansDeath CentSpirit +1600341%418173
AtlansDeath CentTransformation Ring +5372501%392177
AtlansDeath CentSpirit +0298970%182784
AtlansDeath CentRena +3148560%157649
AtlansDeath CentBox of Luck +7123690%136752
AtlansDeath CentOrb of Summoning116480%57744
AtlansDeath CentJewel of Soul43490%56404
AtlansDeath CentJewel of Bless43480%61310
AtlansDeath CentJewel of Life42320%42915
AtlansDeath CentJewel of Creation32360%20831
AtlansDeath CentJewel of Chaos23720%27223
AtlansDeath CentPet Rudolph18440%13837
AtlansDeath CentThunder Blade680%348277
AtlansDeath CentLord Scepter670%253612
AtlansDeath CentGreat Dragon Helm640%341555
AtlansDeath CentRed Spirit Pants630%386729
AtlansDeath CentThunder Hawk Pants620%220390
AtlansDeath CentRune Blade600%384994
AtlansDeath CentGreat Dragon Boots590%253605
AtlansDeath CentDragon Soul Staff550%386281
AtlansDeath CentHurricane Gloves540%235643
AtlansDeath CentGreat Reign Crossbow520%386267
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Fire Scream520%235363
AtlansDeath CentDark Steel Armor520%117377
AtlansDeath CentDark Phoenix Armor520%386797
AtlansDeath CentDark Master Boots520%126168
AtlansDeath CentDark Phoenix Pants490%117569
AtlansDeath CentDark Breaker470%342121
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Summon450%257114
AtlansDeath CentGreat Dragon Gloves440%128394
AtlansDeath CentDark Soul Boots390%126533
AtlansDeath CentCelestial Bow240%163853
AtlansDeath CentDragon Spear210%170360
AtlansDeath CentHoly Spirit Armor190%164549
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Electric Spark170%173629
AtlansDeath CentGrand Soul Armor160%163780
AtlansDeath CentDark Steel Pants160%169509
AtlansDeath CentThunder Hawk Boots160%169057
AtlansDeath CentDark Phoenix Helm140%163652
AtlansDeath CentRed Spirit Helm120%166251
AtlansDeath CentDark Phoenix Boots120%166255
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Ice Storm60%16761
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Decay40%22624
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Inferno20%16758
AtlansDeath CentScroll of Nova10%39384
AtlansGolden SatBox of Luck +111890100%1977
AtlansGreat BahaOrb of Penetration498535%148821
AtlansGreat BahaElemental Shield452664%146377
AtlansGreat BahaAdamantine Gloves451874%131284
AtlansGreat BahaBill of Balrog451714%122011
AtlansGreat BahaOrb of Fire Slash451544%139201
AtlansGreat BahaSilver Bow451444%74563
AtlansGreat BahaLegendary Armor450964%74588
AtlansGreat BahaLegendary Staff450824%137020
AtlansGreat BahaDragon Shield450434%137099
AtlansGreat BahaAdamantine Mask450404%146516
AtlansGreat BahaDragon Armor450294%136838
AtlansGreat BahaDragon Pants449694%74359
AtlansGreat BahaDragon Helm449644%130936
AtlansGreat BahaCrystal Morning Star448864%146313
AtlansGreat BahaAdamantine Boots448704%136453
AtlansGreat BahaHelical Sword448094%74520
AtlansGreat BahaLighting Sword447734%136691
AtlansGreat BahaGuardian Armor447394%130523
AtlansGreat BahaLight Plate Armor446954%138873
AtlansGreat BahaOrb of Greater Fortitude446924%138522
AtlansGreat BahaSymbol of Kundun +3406014%117836
AtlansGreat BahaBox of Luck +6203932%240270
AtlansGreat BahaTransformation Ring +5125141%392177
AtlansGreat BahaImp102311%509474
AtlansGreat BahaDevils Key80531%199149
AtlansGreat BahaBlood Bone +478821%23322
AtlansGreat BahaDevils Eye78711%199705
AtlansGreat BahaBox of Luck +178461%54062
AtlansGreat BahaScroll of Archangel +477801%23530
AtlansGreat BahaScroll of Evil Spirit57821%26425
AtlansGreat BahaHorn of Uniria48090%679937
AtlansGreat BahaGuardian Angel47510%757047
AtlansGreat BahaBox of Luck +741210%136752
AtlansGreat BahaRena +339440%157649
AtlansGreat BahaJewel of Soul9950%56404
AtlansGreat BahaScroll of Hellfire9530%9016
AtlansGreat BahaJewel of Bless9390%61310
AtlansGreat BahaJewel of Life7740%42915
AtlansGreat BahaJewel of Chaos5320%27223
AtlansGreat BahaOrb of Summoning3010%57744
AtlansGreat BahaJewel of Creation2520%20831
AtlansGreat BahaSphinx Mask180%10441
AtlansGreat BahaBrass Armor150%35890
AtlansGreat BahaSpiked Shield140%7274
AtlansGreat BahaTower Shield130%35261
AtlansGreat BahaWind Armor120%10533
AtlansGreat BahaBattle Axe120%7354
AtlansGreat BahaDragon Slayer Shield120%35670
AtlansGreat BahaSword of Salamander120%10242
AtlansGreat BahaSerpent Sword110%7461
AtlansGreat BahaBrass Gloves110%10390
AtlansGreat BahaLight Crossbow110%10502
AtlansGreat BahaLight Saber90%34812
AtlansGreat BahaRing of Fire90%7228
AtlansGreat BahaRing of Earth90%35543
AtlansGreat BahaBerdysh80%36097
AtlansGreat BahaTiger Bow80%34836
AtlansGreat BahaSerpent Staff80%7164
AtlansGreat BahaSphinx Boots80%7268
AtlansGreat BahaGreat Hammer80%35881
AtlansGreat BahaWind Pants80%7222
AtlansGreat BahaSpirit Boots80%35209
AtlansGreat BahaPendant of Ice80%32342
AtlansGreat BahaBrass Helm80%37830
AtlansGreat BahaNikea Axe80%32035
AtlansGreat BahaSpirit Helm70%35021
AtlansGreat BahaSphinx Pants70%32437
AtlansGreat BahaSphinx Armor70%35472
AtlansGreat BahaBrass Pants60%35852
AtlansGreat BahaSpirit Gloves60%35927
AtlansGreat BahaBlade40%37998
AtlansGreat BahaBrass Boots30%10541
AtlansGreat BahaScroll of Ice20%1144
AtlansGreat BahaBroken Sword10%129
AtlansHydraAquagold Crossbow149%129979
AtlansHydraAdamantine Mask106%146516
AtlansHydraGrand Soul Shield96%168803
AtlansHydraCrystal Sword96%129726
AtlansHydraStorm Crow Pants96%169050
AtlansHydraOrb of Death Stab85%115636
AtlansHydraElemental Shield85%146377
AtlansHydraAdamantine Pants74%113221
AtlansHydraBill of Balrog74%122011
AtlansHydraMaster Scepter74%129097
AtlansHydraOrb of Penetration74%148821
AtlansHydraScroll of FireBurst74%172596
AtlansHydraStorm Crow Gloves74%113032
AtlansHydraStorm Crow Boots64%129371
AtlansHydraStaff of Resurrection64%112595
AtlansHydraCrystal Morning Star64%146313
AtlansHydraHoly Spirit Gloves53%115842
AtlansHydraTransformation Ring +543%392177
AtlansHydraBluewing Crossbow43%155408
AtlansHydraGrand Soul Gloves32%101780
AtlansHydraSymbol of Kundun +332%117836
AtlansHydraDevils Eye21%199705
AtlansHydraDevils Key21%199149
AtlansHydraScroll of Archangel +521%14888
AtlansHydraJewel of Soul11%56404
AtlansHydraBlood Bone +511%15095
AtlansHydraRena +311%157649
AtlansHydraBox of Luck +111%54062
AtlansHydraGuardian Angel11%757047
AtlansHydraBox of Luck +611%240270
AtlansLizard KinAdamantine Pants39805%113221
AtlansLizard KinLegendary Staff39325%137020
AtlansLizard KinOrb of Greater Fortitude39325%138522
AtlansLizard KinBill of Balrog39015%122011
AtlansLizard KinAdamantine Mask39005%146516
AtlansLizard KinLight Plate Armor39005%138873
AtlansLizard KinAdamantine Boots38965%136453
AtlansLizard KinDragon Armor38835%136838
AtlansLizard KinCrystal Morning Star38835%146313
AtlansLizard KinOrb of Fire Slash38835%139201
AtlansLizard KinElemental Shield38815%146377
AtlansLizard KinOrb of Penetration38815%148821
AtlansLizard KinDragon Shield38745%137099
AtlansLizard KinBluewing Crossbow38565%155408
AtlansLizard KinLighting Sword38535%136691
AtlansLizard KinGrand Soul Gloves38495%101780
AtlansLizard KinStaff of Resurrection38365%112595
AtlansLizard KinStorm Crow Gloves38075%113032
AtlansLizard KinSymbol of Kundun +331444%117836
AtlansLizard KinBox of Luck +615672%240270
AtlansLizard KinTransformation Ring +59321%392177
AtlansLizard KinGuardian Angel6691%757047
AtlansLizard KinHorn of Uniria6571%679937
AtlansLizard KinBox of Luck +16451%54062
AtlansLizard KinDevils Eye6231%199705
AtlansLizard KinImp6101%509474
AtlansLizard KinBlood Bone +56051%15095
AtlansLizard KinScroll of Archangel +55991%14888
AtlansLizard KinDevils Key5821%199149
AtlansLizard KinScroll of Hellfire5441%9016
AtlansLizard KinBox of Luck +73220%136752
AtlansLizard KinRena +33170%157649
AtlansLizard KinScroll of Evil Spirit2380%26425
AtlansLizard KinOrb of Summoning1790%57744
AtlansLizard KinJewel of Soul830%56404
AtlansLizard KinJewel of Bless630%61310
AtlansLizard KinJewel of Life560%42915
AtlansLizard KinJewel of Chaos410%27223
AtlansLizard KinJewel of Creation160%20831
AtlansLizard KinSpirit Helm30%35021
AtlansLizard KinBrass Helm30%37830
AtlansLizard KinLight Saber20%34812
AtlansLizard KinNikea Axe20%32035
AtlansLizard KinGreat Hammer20%35881
AtlansLizard KinLegendary Sword20%31014
AtlansLizard KinPendant of Ice20%32342
AtlansLizard KinSpirit Gloves20%35927
AtlansLizard KinScroll of Flame20%3700
AtlansLizard KinThunder Staff10%32932
AtlansLizard KinTower Shield10%35261
AtlansLizard KinDragon Slayer Shield10%35670
AtlansLizard KinPlate Pants10%31519
AtlansLizard KinSpirit Armor10%30610
AtlansLizard KinSphinx Armor10%35472
AtlansLizard KinBrass Armor10%35890
AtlansLizard KinLight Plate Gloves10%33654
AtlansLizard KinPlate Boots10%33447
AtlansLizard KinRing of Wind10%30842
AtlansLizard KinSpirit Pants10%33322
AtlansLizard KinBerdysh10%36097
AtlansSilver ValOrb of Fire Slash584255%139201
AtlansSilver ValAdamantine Mask583175%146516
AtlansSilver ValOrb of Greater Fortitude583055%138522
AtlansSilver ValBluewing Crossbow582955%155408
AtlansSilver ValCrystal Morning Star582785%146313
AtlansSilver ValDragon Armor582635%136838
AtlansSilver ValLighting Sword582575%136691
AtlansSilver ValDragon Shield582275%137099
AtlansSilver ValLight Plate Armor581865%138873
AtlansSilver ValOrb of Penetration581515%148821
AtlansSilver ValDragon Helm581095%130936
AtlansSilver ValAdamantine Gloves581055%131284
AtlansSilver ValGuardian Armor580965%130523
AtlansSilver ValLegendary Staff580455%137020
AtlansSilver ValElemental Shield579555%146377
AtlansSilver ValAdamantine Boots579255%136453
AtlansSilver ValBill of Balrog575925%122011
AtlansSilver ValSymbol of Kundun +3450114%117836
AtlansSilver ValBox of Luck +6228822%240270
AtlansSilver ValHorn of Uniria161241%679937
AtlansSilver ValTransformation Ring +5137681%392177
AtlansSilver ValBlood Bone +588351%15095
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Archangel +488311%23530
AtlansSilver ValDevils Key87741%199149
AtlansSilver ValBox of Luck +187501%54062
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Archangel +587001%14888
AtlansSilver ValDevils Eye86561%199705
AtlansSilver ValBlood Bone +486251%23322
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Evil Spirit77801%26425
AtlansSilver ValGuardian Angel48680%757047
AtlansSilver ValImp46520%509474
AtlansSilver ValBox of Luck +745060%136752
AtlansSilver ValRena +344190%157649
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Hellfire33470%9016
AtlansSilver ValOrb of Summoning20580%57744
AtlansSilver ValJewel of Bless10000%61310
AtlansSilver ValJewel of Soul9940%56404
AtlansSilver ValJewel of Life8480%42915
AtlansSilver ValJewel of Chaos6120%27223
AtlansSilver ValJewel of Creation2360%20831
AtlansSilver ValThunder Staff210%32932
AtlansSilver ValWind Armor190%10533
AtlansSilver ValNikea Axe170%32035
AtlansSilver ValLight Plate Gloves160%33654
AtlansSilver ValSword of Salamander150%10242
AtlansSilver ValLight Spear140%33331
AtlansSilver ValBrass Pants140%35852
AtlansSilver ValTower Shield140%35261
AtlansSilver ValBrass Gloves140%10390
AtlansSilver ValSpirit Boots140%35209
AtlansSilver ValDragon Slayer Shield130%35670
AtlansSilver ValSpirit Helm120%35021
AtlansSilver ValGreat Hammer120%35881
AtlansSilver ValRing of Earth110%35543
AtlansSilver ValBerdysh110%36097
AtlansSilver ValPendant of Wind110%33525
AtlansSilver ValBrass Armor110%35890
AtlansSilver ValBrass Helm110%37830
AtlansSilver ValSphinx Mask110%10441
AtlansSilver ValSphinx Armor100%35472
AtlansSilver ValTiger Bow100%34836
AtlansSilver ValPlate Gloves100%33257
AtlansSilver ValSpirit Pants100%33322
AtlansSilver ValBlade90%37998
AtlansSilver ValBrass Boots90%10541
AtlansSilver ValLight Saber80%34812
AtlansSilver ValPendant of Ice80%32342
AtlansSilver ValSphinx Pants80%32437
AtlansSilver ValLight Crossbow70%10502
AtlansSilver ValPlate Boots70%33447
AtlansSilver ValSpirit Gloves60%35927
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Poison20%4284
AtlansSilver ValScroll of Ice10%1144
AtlansValkyrieSymbol of Kundun +138514%57725
AtlansValkyrieLegendary Sword23483%31014
AtlansValkyrieLarkan Axe23192%11587
AtlansValkyrieSpirit Pants23162%33322
AtlansValkyrieSpirit Armor23152%30610
AtlansValkyrieLight Plate Gloves23102%33654
AtlansValkyrieBrass Armor22992%35890
AtlansValkyrieLight Plate Boots22942%31376
AtlansValkyriePendant of Water22882%11826
AtlansValkyrieSpirit Gloves22852%35927
AtlansValkyrieTiger Bow22802%34836
AtlansValkyrieGreat Hammer22782%35881
AtlansValkyrieLegendary Gloves22752%31067
AtlansValkyrieRing of Wind22732%30842
AtlansValkyrieLight Spear22702%33331
AtlansValkyrieSpirit Helm22642%35021
AtlansValkyrieDragon Slayer Shield22642%35670
AtlansValkyriePlate Pants22592%31519
AtlansValkyrieThunder Staff22582%32932
AtlansValkyriePendant of Wind22582%33525
AtlansValkyrieLegendary Boots22522%11723
AtlansValkyrieTower Shield22492%35261
AtlansValkyrieSphinx Armor22482%35472
AtlansValkyrieSerpent Spear22432%11520
AtlansValkyrieBrass Helm22342%37830
AtlansValkyrieBrass Pants22342%35852
AtlansValkyriePlate Helm22262%11532
AtlansValkyrieLight Saber22242%34812
AtlansValkyrieSerpent Shield22182%31270
AtlansValkyrieSpirit Boots22172%35209
AtlansValkyrieLight Plate Mask22032%11619
AtlansValkyrieRing of Earth22012%35543
AtlansValkyriePlate Boots21802%33447
AtlansValkyriePlate Gloves21742%33257
AtlansValkyrieBox of Luck +618292%240270
AtlansValkyrieTransformation Ring +311931%15432
AtlansValkyrieDevils Eye7701%199705
AtlansValkyrieDevils Key7601%199149
AtlansValkyrieBlood Bone +37351%9309
AtlansValkyrieBox of Luck +17331%54062
AtlansValkyrieScroll of Archangel +37111%9417
AtlansValkyrieGuardian Angel6151%757047
AtlansValkyrieHorn of Uniria4871%679937
AtlansValkyrieOrb of Summoning4791%57744
AtlansValkyrieRena +34080%157649
AtlansValkyrieBox of Luck +73220%136752
AtlansValkyrieScroll of Flame2940%3700
AtlansValkyrieScroll of Twister2730%3848
AtlansValkyrieScroll of Evil Spirit2680%26425
AtlansValkyrieScroll of Poison1940%4284
AtlansValkyrieJewel of Soul770%56404
AtlansValkyrieJewel of Bless730%61310
AtlansValkyrieJewel of Life700%42915
AtlansValkyrieJewel of Chaos510%27223
AtlansValkyrieJewel of Creation210%20831
AtlansValkyriePad Armor30%1394
AtlansValkyrieBone Helm30%3442
AtlansValkyrieBone Boots30%957
AtlansValkyrieOrb of Impale30%3937
AtlansValkyrieDouble Axe20%1392
AtlansValkyriePendant of Fire20%1456
AtlansValkyrieOrb of Greater Fortitude20%138522
AtlansValkyrieSilk Gloves20%1431
AtlansValkyrieSilk Helm20%923
AtlansValkyrieElven Bow20%875
AtlansValkyrieSilk Boots20%786
AtlansValkyrieMorning Star20%1396
AtlansValkyrieRing of Ice20%4305
AtlansValkyrieSkull Shield10%788
AtlansValkyrieOrb of Greater Damage10%3566
AtlansValkyrieBronze Gloves10%1484
AtlansValkyrieSword of Assassin10%1457
AtlansValkyrieSilk Armor10%4242
AtlansValkyrieBronze Armor10%3476
AtlansValkyrieBronze Helm10%915
AtlansValkyrieLeather Armor10%1453
AtlansValkyrieBronze Pants10%810
AtlansValkyriePendant of Lighting10%4102
AtlansValkyrieLarge Round Shield10%3577
AtlansValkyrieRing of Poison10%1025
AtlansValkyrieBone Pants10%4254
AtlansValkyrieKite Shield10%1451
AtlansValkyrieElven Shield10%4161
AtlansValkyrieDragon Lance10%776
AtlansVeparSymbol of Kundun +1320614%57725
AtlansVeparLegendary Gloves211133%31067
AtlansVeparPlate Pants210893%31519
AtlansVeparSpirit Gloves210883%35927
AtlansVeparSphinx Pants210843%32437
AtlansVeparLight Plate Gloves210503%33654
AtlansVeparGreat Hammer210213%35881
AtlansVeparPendant of Ice210203%32342
AtlansVeparBrass Helm210023%37830
AtlansVeparPlate Gloves210013%33257
AtlansVeparBrass Pants209923%35852
AtlansVeparSpirit Pants209813%33322
AtlansVeparPendant of Wind209513%33525
AtlansVeparBrass Armor209353%35890
AtlansVeparLight Spear209183%33331
AtlansVeparPlate Boots209153%33447
AtlansVeparLegendary Sword209133%31014
AtlansVeparRing of Wind209083%30842
AtlansVeparLight Plate Boots208903%31376
AtlansVeparSphinx Armor208713%35472
AtlansVeparDragon Slayer Shield208523%35670
AtlansVeparTower Shield208493%35261
AtlansVeparSpirit Boots208483%35209
AtlansVeparRing of Earth208153%35543
AtlansVeparSpirit Helm208133%35021
AtlansVeparTiger Bow208043%34836
AtlansVeparSerpent Shield207993%31270
AtlansVeparSpirit Armor207163%30610
AtlansVeparNikea Axe206683%32035
AtlansVeparLight Saber206353%34812
AtlansVeparThunder Staff204953%32932
AtlansVeparBox of Luck +6164702%240270
AtlansVeparDevils Eye125042%199705
AtlansVeparDevils Key124142%199149
AtlansVeparTransformation Ring +398061%15432
AtlansVeparScroll of Archangel +263581%9980
AtlansVeparBlood Bone +261661%9558
AtlansVeparScroll of Archangel +361441%9417
AtlansVeparBlood Bone +360881%9309
AtlansVeparBox of Luck +160611%54062
AtlansVeparOrb of Summoning42331%57744
AtlansVeparBox of Luck +731830%136752
AtlansVeparRena +331540%157649
AtlansVeparScroll of Evil Spirit23920%26425
AtlansVeparScroll of Poison22850%4284
AtlansVeparScroll of Flame22180%3700
AtlansVeparScroll of Twister18070%3848
AtlansVeparGuardian Angel14160%757047
AtlansVeparHorn of Uniria13320%679937
AtlansVeparJewel of Bless7140%61310
AtlansVeparJewel of Soul6850%56404
AtlansVeparJewel of Life5730%42915
AtlansVeparJewel of Chaos4210%27223
AtlansVeparJewel of Creation1880%20831
AtlansVeparBone Helm180%3442
AtlansVeparSilk Armor160%4242
AtlansVeparLarge Round Shield140%3577
AtlansVeparOrb of Impale130%3937
AtlansVeparBone Pants130%4254
AtlansVeparRing of Ice120%4305
AtlansVeparScroll of the Emperor120%293
AtlansVeparOrb of Greater Damage120%3566
AtlansVeparAngelic Staff90%3609
AtlansVeparBronze Armor80%3476
AtlansVeparSilk Pants70%3472
AtlansVeparSkull Shield60%788
AtlansVeparBronze Helm50%915
AtlansVeparHorn Shield50%1346
AtlansVeparVine Boots30%1348
AtlansVeparLeather Gloves30%1582
AtlansVeparPad Armor30%1394
AtlansVeparOrb of Greater Fortitude30%138522
AtlansVeparSword of Assassin30%1457
AtlansVeparGolden Crossbow20%1458
AtlansVeparShort Bow20%2716
AtlansVeparLeather Helm20%1374
AtlansVeparPad Pants20%1367
AtlansVeparPad Gloves20%1687
AtlansVeparBronze Boots20%1457
AtlansVeparElven Bow20%875
AtlansVeparBone Boots10%957
AtlansVeparMorning Star10%1396
AtlansVeparBone Gloves10%1380
AtlansVeparVine Pants10%1339
AtlansVeparKite Shield10%1451
AtlansVeparSilk Boots10%786
AtlansVeparSilk Helm10%923
AtlansVeparRing of Poison10%1025
AtlansVeparDouble Axe10%1392
AtlansVeparHand Axe10%1558
AtlansVeparSkull Staff10%1291
AtlansVeparDragon Lance10%776
AtlansVeparLeather Boots10%1365
AtlansVeparVine Helm10%1324
AtlansVeparPendant of Fire10%1456
AtlansVeparLeather Pants10%1399
AtlansVeparBronze Pants10%810
AtlansVeparPad Boots10%1541
AtlansVeparHealing Orb10%1346
AtlansVeparScroll of Teleport10%125
AtlansVeparDouble Poleaxe10%1454
AtlansVeparPad Helm10%1322
AtlansVeparSmall Shield10%1670
AtlansVeparLeather Armor10%1453
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Critical Damage7953%266565
TarkanBeam KnighOrb of Rageful Blow7842%244317
TarkanBeam KnighDark Steel Boots7842%244667
TarkanBeam KnighGrand Soul Shield7822%168803
TarkanBeam KnighSword of Destruction7502%265757
TarkanBeam KnighDark Steel Gloves7482%174899
TarkanBeam KnighGrand Soul Boots7472%144339
TarkanBeam KnighGreat Scepter7422%265287
TarkanBeam KnighBlack Dragon Gloves7402%161705
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of FireBurst7322%172596
TarkanBeam KnighBlack Dragon Pants7302%254444
TarkanBeam KnighAdamantine Armor7292%258861
TarkanBeam KnighSymbol of Kundun +57162%136323
TarkanBeam KnighBlack Dragon Boots7112%259966
TarkanBeam KnighStorm Crow Pants7112%169050
TarkanBeam KnighStorm Crow Armor7062%227934
TarkanBeam KnighRed Spirit Gloves7002%253267
TarkanBeam KnighBlack Dragon Helm6972%264533
TarkanBeam KnighHoly Spirit Boots6952%189284
TarkanBeam KnighGrand Soul Helm6912%188216
TarkanBeam KnighOrb of Ice Arrow6722%189255
TarkanBeam KnighSaint Crossbow6612%253341
TarkanBeam KnighBox of Luck +63551%240270
TarkanBeam KnighHorn of Uniria3051%679937
TarkanBeam KnighTransformation Ring +52311%392177
TarkanBeam KnighStorm Crow Boots1791%129371
TarkanBeam KnighHoly Spirit Gloves1661%115842
TarkanBeam KnighCrystal Sword1651%129726
TarkanBeam KnighDevils Key1580%199149
TarkanBeam KnighBlood Bone +61530%20311
TarkanBeam KnighMaster Scepter1520%129097
TarkanBeam KnighStaff of Resurrection1510%112595
TarkanBeam KnighImp1500%509474
TarkanBeam KnighOrb of Death Stab1430%115636
TarkanBeam KnighDevils Eye1430%199705
TarkanBeam KnighStorm Crow Gloves1420%113032
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Archangel +61420%20172
TarkanBeam KnighAdamantine Pants1270%113221
TarkanBeam KnighGrand Soul Gloves1270%101780
TarkanBeam KnighAquagold Crossbow1260%129979
TarkanBeam KnighRena +3760%157649
TarkanBeam KnighBox of Luck +7740%136752
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Cometfall500%13899
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Teleport Ally500%19451
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Aqua Beam350%17570
TarkanBeam KnighJewel of Soul210%56404
TarkanBeam KnighJewel of Bless170%61310
TarkanBeam KnighGuardian Angel140%757047
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of Soul Barrier130%12448
TarkanBeam KnighJewel of Life120%42915
TarkanBeam KnighJewel of Chaos70%27223
TarkanBeam KnighJewel of Creation50%20831
TarkanBeam KnighScroll of the Emperor10%293
TarkanBloody wolScroll of FireBurst12693%172596
TarkanBloody wolElemental Shield12543%146377
TarkanBloody wolCrystal Morning Star12523%146313
TarkanBloody wolAquagold Crossbow12353%129979
TarkanBloody wolAdamantine Mask12193%146516
TarkanBloody wolStorm Crow Pants12083%169050
TarkanBloody wolHoly Spirit Gloves11943%115842
TarkanBloody wolStaff of Resurrection11893%112595
TarkanBloody wolGrand Soul Boots11863%144339
TarkanBloody wolStorm Crow Gloves11863%113032
TarkanBloody wolMaster Scepter11783%129097
TarkanBloody wolBluewing Crossbow11653%155408
TarkanBloody wolDark Steel Gloves11533%174899
TarkanBloody wolGrand Soul Gloves11493%101780
TarkanBloody wolOrb of Death Stab11493%115636
TarkanBloody wolAdamantine Pants11433%113221
TarkanBloody wolBlack Dragon Gloves11423%161705
TarkanBloody wolGrand Soul Shield11363%168803
TarkanBloody wolCrystal Sword11103%129726
TarkanBloody wolStorm Crow Boots10933%129371
TarkanBloody wolSymbol of Kundun +310723%117836
TarkanBloody wolBox of Luck +65041%240270
TarkanBloody wolTransformation Ring +53091%392177
TarkanBloody wolBox of Luck +12201%54062
TarkanBloody wolScroll of Archangel +62091%20172
TarkanBloody wolDevils Eye2061%199705
TarkanBloody wolScroll of Archangel +52020%14888
TarkanBloody wolDevils Key1980%199149
TarkanBloody wolBlood Bone +61970%20311
TarkanBloody wolBlood Bone +51850%15095
TarkanBloody wolImp1830%509474
TarkanBloody wolGuardian Angel1780%757047
TarkanBloody wolHorn of Uniria1160%679937
TarkanBloody wolBox of Luck +71080%136752
TarkanBloody wolRena +31040%157649
TarkanBloody wolScroll of Evil Spirit920%26425
TarkanBloody wolScroll of Hellfire600%9016
TarkanBloody wolScroll of Aqua Beam560%17570
TarkanBloody wolJewel of Soul400%56404
TarkanBloody wolJewel of Bless330%61310
TarkanBloody wolJewel of Life300%42915
TarkanBloody wolJewel of Chaos270%27223
TarkanBloody wolOrb of Summoning170%57744
TarkanBloody wolJewel of Creation60%20831
TarkanBloody wolScroll of the Emperor60%293
TarkanBloody wolBroken Sword40%129
TarkanBloody wolSphinx Armor30%35472
TarkanBloody wolSpirit Helm20%35021
TarkanBloody wolDouble Blade20%5721
TarkanBloody wolTower Shield10%35261
TarkanBloody wolPendant of Wind10%33525
TarkanBloody wolRing of Earth10%35543
TarkanBloody wolPlate Boots10%33447
TarkanBloody wolLight Plate Gloves10%33654
TarkanBloody wolPendant of Ice10%32342
TarkanDeath BeamThunder Hawk Gloves76%275348
TarkanDeath BeamScroll of Electric Spark76%173629
TarkanDeath BeamElemental Mace65%199022
TarkanDeath BeamRed Spirit Boots54%261364
TarkanDeath BeamThunder Hawk Boots54%169057
TarkanDeath BeamBlack Dragon Armor54%199237
TarkanDeath BeamHoly Spirit Armor54%164549
TarkanDeath BeamDark Phoenix Helm54%163652
TarkanDeath BeamStaff of Destruction54%199143
TarkanDeath BeamGreat Scepter43%265287
TarkanDeath BeamDark Steel Boots43%244667
TarkanDeath BeamHoly Spirit Pants43%269652
TarkanDeath BeamDark Soul Gloves43%261417
TarkanDeath BeamDevils Key43%199149
TarkanDeath BeamSaint Crossbow43%253341
TarkanDeath BeamBox of Luck +643%240270
TarkanDeath BeamBlack Dragon Pants43%254444
TarkanDeath BeamSword of Destruction43%265757
TarkanDeath BeamGrand Soul Pants43%235976
TarkanDeath BeamCelestial Bow43%163853
TarkanDeath BeamGrand Soul Armor32%163780
TarkanDeath BeamHoly Spirit Helm32%241941
TarkanDeath BeamRed Spirit Helm32%166251
TarkanDeath BeamBlack Dragon Helm32%264533
TarkanDeath BeamDevils Eye22%199705
TarkanDeath BeamDark Phoenix Gloves22%236326
TarkanDeath BeamDark Steel Pants22%169509
TarkanDeath BeamScroll of Critical Damage22%266565
TarkanDeath BeamDark Phoenix Boots22%166255
TarkanDeath BeamSymbol of Kundun +622%340511
TarkanDeath BeamBox of Luck +711%136752
TarkanDeath BeamGuardian Angel11%757047
TarkanDeath BeamDark Steel Mask11%241825
TarkanDeath BeamBlood Bone +711%124309
TarkanDeath BeamDark Master Gloves11%188400
TarkanDeath BeamDragon Spear11%170360
TarkanDeath BeamScroll of Ice Storm11%16761
TarkanDeath BeamScroll of Archangel +711%124171
TarkanGolden IroBox of Luck +121634100%1716
TarkanIron WheelBlack Dragon Boots7461%259966
TarkanIron WheelOrb of Rageful Blow7431%244317
TarkanIron WheelStorm Crow Armor7301%227934
TarkanIron WheelAdamantine Armor7171%258861
TarkanIron WheelAquagold Crossbow3520%129979
TarkanIron WheelOrb of Death Stab3490%115636
TarkanIron WheelGrand Soul Shield3460%168803
TarkanIron WheelGrand Soul Gloves3380%101780
TarkanIron WheelSymbol of Kundun +43350%82503
TarkanIron WheelDark Steel Gloves3330%174899
TarkanIron WheelHoly Spirit Gloves3310%115842
TarkanIron WheelCrystal Sword3290%129726
TarkanIron WheelScroll of FireBurst3260%172596
TarkanIron WheelBlack Dragon Gloves3180%161705
TarkanIron WheelStorm Crow Boots3180%129371
TarkanIron WheelAdamantine Pants3160%113221
TarkanIron WheelStaff of Resurrection3110%112595
TarkanIron WheelGrand Soul Boots3070%144339
TarkanIron WheelMaster Scepter3060%129097
TarkanIron WheelStorm Crow Gloves3050%113032
TarkanIron WheelStorm Crow Pants3040%169050
TarkanIron WheelBox of Luck +61850%240270
TarkanIron WheelTransformation Ring +51080%392177
TarkanIron WheelDevils Key790%199149
TarkanIron WheelBlood Bone +6710%20311
TarkanIron WheelScroll of Archangel +6660%20172
TarkanIron WheelDevils Eye650%199705
TarkanIron WheelGuardian Angel630%757047
TarkanIron WheelBox of Luck +1620%54062
TarkanIron WheelImp550%509474
TarkanIron WheelHorn of Uniria470%679937
TarkanIron WheelBox of Luck +7400%136752
TarkanIron WheelRena +3360%157649
TarkanIron WheelScroll of Soul Barrier150%12448
TarkanIron WheelScroll of Cometfall150%13899
TarkanIron WheelJewel of Chaos100%27223
TarkanIron WheelScroll of Aqua Beam90%17570
TarkanIron WheelJewel of Bless80%61310
TarkanIron WheelJewel of Life70%42915
TarkanIron WheelJewel of Soul50%56404
TarkanIron WheelScroll of the Emperor50%293
TarkanIron WheelBroken Sword20%129
TarkanIron WheelOrb of Summoning10%57744
TarkanIron WheelLarkan Axe10%11587
TarkanIron WheelBattle Scepter10%29621
TarkanMutantOrb of Death Stab57295%115636
TarkanMutantStorm Crow Boots53745%129371
TarkanMutantHoly Spirit Gloves53385%115842
TarkanMutantAdamantine Pants53235%113221
TarkanMutantCrystal Morning Star53215%146313
TarkanMutantOrb of Penetration53105%148821
TarkanMutantAdamantine Mask53005%146516
TarkanMutantAquagold Crossbow52995%129979
TarkanMutantCrystal Sword52765%129726
TarkanMutantBluewing Crossbow52705%155408
TarkanMutantGrand Soul Gloves52255%101780
TarkanMutantBill of Balrog52245%122011
TarkanMutantElemental Shield52025%146377
TarkanMutantStorm Crow Gloves51795%113032
TarkanMutantStaff of Resurrection51775%112595
TarkanMutantLight Plate Armor51465%138873
TarkanMutantMaster Scepter50774%129097
TarkanMutantSymbol of Kundun +344064%117836
TarkanMutantBox of Luck +621342%240270
TarkanMutantOrb of Fire Slash13451%139201
TarkanMutantLighting Sword13371%136691
TarkanMutantLegendary Staff13321%137020
TarkanMutantDragon Shield13161%137099
TarkanMutantAdamantine Boots13041%136453
TarkanMutantDragon Armor12951%136838
TarkanMutantTransformation Ring +512611%392177
TarkanMutantOrb of Greater Fortitude12501%138522
TarkanMutantBlood Bone +58781%15095
TarkanMutantDevils Eye8751%199705
TarkanMutantBox of Luck +18581%54062
TarkanMutantDevils Key8021%199149
TarkanMutantScroll of Archangel +57951%14888
TarkanMutantGuardian Angel5100%757047
TarkanMutantRena +34580%157649
TarkanMutantBox of Luck +74480%136752
TarkanMutantHorn of Uniria3530%679937
TarkanMutantScroll of Evil Spirit3160%26425
TarkanMutantScroll of Hellfire3100%9016
TarkanMutantOrb of Summoning1350%57744
TarkanMutantJewel of Soul990%56404
TarkanMutantJewel of Bless860%61310
TarkanMutantJewel of Life810%42915
TarkanMutantJewel of Chaos560%27223
TarkanMutantJewel of Creation350%20831
TarkanMutantScroll of the Emperor280%293
TarkanMutantBroken Sword80%129
TarkanMutantSpirit Gloves40%35927
TarkanMutantLarkan Axe40%11587
TarkanMutantLight Plate Mask30%11619
TarkanMutantSoul Shard of Wizard30%48
TarkanMutantRing of Magic30%7781
TarkanMutantLight Plate Gloves30%33654
TarkanMutantLegendary Gloves20%31067
TarkanMutantThunder Staff20%32932
TarkanMutantOrb of Twisting Slash20%8133
TarkanMutantPendant of Water20%11826
TarkanMutantSpirit Pants20%33322
TarkanMutantLegendary Boots20%11723
TarkanMutantPlate Helm20%11532
TarkanMutantTiger Bow20%34836
TarkanMutantPlate Pants10%31519
TarkanMutantTear of Elf10%22
TarkanMutantRing of Earth10%35543
TarkanMutantScroll of Twister10%3848
TarkanMutantLegendary Sword10%31014
TarkanMutantSerpent Spear10%11520
TarkanMutantPlate Gloves10%33257
TarkanMutantLight Saber10%34812
TarkanMutantBrass Armor10%35890
TarkanMutantPendant of Wind10%33525
TarkanMutantBrass Helm10%37830
TarkanTantalosScroll of Critical Damage13874%266565
TarkanTantalosBlack Dragon Gloves13874%161705
TarkanTantalosGrand Soul Shield13864%168803
TarkanTantalosOrb of Ice Arrow13784%189255
TarkanTantalosSword of Destruction13774%265757
TarkanTantalosAdamantine Armor13754%258861
TarkanTantalosMaster Scepter13704%129097
TarkanTantalosCrystal Sword13564%129726
TarkanTantalosStorm Crow Boots13524%129371
TarkanTantalosOrb of Rageful Blow13434%244317
TarkanTantalosAquagold Crossbow13434%129979
TarkanTantalosBlack Dragon Helm13404%264533
TarkanTantalosGrand Soul Boots13384%144339
TarkanTantalosHoly Spirit Gloves13274%115842
TarkanTantalosDark Steel Boots13254%244667
TarkanTantalosDark Steel Gloves13164%174899
TarkanTantalosSymbol of Kundun +413134%82503
TarkanTantalosGrand Soul Helm13114%188216
TarkanTantalosHoly Spirit Boots13074%189284
TarkanTantalosOrb of Death Stab12964%115636
TarkanTantalosStorm Crow Armor12864%227934
TarkanTantalosStorm Crow Pants12854%169050
TarkanTantalosScroll of FireBurst12753%172596
TarkanTantalosBlack Dragon Boots12573%259966
TarkanTantalosGreat Scepter12493%265287
TarkanTantalosBox of Luck +66692%240270
TarkanTantalosTransformation Ring +53691%392177
TarkanTantalosScroll of Archangel +62801%20172
TarkanTantalosDevils Eye2801%199705
TarkanTantalosBlood Bone +62651%20311
TarkanTantalosDevils Key2451%199149
TarkanTantalosBox of Luck +71350%136752
TarkanTantalosRena +31120%157649
TarkanTantalosHorn of Uniria680%679937
TarkanTantalosScroll of Aqua Beam640%17570
TarkanTantalosScroll of Teleport Ally420%19451
TarkanTantalosScroll of Cometfall400%13899
TarkanTantalosOrb of Summoning390%57744
TarkanTantalosJewel of Soul350%56404
TarkanTantalosJewel of Bless300%61310
TarkanTantalosScroll of Soul Barrier300%12448
TarkanTantalosJewel of Life250%42915
TarkanTantalosJewel of Chaos140%27223
TarkanTantalosGuardian Angel120%757047
TarkanTantalosJewel of Creation70%20831
TarkanTantalosScroll of the Emperor40%293
TarkanTantalosBroken Sword40%129
TarkanTantalosGuardian Armor30%130523
TarkanTantalosLight Plate Pants20%7349
TarkanTantalosGorgon Staff20%26185
TarkanTantalosOrb of Twisting Slash20%8133
TarkanTantalosLegendary Pants10%30087
TarkanTantalosPendant of Ability10%7287
TarkanTantalosDragon Pants10%74359
TarkanTantalosGiant Sword10%26285
TarkanTantalosLegendary Helm10%7378
TarkanTantalosLegendary Armor10%74588
TarkanTantalosPlate Armor10%5687
TarkanTantalosBattle Scepter10%29621
TarkanTantalosAdamantine Gloves10%131284
TarkanZaikanElemental Mace611%199022
TarkanZaikanHoly Spirit Helm59%241941
TarkanZaikanGrand Soul Pants59%235976
TarkanZaikanScroll of Critical Damage47%266565
TarkanZaikanRed Spirit Gloves35%253267
TarkanZaikanSword of Destruction35%265757
TarkanZaikanStaff of Destruction35%199143
TarkanZaikanGreat Scepter24%265287
TarkanZaikanTransformation Ring +524%392177
TarkanZaikanDark Master Gloves24%188400
TarkanZaikanDark Steel Mask24%241825
TarkanZaikanStorm Crow Armor24%227934
TarkanZaikanSaint Crossbow24%253341
TarkanZaikanBlack Dragon Armor24%199237
TarkanZaikanHoly Spirit Pants24%269652
TarkanZaikanDark Steel Boots24%244667
TarkanZaikanOrb of Ice Arrow24%189255
TarkanZaikanBlack Dragon Helm24%264533
TarkanZaikanThunder Hawk Gloves12%275348
TarkanZaikanScroll of Archangel +712%124171
TarkanZaikanDark Soul Gloves12%261417
TarkanZaikanHorn of Uniria12%679937
9Aegis1Leather Pants10%1399
9Aegis1Silk Helm10%923
9Aegis1Small Axe10%2550
9Aegis2Serpent Staff10%7164
9Aegis3Transformation Ring +312%15432
9Ax WarriorStorm Crow Gloves1171%113032
9Ax WarriorSymbol of Kundun +31041%117836
9Ax WarriorElemental Shield1031%146377
9Ax WarriorScroll of FireBurst1031%172596
9Ax WarriorAdamantine Mask1011%146516
9Ax WarriorMaster Scepter991%129097
9Ax WarriorAdamantine Pants961%113221
9Ax WarriorCrystal Sword881%129726
9Ax WarriorStaff of Resurrection871%112595
9Ax WarriorCrystal Morning Star871%146313
9Ax WarriorGrand Soul Shield871%168803
9Ax WarriorStorm Crow Boots851%129371
9Ax WarriorAquagold Crossbow821%129979
9Ax WarriorBluewing Crossbow791%155408
9Ax WarriorStorm Crow Pants771%169050
9Ax WarriorDark Steel Gloves681%174899
9Ax WarriorJewel of Bless581%61310
9Ax WarriorJewel of Soul340%56404
9Ax WarriorDevils Key240%199149
9Ax WarriorDevils Eye190%199705
9Ax WarriorBox of Luck +1180%54062
9Ax WarriorTransformation Ring +5180%392177
9Ax WarriorScroll of Archangel +5180%14888
9Ax WarriorBlood Bone +5170%15095
9Ax WarriorGuardian Angel160%757047
9Ax WarriorHoly Spirit Gloves120%115842
9Ax WarriorGrand Soul Gloves110%101780
9Ax WarriorOrb of Death Stab110%115636
9Ax WarriorImp110%509474
9Ax WarriorJewel of Life100%42915
9Ax WarriorHorn of Uniria90%679937
9Ax WarriorOrb of Penetration70%148821
9Ax WarriorRena +370%157649
9Ax WarriorBox of Luck +760%136752
9Ax WarriorJewel of Creation50%20831
9Ax WarriorScroll of Evil Spirit40%26425
9Ax WarriorJewel of Chaos40%27223
9Ax WarriorScroll of Hellfire20%9016
9Ax WarriorScroll of Aqua Beam20%17570
9Ax WarriorOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Bloody wolCrystal Morning Star1290%146313
9Bloody wolCrystal Sword1170%129726
9Bloody wolDark Steel Gloves1120%174899
9Bloody wolStaff of Resurrection1120%112595
9Bloody wolAdamantine Pants1100%113221
9Bloody wolAquagold Crossbow1100%129979
9Bloody wolScroll of FireBurst1080%172596
9Bloody wolAdamantine Mask1060%146516
9Bloody wolMaster Scepter1060%129097
9Bloody wolElemental Shield1050%146377
9Bloody wolBlack Dragon Gloves1030%161705
9Bloody wolBluewing Crossbow1010%155408
9Bloody wolGrand Soul Shield960%168803
9Bloody wolStorm Crow Pants960%169050
9Bloody wolStorm Crow Boots940%129371
9Bloody wolStorm Crow Gloves920%113032
9Bloody wolSymbol of Kundun +3790%117836
9Bloody wolJewel of Bless450%61310
9Bloody wolJewel of Soul360%56404
9Bloody wolTransformation Ring +5250%392177
9Bloody wolHorn of Uniria240%679937
9Bloody wolDevils Key220%199149
9Bloody wolScroll of Archangel +5210%14888
9Bloody wolJewel of Life180%42915
9Bloody wolBox of Luck +1170%54062
9Bloody wolBlood Bone +6170%20311
9Bloody wolDevils Eye170%199705
9Bloody wolBlood Bone +5160%15095
9Bloody wolScroll of Archangel +6150%20172
9Bloody wolImp140%509474
9Bloody wolGrand Soul Boots120%144339
9Bloody wolRena +3100%157649
9Bloody wolGrand Soul Gloves100%101780
9Bloody wolHoly Spirit Gloves100%115842
9Bloody wolJewel of Creation90%20831
9Bloody wolOrb of Death Stab80%115636
9Bloody wolBox of Luck +770%136752
9Bloody wolScroll of Hellfire70%9016
9Bloody wolJewel of Chaos60%27223
9Bloody wolGuardian Angel60%757047
9Bloody wolScroll of Aqua Beam60%17570
9Bloody wolScroll of Evil Spirit30%26425
9Bloody wolOrb of Summoning30%57744
9Bloody wolSpirit Gloves20%35927
9Cursed WizSymbol of Kundun +22811%42992
9Cursed WizLight Plate Boots1850%31376
9Cursed WizRing of Magic1830%7781
9Cursed WizGuardian Helm1790%29701
9Cursed WizSpirit Armor1780%30610
9Cursed WizSerpent Crossbow1760%5746
9Cursed WizPlate Armor1740%5687
9Cursed WizBattle Scepter1690%29621
9Cursed WizLight Plate Mask1680%11619
9Cursed WizSerpent Shield1650%31270
9Cursed WizDragon Gloves1640%26155
9Cursed WizSerpent Spear1630%11520
9Cursed WizJewel of Bless1620%61310
9Cursed WizGuardian Pants1610%29816
9Cursed WizPlate Pants1600%31519
9Cursed WizDouble Blade1600%5721
9Cursed WizGuardian Gloves1590%7481
9Cursed WizGorgon Staff1570%26185
9Cursed WizLegendary Shield1550%5721
9Cursed WizGreat Scythe1540%29568
9Cursed WizOrb of Twisting Slash1530%8133
9Cursed WizLight Plate Pants1520%7349
9Cursed WizBronze Shield1500%29816
9Cursed WizLegendary Helm1490%7378
9Cursed WizDragon Boots1490%29542
9Cursed WizLegendary Sword1470%31014
9Cursed WizLegendary Boots1470%11723
9Cursed WizPendant of Water1460%11826
9Cursed WizPlate Helm1450%11532
9Cursed WizLegendary Gloves1440%31067
9Cursed WizLegendary Pants1430%30087
9Cursed WizGiant Sword1420%26285
9Cursed WizLarkan Axe1410%11587
9Cursed WizGuardian Boots1400%26100
9Cursed WizRing of Wind1390%30842
9Cursed WizPendant of Ability1360%7287
9Cursed WizJewel of Soul1040%56404
9Cursed WizTransformation Ring +4840%2058
9Cursed WizBox of Luck +1680%54062
9Cursed WizBlood Bone +3630%9309
9Cursed WizScroll of Evil Spirit540%26425
9Cursed WizScroll of Archangel +3510%9417
9Cursed WizDevils Eye500%199705
9Cursed WizDevils Key480%199149
9Cursed WizRena +3340%157649
9Cursed WizHorn of Uniria320%679937
9Cursed WizGuardian Angel300%757047
9Cursed WizBox of Luck +7290%136752
9Cursed WizJewel of Creation270%20831
9Cursed WizJewel of Life230%42915
9Cursed WizScroll of Twister220%3848
9Cursed WizJewel of Chaos210%27223
9Cursed WizImp200%509474
9Cursed WizOrb of Summoning100%57744
9CyclopsSymbol of Kundun +13733%57725
9CyclopsBone Pants2282%4254
9CyclopsBone Armor2262%4897
9CyclopsBronze Armor2252%3476
9CyclopsWind Helm2192%5349
9CyclopsJewel of Bless2152%61310
9CyclopsLarge Round Shield2132%3577
9CyclopsScale Boots2112%4926
9CyclopsRing of Poison2092%1025
9CyclopsBattle Bow2072%5446
9CyclopsElven Axe2062%5544
9CyclopsScale Gloves2022%4773
9CyclopsSphinx Gloves2022%5551
9CyclopsScale Pants2022%4750
9CyclopsScale Helm2022%5408
9CyclopsWind Gloves2002%5484
9CyclopsSilk Pants1992%3472
9CyclopsSilk Armor1982%4242
9CyclopsWind Boots1982%5231
9CyclopsElven Shield1972%4161
9CyclopsBone Helm1962%3442
9CyclopsRing of Ice1932%4305
9CyclopsScale Armor1922%5317
9CyclopsOrb of Greater Damage1882%3566
9CyclopsPendant of Lighting1852%4102
9CyclopsAngelic Staff1832%3609
9CyclopsPlate Shield1832%4649
9CyclopsJewel of Soul1401%56404
9CyclopsKite Shield1261%1451
9CyclopsVine Armor1231%1517
9CyclopsLeather Armor1161%1453
9CyclopsBronze Gloves1141%1484
9CyclopsBronze Pants1131%810
9CyclopsGolden Crossbow1121%1458
9CyclopsSword of Assassin1111%1457
9CyclopsBone Boots1101%957
9CyclopsPendant of Fire1091%1456
9CyclopsSilk Gloves1091%1431
9CyclopsSilk Helm1071%923
9CyclopsBronze Boots1071%1457
9CyclopsDragon Lance1041%776
9CyclopsPad Armor1021%1394
9CyclopsBone Gloves1011%1380
9CyclopsOrb of Greater Fortitude1011%138522
9CyclopsDouble Poleaxe991%1454
9CyclopsSilk Boots991%786
9CyclopsSkull Shield981%788
9CyclopsBronze Helm981%915
9CyclopsTransformation Ring +1971%378
9CyclopsDouble Axe871%1392
9CyclopsElven Bow871%875
9CyclopsBox of Luck +1841%54062
9CyclopsMorning Star841%1396
9CyclopsScroll of Archangel +1791%751
9CyclopsDevils Key771%199149
9CyclopsBlood Bone +1681%756
9CyclopsDevils Eye631%199705
9CyclopsBox of Luck +7440%136752
9CyclopsJewel of Life410%42915
9CyclopsRena +3380%157649
9CyclopsHorn of Uniria290%679937
9CyclopsJewel of Creation280%20831
9CyclopsScroll of Meteorite260%797
9CyclopsScroll of Ice230%1144
9CyclopsScroll of Lighting210%158
9CyclopsScroll of Teleport210%125
9CyclopsGuardian Angel170%757047
9CyclopsOrb of Summoning170%57744
9CyclopsJewel of Chaos140%27223
9CyclopsOrb of Impale110%3937
9CyclopsShort Sword20%1673
9CyclopsSmall Shield10%1670
9Dark KnighSymbol of Kundun +22212%42992
9Dark KnighSerpent Crossbow1601%5746
9Dark KnighLight Plate Mask1441%11619
9Dark KnighGreat Hammer1441%35881
9Dark KnighLegendary Gloves1421%31067
9Dark KnighPlate Boots1421%33447
9Dark KnighPendant of Water1411%11826
9Dark KnighLegendary Boots1401%11723
9Dark KnighTiger Bow1391%34836
9Dark KnighLegendary Shield1391%5721
9Dark KnighOrb of Twisting Slash1381%8133
9Dark KnighThunder Staff1371%32932
9Dark KnighLight Spear1371%33331
9Dark KnighLight Plate Boots1371%31376
9Dark KnighTower Shield1361%35261
9Dark KnighSpirit Pants1361%33322
9Dark KnighPlate Pants1351%31519
9Dark KnighSphinx Armor1331%35472
9Dark KnighLight Plate Gloves1331%33654
9Dark KnighPlate Gloves1331%33257
9Dark KnighLarkan Axe1321%11587
9Dark KnighPendant of Wind1311%33525
9Dark KnighSerpent Spear1301%11520
9Dark KnighLight Saber1291%34812
9Dark KnighBrass Armor1281%35890
9Dark KnighRing of Wind1281%30842
9Dark KnighSpirit Gloves1271%35927
9Dark KnighPlate Helm1271%11532
9Dark KnighSerpent Shield1261%31270
9Dark KnighSpirit Armor1261%30610
9Dark KnighLegendary Sword1251%31014
9Dark KnighRing of Magic1231%7781
9Dark KnighSpirit Boots1191%35209
9Dark KnighBerdysh1171%36097
9Dark KnighJewel of Bless1171%61310
9Dark KnighPlate Armor1171%5687
9Dark KnighSpirit Helm1141%35021
9Dark KnighRing of Earth1131%35543
9Dark KnighDouble Blade1111%5721
9Dark KnighJewel of Soul901%56404
9Dark KnighTransformation Ring +3801%15432
9Dark KnighBlood Bone +3581%9309
9Dark KnighBox of Luck +1561%54062
9Dark KnighDevils Eye510%199705
9Dark KnighDevils Key500%199149
9Dark KnighScroll of Archangel +3400%9417
9Dark KnighRena +3250%157649
9Dark KnighJewel of Life240%42915
9Dark KnighBox of Luck +7220%136752
9Dark KnighHorn of Uniria210%679937
9Dark KnighGuardian Angel190%757047
9Dark KnighScroll of Evil Spirit190%26425
9Dark KnighScroll of Poison170%4284
9Dark KnighJewel of Chaos150%27223
9Dark KnighJewel of Creation130%20831
9Dark KnighScroll of Flame110%3700
9Dark KnighImp70%509474
9Dark KnighScroll of Twister70%3848
9Dark KnighOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Death CowSymbol of Kundun +24781%42992
9Death CowGuardian Gloves3001%7481
9Death CowPlate Helm2941%11532
9Death CowGuardian Helm2901%29701
9Death CowDragon Boots2821%29542
9Death CowLight Plate Mask2821%11619
9Death CowLegendary Shield2811%5721
9Death CowLegendary Boots2801%11723
9Death CowPlate Armor2791%5687
9Death CowAdamantine Gloves2791%131284
9Death CowHelical Sword2781%74520
9Death CowLegendary Armor2781%74588
9Death CowGuardian Pants2781%29816
9Death CowSerpent Crossbow2751%5746
9Death CowGuardian Boots2741%26100
9Death CowOrb of Twisting Slash2741%8133
9Death CowDragon Pants2741%74359
9Death CowGiant Sword2731%26285
9Death CowBronze Shield2731%29816
9Death CowPendant of Water2691%11826
9Death CowBattle Scepter2641%29621
9Death CowGuardian Armor2611%130523
9Death CowLight Plate Pants2611%7349
9Death CowSilver Bow2601%74563
9Death CowGorgon Staff2601%26185
9Death CowLegendary Helm2591%7378
9Death CowLegendary Pants2581%30087
9Death CowRing of Magic2561%7781
9Death CowDragon Gloves2561%26155
9Death CowPendant of Ability2511%7287
9Death CowDragon Helm2460%130936
9Death CowDouble Blade2420%5721
9Death CowSerpent Spear2420%11520
9Death CowGreat Scythe2320%29568
9Death CowJewel of Bless2300%61310
9Death CowLarkan Axe2230%11587
9Death CowJewel of Soul1850%56404
9Death CowTransformation Ring +41690%2058
9Death CowDevils Eye960%199705
9Death CowBlood Bone +4930%23322
9Death CowBox of Luck +1910%54062
9Death CowScroll of Archangel +3870%9417
9Death CowScroll of Archangel +4820%23530
9Death CowImp800%509474
9Death CowScroll of Twister790%3848
9Death CowHorn of Uniria770%679937
9Death CowBlood Bone +3750%9309
9Death CowDevils Key700%199149
9Death CowJewel of Life620%42915
9Death CowRena +3530%157649
9Death CowBox of Luck +7510%136752
9Death CowScroll of Evil Spirit370%26425
9Death CowGuardian Angel340%757047
9Death CowJewel of Creation330%20831
9Death CowJewel of Chaos200%27223
9Death CowOrb of Summoning110%57744
9Death CowScale Pants10%4750
9Death CowKatana10%913
9Death GorgSymbol of Kundun +25181%42992
9Death GorgDragon Helm4721%130936
9Death GorgLegendary Armor4641%74588
9Death GorgHelical Sword4621%74520
9Death GorgDragon Pants4571%74359
9Death GorgAdamantine Boots4531%136453
9Death GorgBronze Shield4421%29816
9Death GorgDragon Armor4421%136838
9Death GorgDragon Shield4411%137099
9Death GorgLighting Sword4411%136691
9Death GorgLegendary Staff4391%137020
9Death GorgGreat Scythe4361%29568
9Death GorgAdamantine Gloves4351%131284
9Death GorgSilver Bow4331%74563
9Death GorgBattle Scepter4281%29621
9Death GorgLegendary Pants4281%30087
9Death GorgGuardian Helm4211%29701
9Death GorgGuardian Pants4141%29816
9Death GorgBill of Balrog4121%122011
9Death GorgGuardian Armor4071%130523
9Death GorgDragon Boots4001%29542
9Death GorgLight Plate Armor3991%138873
9Death GorgJewel of Bless2400%61310
9Death GorgJewel of Soul2050%56404
9Death GorgTransformation Ring +51500%392177
9Death GorgDevils Key1090%199149
9Death GorgBox of Luck +11010%54062
9Death GorgBlood Bone +4970%23322
9Death GorgDevils Eye940%199705
9Death GorgScroll of Archangel +4830%23530
9Death GorgImp800%509474
9Death GorgRena +3630%157649
9Death GorgScroll of Evil Spirit550%26425
9Death GorgOrb of Greater Fortitude520%138522
9Death GorgOrb of Penetration510%148821
9Death GorgJewel of Life500%42915
9Death GorgHorn of Uniria460%679937
9Death GorgOrb of Fire Slash450%139201
9Death GorgGuardian Angel440%757047
9Death GorgBox of Luck +7400%136752
9Death GorgJewel of Creation310%20831
9Death GorgJewel of Chaos230%27223
9Death GorgScroll of Hellfire140%9016
9Death GorgOrb of Summoning30%57744
9Death KnigSymbol of Kundun +22600%42992
9Death KnigDragon Pants2380%74359
9Death KnigBattle Scepter2290%29621
9Death KnigLegendary Pants2270%30087
9Death KnigDragon Armor2260%136838
9Death KnigGreat Scythe2240%29568
9Death KnigSilver Bow2200%74563
9Death KnigGuardian Boots2190%26100
9Death KnigDragon Boots2190%29542
9Death KnigDragon Gloves2170%26155
9Death KnigLighting Sword2090%136691
9Death KnigBronze Shield2090%29816
9Death KnigGiant Sword2060%26285
9Death KnigDragon Helm2050%130936
9Death KnigGuardian Helm2040%29701
9Death KnigGorgon Staff2030%26185
9Death KnigLegendary Armor2000%74588
9Death KnigGuardian Armor1980%130523
9Death KnigGuardian Pants1980%29816
9Death KnigAdamantine Boots1970%136453
9Death KnigDragon Shield1940%137099
9Death KnigLight Plate Armor1930%138873
9Death KnigLegendary Staff1860%137020
9Death KnigHelical Sword1800%74520
9Death KnigAdamantine Gloves1770%131284
9Death KnigJewel of Bless1370%61310
9Death KnigJewel of Soul970%56404
9Death KnigTransformation Ring +5800%392177
9Death KnigScroll of Archangel +4610%23530
9Death KnigDevils Eye610%199705
9Death KnigBlood Bone +4570%23322
9Death KnigDevils Key450%199149
9Death KnigBox of Luck +1440%54062
9Death KnigGuardian Angel380%757047
9Death KnigImp340%509474
9Death KnigJewel of Life290%42915
9Death KnigOrb of Greater Fortitude280%138522
9Death KnigScroll of Evil Spirit270%26425
9Death KnigBox of Luck +7270%136752
9Death KnigRena +3240%157649
9Death KnigHorn of Uniria190%679937
9Death KnigOrb of Fire Slash190%139201
9Death KnigJewel of Chaos170%27223
9Death KnigJewel of Creation150%20831
9Death KnigScroll of Hellfire50%9016
9Death KnigGiant Trident10%5312
9Death KnigRing of Fire10%7228
9Death KnigSerpent Sword10%7461
9DevilSymbol of Kundun +21840%42992
9DevilLighting Sword1530%136691
9DevilLegendary Helm1520%7378
9DevilAdamantine Boots1510%136453
9DevilLegendary Staff1470%137020
9DevilDragon Armor1370%136838
9DevilLegendary Pants1340%30087
9DevilDragon Boots1300%29542
9DevilGuardian Gloves1280%7481
9DevilBattle Scepter1260%29621
9DevilLegendary Armor1250%74588
9DevilDragon Shield1240%137099
9DevilDragon Gloves1240%26155
9DevilGiant Sword1230%26285
9DevilDragon Pants1220%74359
9DevilPendant of Ability1210%7287
9DevilDragon Helm1200%130936
9DevilGreat Scythe1180%29568
9DevilHelical Sword1160%74520
9DevilGuardian Armor1150%130523
9DevilJewel of Bless1150%61310
9DevilGuardian Helm1130%29701
9DevilBronze Shield1110%29816
9DevilLight Plate Pants1100%7349
9DevilGuardian Pants1060%29816
9DevilGuardian Boots1060%26100
9DevilAdamantine Gloves1010%131284
9DevilGorgon Staff970%26185
9DevilSilver Bow950%74563
9DevilJewel of Soul710%56404
9DevilTransformation Ring +5510%392177
9DevilDevils Eye430%199705
9DevilBlood Bone +4380%23322
9DevilScroll of Archangel +4330%23530
9DevilDevils Key330%199149
9DevilBox of Luck +1320%54062
9DevilJewel of Life320%42915
9DevilScroll of Evil Spirit270%26425
9DevilBox of Luck +7220%136752
9DevilHorn of Uniria220%679937
9DevilOrb of Greater Fortitude210%138522
9DevilGuardian Angel190%757047
9DevilJewel of Creation180%20831
9DevilRena +3160%157649
9DevilOrb of Fire Slash120%139201
9DevilJewel of Chaos90%27223
9DevilOrb of Summoning20%57744
9Elite OgreMaster Scepter2935%129097
9Elite OgreStorm Crow Pants2935%169050
9Elite OgreScroll of FireBurst2935%172596
9Elite OgreBluewing Crossbow2915%155408
9Elite OgreElemental Shield2855%146377
9Elite OgreBill of Balrog2845%122011
9Elite OgreCrystal Morning Star2835%146313
9Elite OgreStorm Crow Gloves2835%113032
9Elite OgreAdamantine Mask2815%146516
9Elite OgreStorm Crow Boots2795%129371
9Elite OgreStaff of Resurrection2775%112595
9Elite OgreAdamantine Pants2775%113221
9Elite OgreGrand Soul Shield2755%168803
9Elite OgreAquagold Crossbow2725%129979
9Elite OgreCrystal Sword2605%129726
9Elite OgreSymbol of Kundun +32264%117836
9Elite OgreJewel of Bless1262%61310
9Elite OgreJewel of Soul1152%56404
9Elite OgreTransformation Ring +5691%392177
9Elite OgreBlood Bone +5581%15095
9Elite OgreGuardian Angel561%757047
9Elite OgreScroll of Archangel +5531%14888
9Elite OgreBox of Luck +1491%54062
9Elite OgreDevils Key411%199149
9Elite OgreDevils Eye401%199705
9Elite OgreHoly Spirit Gloves371%115842
9Elite OgreOrb of Penetration361%148821
9Elite OgreJewel of Life351%42915
9Elite OgreHorn of Uniria301%679937
9Elite OgreImp291%509474
9Elite OgreOrb of Death Stab281%115636
9Elite OgreRena +3250%157649
9Elite OgreGrand Soul Gloves220%101780
9Elite OgreScroll of Aqua Beam220%17570
9Elite OgreBox of Luck +7110%136752
9Elite OgreScroll of Evil Spirit110%26425
9Elite OgreJewel of Chaos100%27223
9Elite OgreJewel of Creation90%20831
9Elite OgreScroll of Hellfire20%9016
9Elite OgreLegendary Sword20%31014
9Elite OgrePlate Boots10%33447
9Elite OgreOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Elite OgreSpirit Armor10%30610
9Elite OgreSerpent Spear10%11520
9Hell HoundSymbol of Kundun +13151%57725
9Hell HoundBrass Boots1500%10541
9Hell HoundBrass Armor1490%35890
9Hell HoundSerpent Sword1420%7461
9Hell HoundArquebus1420%4273
9Hell HoundElven Axe1420%5544
9Hell HoundSerpent Staff1400%7164
9Hell HoundBerdysh1390%36097
9Hell HoundSword of Salamander1390%10242
9Hell HoundWind Boots1380%5231
9Hell HoundScale Gloves1380%4773
9Hell HoundRing of Ice1360%4305
9Hell HoundSphinx Gloves1350%5551
9Hell HoundSphinx Pants1350%32437
9Hell HoundPendant of Ice1350%32342
9Hell HoundJewel of Soul1340%56404
9Hell HoundBone Armor1340%4897
9Hell HoundWind Pants1330%7222
9Hell HoundBrass Pants1330%35852
9Hell HoundBone Pants1330%4254
9Hell HoundGreat Hammer1320%35881
9Hell HoundJewel of Bless1310%61310
9Hell HoundSpirit Gloves1300%35927
9Hell HoundScale Pants1280%4750
9Hell HoundBattle Axe1280%7354
9Hell HoundLight Crossbow1260%10502
9Hell HoundSilk Armor1250%4242
9Hell HoundGladius1240%4230
9Hell HoundWind Helm1240%5349
9Hell HoundBattle Bow1230%5446
9Hell HoundScale Boots1230%4926
9Hell HoundFalcon1220%4741
9Hell HoundSphinx Mask1220%10441
9Hell HoundWind Armor1210%10533
9Hell HoundSpear1210%4649
9Hell HoundSphinx Boots1200%7268
9Hell HoundRing of Fire1190%7228
9Hell HoundScale Helm1180%5408
9Hell HoundElven Shield1160%4161
9Hell HoundNikea Axe1160%32035
9Hell HoundScale Armor1150%5317
9Hell HoundBrass Gloves1140%10390
9Hell HoundRing of Earth1140%35543
9Hell HoundPlate Shield1140%4649
9Hell HoundGiant Trident1120%5312
9Hell HoundWind Gloves1110%5484
9Hell HoundBrass Helm1090%37830
9Hell HoundBlade1090%37998
9Hell HoundSphinx Armor1080%35472
9Hell HoundFlail1060%4703
9Hell HoundSpiked Shield1060%7274
9Hell HoundDragon Slayer Shield1050%35670
9Hell HoundPendant of Lighting1030%4102
9Hell HoundTransformation Ring +2960%3065
9Hell HoundScroll of Archangel +2630%9980
9Hell HoundDevils Key620%199149
9Hell HoundDevils Eye610%199705
9Hell HoundBlood Bone +2530%9558
9Hell HoundBox of Luck +1510%54062
9Hell HoundJewel of Life400%42915
9Hell HoundBox of Luck +7380%136752
9Hell HoundRena +3290%157649
9Hell HoundScroll of Meteorite270%797
9Hell HoundScroll of Flame230%3700
9Hell HoundJewel of Creation210%20831
9Hell HoundOrb of Impale180%3937
9Hell HoundJewel of Chaos170%27223
9Hell HoundHorn of Uniria140%679937
9Hell HoundScroll of Poison60%4284
9Hell HoundImp40%509474
9Hell HoundOrb of Summoning30%57744
9Hell HoundGuardian Angel20%757047
9Hell HoundPad Pants10%1367
9Hell HoundHorn Shield10%1346
9Hell HoundVine Gloves10%1516
9Hell HoundScroll of Ice10%1144
9Hell SpideSymbol of Kundun +12884%57725
9Hell SpideSphinx Boots1882%7268
9Hell SpideBrass Gloves1842%10390
9Hell SpideSerpent Sword1822%7461
9Hell SpideBrass Armor1822%35890
9Hell SpideLight Crossbow1822%10502
9Hell SpideSphinx Mask1802%10441
9Hell SpideTower Shield1772%35261
9Hell SpideRing of Fire1742%7228
9Hell SpideWind Pants1742%7222
9Hell SpideRing of Earth1732%35543
9Hell SpideWind Armor1712%10533
9Hell SpideBrass Boots1712%10541
9Hell SpideBrass Helm1712%37830
9Hell SpideBerdysh1692%36097
9Hell SpideGiant Trident1692%5312
9Hell SpideBrass Pants1672%35852
9Hell SpideNikea Axe1672%32035
9Hell SpideSpiked Shield1662%7274
9Hell SpideSpirit Gloves1652%35927
9Hell SpideSpirit Helm1642%35021
9Hell SpideSerpent Staff1632%7164
9Hell SpideBattle Axe1622%7354
9Hell SpideDragon Slayer Shield1612%35670
9Hell SpideLight Saber1592%34812
9Hell SpideTiger Bow1572%34836
9Hell SpideBlade1552%37998
9Hell SpideJewel of Bless1552%61310
9Hell SpidePendant of Ice1542%32342
9Hell SpideSphinx Pants1512%32437
9Hell SpideSphinx Armor1472%35472
9Hell SpideGreat Hammer1412%35881
9Hell SpideSpirit Boots1412%35209
9Hell SpideSword of Salamander1382%10242
9Hell SpideJewel of Soul1141%56404
9Hell SpideBattle Bow951%5446
9Hell SpideTransformation Ring +3941%15432
9Hell SpideSphinx Gloves921%5551
9Hell SpideScale Helm831%5408
9Hell SpideScale Armor831%5317
9Hell SpideElven Axe801%5544
9Hell SpideWind Boots771%5231
9Hell SpideWind Gloves741%5484
9Hell SpideWind Helm741%5349
9Hell SpideDevils Key731%199149
9Hell SpideScroll of Archangel +2711%9980
9Hell SpideBox of Luck +1671%54062
9Hell SpideScale Pants661%4750
9Hell SpideBone Armor601%4897
9Hell SpideFalcon601%4741
9Hell SpideFlail591%4703
9Hell SpideScale Boots591%4926
9Hell SpidePlate Shield551%4649
9Hell SpideDevils Eye521%199705
9Hell SpideScale Gloves501%4773
9Hell SpideSpear461%4649
9Hell SpideBlood Bone +2441%9558
9Hell SpideJewel of Life360%42915
9Hell SpideRena +3330%157649
9Hell SpideImp290%509474
9Hell SpideBox of Luck +7270%136752
9Hell SpideHorn of Uniria250%679937
9Hell SpideJewel of Chaos240%27223
9Hell SpideJewel of Creation230%20831
9Hell SpideScroll of Ice180%1144
9Hell SpideScroll of Twister170%3848
9Hell SpideScroll of Poison150%4284
9Hell SpideScroll of Flame130%3700
9Hell SpideOrb of Summoning90%57744
9Hell SpideGuardian Angel90%757047
9Hell SpideLeather Boots10%1365
9Hell SpideSmall Shield10%1670
9Illusion oBox of Luck +8712%1320
9Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +2110%42992
9Illusion oPlate Gloves100%33257
9Illusion oBox of Luck +9100%1211
9Illusion oGuardian Boots100%26100
9Illusion oLegendary Helm100%7378
9Illusion oOrb of Twisting Slash100%8133
9Illusion oLegendary Gloves90%31067
9Illusion oGuardian Gloves90%7481
9Illusion oJewel of Soul80%56404
9Illusion oLegendary Boots80%11723
9Illusion oBronze Shield80%29816
9Illusion oGorgon Staff80%26185
9Illusion oDragon Gloves80%26155
9Illusion oLegendary Shield70%5721
9Illusion oBill of Balrog70%122011
9Illusion oGrand Soul Shield60%168803
9Illusion oLighting Sword60%136691
9Illusion oPlate Armor60%5687
9Illusion oDragon Armor60%136838
9Illusion oLight Plate Mask60%11619
9Illusion oSerpent Crossbow60%5746
9Illusion oLight Plate Armor60%138873
9Illusion oHelical Sword60%74520
9Illusion oBattle Scepter60%29621
9Illusion oRing of Magic60%7781
9Illusion oSilver Bow50%74563
9Illusion oLight Plate Gloves50%33654
9Illusion oGuardian Pants50%29816
9Illusion oGiant Sword50%26285
9Illusion oBlood Bone +350%9309
9Illusion oGreat Reign Crossbow50%386267
9Illusion oLight Plate Pants50%7349
9Illusion oAdamantine Gloves50%131284
9Illusion oGuardian Armor50%130523
9Illusion oPlate Boots50%33447
9Illusion oRing of Wind50%30842
9Illusion oDouble Blade50%5721
9Illusion oPendant of Water40%11826
9Illusion oScroll of Summon40%257114
9Illusion oThunder Staff40%32932
9Illusion oSerpent Shield40%31270
9Illusion oStaff of Resurrection40%112595
9Illusion oSpirit Pants40%33322
9Illusion oDragon Helm40%130936
9Illusion oPendant of Ability40%7287
9Illusion oLarkan Axe40%11587
9Illusion oDragon Shield40%137099
9Illusion oPlate Pants40%31519
9Illusion oRena +340%157649
9Illusion oDark Steel Gloves40%174899
9Illusion oSpirit Armor40%30610
9Illusion oAdamantine Pants40%113221
9Illusion oLegendary Staff30%137020
9Illusion oLight Plate Boots30%31376
9Illusion oGreat Scythe30%29568
9Illusion oJewel of Bless30%61310
9Illusion oStorm Crow Gloves30%113032
9Illusion oPlate Helm30%11532
9Illusion oJewel of Creation30%20831
9Illusion oBox of Luck +130%54062
9Illusion oAdamantine Armor30%258861
9Illusion oDevils Eye30%199705
9Illusion oLord Scepter30%253612
9Illusion oThunder Hawk Pants30%220390
9Illusion oBrass Armor30%35890
9Illusion oPendant of Wind30%33525
9Illusion oCrystal Sword30%129726
9Illusion oTransformation Ring +530%392177
9Illusion oLegendary Armor30%74588
9Illusion oSphinx Armor30%35472
9Illusion oSpirit Helm30%35021
9Illusion oDragon Boots30%29542
9Illusion oLegendary Sword30%31014
9Illusion oBlack Dragon Gloves20%161705
9Illusion oScroll of Twister20%3848
9Illusion oDark Steel Pants20%169509
9Illusion oLight Spear20%33331
9Illusion oThunder Hawk Boots20%169057
9Illusion oGuardian Angel20%757047
9Illusion oScroll of Evil Spirit20%26425
9Illusion oBlack Dragon Armor20%199237
9Illusion oSerpent Spear20%11520
9Illusion oBluewing Crossbow20%155408
9Illusion oPendant of Ice20%32342
9Illusion oDevils Key20%199149
9Illusion oOrb of Rageful Blow20%244317
9Illusion oTiger Bow20%34836
9Illusion oSpirit Gloves20%35927
9Illusion oRing of Earth10%35543
9Illusion oMaster Scepter10%129097
9Illusion oRune Blade10%384994
9Illusion oDark Master Gloves10%188400
9Illusion oBlood Bone +710%124309
9Illusion oScroll of Flame10%3700
9Illusion oOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Illusion oScroll of Archangel +410%23530
9Illusion oBox of Luck +710%136752
9Illusion oScroll of FireBurst10%172596
9Illusion oBlack Dragon Boots10%259966
9Illusion oAquagold Crossbow10%129979
9Illusion oBlood Bone +610%20311
9Illusion oGreat Hammer10%35881
9Illusion oStorm Crow Pants10%169050
9Illusion oScroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
9Illusion oRed Spirit Helm10%166251
9Illusion oStorm Crow Armor10%227934
9Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +610%340511
9Illusion oTransformation Ring +410%2058
9Illusion oDragon Pants10%74359
9Illusion oTower Shield10%35261
9Illusion oScroll of Electric Spark10%173629
9Illusion oImp10%509474
9Illusion oGreat Dragon Boots10%253605
9Illusion oStorm Crow Boots10%129371
9Illusion oSpirit Boots10%35209
9Illusion oLight Saber10%34812
9Illusion oDark Soul Gloves10%261417
9Iron WheelAdamantine Armor1540%258861
9Iron WheelBlack Dragon Boots1410%259966
9Iron WheelStorm Crow Armor1310%227934
9Iron WheelStorm Crow Gloves830%113032
9Iron WheelBlack Dragon Gloves750%161705
9Iron WheelStorm Crow Boots720%129371
9Iron WheelGrand Soul Shield710%168803
9Iron WheelScroll of FireBurst700%172596
9Iron WheelAquagold Crossbow700%129979
9Iron WheelMaster Scepter680%129097
9Iron WheelStorm Crow Pants660%169050
9Iron WheelSymbol of Kundun +4660%82503
9Iron WheelDark Steel Gloves650%174899
9Iron WheelCrystal Sword610%129726
9Iron WheelStaff of Resurrection600%112595
9Iron WheelJewel of Bless580%61310
9Iron WheelAdamantine Pants540%113221
9Iron WheelImp360%509474
9Iron WheelJewel of Soul300%56404
9Iron WheelBlood Bone +6240%20311
9Iron WheelHorn of Uniria240%679937
9Iron WheelTransformation Ring +5200%392177
9Iron WheelDevils Key170%199149
9Iron WheelBox of Luck +1130%54062
9Iron WheelJewel of Life120%42915
9Iron WheelOrb of Rageful Blow120%244317
9Iron WheelGuardian Angel120%757047
9Iron WheelDevils Eye110%199705
9Iron WheelScroll of Archangel +690%20172
9Iron WheelGrand Soul Boots80%144339
9Iron WheelJewel of Chaos50%27223
9Iron WheelBox of Luck +750%136752
9Iron WheelGrand Soul Gloves40%101780
9Iron WheelScroll of Soul Barrier40%12448
9Iron WheelHoly Spirit Gloves40%115842
9Iron WheelRena +330%157649
9Iron WheelScroll of Aqua Beam30%17570
9Iron WheelOrb of Death Stab30%115636
9Iron WheelJewel of Creation20%20831
9Iron WheelOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Iron WheelLegendary Sword10%31014
9Iron WheelSerpent Shield10%31270
9Iron WheelSerpent Spear10%11520
9Iron WheelDragon Pants10%74359
9Ogre archeAdamantine Mask2986%146516
9Ogre archeStorm Crow Gloves2876%113032
9Ogre archeSymbol of Kundun +32866%117836
9Ogre archeElemental Shield2846%146377
9Ogre archeBill of Balrog2776%122011
9Ogre archeDragon Armor2776%136838
9Ogre archeDragon Shield2755%137099
9Ogre archeLegendary Staff2675%137020
9Ogre archeLighting Sword2645%136691
9Ogre archeLight Plate Armor2605%138873
9Ogre archeAdamantine Pants2595%113221
9Ogre archeStaff of Resurrection2575%112595
9Ogre archeBluewing Crossbow2575%155408
9Ogre archeAdamantine Boots2455%136453
9Ogre archeCrystal Morning Star2405%146313
9Ogre archeJewel of Bless1373%61310
9Ogre archeJewel of Soul912%56404
9Ogre archeHorn of Uniria651%679937
9Ogre archeTransformation Ring +5641%392177
9Ogre archeBlood Bone +5611%15095
9Ogre archeDevils Eye571%199705
9Ogre archeBox of Luck +1511%54062
9Ogre archeScroll of Archangel +5471%14888
9Ogre archeGuardian Angel461%757047
9Ogre archeScroll of Hellfire431%9016
9Ogre archeDevils Key421%199149
9Ogre archeBox of Luck +7381%136752
9Ogre archeRena +3361%157649
9Ogre archeOrb of Greater Fortitude291%138522
9Ogre archeGrand Soul Gloves291%101780
9Ogre archeOrb of Penetration261%148821
9Ogre archeImp250%509474
9Ogre archeJewel of Creation240%20831
9Ogre archeJewel of Life240%42915
9Ogre archeOrb of Fire Slash220%139201
9Ogre archeOrb of Summoning130%57744
9Ogre archeJewel of Chaos120%27223
9Ogre archeScroll of Evil Spirit120%26425
9Ogre archeLegendary Sword10%31014
9Poison BulSymbol of Kundun +13040%57725
9Poison BulPendant of Water2060%11826
9Poison BulLight Plate Mask2060%11619
9Poison BulPlate Pants2050%31519
9Poison BulBerdysh2020%36097
9Poison BulSpirit Boots1990%35209
9Poison BulSpirit Pants1970%33322
9Poison BulBrass Pants1970%35852
9Poison BulSpirit Gloves1890%35927
9Poison BulLegendary Sword1890%31014
9Poison BulBrass Armor1870%35890
9Poison BulPlate Boots1870%33447
9Poison BulBlade1870%37998
9Poison BulLegendary Gloves1830%31067
9Poison BulPlate Gloves1820%33257
9Poison BulSphinx Armor1810%35472
9Poison BulLarkan Axe1800%11587
9Poison BulTower Shield1790%35261
9Poison BulLight Spear1790%33331
9Poison BulPendant of Wind1780%33525
9Poison BulRing of Wind1770%30842
9Poison BulTiger Bow1770%34836
9Poison BulGreat Hammer1760%35881
9Poison BulLight Plate Boots1760%31376
9Poison BulSerpent Shield1760%31270
9Poison BulLight Saber1750%34812
9Poison BulSerpent Spear1740%11520
9Poison BulRing of Earth1740%35543
9Poison BulSpirit Helm1720%35021
9Poison BulSpirit Armor1700%30610
9Poison BulThunder Staff1700%32932
9Poison BulLight Plate Gloves1690%33654
9Poison BulDragon Slayer Shield1630%35670
9Poison BulPlate Helm1610%11532
9Poison BulJewel of Bless1600%61310
9Poison BulBrass Helm1500%37830
9Poison BulLegendary Boots1450%11723
9Poison BulJewel of Soul1280%56404
9Poison BulTransformation Ring +3890%15432
9Poison BulDevils Eye690%199705
9Poison BulBox of Luck +1670%54062
9Poison BulScroll of Archangel +3640%9417
9Poison BulBlood Bone +3560%9309
9Poison BulDevils Key540%199149
9Poison BulHorn of Uniria480%679937
9Poison BulGuardian Angel430%757047
9Poison BulJewel of Life410%42915
9Poison BulOrb of Summoning390%57744
9Poison BulBox of Luck +7330%136752
9Poison BulScroll of Flame270%3700
9Poison BulJewel of Creation250%20831
9Poison BulScroll of Twister250%3848
9Poison BulScroll of Poison240%4284
9Poison BulImp210%509474
9Poison BulRena +3200%157649
9Poison BulScroll of Evil Spirit150%26425
9Poison BulJewel of Chaos130%27223
9Poison BulBone Pants10%4254
9Poison BulBronze Boots10%1457
9Poison ShaSymbol of Kundun +22364%42992
9Poison ShaSpirit Pants1582%33322
9Poison ShaRing of Magic1572%7781
9Poison ShaLegendary Boots1502%11723
9Poison ShaSerpent Shield1492%31270
9Poison ShaLegendary Helm1492%7378
9Poison ShaLegendary Shield1482%5721
9Poison ShaLight Plate Gloves1482%33654
9Poison ShaSpirit Helm1462%35021
9Poison ShaSpirit Armor1462%30610
9Poison ShaPlate Pants1462%31519
9Poison ShaPendant of Ability1462%7287
9Poison ShaGuardian Gloves1442%7481
9Poison ShaLight Spear1422%33331
9Poison ShaLight Plate Pants1422%7349
9Poison ShaOrb of Twisting Slash1402%8133
9Poison ShaDouble Blade1392%5721
9Poison ShaPendant of Water1392%11826
9Poison ShaPlate Gloves1372%33257
9Poison ShaSerpent Crossbow1372%5746
9Poison ShaSerpent Spear1372%11520
9Poison ShaPlate Boots1372%33447
9Poison ShaTower Shield1362%35261
9Poison ShaLegendary Sword1362%31014
9Poison ShaPlate Armor1342%5687
9Poison ShaJewel of Bless1342%61310
9Poison ShaLight Plate Boots1322%31376
9Poison ShaSpirit Boots1322%35209
9Poison ShaRing of Wind1312%30842
9Poison ShaLight Plate Mask1292%11619
9Poison ShaThunder Staff1292%32932
9Poison ShaTiger Bow1252%34836
9Poison ShaPendant of Wind1252%33525
9Poison ShaLight Saber1252%34812
9Poison ShaLarkan Axe1242%11587
9Poison ShaPlate Helm1242%11532
9Poison ShaLegendary Gloves1182%31067
9Poison ShaJewel of Soul881%56404
9Poison ShaTransformation Ring +4641%2058
9Poison ShaDevils Eye601%199705
9Poison ShaScroll of Archangel +3521%9417
9Poison ShaBox of Luck +1511%54062
9Poison ShaDevils Key491%199149
9Poison ShaBlood Bone +3471%9309
9Poison ShaRena +3421%157649
9Poison ShaJewel of Life300%42915
9Poison ShaImp290%509474
9Poison ShaScroll of Evil Spirit270%26425
9Poison ShaGuardian Angel250%757047
9Poison ShaBox of Luck +7240%136752
9Poison ShaHorn of Uniria240%679937
9Poison ShaJewel of Creation230%20831
9Poison ShaJewel of Chaos210%27223
9Poison ShaScroll of Twister210%3848
9Poison ShaScroll of Flame200%3700
9Poison ShaOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Poison ShaElven Bow10%875
9Poison ShaSword of Assassin10%1457
9Queen RainStorm Crow Boots860%129371
9Queen RainAdamantine Armor810%258861
9Queen RainGreat Scepter780%265287
9Queen RainScroll of FireBurst780%172596
9Queen RainCrystal Sword750%129726
9Queen RainStorm Crow Pants740%169050
9Queen RainSword of Destruction740%265757
9Queen RainBlack Dragon Boots710%259966
9Queen RainStorm Crow Armor690%227934
9Queen RainSymbol of Kundun +4640%82503
9Queen RainMaster Scepter630%129097
9Queen RainScroll of Critical Damage620%266565
9Queen RainBlack Dragon Helm580%264533
9Queen RainGrand Soul Shield580%168803
9Queen RainDark Steel Gloves570%174899
9Queen RainAquagold Crossbow560%129979
9Queen RainBlack Dragon Gloves530%161705
9Queen RainJewel of Bless340%61310
9Queen RainJewel of Soul290%56404
9Queen RainGuardian Angel180%757047
9Queen RainTransformation Ring +5180%392177
9Queen RainStorm Crow Gloves160%113032
9Queen RainScroll of Archangel +6150%20172
9Queen RainDevils Eye150%199705
9Queen RainDevils Key140%199149
9Queen RainStaff of Resurrection120%112595
9Queen RainOrb of Death Stab110%115636
9Queen RainBlood Bone +6100%20311
9Queen RainGrand Soul Boots100%144339
9Queen RainBluewing Crossbow90%155408
9Queen RainScroll of Cometfall80%13899
9Queen RainOrb of Rageful Blow80%244317
9Queen RainAdamantine Pants80%113221
9Queen RainHorn of Uniria80%679937
9Queen RainBox of Luck +780%136752
9Queen RainImp60%509474
9Queen RainJewel of Chaos60%27223
9Queen RainRena +360%157649
9Queen RainOrb of Ice Arrow60%189255
9Queen RainHoly Spirit Boots60%189284
9Queen RainJewel of Creation50%20831
9Queen RainHoly Spirit Gloves50%115842
9Queen RainJewel of Life50%42915
9Queen RainScroll of Soul Barrier40%12448
9Queen RainGrand Soul Helm30%188216
9Queen RainGrand Soul Gloves10%101780
9Queen RainScroll of Aqua Beam10%17570
9Queen RainGorgon Staff10%26185
9Queen RainOrb of Summoning10%57744
9Queen RainGuardian Gloves10%7481
9Rogue CentOrb of Greater Damage10%3566
9Rogue CentHorn Shield10%1346
9Rogue CentLarge Round Shield10%3577
9Rogue CentDevils Key10%199149
9Rogue CentSphinx Pants10%32437
9Schriker2Symbol of Kundun +22284%42992
9Schriker2Legendary Pants1552%30087
9Schriker2Light Plate Boots1542%31376
9Schriker2Pendant of Wind1532%33525
9Schriker2Light Plate Mask1492%11619
9Schriker2Giant Sword1482%26285
9Schriker2Double Blade1462%5721
9Schriker2Guardian Helm1452%29701
9Schriker2Serpent Spear1412%11520
9Schriker2Larkan Axe1412%11587
9Schriker2Spirit Armor1412%30610
9Schriker2Pendant of Water1402%11826
9Schriker2Light Plate Gloves1392%33654
9Schriker2Light Spear1392%33331
9Schriker2Ring of Magic1382%7781
9Schriker2Plate Gloves1372%33257
9Schriker2Pendant of Ability1362%7287
9Schriker2Serpent Shield1362%31270
9Schriker2Serpent Crossbow1352%5746
9Schriker2Legendary Sword1352%31014
9Schriker2Guardian Gloves1352%7481
9Schriker2Thunder Staff1352%32932
9Schriker2Legendary Helm1352%7378
9Schriker2Legendary Boots1342%11723
9Schriker2Spirit Pants1332%33322
9Schriker2Plate Armor1322%5687
9Schriker2Dragon Gloves1322%26155
9Schriker2Legendary Gloves1322%31067
9Schriker2Plate Boots1322%33447
9Schriker2Plate Helm1312%11532
9Schriker2Orb of Twisting Slash1312%8133
9Schriker2Legendary Shield1302%5721
9Schriker2Ring of Wind1302%30842
9Schriker2Gorgon Staff1302%26185
9Schriker2Plate Pants1212%31519
9Schriker2Light Plate Pants1162%7349
9Schriker2Jewel of Bless1022%61310
9Schriker2Guardian Boots1022%26100
9Schriker2Jewel of Soul861%56404
9Schriker2Transformation Ring +4641%2058
9Schriker2Devils Eye521%199705
9Schriker2Devils Key501%199149
9Schriker2Blood Bone +3431%9309
9Schriker2Scroll of Archangel +3411%9417
9Schriker2Scroll of Evil Spirit381%26425
9Schriker2Spirit Helm371%35021
9Schriker2Spirit Boots371%35209
9Schriker2Horn of Uniria331%679937
9Schriker2Light Saber321%34812
9Schriker2Box of Luck +1300%54062
9Schriker2Ring of Earth280%35543
9Schriker2Tower Shield270%35261
9Schriker2Jewel of Life270%42915
9Schriker2Tiger Bow230%34836
9Schriker2Rena +3170%157649
9Schriker2Jewel of Creation170%20831
9Schriker2Scroll of Twister160%3848
9Schriker2Jewel of Chaos110%27223
9Schriker2Box of Luck +7100%136752
9Schriker2Scroll of Flame70%3700
9Schriker2Orb of Summoning40%57744
9Schriker2Guardian Angel20%757047
9Schriker2Angelic Staff10%3609
9ShadowSymbol of Kundun +23121%42992
9ShadowPlate Gloves1950%33257
9ShadowTower Shield1940%35261
9ShadowLight Plate Mask1910%11619
9ShadowThunder Staff1870%32932
9ShadowSpirit Gloves1860%35927
9ShadowPlate Boots1860%33447
9ShadowPendant of Water1850%11826
9ShadowOrb of Twisting Slash1840%8133
9ShadowGreat Hammer1840%35881
9ShadowPendant of Wind1840%33525
9ShadowLight Saber1810%34812
9ShadowPlate Pants1790%31519
9ShadowBrass Helm1790%37830
9ShadowLegendary Gloves1780%31067
9ShadowSerpent Spear1760%11520
9ShadowLegendary Sword1760%31014
9ShadowRing of Magic1740%7781
9ShadowRing of Earth1740%35543
9ShadowLight Plate Boots1710%31376
9ShadowSphinx Armor1680%35472
9ShadowRing of Wind1680%30842
9ShadowLight Plate Gloves1680%33654
9ShadowPlate Helm1670%11532
9ShadowTiger Bow1670%34836
9ShadowSpirit Helm1660%35021
9ShadowLegendary Boots1640%11723
9ShadowSpirit Pants1630%33322
9ShadowSpirit Armor1600%30610
9ShadowLarkan Axe1600%11587
9ShadowSerpent Shield1570%31270
9ShadowBrass Armor1550%35890
9ShadowJewel of Bless1520%61310
9ShadowSpirit Boots1450%35209
9ShadowLight Spear1410%33331
9ShadowJewel of Soul1280%56404
9ShadowTransformation Ring +3920%15432
9ShadowDevils Key700%199149
9ShadowBox of Luck +1680%54062
9ShadowBlood Bone +3610%9309
9ShadowScroll of Archangel +3560%9417
9ShadowDevils Eye430%199705
9ShadowGuardian Angel410%757047
9ShadowJewel of Life320%42915
9ShadowBox of Luck +7320%136752
9ShadowJewel of Creation310%20831
9ShadowScroll of Flame280%3700
9ShadowRena +3250%157649
9ShadowScroll of Evil Spirit190%26425
9ShadowJewel of Chaos190%27223
9ShadowHorn of Uniria150%679937
9ShadowScroll of Twister130%3848
9ShadowOrb of Summoning110%57744
9ShadowScroll of Poison60%4284
9ShadowHand Axe10%1558
9ShadowPad Helm10%1322
9ShadowBone Boots10%957
9Skeleton ASymbol of Kundun +13884%57725
9Skeleton AWind Pants2182%7222
9Skeleton AWind Armor2042%10533
9Skeleton AGiant Trident2032%5312
9Skeleton APendant of Ice2022%32342
9Skeleton ASerpent Sword2012%7461
9Skeleton ASphinx Mask2002%10441
9Skeleton APlate Shield1992%4649
9Skeleton AFalcon1972%4741
9Skeleton AScale Helm1902%5408
9Skeleton ARing of Fire1902%7228
9Skeleton AJewel of Bless1902%61310
9Skeleton ASpiked Shield1882%7274
9Skeleton ABrass Boots1882%10541
9Skeleton AWind Gloves1872%5484
9Skeleton AElven Axe1852%5544
9Skeleton ASphinx Boots1852%7268
9Skeleton ALight Crossbow1852%10502
9Skeleton ABrass Gloves1842%10390
9Skeleton ASphinx Pants1802%32437
9Skeleton ASword of Salamander1782%10242
9Skeleton AScale Pants1772%4750
9Skeleton ASerpent Staff1722%7164
9Skeleton ASphinx Gloves1722%5551
9Skeleton ABattle Bow1722%5446
9Skeleton ANikea Axe1702%32035
9Skeleton ABattle Axe1662%7354
9Skeleton AJewel of Soul1641%56404
9Skeleton ASpear1641%4649
9Skeleton AScale Armor1631%5317
9Skeleton AWind Helm1621%5349
9Skeleton AWind Boots1621%5231
9Skeleton ATransformation Ring +21201%3065
9Skeleton ARing of Ice1101%4305
9Skeleton ABronze Armor1011%3476
9Skeleton AAngelic Staff1011%3609
9Skeleton ABone Boots991%957
9Skeleton AKatana981%913
9Skeleton AElven Bow981%875
9Skeleton AOrb of Greater Damage971%3566
9Skeleton AScale Gloves961%4773
9Skeleton ABronze Helm961%915
9Skeleton ASilk Armor951%4242
9Skeleton ASilk Helm931%923
9Skeleton ARing of Poison931%1025
9Skeleton ASilk Pants921%3472
9Skeleton ABone Pants921%4254
9Skeleton AArquebus901%4273
9Skeleton AElven Shield901%4161
9Skeleton ABone Armor891%4897
9Skeleton ALarge Round Shield891%3577
9Skeleton AScale Boots881%4926
9Skeleton APendant of Lighting861%4102
9Skeleton ADevils Key851%199149
9Skeleton AHalberd851%3646
9Skeleton ABone Helm841%3442
9Skeleton ADevils Eye811%199705
9Skeleton ATomahawk801%3520
9Skeleton AFlail791%4703
9Skeleton AGladius771%4230
9Skeleton ABlood Bone +2691%9558
9Skeleton ABox of Luck +1681%54062
9Skeleton AScroll of Archangel +2661%9980
9Skeleton ABox of Luck +7460%136752
9Skeleton ARena +3380%157649
9Skeleton AJewel of Life360%42915
9Skeleton AScroll of Meteorite330%797
9Skeleton AOrb of Summoning300%57744
9Skeleton AHorn of Uniria290%679937
9Skeleton AScroll of Ice280%1144
9Skeleton AJewel of Creation280%20831
9Skeleton AJewel of Chaos210%27223
9Skeleton AScroll of Poison200%4284
9Skeleton AImp180%509474
9Skeleton AOrb of Impale80%3937
9Skeleton AScroll of Teleport50%125
9Skeleton AApple10%9801
9Skeleton AVine Pants10%1339
9Skeleton ASkull Staff10%1291
9Skeleton AHand Axe10%1558
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Electric Spark370%173629
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Phoenix Helm320%163652
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Phoenix Gloves280%236326
IcarusAlpha CrusSymbol of Kundun +6280%340511
IcarusAlpha CrusBlack Dragon Armor280%199237
IcarusAlpha CrusOrb of Ice Arrow270%189255
IcarusAlpha CrusDragon Spear270%170360
IcarusAlpha CrusGrand Soul Armor260%163780
IcarusAlpha CrusThunder Hawk Gloves260%275348
IcarusAlpha CrusCelestial Bow260%163853
IcarusAlpha CrusGreat Scepter250%265287
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Critical Damage250%266565
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Steel Boots240%244667
IcarusAlpha CrusHoly Spirit Helm240%241941
IcarusAlpha CrusHoly Spirit Armor240%164549
IcarusAlpha CrusSword of Destruction240%265757
IcarusAlpha CrusThunder Hawk Boots230%169057
IcarusAlpha CrusGrand Soul Pants230%235976
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Master Gloves220%188400
IcarusAlpha CrusRed Spirit Boots220%261364
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Soul Gloves220%261417
IcarusAlpha CrusSaint Crossbow210%253341
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Steel Pants210%169509
IcarusAlpha CrusElemental Mace210%199022
IcarusAlpha CrusGrand Soul Helm210%188216
IcarusAlpha CrusDark Steel Mask200%241825
IcarusAlpha CrusBlack Dragon Helm200%264533
IcarusAlpha CrusHoly Spirit Boots200%189284
IcarusAlpha CrusRed Spirit Gloves190%253267
IcarusAlpha CrusHoly Spirit Pants180%269652
IcarusAlpha CrusBlack Dragon Pants180%254444
IcarusAlpha CrusStaff of Destruction130%199143
IcarusAlpha CrusDevils Eye90%199705
IcarusAlpha CrusBlood Bone +790%124309
IcarusAlpha CrusTransformation Ring +580%392177
IcarusAlpha CrusDevils Key80%199149
IcarusAlpha CrusBox of Luck +760%136752
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Archangel +740%124171
IcarusAlpha CrusRena +330%157649
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Cometfall30%13899
IcarusAlpha CrusPet Rudolph20%13837
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Aqua Beam20%17570
IcarusAlpha CrusLochs Feather10%1627
IcarusAlpha CrusJewel of Soul10%56404
IcarusAlpha CrusJewel of Bless10%61310
IcarusAlpha CrusJewel of Chaos10%27223
IcarusAlpha CrusScroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
IcarusAlpha CrusHorn of Uniria10%679937
IcarusAlpha CrusJewel of Life10%42915
IcarusAlpha CrusGuardian Angel10%757047
IcarusAlquamosScroll of FireBurst231085%172596
IcarusAlquamosHoly Spirit Gloves210475%115842
IcarusAlquamosElemental Shield209395%146377
IcarusAlquamosStorm Crow Gloves209255%113032
IcarusAlquamosAdamantine Mask208365%146516
IcarusAlquamosCrystal Morning Star208135%146313
IcarusAlquamosGrand Soul Gloves207875%101780
IcarusAlquamosDark Steel Gloves207815%174899
IcarusAlquamosMaster Scepter207265%129097
IcarusAlquamosBluewing Crossbow207065%155408
IcarusAlquamosStaff of Resurrection206455%112595
IcarusAlquamosAquagold Crossbow206385%129979
IcarusAlquamosOrb of Death Stab206365%115636
IcarusAlquamosStorm Crow Boots206275%129371
IcarusAlquamosStorm Crow Pants206185%169050
IcarusAlquamosAdamantine Pants206155%113221
IcarusAlquamosOrb of Penetration206005%148821
IcarusAlquamosCrystal Sword205335%129726
IcarusAlquamosGrand Soul Shield203795%168803
IcarusAlquamosSymbol of Kundun +3163264%117836
IcarusAlquamosTransformation Ring +549361%392177
IcarusAlquamosGuardian Angel42441%757047
IcarusAlquamosBox of Luck +132341%54062
IcarusAlquamosBlood Bone +531871%15095
IcarusAlquamosScroll of Archangel +531681%14888
IcarusAlquamosDevils Key31451%199149
IcarusAlquamosDevils Eye31391%199705
IcarusAlquamosHorn of Uniria27271%679937
IcarusAlquamosBox of Luck +716950%136752
IcarusAlquamosRena +316220%157649
IcarusAlquamosScroll of Evil Spirit12400%26425
IcarusAlquamosScroll of Hellfire7880%9016
IcarusAlquamosScroll of Aqua Beam6910%17570
IcarusAlquamosLochs Feather3980%1627
IcarusAlquamosJewel of Bless3490%61310
IcarusAlquamosJewel of Soul3470%56404
IcarusAlquamosJewel of Life2540%42915
IcarusAlquamosJewel of Chaos1910%27223
IcarusAlquamosOrb of Summoning1750%57744
IcarusAlquamosJewel of Creation950%20831
IcarusAlquamosBroken Sword830%129
IcarusAlquamosDouble Blade110%5721
IcarusAlquamosOrb of Twisting Slash80%8133
IcarusAlquamosTower Shield70%35261
IcarusAlquamosSpirit Armor70%30610
IcarusAlquamosLegendary Sword60%31014
IcarusAlquamosPlate Gloves60%33257
IcarusAlquamosPendant of Ability60%7287
IcarusAlquamosLight Plate Gloves60%33654
IcarusAlquamosGuardian Gloves50%7481
IcarusAlquamosTiger Bow50%34836
IcarusAlquamosLegendary Shield50%5721
IcarusAlquamosPlate Boots50%33447
IcarusAlquamosPlate Armor50%5687
IcarusAlquamosLight Spear50%33331
IcarusAlquamosLegendary Gloves40%31067
IcarusAlquamosPlate Pants40%31519
IcarusAlquamosThunder Staff40%32932
IcarusAlquamosSpirit Pants40%33322
IcarusAlquamosLight Plate Pants40%7349
IcarusAlquamosRing of Wind40%30842
IcarusAlquamosSpirit Boots30%35209
IcarusAlquamosSpirit Helm30%35021
IcarusAlquamosPendant of Wind30%33525
IcarusAlquamosLight Saber30%34812
IcarusAlquamosLight Plate Boots30%31376
IcarusAlquamosLegendary Helm30%7378
IcarusAlquamosRing of Magic20%7781
IcarusAlquamosLegendary Boots20%11723
IcarusAlquamosPendant of Water20%11826
IcarusAlquamosPlate Helm20%11532
IcarusAlquamosSerpent Spear20%11520
IcarusAlquamosScroll of the Emperor10%293
IcarusAlquamosLight Plate Mask10%11619
IcarusAlquamosSerpent Crossbow10%5746
IcarusAlquamosLarkan Axe10%11587
IcarusDrakanBlack Dragon Gloves10353%161705
IcarusDrakanGreat Scepter10343%265287
IcarusDrakanDark Steel Gloves10153%174899
IcarusDrakanBlack Dragon Pants10023%254444
IcarusDrakanStorm Crow Armor10023%227934
IcarusDrakanSaint Crossbow10013%253341
IcarusDrakanHoly Spirit Boots9953%189284
IcarusDrakanOrb of Ice Arrow9853%189255
IcarusDrakanScroll of Critical Damage9853%266565
IcarusDrakanGrand Soul Helm9763%188216
IcarusDrakanDark Phoenix Gloves9753%236326
IcarusDrakanGrand Soul Boots9733%144339
IcarusDrakanSword of Destruction9733%265757
IcarusDrakanBlack Dragon Helm9693%264533
IcarusDrakanDark Steel Boots9663%244667
IcarusDrakanGrand Soul Pants9643%235976
IcarusDrakanRed Spirit Gloves9573%253267
IcarusDrakanHoly Spirit Helm9563%241941
IcarusDrakanOrb of Rageful Blow9523%244317
IcarusDrakanAdamantine Armor9483%258861
IcarusDrakanBlack Dragon Boots9383%259966
IcarusDrakanDark Steel Mask9323%241825
IcarusDrakanSymbol of Kundun +58873%136323
IcarusDrakanTransformation Ring +52591%392177
IcarusDrakanDevils Key2081%199149
IcarusDrakanScroll of Archangel +71771%124171
IcarusDrakanDevils Eye1771%199705
IcarusDrakanBlood Bone +71620%124309
IcarusDrakanHorn of Uniria1290%679937
IcarusDrakanRena +3990%157649
IcarusDrakanGuardian Angel990%757047
IcarusDrakanBox of Luck +7720%136752
IcarusDrakanScroll of Aqua Beam530%17570
IcarusDrakanScroll of Teleport Ally480%19451
IcarusDrakanScroll of Cometfall460%13899
IcarusDrakanJewel of Soul380%56404
IcarusDrakanScroll of Soul Barrier330%12448
IcarusDrakanLochs Feather270%1627
IcarusDrakanJewel of Chaos240%27223
IcarusDrakanJewel of Bless230%61310
IcarusDrakanJewel of Life180%42915
IcarusDrakanOrb of Summoning90%57744
IcarusDrakanJewel of Creation80%20831
IcarusDrakanDragon Armor10%136838
IcarusGreat DrakThunder Hawk Pants9837%220390
IcarusGreat DrakDragon Soul Staff9606%386281
IcarusGreat DrakLord Scepter9446%253612
IcarusGreat DrakDark Phoenix Armor9336%386797
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Summon9296%257114
IcarusGreat DrakGreat Dragon Boots9296%253605
IcarusGreat DrakRune Blade9276%384994
IcarusGreat DrakRed Spirit Pants9176%386729
IcarusGreat DrakGreat Reign Crossbow9136%386267
IcarusGreat DrakSymbol of Kundun +64713%340511
IcarusGreat DrakDark Soul Boots2372%126533
IcarusGreat DrakSpirit +12322%418173
IcarusGreat DrakDark Phoenix Boots2322%166255
IcarusGreat DrakDark Steel Pants2322%169509
IcarusGreat DrakDark Phoenix Pants2312%117569
IcarusGreat DrakThunder Hawk Boots2312%169057
IcarusGreat DrakDark Master Boots2292%126168
IcarusGreat DrakDark Master Gloves2251%188400
IcarusGreat DrakBlack Dragon Armor2231%199237
IcarusGreat DrakDark Phoenix Helm2221%163652
IcarusGreat DrakElemental Mace2191%199022
IcarusGreat DrakHoly Spirit Armor2181%164549
IcarusGreat DrakDragon Spear2171%170360
IcarusGreat DrakStaff of Destruction2141%199143
IcarusGreat DrakCelestial Bow2121%163853
IcarusGreat DrakRed Spirit Helm2111%166251
IcarusGreat DrakDark Steel Armor2111%117377
IcarusGreat DrakGreat Dragon Gloves2111%128394
IcarusGreat DrakGrand Soul Armor2081%163780
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Electric Spark2001%173629
IcarusGreat DrakImp1491%509474
IcarusGreat DrakTransformation Ring +51341%392177
IcarusGreat DrakGuardian Angel1111%757047
IcarusGreat DrakDevils Key981%199149
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Archangel +7901%124171
IcarusGreat DrakDark Soul Gloves881%261417
IcarusGreat DrakDark Phoenix Gloves881%236326
IcarusGreat DrakDevils Eye861%199705
IcarusGreat DrakThunder Hawk Gloves851%275348
IcarusGreat DrakBlood Bone +7831%124309
IcarusGreat DrakHorn of Uniria801%679937
IcarusGreat DrakRed Spirit Boots781%261364
IcarusGreat DrakGrand Soul Pants761%235976
IcarusGreat DrakHoly Spirit Pants740%269652
IcarusGreat DrakDark Steel Mask710%241825
IcarusGreat DrakRena +3610%157649
IcarusGreat DrakBox of Luck +7530%136752
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Decay270%22624
IcarusGreat DrakJewel of Life250%42915
IcarusGreat DrakJewel of Bless250%61310
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Ice Storm210%16761
IcarusGreat DrakJewel of Soul210%56404
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Nova190%39384
IcarusGreat DrakJewel of Chaos130%27223
IcarusGreat DrakLochs Feather110%1627
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Inferno110%16758
IcarusGreat DrakScroll of Teleport Ally100%19451
IcarusGreat DrakPet Rudolph30%13837
IcarusGreat DrakOrb of Summoning20%57744
IcarusGreat DrakJewel of Creation20%20831
IcarusGreat DrakStaff of Resurrection10%112595
IcarusMega CrustOrb of Rageful Blow449665%244317
IcarusMega CrustStorm Crow Pants417624%169050
IcarusMega CrustAdamantine Pants417394%113221
IcarusMega CrustCrystal Sword417124%129726
IcarusMega CrustDark Steel Gloves417074%174899
IcarusMega CrustScroll of FireBurst417024%172596
IcarusMega CrustGrand Soul Shield416984%168803
IcarusMega CrustStorm Crow Boots416194%129371
IcarusMega CrustGrand Soul Gloves416044%101780
IcarusMega CrustStaff of Resurrection415974%112595
IcarusMega CrustOrb of Death Stab415754%115636
IcarusMega CrustHoly Spirit Gloves415654%115842
IcarusMega CrustAquagold Crossbow415334%129979
IcarusMega CrustBlack Dragon Boots415194%259966
IcarusMega CrustBluewing Crossbow415064%155408
IcarusMega CrustStorm Crow Gloves415034%113032
IcarusMega CrustGrand Soul Boots414564%144339
IcarusMega CrustMaster Scepter414534%129097
IcarusMega CrustAdamantine Armor414264%258861
IcarusMega CrustBlack Dragon Gloves414204%161705
IcarusMega CrustSymbol of Kundun +4342954%82503
IcarusMega CrustDevils Eye134401%199705
IcarusMega CrustDevils Key133951%199149
IcarusMega CrustTransformation Ring +5104591%392177
IcarusMega CrustHorn of Uniria69851%679937
IcarusMega CrustBox of Luck +167281%54062
IcarusMega CrustBlood Bone +666891%20311
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Archangel +666821%20172
IcarusMega CrustGuardian Angel48040%757047
IcarusMega CrustRena +334090%157649
IcarusMega CrustBox of Luck +733990%136752
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Evil Spirit25180%26425
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Soul Barrier19330%12448
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Aqua Beam18480%17570
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Hellfire11300%9016
IcarusMega CrustLochs Feather8140%1627
IcarusMega CrustImp7050%509474
IcarusMega CrustJewel of Soul7010%56404
IcarusMega CrustJewel of Bless6980%61310
IcarusMega CrustOrb of Summoning5860%57744
IcarusMega CrustJewel of Life5580%42915
IcarusMega CrustJewel of Chaos3780%27223
IcarusMega CrustJewel of Creation2150%20831
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Gloves150%31067
IcarusMega CrustPendant of Water150%11826
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Shield140%5721
IcarusMega CrustSerpent Spear140%11520
IcarusMega CrustRing of Magic140%7781
IcarusMega CrustGiant Sword120%26285
IcarusMega CrustSpirit Pants120%33322
IcarusMega CrustLight Plate Gloves120%33654
IcarusMega CrustPlate Helm110%11532
IcarusMega CrustPlate Boots100%33447
IcarusMega CrustSpirit Armor100%30610
IcarusMega CrustLight Plate Boots100%31376
IcarusMega CrustGuardian Helm90%29701
IcarusMega CrustOrb of Twisting Slash90%8133
IcarusMega CrustLight Plate Mask90%11619
IcarusMega CrustPendant of Wind90%33525
IcarusMega CrustPendant of Ability90%7287
IcarusMega CrustPlate Armor90%5687
IcarusMega CrustGorgon Staff80%26185
IcarusMega CrustThunder Staff80%32932
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Boots80%11723
IcarusMega CrustSerpent Shield80%31270
IcarusMega CrustLight Spear80%33331
IcarusMega CrustLight Plate Pants80%7349
IcarusMega CrustRing of Wind80%30842
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Helm80%7378
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Sword80%31014
IcarusMega CrustLarkan Axe70%11587
IcarusMega CrustGuardian Gloves70%7481
IcarusMega CrustDouble Blade70%5721
IcarusMega CrustGuardian Boots60%26100
IcarusMega CrustPlate Pants60%31519
IcarusMega CrustSerpent Crossbow60%5746
IcarusMega CrustPlate Gloves50%33257
IcarusMega CrustDragon Gloves50%26155
IcarusMega CrustLegendary Pants40%30087
IcarusMega CrustSpirit Helm40%35021
IcarusMega CrustTower Shield30%35261
IcarusMega CrustTiger Bow30%34836
IcarusMega CrustScroll of Twister20%3848
IcarusMega CrustRing of Earth20%35543
IcarusMega CrustLight Saber20%34812
IcarusMega CrustSpirit Boots10%35209
IcarusPhantom KnGreat Dragon Gloves5294%128394
IcarusPhantom KnSymbol of Kundun +65193%340511
IcarusPhantom KnHoly Spirit Armor5173%164549
IcarusPhantom KnGrand Soul Pants5163%235976
IcarusPhantom KnThunder Hawk Boots5063%169057
IcarusPhantom KnDark Phoenix Boots5053%166255
IcarusPhantom KnDark Steel Armor5023%117377
IcarusPhantom KnElemental Mace5003%199022
IcarusPhantom KnRed Spirit Boots5003%261364
IcarusPhantom KnHoly Spirit Pants5003%269652
IcarusPhantom KnHoly Spirit Helm4943%241941
IcarusPhantom KnDark Steel Pants4923%169509
IcarusPhantom KnBlack Dragon Armor4903%199237
IcarusPhantom KnStaff of Destruction4903%199143
IcarusPhantom KnThunder Hawk Gloves4883%275348
IcarusPhantom KnDark Soul Gloves4853%261417
IcarusPhantom KnRed Spirit Helm4813%166251
IcarusPhantom KnDark Phoenix Pants4773%117569
IcarusPhantom KnDark Steel Mask4763%241825
IcarusPhantom KnCelestial Bow4733%163853
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Electric Spark4703%173629
IcarusPhantom KnGrand Soul Armor4693%163780
IcarusPhantom KnDark Master Boots4683%126168
IcarusPhantom KnDark Phoenix Helm4633%163652
IcarusPhantom KnDark Phoenix Gloves4613%236326
IcarusPhantom KnDragon Spear4553%170360
IcarusPhantom KnDark Master Gloves4553%188400
IcarusPhantom KnDark Soul Boots4493%126533
IcarusPhantom KnSpirit +12141%418173
IcarusPhantom KnImp1731%509474
IcarusPhantom KnTransformation Ring +51521%392177
IcarusPhantom KnDevils Key951%199149
IcarusPhantom KnBlood Bone +7941%124309
IcarusPhantom KnDevils Eye901%199705
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Archangel +7861%124171
IcarusPhantom KnRena +3650%157649
IcarusPhantom KnBox of Luck +7540%136752
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Cometfall490%13899
IcarusPhantom KnHorn of Uniria350%679937
IcarusPhantom KnGuardian Angel340%757047
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Teleport Ally310%19451
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Decay170%22624
IcarusPhantom KnJewel of Soul150%56404
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Ice Storm130%16761
IcarusPhantom KnJewel of Bless110%61310
IcarusPhantom KnLochs Feather100%1627
IcarusPhantom KnScroll of Inferno100%16758
IcarusPhantom KnJewel of Chaos80%27223
IcarusPhantom KnJewel of Life70%42915
IcarusPhantom KnJewel of Creation30%20831
IcarusPhantom KnPet Rudolph30%13837
IcarusPhantom KnOrb of Summoning30%57744
IcarusPhoenix ofDark Phoenix Armor210%386797
IcarusPhoenix ofThunder Blade210%348277
IcarusPhoenix ofThunder Hawk Pants15%220390
IcarusPhoenix ofGreat Reign Crossbow15%386267
IcarusPhoenix ofDark Phoenix Pants15%117569
IcarusPhoenix ofSpirit +015%182784
IcarusPhoenix ofRune Blade15%384994
IcarusPhoenix ofThunder Hawk Armor15%639707
IcarusPhoenix ofDark Steel Armor15%117377
IcarusPhoenix ofLochs Feather15%1627
IcarusPhoenix ofScroll of Fire Scream15%235363
IcarusPhoenix ofLord Scepter15%253612
IcarusPhoenix ofDragon Soul Staff15%386281
IcarusPhoenix ofGreat Dragon Gloves15%128394
IcarusPhoenix ofDark Master Mask15%513210
IcarusPhoenix ofSymbol of Kundun +615%340511
IcarusQueen RainScroll of Critical Damage160823%266565
IcarusQueen RainOrb of Ice Arrow156343%189255
IcarusQueen RainStorm Crow Armor153473%227934
IcarusQueen RainStorm Crow Pants152323%169050
IcarusQueen RainSword of Destruction152253%265757
IcarusQueen RainBlack Dragon Helm151913%264533
IcarusQueen RainHoly Spirit Boots151783%189284
IcarusQueen RainAquagold Crossbow151423%129979
IcarusQueen RainCrystal Sword151423%129726
IcarusQueen RainScroll of FireBurst150803%172596
IcarusQueen RainOrb of Rageful Blow150793%244317
IcarusQueen RainBlack Dragon Gloves150593%161705
IcarusQueen RainGrand Soul Shield150463%168803
IcarusQueen RainStorm Crow Boots150403%129371
IcarusQueen RainMaster Scepter150303%129097
IcarusQueen RainGrand Soul Boots150183%144339
IcarusQueen RainHoly Spirit Gloves150093%115842
IcarusQueen RainDark Steel Gloves149883%174899
IcarusQueen RainGrand Soul Helm149753%188216
IcarusQueen RainBlack Dragon Boots148983%259966
IcarusQueen RainAdamantine Armor148853%258861
IcarusQueen RainGreat Scepter148833%265287
IcarusQueen RainOrb of Death Stab148783%115636
IcarusQueen RainSymbol of Kundun +4147653%82503
IcarusQueen RainTransformation Ring +544461%392177
IcarusQueen RainDevils Eye28731%199705
IcarusQueen RainDevils Key28661%199149
IcarusQueen RainScroll of Archangel +628341%20172
IcarusQueen RainBlood Bone +627791%20311
IcarusQueen RainHorn of Uniria25631%679937
IcarusQueen RainBluewing Crossbow25171%155408
IcarusQueen RainStorm Crow Gloves24981%113032
IcarusQueen RainAdamantine Pants24941%113221
IcarusQueen RainGrand Soul Gloves24560%101780
IcarusQueen RainStaff of Resurrection24410%112595
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Angel16350%757047
IcarusQueen RainRena +314720%157649
IcarusQueen RainBox of Luck +713930%136752
IcarusQueen RainScroll of Cometfall7280%13899
IcarusQueen RainImp5860%509474
IcarusQueen RainScroll of Aqua Beam5790%17570
IcarusQueen RainScroll of Soul Barrier5160%12448
IcarusQueen RainLochs Feather3650%1627
IcarusQueen RainJewel of Soul3490%56404
IcarusQueen RainJewel of Bless3480%61310
IcarusQueen RainJewel of Life2790%42915
IcarusQueen RainJewel of Chaos1910%27223
IcarusQueen RainOrb of Summoning1090%57744
IcarusQueen RainJewel of Creation860%20831
IcarusQueen RainDragon Pants100%74359
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Helm80%29701
IcarusQueen RainBattle Scepter60%29621
IcarusQueen RainLegendary Shield60%5721
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Pants60%29816
IcarusQueen RainBronze Shield50%29816
IcarusQueen RainAdamantine Gloves50%131284
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Gloves50%7481
IcarusQueen RainDragon Helm50%130936
IcarusQueen RainPlate Armor50%5687
IcarusQueen RainSerpent Spear50%11520
IcarusQueen RainSilver Bow50%74563
IcarusQueen RainGiant Sword50%26285
IcarusQueen RainGorgon Staff50%26185
IcarusQueen RainLarkan Axe50%11587
IcarusQueen RainLight Plate Mask40%11619
IcarusQueen RainPendant of Ability40%7287
IcarusQueen RainDragon Boots40%29542
IcarusQueen RainPlate Helm40%11532
IcarusQueen RainDouble Blade30%5721
IcarusQueen RainLight Plate Pants30%7349
IcarusQueen RainLegendary Helm30%7378
IcarusQueen RainLegendary Armor30%74588
IcarusQueen RainLegendary Boots30%11723
IcarusQueen RainDragon Gloves30%26155
IcarusQueen RainSerpent Crossbow30%5746
IcarusQueen RainScroll of the Emperor20%293
IcarusQueen RainPendant of Water20%11826
IcarusQueen RainLegendary Pants20%30087
IcarusQueen RainHelical Sword20%74520
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Boots20%26100
IcarusQueen RainRing of Magic20%7781
IcarusQueen RainOrb of Twisting Slash20%8133
IcarusQueen RainGreat Scythe10%29568
IcarusQueen RainBroken Sword10%129
IcarusQueen RainGuardian Armor10%130523
11Chief SkelSpiked Shield11460%7274
11Chief SkelElven Axe11460%5544
11Chief SkelSerpent Sword11350%7461
11Chief SkelWind Armor11210%10533
11Chief SkelScale Helm11160%5408
11Chief SkelSphinx Gloves11140%5551
11Chief SkelWind Gloves11130%5484
11Chief SkelLight Crossbow11020%10502
11Chief SkelBattle Axe10890%7354
11Chief SkelBattle Bow10890%5446
11Chief SkelWind Pants10880%7222
11Chief SkelGiant Trident10860%5312
11Chief SkelBrass Boots10790%10541
11Chief SkelWind Helm10750%5349
11Chief SkelScale Armor10740%5317
11Chief SkelRing of Fire10740%7228
11Chief SkelBrass Gloves10720%10390
11Chief SkelSphinx Mask10690%10441
11Chief SkelSerpent Staff10640%7164
11Chief SkelSphinx Boots10620%7268
11Chief SkelWind Boots10560%5231
11Chief SkelSword of Salamander10470%10242
11Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +17970%57725
11Chief SkelScale Boots5880%4926
11Chief SkelBone Armor5820%4897
11Chief SkelBlade5750%37998
11Chief SkelSphinx Pants5670%32437
11Chief SkelBrass Helm5650%37830
11Chief SkelNikea Axe5620%32035
11Chief SkelDragon Slayer Shield5570%35670
11Chief SkelBrass Pants5510%35852
11Chief SkelSpear5510%4649
11Chief SkelPendant of Ice5440%32342
11Chief SkelScale Pants5430%4750
11Chief SkelBerdysh5420%36097
11Chief SkelFalcon5320%4741
11Chief SkelFlail5170%4703
11Chief SkelScale Gloves4970%4773
11Chief SkelPlate Shield4960%4649
11Chief SkelTransformation Ring +22580%3065
11Chief SkelImp2420%509474
11Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +21930%9980
11Chief SkelBox of Luck +11750%54062
11Chief SkelOrb of Summoning1660%57744
11Chief SkelDevils Key1590%199149
11Chief SkelBlood Bone +21580%9558
11Chief SkelDevils Eye1530%199705
11Chief SkelScroll of Ice1120%1144
11Chief SkelHorn of Uniria1120%679937
11Chief SkelScroll of Meteorite880%797
11Chief SkelBox of Luck +7790%136752
11Chief SkelScroll of Poison740%4284
11Chief SkelRena +3610%157649
11Chief SkelJewel of Bless420%61310
11Chief SkelJewel of Soul360%56404
11Chief SkelJewel of Life260%42915
11Chief SkelScroll of Flame250%3700
11Chief SkelGuardian Angel250%757047
11Chief SkelScroll of Teleport200%125
11Chief SkelJewel of Chaos190%27223
11Chief SkelApple70%9801
11Chief SkelJewel of Creation50%20831
11Chief SkelLeather Boots10%1365
11Chief SkelMace10%1215
11Chief SkelHand Axe10%1558
11Chief SkelLeather Armor10%1453
11Chief SkelHealing Orb10%1346
11Chief SkelGolden Crossbow10%1458
11Chief SkelBuckler10%1401
11Dark SkullSerpent Sword20620%7461
11Dark SkullSphinx Mask20560%10441
11Dark SkullGreat Hammer20470%35881
11Dark SkullNikea Axe20310%32035
11Dark SkullSpirit Helm20310%35021
11Dark SkullBattle Axe20300%7354
11Dark SkullBrass Boots20270%10541
11Dark SkullBrass Gloves20100%10390
11Dark SkullDragon Slayer Shield20080%35670
11Dark SkullRing of Earth20050%35543
11Dark SkullBrass Armor19990%35890
11Dark SkullSphinx Pants19950%32437
11Dark SkullSpirit Boots19900%35209
11Dark SkullBrass Helm19790%37830
11Dark SkullSpiked Shield19760%7274
11Dark SkullRing of Fire19720%7228
11Dark SkullSphinx Boots19640%7268
11Dark SkullTiger Bow19540%34836
11Dark SkullLight Crossbow19530%10502
11Dark SkullSpirit Gloves19400%35927
11Dark SkullSerpent Staff19390%7164
11Dark SkullTower Shield19340%35261
11Dark SkullWind Armor19330%10533
11Dark SkullWind Pants19280%7222
11Dark SkullBrass Pants19260%35852
11Dark SkullBerdysh19170%36097
11Dark SkullBlade19160%37998
11Dark SkullSphinx Armor19050%35472
11Dark SkullPendant of Ice19020%32342
11Dark SkullSword of Salamander18880%10242
11Dark SkullLight Saber18240%34812
11Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +115790%57725
11Dark SkullOrb of Summoning7010%57744
11Dark SkullTransformation Ring +34890%15432
11Dark SkullGuardian Angel3510%757047
11Dark SkullDevils Key3340%199149
11Dark SkullBlood Bone +23090%9558
11Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +22960%9980
11Dark SkullDevils Eye2950%199705
11Dark SkullBox of Luck +12660%54062
11Dark SkullScroll of Ice2170%1144
11Dark SkullHorn of Uniria2160%679937
11Dark SkullBox of Luck +71610%136752
11Dark SkullRena +31460%157649
11Dark SkullScroll of Poison1230%4284
11Dark SkullScroll of Flame1070%3700
11Dark SkullScroll of Twister850%3848
11Dark SkullJewel of Bless670%61310
11Dark SkullJewel of Life600%42915
11Dark SkullJewel of Soul570%56404
11Dark SkullJewel of Chaos380%27223
11Dark SkullJewel of Creation160%20831
11Dark SkullPad Gloves20%1687
11Dark SkullSilk Gloves20%1431
11Dark SkullPendant of Fire20%1456
11Dark SkullSword of Assassin20%1457
11Dark SkullLeather Armor20%1453
11Dark SkullVine Helm10%1324
11Dark SkullHorn Shield10%1346
11Dark SkullBronze Helm10%915
11Dark SkullElven Bow10%875
11Dark SkullLeather Gloves10%1582
11Dark SkullDragon Lance10%776
11Dark SkullVine Armor10%1517
11Dark SkullHealing Orb10%1346
11Dark SkullPad Helm10%1322
11Dark SkullMace10%1215
11Dark SkullPad Armor10%1394
11Dark SkullRapier10%1348
11Dark SkullKatana10%913
11Dark SkullLeather Pants10%1399
11Dark SkullShort Bow10%2716
11Giant OgreLight Plate Gloves11220%33654
11Giant OgreBlade11160%37998
11Giant OgreBerdysh11010%36097
11Giant OgreDragon Slayer Shield11000%35670
11Giant OgreBrass Pants10950%35852
11Giant OgreSpirit Gloves10950%35927
11Giant OgreLight Spear10880%33331
11Giant OgrePendant of Wind10850%33525
11Giant OgreBrass Helm10740%37830
11Giant OgreBrass Armor10720%35890
11Giant OgrePlate Gloves10720%33257
11Giant OgreLight Saber10700%34812
11Giant OgreTiger Bow10670%34836
11Giant OgreSphinx Armor10660%35472
11Giant OgreNikea Axe10650%32035
11Giant OgreRing of Wind10620%30842
11Giant OgreLegendary Gloves10610%31067
11Giant OgreGreat Hammer10610%35881
11Giant OgrePlate Boots10600%33447
11Giant OgreLegendary Sword10540%31014
11Giant OgreSpirit Boots10520%35209
11Giant OgreSpirit Pants10510%33322
11Giant OgrePendant of Ice10490%32342
11Giant OgreThunder Staff10460%32932
11Giant OgreTower Shield10440%35261
11Giant OgreRing of Earth10400%35543
11Giant OgreSpirit Helm10300%35021
11Giant OgreSphinx Pants10250%32437
11Giant OgreSpirit Armor10220%30610
11Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +17890%57725
11Giant OgreTransformation Ring +32060%15432
11Giant OgreDevils Key1820%199149
11Giant OgreHorn of Uniria1790%679937
11Giant OgreGuardian Angel1790%757047
11Giant OgreScroll of Poison1760%4284
11Giant OgreDevils Eye1600%199705
11Giant OgreBlood Bone +21510%9558
11Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +21470%9980
11Giant OgreBox of Luck +11430%54062
11Giant OgreOrb of Summoning1200%57744
11Giant OgreScroll of Twister750%3848
11Giant OgreBox of Luck +7750%136752
11Giant OgreRena +3750%157649
11Giant OgreImp600%509474
11Giant OgreScroll of Flame440%3700
11Giant OgreJewel of Bless430%61310
11Giant OgreJewel of Soul310%56404
11Giant OgreJewel of Life260%42915
11Giant OgreJewel of Chaos180%27223
11Giant OgreJewel of Creation170%20831
11Giant OgreBone Helm30%3442
11Giant OgreLeather Pants20%1399
11Giant OgreVine Boots10%1348
11Giant OgreDouble Poleaxe10%1454
11Giant OgreVine Helm10%1324
11Giant OgreHorn Shield10%1346
11Giant OgreLeather Boots10%1365
11Giant OgreScroll of Fire Ball10%89
11Giant OgreBow10%1366
11Giant OgreBuckler10%1401
11Giant OgreTomahawk10%3520
11Giant OgrePendant of Fire10%1456
11Giant OgreBronze Pants10%810
11Giant OgreBronze Helm10%915
11Giant OgrePad Pants10%1367
11Giant OgreVine Gloves10%1516
11Giant OgreKatana10%913
11Giant OgreVine Pants10%1339
11Giant OgreHand Axe10%1558
11Magic SkelBerdysh2580%36097
11Magic SkelPlate Boots2520%33447
11Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +22470%42992
11Magic SkelPlate Pants2440%31519
11Magic SkelLight Saber2440%34812
11Magic SkelSerpent Spear2430%11520
11Magic SkelBrass Armor2410%35890
11Magic SkelLight Plate Boots2400%31376
11Magic SkelSerpent Shield2380%31270
11Magic SkelRing of Wind2350%30842
11Magic SkelThunder Staff2330%32932
11Magic SkelLegendary Gloves2310%31067
11Magic SkelPlate Helm2300%11532
11Magic SkelRing of Earth2290%35543
11Magic SkelPendant of Water2270%11826
11Magic SkelLegendary Boots2270%11723
11Magic SkelSerpent Crossbow2250%5746
11Magic SkelGreat Hammer2240%35881
11Magic SkelSpirit Pants2230%33322
11Magic SkelPendant of Wind2230%33525
11Magic SkelLight Plate Mask2220%11619
11Magic SkelSphinx Armor2210%35472
11Magic SkelOrb of Twisting Slash2210%8133
11Magic SkelPlate Gloves2210%33257
11Magic SkelLight Spear2200%33331
11Magic SkelSpirit Boots2200%35209
11Magic SkelPendant of Ability2190%7287
11Magic SkelSpirit Helm2170%35021
11Magic SkelTiger Bow2160%34836
11Magic SkelLight Plate Pants2140%7349
11Magic SkelLarkan Axe2120%11587
11Magic SkelTower Shield2120%35261
11Magic SkelLegendary Helm2110%7378
11Magic SkelLight Plate Gloves2110%33654
11Magic SkelPendant of Ice2100%32342
11Magic SkelSpirit Gloves2070%35927
11Magic SkelLegendary Sword2060%31014
11Magic SkelPlate Armor2060%5687
11Magic SkelLegendary Shield2060%5721
11Magic SkelDouble Blade2050%5721
11Magic SkelRing of Magic2030%7781
11Magic SkelSpirit Armor1930%30610
11Magic SkelGuardian Gloves1890%7481
11Magic SkelTransformation Ring +4830%2058
11Magic SkelDevils Key610%199149
11Magic SkelImp570%509474
11Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +3540%9417
11Magic SkelBox of Luck +1460%54062
11Magic SkelDevils Eye410%199705
11Magic SkelScroll of Twister390%3848
11Magic SkelScroll of Evil Spirit330%26425
11Magic SkelScroll of Flame310%3700
11Magic SkelBlood Bone +3310%9309
11Magic SkelBox of Luck +7250%136752
11Magic SkelJewel of Bless170%61310
11Magic SkelRena +3150%157649
11Magic SkelOrb of Summoning130%57744
11Magic SkelJewel of Soul110%56404
11Magic SkelHorn of Uniria90%679937
11Magic SkelJewel of Chaos70%27223
11Magic SkelGuardian Angel40%757047
11Magic SkelJewel of Life40%42915
11Magic SkelJewel of Creation30%20831
11Magic SkelSilk Boots10%786
11Magic SkelBone Boots10%957
11Red SkeletOrb of Twisting Slash8320%8133
11Red SkeletPlate Pants8300%31519
11Red SkeletLarkan Axe8060%11587
11Red SkeletBrass Armor7780%35890
11Red SkeletLegendary Gloves7750%31067
11Red SkeletLegendary Boots7750%11723
11Red SkeletLight Plate Mask7600%11619
11Red SkeletBlade7570%37998
11Red SkeletLegendary Sword7560%31014
11Red SkeletRing of Magic7560%7781
11Red SkeletSerpent Shield7530%31270
11Red SkeletTower Shield7520%35261
11Red SkeletSphinx Armor7490%35472
11Red SkeletSpirit Boots7480%35209
11Red SkeletPendant of Wind7470%33525
11Red SkeletLight Saber7440%34812
11Red SkeletPlate Boots7400%33447
11Red SkeletPendant of Water7400%11826
11Red SkeletRing of Wind7390%30842
11Red SkeletThunder Staff7380%32932
11Red SkeletLight Plate Gloves7380%33654
11Red SkeletSpirit Pants7300%33322
11Red SkeletBerdysh7300%36097
11Red SkeletSerpent Spear7300%11520
11Red SkeletPlate Helm7290%11532
11Red SkeletTiger Bow7220%34836
11Red SkeletPlate Gloves7190%33257
11Red SkeletSpirit Gloves7150%35927
11Red SkeletGreat Hammer7140%35881
11Red SkeletLight Spear7130%33331
11Red SkeletSpirit Helm7090%35021
11Red SkeletLight Plate Boots7040%31376
11Red SkeletBrass Helm6930%37830
11Red SkeletSpirit Armor6740%30610
11Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +26720%42992
11Red SkeletRing of Earth6450%35543
11Red SkeletGuardian Angel2110%757047
11Red SkeletTransformation Ring +31920%15432
11Red SkeletDevils Eye1480%199705
11Red SkeletBox of Luck +11360%54062
11Red SkeletDevils Key1330%199149
11Red SkeletBlood Bone +31180%9309
11Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +31150%9417
11Red SkeletImp1030%509474
11Red SkeletScroll of Flame710%3700
11Red SkeletBox of Luck +7660%136752
11Red SkeletHorn of Uniria630%679937
11Red SkeletRena +3630%157649
11Red SkeletScroll of Evil Spirit480%26425
11Red SkeletScroll of Poison450%4284
11Red SkeletScroll of Twister390%3848
11Red SkeletJewel of Bless340%61310
11Red SkeletOrb of Summoning340%57744
11Red SkeletJewel of Soul290%56404
11Red SkeletJewel of Life280%42915
11Red SkeletJewel of Chaos230%27223
11Red SkeletJewel of Creation70%20831
11Red SkeletSword of Assassin20%1457
11Red SkeletBone Armor20%4897
11Red SkeletPad Helm20%1322
11Red SkeletLeather Helm20%1374
11Red SkeletHand Axe10%1558
11Red SkeletPad Armor10%1394
11Red SkeletSilk Armor10%4242
11Red SkeletDouble Axe10%1392
11Red SkeletVine Pants10%1339
12Chief SkelOrb of Twisting Slash7740%8133
12Chief SkelSerpent Shield7690%31270
12Chief SkelRing of Wind7450%30842
12Chief SkelRing of Magic7430%7781
12Chief SkelDouble Blade7390%5721
12Chief SkelLegendary Boots7370%11723
12Chief SkelPendant of Wind7340%33525
12Chief SkelLight Plate Gloves7340%33654
12Chief SkelLarkan Axe7280%11587
12Chief SkelLegendary Sword7280%31014
12Chief SkelLegendary Gloves7270%31067
12Chief SkelLight Plate Mask7260%11619
12Chief SkelLight Spear7250%33331
12Chief SkelSpirit Armor7230%30610
12Chief SkelPlate Gloves7200%33257
12Chief SkelPlate Helm7180%11532
12Chief SkelSerpent Crossbow7180%5746
12Chief SkelPendant of Water7170%11826
12Chief SkelPlate Boots7150%33447
12Chief SkelPlate Armor7130%5687
12Chief SkelThunder Staff7040%32932
12Chief SkelLight Plate Boots7000%31376
12Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +26980%42992
12Chief SkelSpirit Pants6950%33322
12Chief SkelSerpent Spear6920%11520
12Chief SkelPlate Pants6880%31519
12Chief SkelLegendary Shield6840%5721
12Chief SkelTower Shield4820%35261
12Chief SkelSpirit Boots4770%35209
12Chief SkelLight Saber4720%34812
12Chief SkelRing of Earth4630%35543
12Chief SkelSpirit Helm4610%35021
12Chief SkelTiger Bow3980%34836
12Chief SkelGuardian Helm3780%29701
12Chief SkelBrass Armor3770%35890
12Chief SkelGreat Hammer3750%35881
12Chief SkelLight Plate Pants3690%7349
12Chief SkelGorgon Staff3630%26185
12Chief SkelGuardian Boots3630%26100
12Chief SkelSpirit Gloves3620%35927
12Chief SkelSphinx Armor3610%35472
12Chief SkelGuardian Gloves3560%7481
12Chief SkelGiant Sword3530%26285
12Chief SkelLegendary Helm3530%7378
12Chief SkelDragon Gloves3460%26155
12Chief SkelLegendary Pants3460%30087
12Chief SkelPendant of Ability3320%7287
12Chief SkelDevils Eye1430%199705
12Chief SkelDevils Key1430%199149
12Chief SkelBlood Bone +31310%9309
12Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +31190%9417
12Chief SkelBox of Luck +11170%54062
12Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit1110%26425
12Chief SkelTransformation Ring +31080%15432
12Chief SkelOrb of Summoning970%57744
12Chief SkelTransformation Ring +4800%2058
12Chief SkelScroll of Twister740%3848
12Chief SkelRena +3740%157649
12Chief SkelImp740%509474
12Chief SkelBox of Luck +7660%136752
12Chief SkelHorn of Uniria570%679937
12Chief SkelScroll of Flame380%3700
12Chief SkelJewel of Soul310%56404
12Chief SkelGuardian Angel260%757047
12Chief SkelJewel of Bless250%61310
12Chief SkelJewel of Life150%42915
12Chief SkelJewel of Chaos120%27223
12Chief SkelJewel of Creation80%20831
12Chief SkelBone Pants10%4254
12Chief SkelDragon Lance10%776
12Chief SkelOrb of Impale10%3937
12Chief SkelBronze Gloves10%1484
12Chief SkelBronze Helm10%915
12Chief SkelWind Gloves10%5484
12Chief SkelBattle Bow10%5446
12Chief SkelLeather Pants10%1399
12Chief SkelBone Armor10%4897
12Chief SkelFalcon10%4741
12Chief SkelSilk Pants10%3472
12Chief SkelSilk Gloves10%1431
12Chief SkelBone Helm10%3442
12Dark SkullSilver Bow18400%74563
12Dark SkullSerpent Crossbow18140%5746
12Dark SkullBattle Scepter18120%29621
12Dark SkullBronze Shield18120%29816
12Dark SkullLarkan Axe17960%11587
12Dark SkullGuardian Boots17840%26100
12Dark SkullLegendary Shield17750%5721
12Dark SkullPlate Helm17750%11532
12Dark SkullLight Plate Boots17710%31376
12Dark SkullGiant Sword17680%26285
12Dark SkullLegendary Helm17680%7378
12Dark SkullHelical Sword17650%74520
12Dark SkullPendant of Ability17630%7287
12Dark SkullPendant of Water17570%11826
12Dark SkullGorgon Staff17530%26185
12Dark SkullLegendary Armor17510%74588
12Dark SkullDragon Boots17450%29542
12Dark SkullLegendary Pants17410%30087
12Dark SkullSerpent Shield17400%31270
12Dark SkullGreat Scythe17390%29568
12Dark SkullDragon Gloves17380%26155
12Dark SkullLight Plate Pants17380%7349
12Dark SkullPlate Armor17360%5687
12Dark SkullGuardian Gloves17310%7481
12Dark SkullGuardian Pants17310%29816
12Dark SkullDouble Blade17190%5721
12Dark SkullRing of Magic17180%7781
12Dark SkullLegendary Boots17130%11723
12Dark SkullOrb of Twisting Slash17080%8133
12Dark SkullPlate Pants17020%31519
12Dark SkullDragon Pants17000%74359
12Dark SkullLight Plate Mask16970%11619
12Dark SkullSerpent Spear16940%11520
12Dark SkullGuardian Helm16780%29701
12Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +215920%42992
12Dark SkullScroll of Twister5550%3848
12Dark SkullTransformation Ring +44770%2058
12Dark SkullGuardian Angel4680%757047
12Dark SkullHorn of Uniria4540%679937
12Dark SkullImp4400%509474
12Dark SkullDevils Eye3500%199705
12Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +32960%9417
12Dark SkullBox of Luck +12940%54062
12Dark SkullDevils Key2910%199149
12Dark SkullBlood Bone +32910%9309
12Dark SkullBox of Luck +71590%136752
12Dark SkullScroll of Evil Spirit1510%26425
12Dark SkullRena +31380%157649
12Dark SkullJewel of Bless760%61310
12Dark SkullJewel of Soul650%56404
12Dark SkullJewel of Life420%42915
12Dark SkullJewel of Chaos280%27223
12Dark SkullOrb of Summoning220%57744
12Dark SkullJewel of Creation120%20831
12Giant OgreOrb of Greater Fortitude13650%138522
12Giant OgreOrb of Fire Slash13610%139201
12Giant OgreLighting Sword12440%136691
12Giant OgreDragon Armor12240%136838
12Giant OgreDragon Shield11880%137099
12Giant OgreLegendary Staff11870%137020
12Giant OgreAdamantine Boots11780%136453
12Giant OgreHelical Sword10670%74520
12Giant OgreGuardian Pants10610%29816
12Giant OgreGuardian Gloves10400%7481
12Giant OgreLight Plate Pants10390%7349
12Giant OgreGuardian Helm10380%29701
12Giant OgreLegendary Helm10320%7378
12Giant OgreDragon Boots10160%29542
12Giant OgreDragon Gloves10110%26155
12Giant OgreLegendary Pants10070%30087
12Giant OgreDragon Helm10050%130936
12Giant OgreGiant Sword10050%26285
12Giant OgreSilver Bow10020%74563
12Giant OgreGuardian Boots9890%26100
12Giant OgreAdamantine Gloves9870%131284
12Giant OgreGuardian Armor9800%130523
12Giant OgreLegendary Armor9710%74588
12Giant OgreGorgon Staff9690%26185
12Giant OgreBronze Shield9690%29816
12Giant OgreDragon Pants9640%74359
12Giant OgrePendant of Ability9640%7287
12Giant OgreGreat Scythe9610%29568
12Giant OgreBattle Scepter9610%29621
12Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +27920%42992
12Giant OgreTransformation Ring +53040%392177
12Giant OgreImp2790%509474
12Giant OgreScroll of Evil Spirit1720%26425
12Giant OgreDevils Eye1620%199705
12Giant OgreBox of Luck +11580%54062
12Giant OgreBlood Bone +41570%23322
12Giant OgreDevils Key1410%199149
12Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +41390%23530
12Giant OgreHorn of Uniria1330%679937
12Giant OgreGuardian Angel1050%757047
12Giant OgreBox of Luck +7880%136752
12Giant OgreRena +3770%157649
12Giant OgreJewel of Soul350%56404
12Giant OgreJewel of Bless340%61310
12Giant OgreJewel of Life270%42915
12Giant OgreJewel of Chaos130%27223
12Giant OgreOrb of Summoning100%57744
12Giant OgreScroll of Hellfire90%9016
12Giant OgreJewel of Creation80%20831
12Magic SkelOrb of Penetration4870%148821
12Magic SkelLighting Sword4650%136691
12Magic SkelCrystal Morning Star4620%146313
12Magic SkelBill of Balrog4500%122011
12Magic SkelOrb of Fire Slash4470%139201
12Magic SkelLight Plate Armor4470%138873
12Magic SkelDragon Shield4430%137099
12Magic SkelLegendary Staff4420%137020
12Magic SkelBluewing Crossbow4390%155408
12Magic SkelDragon Armor4330%136838
12Magic SkelOrb of Greater Fortitude4310%138522
12Magic SkelAdamantine Boots4280%136453
12Magic SkelElemental Shield4210%146377
12Magic SkelAdamantine Mask4160%146516
12Magic SkelHelical Sword3310%74520
12Magic SkelAdamantine Gloves3080%131284
12Magic SkelDragon Pants2970%74359
12Magic SkelGuardian Armor2940%130523
12Magic SkelLegendary Armor2940%74588
12Magic SkelSilver Bow2890%74563
12Magic SkelDragon Helm2780%130936
12Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +32380%117836
12Magic SkelScroll of Hellfire750%9016
12Magic SkelHorn of Uniria720%679937
12Magic SkelTransformation Ring +5690%392177
12Magic SkelBox of Luck +1500%54062
12Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +5480%14888
12Magic SkelBlood Bone +5430%15095
12Magic SkelImp400%509474
12Magic SkelDevils Key400%199149
12Magic SkelDevils Eye350%199705
12Magic SkelBox of Luck +7250%136752
12Magic SkelRena +3220%157649
12Magic SkelGuardian Angel180%757047
12Magic SkelScroll of Evil Spirit170%26425
12Magic SkelJewel of Soul100%56404
12Magic SkelJewel of Chaos90%27223
12Magic SkelJewel of Life60%42915
12Magic SkelJewel of Bless60%61310
12Magic SkelOrb of Summoning30%57744
12Magic SkelJewel of Creation20%20831
12Magic SkelBrass Armor10%35890
12Magic SkelBrass Helm10%37830
12Magic SkelLegendary Gloves10%31067
12Red SkeletOrb of Penetration10990%148821
12Red SkeletBattle Scepter10610%29621
12Red SkeletLegendary Pants10570%30087
12Red SkeletLighting Sword10510%136691
12Red SkeletLight Plate Armor10460%138873
12Red SkeletDragon Pants10400%74359
12Red SkeletLegendary Staff10290%137020
12Red SkeletSilver Bow10230%74563
12Red SkeletLegendary Armor10210%74588
12Red SkeletAdamantine Gloves10180%131284
12Red SkeletDragon Helm10140%130936
12Red SkeletDragon Boots10130%29542
12Red SkeletOrb of Fire Slash10040%139201
12Red SkeletBronze Shield10040%29816
12Red SkeletGuardian Armor9980%130523
12Red SkeletDragon Armor9960%136838
12Red SkeletOrb of Greater Fortitude9930%138522
12Red SkeletGuardian Helm9790%29701
12Red SkeletAdamantine Boots9760%136453
12Red SkeletGreat Scythe9700%29568
12Red SkeletDragon Shield9680%137099
12Red SkeletBill of Balrog9660%122011
12Red SkeletGuardian Pants9610%29816
12Red SkeletHelical Sword9410%74520
12Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +25780%42992
12Red SkeletTransformation Ring +51760%392177
12Red SkeletImp1520%509474
12Red SkeletHorn of Uniria1410%679937
12Red SkeletDevils Eye1280%199705
12Red SkeletBlood Bone +41210%23322
12Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +41200%23530
12Red SkeletBox of Luck +11160%54062
12Red SkeletGuardian Angel1150%757047
12Red SkeletScroll of Evil Spirit1150%26425
12Red SkeletDevils Key1110%199149
12Red SkeletBox of Luck +7680%136752
12Red SkeletRena +3630%157649
12Red SkeletScroll of Hellfire470%9016
12Red SkeletJewel of Bless410%61310
12Red SkeletJewel of Soul310%56404
12Red SkeletJewel of Life220%42915
12Red SkeletJewel of Chaos210%27223
12Red SkeletOrb of Summoning110%57744
12Red SkeletJewel of Creation30%20831
13Chief SkelGuardian Gloves3380%7481
13Chief SkelDragon Gloves3330%26155
13Chief SkelHelical Sword3210%74520
13Chief SkelGiant Sword3170%26285
13Chief SkelLegendary Pants3100%30087
13Chief SkelGuardian Pants3020%29816
13Chief SkelGuardian Boots3010%26100
13Chief SkelGreat Scythe3010%29568
13Chief SkelDragon Pants2990%74359
13Chief SkelGorgon Staff2970%26185
13Chief SkelDragon Boots2930%29542
13Chief SkelLegendary Armor2930%74588
13Chief SkelPendant of Ability2930%7287
13Chief SkelBattle Scepter2930%29621
13Chief SkelBronze Shield2830%29816
13Chief SkelLegendary Helm2770%7378
13Chief SkelLight Plate Pants2760%7349
13Chief SkelSilver Bow2740%74563
13Chief SkelGuardian Helm2690%29701
13Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +22440%42992
13Chief SkelOrb of Greater Fortitude1970%138522
13Chief SkelOrb of Fire Slash1870%139201
13Chief SkelAdamantine Boots1690%136453
13Chief SkelDragon Shield1680%137099
13Chief SkelDragon Armor1680%136838
13Chief SkelLegendary Staff1650%137020
13Chief SkelGuardian Armor1580%130523
13Chief SkelLight Plate Mask1550%11619
13Chief SkelDragon Helm1540%130936
13Chief SkelAdamantine Gloves1530%131284
13Chief SkelLighting Sword1520%136691
13Chief SkelPlate Pants1500%31519
13Chief SkelLegendary Shield1470%5721
13Chief SkelLegendary Boots1370%11723
13Chief SkelPlate Armor1350%5687
13Chief SkelLight Plate Boots1350%31376
13Chief SkelDouble Blade1300%5721
13Chief SkelLarkan Axe1260%11587
13Chief SkelSerpent Crossbow1260%5746
13Chief SkelPlate Helm1250%11532
13Chief SkelRing of Magic1240%7781
13Chief SkelPendant of Water1190%11826
13Chief SkelSerpent Shield1170%31270
13Chief SkelOrb of Twisting Slash1170%8133
13Chief SkelSerpent Spear1110%11520
13Chief SkelImp610%509474
13Chief SkelBox of Luck +1480%54062
13Chief SkelDevils Key410%199149
13Chief SkelDevils Eye400%199705
13Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit380%26425
13Chief SkelTransformation Ring +4370%2058
13Chief SkelScroll of Twister370%3848
13Chief SkelTransformation Ring +5320%392177
13Chief SkelBlood Bone +4260%23322
13Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +3260%9417
13Chief SkelBox of Luck +7240%136752
13Chief SkelRena +3220%157649
13Chief SkelBlood Bone +3210%9309
13Chief SkelGuardian Angel200%757047
13Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +4190%23530
13Chief SkelHorn of Uniria170%679937
13Chief SkelJewel of Soul140%56404
13Chief SkelJewel of Life120%42915
13Chief SkelJewel of Bless100%61310
13Chief SkelJewel of Chaos80%27223
13Chief SkelOrb of Summoning70%57744
13Chief SkelScroll of Hellfire50%9016
13Chief SkelJewel of Creation40%20831
13Chief SkelArquebus10%4273
13Dark SkullOrb of Penetration4680%148821
13Dark SkullLegendary Staff4430%137020
13Dark SkullOrb of Greater Fortitude4340%138522
13Dark SkullOrb of Fire Slash4300%139201
13Dark SkullAdamantine Boots4270%136453
13Dark SkullGuardian Armor4270%130523
13Dark SkullDragon Shield4200%137099
13Dark SkullAdamantine Gloves4180%131284
13Dark SkullDragon Armor4170%136838
13Dark SkullLight Plate Armor4170%138873
13Dark SkullLegendary Armor4150%74588
13Dark SkullLighting Sword4090%136691
13Dark SkullElemental Shield4040%146377
13Dark SkullBill of Balrog4020%122011
13Dark SkullAdamantine Mask3920%146516
13Dark SkullHelical Sword3890%74520
13Dark SkullCrystal Morning Star3860%146313
13Dark SkullDragon Helm3830%130936
13Dark SkullSilver Bow3800%74563
13Dark SkullDragon Pants3710%74359
13Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +32310%117836
13Dark SkullImp870%509474
13Dark SkullGuardian Angel630%757047
13Dark SkullTransformation Ring +5630%392177
13Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +4380%23530
13Dark SkullDevils Key350%199149
13Dark SkullBox of Luck +1320%54062
13Dark SkullBlood Bone +4300%23322
13Dark SkullScroll of Evil Spirit300%26425
13Dark SkullHorn of Uniria280%679937
13Dark SkullDevils Eye280%199705
13Dark SkullRena +3240%157649
13Dark SkullBox of Luck +7200%136752
13Dark SkullJewel of Chaos90%27223
13Dark SkullJewel of Life90%42915
13Dark SkullJewel of Soul80%56404
13Dark SkullJewel of Bless60%61310
13Dark SkullScroll of Hellfire60%9016
13Dark SkullJewel of Creation20%20831
13Dark SkullSerpent Sword10%7461
13Dark SkullBrass Armor10%35890
13Dark SkullLight Saber10%34812
13Dark SkullWind Pants10%7222
13Dark SkullLight Crossbow10%10502
13Giant OgreBluewing Crossbow2540%155408
13Giant OgreOrb of Fire Slash2490%139201
13Giant OgreStorm Crow Gloves2410%113032
13Giant OgreStaff of Resurrection2290%112595
13Giant OgreAdamantine Pants2280%113221
13Giant OgreLighting Sword2270%136691
13Giant OgreDragon Armor2250%136838
13Giant OgreLight Plate Armor2240%138873
13Giant OgreOrb of Greater Fortitude2220%138522
13Giant OgreAdamantine Mask2210%146516
13Giant OgreAdamantine Boots2210%136453
13Giant OgreElemental Shield2140%146377
13Giant OgreDragon Shield2130%137099
13Giant OgreCrystal Morning Star2130%146313
13Giant OgreLegendary Staff2080%137020
13Giant OgreGrand Soul Gloves2050%101780
13Giant OgreBill of Balrog2030%122011
13Giant OgreOrb of Penetration2000%148821
13Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +31160%117836
13Giant OgreHorn of Uniria560%679937
13Giant OgreGuardian Angel500%757047
13Giant OgreScroll of Hellfire360%9016
13Giant OgreTransformation Ring +5240%392177
13Giant OgreDevils Eye200%199705
13Giant OgreDevils Key200%199149
13Giant OgreImp190%509474
13Giant OgreBox of Luck +1160%54062
13Giant OgreBlood Bone +5140%15095
13Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +5130%14888
13Giant OgreScroll of Evil Spirit90%26425
13Giant OgreBox of Luck +790%136752
13Giant OgreJewel of Bless70%61310
13Giant OgreOrb of Summoning60%57744
13Giant OgreJewel of Creation60%20831
13Giant OgreRena +340%157649
13Giant OgreJewel of Life20%42915
13Giant OgreJewel of Chaos10%27223
13Giant OgreJewel of Soul10%56404
13Giant OgreBlade10%37998
13Magic SkelAdamantine Armor580%258861
13Magic SkelGrand Soul Gloves530%101780
13Magic SkelCrystal Sword510%129726
13Magic SkelGrand Soul Boots480%144339
13Magic SkelAdamantine Pants470%113221
13Magic SkelGrand Soul Shield450%168803
13Magic SkelHoly Spirit Gloves450%115842
13Magic SkelOrb of Rageful Blow450%244317
13Magic SkelStorm Crow Pants440%169050
13Magic SkelStorm Crow Boots430%129371
13Magic SkelBlack Dragon Boots420%259966
13Magic SkelDark Steel Gloves420%174899
13Magic SkelMaster Scepter410%129097
13Magic SkelStorm Crow Gloves410%113032
13Magic SkelOrb of Death Stab400%115636
13Magic SkelAquagold Crossbow400%129979
13Magic SkelBlack Dragon Gloves400%161705
13Magic SkelStaff of Resurrection380%112595
13Magic SkelBluewing Crossbow350%155408
13Magic SkelScroll of FireBurst350%172596
13Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +4250%82503
13Magic SkelCrystal Morning Star200%146313
13Magic SkelElemental Shield130%146377
13Magic SkelAdamantine Mask130%146516
13Magic SkelBox of Luck +190%54062
13Magic SkelTransformation Ring +580%392177
13Magic SkelBlood Bone +650%20311
13Magic SkelDevils Key50%199149
13Magic SkelRena +350%157649
13Magic SkelBox of Luck +750%136752
13Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +640%20172
13Magic SkelScroll of Soul Barrier40%12448
13Magic SkelHorn of Uniria20%679937
13Magic SkelDevils Eye20%199705
13Magic SkelGuardian Angel20%757047
13Magic SkelOrb of Summoning10%57744
13Magic SkelImp10%509474
13Magic SkelJewel of Bless10%61310
13Red SkeletCrystal Morning Star1510%146313
13Red SkeletCrystal Sword1440%129726
13Red SkeletBluewing Crossbow1410%155408
13Red SkeletOrb of Death Stab1390%115636
13Red SkeletScroll of FireBurst1390%172596
13Red SkeletHoly Spirit Gloves1360%115842
13Red SkeletOrb of Penetration1330%148821
13Red SkeletAdamantine Mask1310%146516
13Red SkeletStorm Crow Gloves1310%113032
13Red SkeletStorm Crow Boots1300%129371
13Red SkeletElemental Shield1280%146377
13Red SkeletAdamantine Pants1270%113221
13Red SkeletStorm Crow Pants1250%169050
13Red SkeletStaff of Resurrection1220%112595
13Red SkeletMaster Scepter1190%129097
13Red SkeletGrand Soul Shield1170%168803
13Red SkeletBill of Balrog1160%122011
13Red SkeletGrand Soul Gloves1160%101780
13Red SkeletAquagold Crossbow1140%129979
13Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +3580%117836
13Red SkeletBlood Bone +5240%15095
13Red SkeletTransformation Ring +5190%392177
13Red SkeletDevils Eye180%199705
13Red SkeletHorn of Uniria180%679937
13Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +5170%14888
13Red SkeletDevils Key170%199149
13Red SkeletGuardian Angel170%757047
13Red SkeletImp130%509474
13Red SkeletBox of Luck +1110%54062
13Red SkeletScroll of Evil Spirit50%26425
13Red SkeletBox of Luck +750%136752
13Red SkeletScroll of Aqua Beam40%17570
13Red SkeletJewel of Chaos30%27223
13Red SkeletJewel of Bless20%61310
13Red SkeletJewel of Soul20%56404
13Red SkeletScroll of Hellfire20%9016
13Red SkeletRena +320%157649
13Red SkeletJewel of Creation10%20831
13Red SkeletJewel of Life10%42915
14Chief SkelDragon Shield5240%137099
14Chief SkelLight Plate Armor5140%138873
14Chief SkelOrb of Greater Fortitude5100%138522
14Chief SkelAdamantine Boots5000%136453
14Chief SkelOrb of Penetration4950%148821
14Chief SkelBill of Balrog4790%122011
14Chief SkelLegendary Staff4770%137020
14Chief SkelLighting Sword4720%136691
14Chief SkelOrb of Fire Slash4650%139201
14Chief SkelDragon Armor4320%136838
14Chief SkelGuardian Armor4220%130523
14Chief SkelHelical Sword4200%74520
14Chief SkelLegendary Armor4170%74588
14Chief SkelAdamantine Gloves4110%131284
14Chief SkelDragon Helm4110%130936
14Chief SkelSilver Bow3760%74563
14Chief SkelDragon Pants3690%74359
14Chief SkelElemental Shield2570%146377
14Chief SkelGuardian Helm2510%29701
14Chief SkelBluewing Crossbow2510%155408
14Chief SkelCrystal Morning Star2470%146313
14Chief SkelAdamantine Mask2470%146516
14Chief SkelDragon Boots2440%29542
14Chief SkelGuardian Pants2330%29816
14Chief SkelBattle Scepter2330%29621
14Chief SkelBronze Shield2320%29816
14Chief SkelGreat Scythe2160%29568
14Chief SkelLegendary Pants2150%30087
14Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +21610%42992
14Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +31200%117836
14Chief SkelHorn of Uniria780%679937
14Chief SkelTransformation Ring +5710%392177
14Chief SkelImp680%509474
14Chief SkelScroll of Hellfire610%9016
14Chief SkelDevils Eye590%199705
14Chief SkelBox of Luck +1510%54062
14Chief SkelDevils Key490%199149
14Chief SkelBlood Bone +4380%23322
14Chief SkelGuardian Angel320%757047
14Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit300%26425
14Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +4290%23530
14Chief SkelBlood Bone +5270%15095
14Chief SkelBox of Luck +7230%136752
14Chief SkelRena +3190%157649
14Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +5160%14888
14Chief SkelJewel of Soul150%56404
14Chief SkelJewel of Life120%42915
14Chief SkelOrb of Summoning70%57744
14Chief SkelJewel of Chaos70%27223
14Chief SkelJewel of Bless60%61310
14Chief SkelJewel of Creation20%20831
14Chief SkelLight Plate Gloves10%33654
14Chief SkelSpirit Armor10%30610
14Chief SkelSphinx Armor10%35472
14Chief SkelPlate Boots10%33447
14Chief SkelBerdysh10%36097
14Chief SkelSpirit Gloves10%35927
14Dark SkullScroll of FireBurst21740%172596
14Dark SkullAdamantine Mask20550%146516
14Dark SkullElemental Shield20340%146377
14Dark SkullStorm Crow Boots19890%129371
14Dark SkullGrand Soul Shield19840%168803
14Dark SkullGrand Soul Gloves19770%101780
14Dark SkullAdamantine Pants19760%113221
14Dark SkullBluewing Crossbow19750%155408
14Dark SkullDark Steel Gloves19750%174899
14Dark SkullAquagold Crossbow19710%129979
14Dark SkullOrb of Death Stab19700%115636
14Dark SkullStaff of Resurrection19580%112595
14Dark SkullCrystal Sword19450%129726
14Dark SkullCrystal Morning Star19350%146313
14Dark SkullMaster Scepter19210%129097
14Dark SkullOrb of Penetration19140%148821
14Dark SkullHoly Spirit Gloves19070%115842
14Dark SkullStorm Crow Gloves19030%113032
14Dark SkullStorm Crow Pants18440%169050
14Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +39480%117836
14Dark SkullImp3280%509474
14Dark SkullTransformation Ring +52980%392177
14Dark SkullHorn of Uniria2850%679937
14Dark SkullBox of Luck +12020%54062
14Dark SkullDevils Key2000%199149
14Dark SkullDevils Eye1910%199705
14Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +51880%14888
14Dark SkullGuardian Angel1790%757047
14Dark SkullBlood Bone +51770%15095
14Dark SkullBox of Luck +7910%136752
14Dark SkullRena +3820%157649
14Dark SkullScroll of Evil Spirit690%26425
14Dark SkullScroll of Hellfire590%9016
14Dark SkullScroll of Aqua Beam540%17570
14Dark SkullJewel of Life450%42915
14Dark SkullJewel of Bless430%61310
14Dark SkullJewel of Soul430%56404
14Dark SkullJewel of Chaos260%27223
14Dark SkullJewel of Creation60%20831
14Dark SkullLegendary Gloves20%31067
14Dark SkullPendant of Ability20%7287
14Dark SkullSpirit Boots20%35209
14Dark SkullPlate Pants20%31519
14Dark SkullRing of Magic20%7781
14Dark SkullOrb of Summoning20%57744
14Dark SkullLegendary Helm10%7378
14Dark SkullSerpent Spear10%11520
14Dark SkullPlate Gloves10%33257
14Dark SkullPlate Armor10%5687
14Dark SkullSerpent Crossbow10%5746
14Dark SkullLegendary Sword10%31014
14Dark SkullLight Plate Mask10%11619
14Dark SkullOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
14Dark SkullLarkan Axe10%11587
14Dark SkullGuardian Gloves10%7481
14Dark SkullDouble Blade10%5721
14Dark SkullRing of Wind10%30842
14Dark SkullPlate Boots10%33447
14Dark SkullPlate Helm10%11532
14Dark SkullThunder Staff10%32932
14Dark SkullSpirit Armor10%30610
14Giant OgreOrb of Rageful Blow9580%244317
14Giant OgreGrand Soul Shield9010%168803
14Giant OgreHoly Spirit Gloves8890%115842
14Giant OgreBluewing Crossbow8750%155408
14Giant OgreBlack Dragon Gloves8700%161705
14Giant OgreCrystal Sword8640%129726
14Giant OgreAquagold Crossbow8610%129979
14Giant OgreStorm Crow Boots8500%129371
14Giant OgreAdamantine Armor8480%258861
14Giant OgreAdamantine Pants8480%113221
14Giant OgreGrand Soul Boots8450%144339
14Giant OgreStorm Crow Pants8450%169050
14Giant OgreOrb of Death Stab8430%115636
14Giant OgreStaff of Resurrection8420%112595
14Giant OgreStorm Crow Gloves8270%113032
14Giant OgreDark Steel Gloves8230%174899
14Giant OgreMaster Scepter8170%129097
14Giant OgreBlack Dragon Boots8120%259966
14Giant OgreScroll of FireBurst7990%172596
14Giant OgreGrand Soul Gloves7900%101780
14Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +44650%82503
14Giant OgreCrystal Morning Star2840%146313
14Giant OgreElemental Shield2800%146377
14Giant OgreAdamantine Mask2630%146516
14Giant OgreGuardian Angel1500%757047
14Giant OgreTransformation Ring +51250%392177
14Giant OgreBlood Bone +61020%20311
14Giant OgreBox of Luck +1970%54062
14Giant OgreDevils Key860%199149
14Giant OgreHorn of Uniria850%679937
14Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +6800%20172
14Giant OgreDevils Eye700%199705
14Giant OgreScroll of Soul Barrier420%12448
14Giant OgreBox of Luck +7420%136752
14Giant OgreRena +3370%157649
14Giant OgreScroll of Aqua Beam360%17570
14Giant OgreImp360%509474
14Giant OgreJewel of Bless240%61310
14Giant OgreJewel of Soul220%56404
14Giant OgreJewel of Chaos160%27223
14Giant OgreJewel of Life110%42915
14Giant OgreJewel of Creation50%20831
14Giant OgreOrb of Summoning40%57744
14Giant OgrePlate Pants30%31519
14Giant OgreLegendary Boots30%11723
14Giant OgreRing of Wind20%30842
14Giant OgreSpirit Armor20%30610
14Giant OgreBronze Shield10%29816
14Giant OgreGuardian Gloves10%7481
14Giant OgreLarkan Axe10%11587
14Giant OgreLegendary Shield10%5721
14Giant OgreSerpent Spear10%11520
14Giant OgreGorgon Staff10%26185
14Giant OgreLegendary Gloves10%31067
14Magic SkelRed Spirit Gloves1760%253267
14Magic SkelAdamantine Armor1750%258861
14Magic SkelOrb of Ice Arrow1690%189255
14Magic SkelGrand Soul Shield1690%168803
14Magic SkelSword of Destruction1630%265757
14Magic SkelStorm Crow Armor1600%227934
14Magic SkelBlack Dragon Pants1590%254444
14Magic SkelGreat Scepter1590%265287
14Magic SkelHoly Spirit Boots1560%189284
14Magic SkelStorm Crow Pants1540%169050
14Magic SkelBlack Dragon Helm1500%264533
14Magic SkelDark Steel Boots1450%244667
14Magic SkelBlack Dragon Boots1430%259966
14Magic SkelGrand Soul Boots1430%144339
14Magic SkelScroll of Critical Damage1420%266565
14Magic SkelScroll of FireBurst1380%172596
14Magic SkelBlack Dragon Gloves1340%161705
14Magic SkelGrand Soul Helm1290%188216
14Magic SkelSaint Crossbow1290%253341
14Magic SkelDark Steel Gloves1290%174899
14Magic SkelOrb of Rageful Blow1210%244317
14Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +5720%136323
14Magic SkelMaster Scepter390%129097
14Magic SkelHorn of Uniria380%679937
14Magic SkelCrystal Sword350%129726
14Magic SkelOrb of Death Stab320%115636
14Magic SkelGrand Soul Gloves300%101780
14Magic SkelHoly Spirit Gloves290%115842
14Magic SkelTransformation Ring +5280%392177
14Magic SkelBlood Bone +6270%20311
14Magic SkelAquagold Crossbow270%129979
14Magic SkelStaff of Resurrection260%112595
14Magic SkelDevils Eye230%199705
14Magic SkelStorm Crow Boots230%129371
14Magic SkelStorm Crow Gloves230%113032
14Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +6210%20172
14Magic SkelAdamantine Pants190%113221
14Magic SkelDevils Key170%199149
14Magic SkelGuardian Angel130%757047
14Magic SkelImp110%509474
14Magic SkelScroll of Cometfall90%13899
14Magic SkelScroll of Teleport Ally70%19451
14Magic SkelBox of Luck +770%136752
14Magic SkelJewel of Soul60%56404
14Magic SkelScroll of Aqua Beam40%17570
14Magic SkelRena +330%157649
14Magic SkelJewel of Life30%42915
14Magic SkelJewel of Bless30%61310
14Magic SkelScroll of Soul Barrier20%12448
14Magic SkelJewel of Chaos10%27223
14Red SkeletScroll of Critical Damage5380%266565
14Red SkeletBlack Dragon Gloves5230%161705
14Red SkeletCrystal Sword5200%129726
14Red SkeletOrb of Ice Arrow5110%189255
14Red SkeletBlack Dragon Helm5020%264533
14Red SkeletGrand Soul Boots5010%144339
14Red SkeletOrb of Rageful Blow5000%244317
14Red SkeletBlack Dragon Boots4910%259966
14Red SkeletScroll of FireBurst4870%172596
14Red SkeletGreat Scepter4820%265287
14Red SkeletStorm Crow Boots4810%129371
14Red SkeletStorm Crow Armor4800%227934
14Red SkeletDark Steel Gloves4790%174899
14Red SkeletStorm Crow Pants4770%169050
14Red SkeletMaster Scepter4760%129097
14Red SkeletGrand Soul Helm4760%188216
14Red SkeletSword of Destruction4740%265757
14Red SkeletGrand Soul Shield4730%168803
14Red SkeletAdamantine Armor4690%258861
14Red SkeletHoly Spirit Boots4660%189284
14Red SkeletHoly Spirit Gloves4540%115842
14Red SkeletOrb of Death Stab4430%115636
14Red SkeletAquagold Crossbow4410%129979
14Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +43120%82503
14Red SkeletTransformation Ring +5970%392177
14Red SkeletAdamantine Pants960%113221
14Red SkeletBluewing Crossbow930%155408
14Red SkeletStaff of Resurrection920%112595
14Red SkeletStorm Crow Gloves880%113032
14Red SkeletGrand Soul Gloves830%101780
14Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +6780%20172
14Red SkeletDevils Key680%199149
14Red SkeletBlood Bone +6670%20311
14Red SkeletGuardian Angel620%757047
14Red SkeletHorn of Uniria540%679937
14Red SkeletDevils Eye440%199705
14Red SkeletRena +3370%157649
14Red SkeletBox of Luck +7310%136752
14Red SkeletScroll of Cometfall270%13899
14Red SkeletImp230%509474
14Red SkeletScroll of Soul Barrier190%12448
14Red SkeletJewel of Soul150%56404
14Red SkeletJewel of Bless140%61310
14Red SkeletJewel of Life110%42915
14Red SkeletScroll of Aqua Beam110%17570
14Red SkeletJewel of Chaos30%27223
14Red SkeletOrb of Summoning30%57744
14Red SkeletLegendary Shield10%5721
14Red SkeletOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
14Red SkeletPendant of Ability10%7287
14Red SkeletGuardian Armor10%130523
14Red SkeletHelical Sword10%74520
14Red SkeletJewel of Creation10%20831
14Red SkeletLegendary Armor10%74588
14Red SkeletPendant of Water10%11826
15Chief SkelAdamantine Pants6090%113221
15Chief SkelOrb of Penetration5860%148821
15Chief SkelBluewing Crossbow5830%155408
15Chief SkelStorm Crow Gloves5580%113032
15Chief SkelAdamantine Mask5490%146516
15Chief SkelGrand Soul Gloves5480%101780
15Chief SkelStaff of Resurrection5470%112595
15Chief SkelCrystal Morning Star5470%146313
15Chief SkelElemental Shield5360%146377
15Chief SkelLegendary Staff3330%137020
15Chief SkelDragon Shield3310%137099
15Chief SkelOrb of Fire Slash3240%139201
15Chief SkelAdamantine Boots3180%136453
15Chief SkelLight Plate Armor3080%138873
15Chief SkelDragon Armor3080%136838
15Chief SkelLighting Sword3060%136691
15Chief SkelScroll of FireBurst2930%172596
15Chief SkelBill of Balrog2900%122011
15Chief SkelOrb of Greater Fortitude2870%138522
15Chief SkelAquagold Crossbow2810%129979
15Chief SkelStorm Crow Pants2720%169050
15Chief SkelGrand Soul Shield2700%168803
15Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +32660%117836
15Chief SkelCrystal Sword2540%129726
15Chief SkelStorm Crow Boots2540%129371
15Chief SkelOrb of Death Stab2510%115636
15Chief SkelDark Steel Gloves2510%174899
15Chief SkelMaster Scepter2500%129097
15Chief SkelHoly Spirit Gloves2420%115842
15Chief SkelHorn of Uniria980%679937
15Chief SkelTransformation Ring +5970%392177
15Chief SkelGuardian Angel940%757047
15Chief SkelImp910%509474
15Chief SkelBlood Bone +5650%15095
15Chief SkelDevils Eye600%199705
15Chief SkelBox of Luck +1560%54062
15Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +5540%14888
15Chief SkelScroll of Hellfire450%9016
15Chief SkelDevils Key440%199149
15Chief SkelBox of Luck +7290%136752
15Chief SkelRena +3270%157649
15Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit180%26425
15Chief SkelJewel of Soul100%56404
15Chief SkelScroll of Aqua Beam100%17570
15Chief SkelJewel of Bless90%61310
15Chief SkelJewel of Life80%42915
15Chief SkelOrb of Summoning70%57744
15Chief SkelJewel of Chaos40%27223
15Chief SkelJewel of Creation30%20831
15Chief SkelSpirit Boots10%35209
15Chief SkelSpirit Helm10%35021
15Chief SkelLegendary Boots10%11723
15Dark SkullOrb of Rageful Blow21980%244317
15Dark SkullStorm Crow Armor21250%227934
15Dark SkullAdamantine Armor20890%258861
15Dark SkullBlack Dragon Boots20090%259966
15Dark SkullStorm Crow Boots10190%129371
15Dark SkullHoly Spirit Gloves10170%115842
15Dark SkullStorm Crow Gloves10140%113032
15Dark SkullGrand Soul Boots10000%144339
15Dark SkullGrand Soul Gloves9950%101780
15Dark SkullOrb of Death Stab9910%115636
15Dark SkullAdamantine Pants9890%113221
15Dark SkullMaster Scepter9840%129097
15Dark SkullScroll of FireBurst9820%172596
15Dark SkullAquagold Crossbow9750%129979
15Dark SkullGrand Soul Shield9750%168803
15Dark SkullStorm Crow Pants9620%169050
15Dark SkullDark Steel Gloves9530%174899
15Dark SkullBlack Dragon Gloves9390%161705
15Dark SkullCrystal Sword9370%129726
15Dark SkullStaff of Resurrection9140%112595
15Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +46660%82503
15Dark SkullImp3580%509474
15Dark SkullHorn of Uniria2760%679937
15Dark SkullTransformation Ring +51830%392177
15Dark SkullDevils Key1360%199149
15Dark SkullDevils Eye1320%199705
15Dark SkullBox of Luck +11250%54062
15Dark SkullBlood Bone +61220%20311
15Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +61080%20172
15Dark SkullGuardian Angel1010%757047
15Dark SkullBox of Luck +7770%136752
15Dark SkullRena +3660%157649
15Dark SkullScroll of Soul Barrier500%12448
15Dark SkullScroll of Cometfall360%13899
15Dark SkullScroll of Aqua Beam290%17570
15Dark SkullJewel of Bless250%61310
15Dark SkullJewel of Soul240%56404
15Dark SkullJewel of Life230%42915
15Dark SkullJewel of Chaos110%27223
15Dark SkullOrb of Summoning110%57744
15Dark SkullJewel of Creation50%20831
15Dark SkullGiant Sword20%26285
15Dark SkullGreat Scythe20%29568
15Dark SkullPlate Helm10%11532
15Dark SkullSerpent Crossbow10%5746
15Dark SkullGuardian Boots10%26100
15Dark SkullDragon Boots10%29542
15Dark SkullLegendary Gloves10%31067
15Dark SkullLight Plate Mask10%11619
15Dark SkullPendant of Water10%11826
15Dark SkullDragon Gloves10%26155
15Dark SkullLight Plate Pants10%7349
15Giant OgreHoly Spirit Boots6240%189284
15Giant OgreBlack Dragon Helm5990%264533
15Giant OgreGrand Soul Helm5770%188216
15Giant OgreStorm Crow Armor5720%227934
15Giant OgreOrb of Rageful Blow5700%244317
15Giant OgreDark Steel Gloves5660%174899
15Giant OgreSword of Destruction5600%265757
15Giant OgreAdamantine Armor5590%258861
15Giant OgreRed Spirit Gloves5590%253267
15Giant OgreSaint Crossbow5580%253341
15Giant OgreStorm Crow Pants5560%169050
15Giant OgreBlack Dragon Boots5510%259966
15Giant OgreGrand Soul Shield5510%168803
15Giant OgreScroll of FireBurst5500%172596
15Giant OgreGrand Soul Boots5500%144339
15Giant OgreBlack Dragon Gloves5490%161705
15Giant OgreOrb of Ice Arrow5490%189255
15Giant OgreScroll of Critical Damage5430%266565
15Giant OgreGreat Scepter5420%265287
15Giant OgreHoly Spirit Helm5400%241941
15Giant OgreBlack Dragon Pants5170%254444
15Giant OgreDark Steel Boots5030%244667
15Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +53150%136323
15Giant OgreTransformation Ring +5880%392177
15Giant OgreGuardian Angel780%757047
15Giant OgreBlood Bone +6730%20311
15Giant OgreDevils Eye720%199705
15Giant OgreImp600%509474
15Giant OgreBlood Bone +7570%124309
15Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +6550%20172
15Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +7540%124171
15Giant OgreDevils Key460%199149
15Giant OgreHorn of Uniria410%679937
15Giant OgreScroll of Teleport Ally350%19451
15Giant OgreBox of Luck +7300%136752
15Giant OgreRena +3300%157649
15Giant OgreScroll of Cometfall280%13899
15Giant OgreScroll of Aqua Beam190%17570
15Giant OgreScroll of Soul Barrier170%12448
15Giant OgreJewel of Soul150%56404
15Giant OgreJewel of Bless110%61310
15Giant OgreJewel of Life80%42915
15Giant OgreJewel of Chaos40%27223
15Giant OgreJewel of Creation40%20831
15Giant OgreOrb of Summoning10%57744
15Giant OgreGuardian Helm10%29701
15Giant OgreSilver Bow10%74563
15Giant OgreGorgon Staff10%26185
15Giant OgreLegendary Helm10%7378
15Giant OgreOrb of Fire Slash10%139201
15Magic SkelStaff of Destruction2410%199143
15Magic SkelThunder Hawk Gloves2400%275348
15Magic SkelBlack Dragon Armor2370%199237
15Magic SkelDark Master Gloves2360%188400
15Magic SkelHoly Spirit Pants2220%269652
15Magic SkelElemental Mace2080%199022
15Magic SkelGreat Scepter1400%265287
15Magic SkelGrand Soul Pants1350%235976
15Magic SkelHoly Spirit Boots1320%189284
15Magic SkelDark Steel Boots1300%244667
15Magic SkelRed Spirit Gloves1290%253267
15Magic SkelBlack Dragon Pants1280%254444
15Magic SkelHoly Spirit Helm1280%241941
15Magic SkelDark Soul Gloves1260%261417
15Magic SkelOrb of Ice Arrow1250%189255
15Magic SkelBlack Dragon Helm1240%264533
15Magic SkelScroll of Critical Damage1240%266565
15Magic SkelRed Spirit Boots1230%261364
15Magic SkelGrand Soul Helm1230%188216
15Magic SkelSaint Crossbow1150%253341
15Magic SkelDark Phoenix Gloves1140%236326
15Magic SkelDark Steel Mask1110%241825
15Magic SkelSword of Destruction1110%265757
15Magic SkelStorm Crow Armor1100%227934
15Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +5930%136323
15Magic SkelTransformation Ring +5360%392177
15Magic SkelGuardian Angel320%757047
15Magic SkelHorn of Uniria300%679937
15Magic SkelAdamantine Armor250%258861
15Magic SkelOrb of Rageful Blow250%244317
15Magic SkelGrand Soul Boots240%144339
15Magic SkelBlack Dragon Gloves210%161705
15Magic SkelBlood Bone +7200%124309
15Magic SkelDevils Key180%199149
15Magic SkelBlack Dragon Boots180%259966
15Magic SkelDevils Eye180%199705
15Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +7160%124171
15Magic SkelBox of Luck +7150%136752
15Magic SkelRena +3120%157649
15Magic SkelScroll of Soul Barrier100%12448
15Magic SkelImp90%509474
15Magic SkelScroll of Aqua Beam90%17570
15Magic SkelScroll of Inferno80%16758
15Magic SkelScroll of Cometfall80%13899
15Magic SkelJewel of Soul50%56404
15Magic SkelJewel of Chaos30%27223
15Magic SkelJewel of Bless30%61310
15Magic SkelJewel of Life20%42915
15Magic SkelScroll of Teleport Ally20%19451
15Magic SkelBattle Scepter10%29621
15Magic SkelDragon Shield10%137099
15Magic SkelPet Rudolph10%13837
15Magic SkelGuardian Boots10%26100
15Magic SkelOrb of Summoning10%57744
15Red SkeletBlack Dragon Boots5250%259966
15Red SkeletOrb of Rageful Blow4860%244317
15Red SkeletRed Spirit Gloves4840%253267
15Red SkeletStorm Crow Armor4800%227934
15Red SkeletOrb of Ice Arrow4800%189255
15Red SkeletDark Steel Boots4760%244667
15Red SkeletDark Phoenix Gloves4660%236326
15Red SkeletGrand Soul Boots4650%144339
15Red SkeletRed Spirit Boots4600%261364
15Red SkeletBlack Dragon Pants4590%254444
15Red SkeletHoly Spirit Boots4550%189284
15Red SkeletGrand Soul Helm4540%188216
15Red SkeletDark Steel Mask4490%241825
15Red SkeletBlack Dragon Helm4490%264533
15Red SkeletAdamantine Armor4470%258861
15Red SkeletDark Soul Gloves4420%261417
15Red SkeletGreat Scepter4390%265287
15Red SkeletGrand Soul Pants4360%235976
15Red SkeletHoly Spirit Helm4350%241941
15Red SkeletSaint Crossbow4340%253341
15Red SkeletScroll of Critical Damage4300%266565
15Red SkeletBlack Dragon Gloves4300%161705
15Red SkeletSword of Destruction4280%265757
15Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +53030%136323
15Red SkeletScroll of FireBurst1180%172596
15Red SkeletDark Steel Gloves1170%174899
15Red SkeletStorm Crow Pants1150%169050
15Red SkeletTransformation Ring +51050%392177
15Red SkeletGrand Soul Shield900%168803
15Red SkeletImp890%509474
15Red SkeletGuardian Angel890%757047
15Red SkeletHorn of Uniria830%679937
15Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +7590%124171
15Red SkeletDevils Key580%199149
15Red SkeletDevils Eye580%199705
15Red SkeletBlood Bone +7550%124309
15Red SkeletScroll of Aqua Beam410%17570
15Red SkeletBox of Luck +7400%136752
15Red SkeletJewel of Soul260%56404
15Red SkeletRena +3250%157649
15Red SkeletScroll of Cometfall250%13899
15Red SkeletScroll of Teleport Ally220%19451
15Red SkeletScroll of Soul Barrier160%12448
15Red SkeletJewel of Life140%42915
15Red SkeletJewel of Bless110%61310
15Red SkeletJewel of Chaos100%27223
15Red SkeletJewel of Creation30%20831
15Red SkeletOrb of Summoning30%57744
15Red SkeletGuardian Helm10%29701
15Red SkeletBronze Shield10%29816
15Red SkeletLegendary Pants10%30087
16Chief SkelScroll of FireBurst36961%172596
16Chief SkelStaff of Resurrection36521%112595
16Chief SkelCrystal Sword36001%129726
16Chief SkelHoly Spirit Gloves35131%115842
16Chief SkelAquagold Crossbow35121%129979
16Chief SkelMaster Scepter35111%129097
16Chief SkelStorm Crow Boots35091%129371
16Chief SkelDark Steel Gloves34791%174899
16Chief SkelStorm Crow Gloves34741%113032
16Chief SkelOrb of Death Stab34691%115636
16Chief SkelGrand Soul Gloves34651%101780
16Chief SkelAdamantine Pants34521%113221
16Chief SkelGrand Soul Shield34471%168803
16Chief SkelGrand Soul Boots34091%144339
16Chief SkelStorm Crow Pants34071%169050
16Chief SkelBlack Dragon Gloves34051%161705
16Chief SkelBluewing Crossbow27140%155408
16Chief SkelAdamantine Mask19140%146516
16Chief SkelCrystal Morning Star19110%146313
16Chief SkelElemental Shield18480%146377
16Chief SkelOrb of Ice Arrow17720%189255
16Chief SkelStorm Crow Armor17070%227934
16Chief SkelHoly Spirit Boots16660%189284
16Chief SkelOrb of Rageful Blow15890%244317
16Chief SkelBlack Dragon Boots15720%259966
16Chief SkelGrand Soul Helm15550%188216
16Chief SkelAdamantine Armor15350%258861
16Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +410010%82503
16Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +39540%117836
16Chief SkelTransformation Ring +55330%392177
16Chief SkelHorn of Uniria5280%679937
16Chief SkelBlood Bone +63980%20311
16Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +63860%20172
16Chief SkelDevils Eye3770%199705
16Chief SkelDevils Key3650%199149
16Chief SkelImp2240%509474
16Chief SkelGuardian Angel2070%757047
16Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +52050%14888
16Chief SkelRena +32040%157649
16Chief SkelBox of Luck +71930%136752
16Chief SkelBlood Bone +51880%15095
16Chief SkelScroll of Aqua Beam1850%17570
16Chief SkelBox of Luck +11770%54062
16Chief SkelScroll of Cometfall1220%13899
16Chief SkelJewel of Soul760%56404
16Chief SkelScroll of Hellfire680%9016
16Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit670%26425
16Chief SkelScroll of Soul Barrier660%12448
16Chief SkelJewel of Bless640%61310
16Chief SkelJewel of Life610%42915
16Chief SkelJewel of Chaos520%27223
16Chief SkelOrb of Summoning510%57744
16Chief SkelJewel of Creation160%20831
16Chief SkelBronze Shield30%29816
16Chief SkelSerpent Crossbow30%5746
16Chief SkelDouble Blade20%5721
16Chief SkelThunder Staff20%32932
16Chief SkelHelical Sword20%74520
16Chief SkelPlate Armor20%5687
16Chief SkelTiger Bow20%34836
16Chief SkelLight Plate Mask20%11619
16Chief SkelLegendary Armor20%74588
16Chief SkelDragon Gloves20%26155
16Chief SkelPendant of Ability20%7287
16Chief SkelLegendary Pants10%30087
16Chief SkelSilver Bow10%74563
16Chief SkelLight Spear10%33331
16Chief SkelPendant of Ice10%32342
16Chief SkelBerdysh10%36097
16Chief SkelLight Plate Gloves10%33654
16Chief SkelLight Plate Boots10%31376
16Chief SkelLegendary Boots10%11723
16Chief SkelRing of Wind10%30842
16Chief SkelGiant Sword10%26285
16Chief SkelSpirit Boots10%35209
16Chief SkelLegendary Gloves10%31067
16Chief SkelSerpent Shield10%31270
16Chief SkelBattle Scepter10%29621
16Chief SkelLegendary Helm10%7378
16Chief SkelDragon Pants10%74359
16Dark SkullGreat Scepter67421%265287
16Dark SkullDark Phoenix Gloves66571%236326
16Dark SkullBlack Dragon Gloves66491%161705
16Dark SkullDark Steel Boots66421%244667
16Dark SkullOrb of Ice Arrow66131%189255
16Dark SkullGrand Soul Boots66091%144339
16Dark SkullDark Steel Mask66031%241825
16Dark SkullBlack Dragon Pants65981%254444
16Dark SkullSaint Crossbow65981%253341
16Dark SkullGrand Soul Helm65971%188216
16Dark SkullRed Spirit Gloves65771%253267
16Dark SkullHoly Spirit Boots65351%189284
16Dark SkullHoly Spirit Helm65271%241941
16Dark SkullBlack Dragon Helm65151%264533
16Dark SkullAdamantine Armor65071%258861
16Dark SkullSword of Destruction65051%265757
16Dark SkullDark Steel Gloves64811%174899
16Dark SkullStorm Crow Armor64741%227934
16Dark SkullScroll of Critical Damage64631%266565
16Dark SkullGrand Soul Pants64421%235976
16Dark SkullBlack Dragon Boots64081%259966
16Dark SkullOrb of Rageful Blow63661%244317
16Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +537390%136323
16Dark SkullHorn of Uniria14600%679937
16Dark SkullTransformation Ring +511540%392177
16Dark SkullGuardian Angel8800%757047
16Dark SkullBlood Bone +77860%124309
16Dark SkullDevils Eye7640%199705
16Dark SkullDevils Key6990%199149
16Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +76850%124171
16Dark SkullImp5400%509474
16Dark SkullScroll of Aqua Beam5150%17570
16Dark SkullScroll of Cometfall5040%13899
16Dark SkullRena +33780%157649
16Dark SkullBox of Luck +73670%136752
16Dark SkullScroll of Teleport Ally1850%19451
16Dark SkullJewel of Soul1660%56404
16Dark SkullScroll of Soul Barrier1640%12448
16Dark SkullJewel of Life1250%42915
16Dark SkullJewel of Bless1180%61310
16Dark SkullJewel of Chaos840%27223
16Dark SkullOrb of Summoning390%57744
16Dark SkullJewel of Creation340%20831
16Dark SkullDragon Helm110%130936
16Dark SkullLegendary Helm100%7378
16Dark SkullGuardian Helm100%29701
16Dark SkullLegendary Pants90%30087
16Dark SkullOrb of Fire Slash80%139201
16Dark SkullLegendary Armor80%74588
16Dark SkullGuardian Pants80%29816
16Dark SkullGuardian Boots70%26100
16Dark SkullSilver Bow60%74563
16Dark SkullDragon Armor60%136838
16Dark SkullDragon Boots60%29542
16Dark SkullLight Plate Pants60%7349
16Dark SkullBattle Scepter60%29621
16Dark SkullHelical Sword60%74520
16Dark SkullGiant Sword60%26285
16Dark SkullAdamantine Boots50%136453
16Dark SkullAdamantine Gloves50%131284
16Dark SkullOrb of Greater Fortitude50%138522
16Dark SkullLegendary Staff40%137020
16Dark SkullDragon Shield40%137099
16Dark SkullDragon Gloves40%26155
16Dark SkullGuardian Gloves40%7481
16Dark SkullGuardian Armor40%130523
16Dark SkullGorgon Staff40%26185
16Dark SkullLighting Sword30%136691
16Dark SkullGreat Scythe30%29568
16Dark SkullBronze Shield30%29816
16Dark SkullDragon Pants20%74359
16Dark SkullPendant of Ability20%7287
16Giant OgreDark Master Gloves44211%188400
16Giant OgreThunder Hawk Gloves44071%275348
16Giant OgreStaff of Destruction43981%199143
16Giant OgreHoly Spirit Pants43591%269652
16Giant OgreElemental Mace43581%199022
16Giant OgreBlack Dragon Armor41451%199237
16Giant OgreScroll of Critical Damage24220%266565
16Giant OgreGrand Soul Pants24220%235976
16Giant OgreOrb of Ice Arrow24170%189255
16Giant OgreDark Steel Boots24070%244667
16Giant OgreGreat Scepter23920%265287
16Giant OgreSword of Destruction23880%265757
16Giant OgreBlack Dragon Helm23870%264533
16Giant OgreGrand Soul Helm23840%188216
16Giant OgreDark Steel Mask23810%241825
16Giant OgreDark Phoenix Gloves23770%236326
16Giant OgreRed Spirit Gloves23560%253267
16Giant OgreHoly Spirit Helm23480%241941
16Giant OgreBlack Dragon Pants23380%254444
16Giant OgreHoly Spirit Boots23380%189284
16Giant OgreRed Spirit Boots23370%261364
16Giant OgreSaint Crossbow23290%253341
16Giant OgreStorm Crow Armor23240%227934
16Giant OgreDark Soul Gloves23130%261417
16Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +519080%136323
16Giant OgreGuardian Angel8030%757047
16Giant OgreHorn of Uniria5720%679937
16Giant OgreTransformation Ring +55620%392177
16Giant OgreBlack Dragon Boots4260%259966
16Giant OgreBlack Dragon Gloves4150%161705
16Giant OgreAdamantine Armor4080%258861
16Giant OgreOrb of Rageful Blow3990%244317
16Giant OgreGrand Soul Boots3980%144339
16Giant OgreDevils Eye3820%199705
16Giant OgreImp3660%509474
16Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +73620%124171
16Giant OgreBlood Bone +73520%124309
16Giant OgreDevils Key3490%199149
16Giant OgreScroll of Soul Barrier2370%12448
16Giant OgreRena +32360%157649
16Giant OgreBox of Luck +71890%136752
16Giant OgreScroll of Inferno1780%16758
16Giant OgreScroll of Aqua Beam1460%17570
16Giant OgreJewel of Bless830%61310
16Giant OgreJewel of Soul810%56404
16Giant OgreScroll of Cometfall660%13899
16Giant OgreScroll of Teleport Ally660%19451
16Giant OgreJewel of Life570%42915
16Giant OgreJewel of Chaos440%27223
16Giant OgreOrb of Summoning310%57744
16Giant OgreJewel of Creation220%20831
16Giant OgrePet Rudolph150%13837
16Giant OgreBronze Shield60%29816
16Giant OgreAdamantine Boots60%136453
16Giant OgreDragon Boots60%29542
16Giant OgreGuardian Armor50%130523
16Giant OgreLighting Sword40%136691
16Giant OgreAdamantine Gloves40%131284
16Giant OgreDragon Helm40%130936
16Giant OgreLegendary Staff30%137020
16Giant OgreBill of Balrog30%122011
16Giant OgreGreat Scythe30%29568
16Giant OgreGuardian Pants30%29816
16Giant OgreDragon Shield30%137099
16Giant OgreDragon Armor20%136838
16Giant OgreOrb of Greater Fortitude20%138522
16Giant OgreDragon Pants20%74359
16Giant OgreLight Plate Armor20%138873
16Giant OgreOrb of Fire Slash20%139201
16Giant OgreDragon Gloves10%26155
16Giant OgreLegendary Armor10%74588
16Giant OgreOrb of Penetration10%148821
16Giant OgreBattle Scepter10%29621
16Giant OgreGuardian Helm10%29701
16Giant OgreSilver Bow10%74563
16Giant OgreRing of Magic10%7781
16Magic SkelScroll of Summon7870%257114
16Magic SkelDark Master Gloves7680%188400
16Magic SkelElemental Mace7620%199022
16Magic SkelDark Phoenix Pants7600%117569
16Magic SkelHoly Spirit Pants7600%269652
16Magic SkelDark Soul Boots7520%126533
16Magic SkelScroll of Electric Spark7450%173629
16Magic SkelLord Scepter7440%253612
16Magic SkelDark Steel Pants7410%169509
16Magic SkelHoly Spirit Armor7370%164549
16Magic SkelStaff of Destruction7360%199143
16Magic SkelBlack Dragon Armor7230%199237
16Magic SkelCelestial Bow7220%163853
16Magic SkelDark Phoenix Helm7220%163652
16Magic SkelGreat Dragon Boots7190%253605
16Magic SkelDark Master Boots7180%126168
16Magic SkelDragon Spear7160%170360
16Magic SkelDark Steel Armor7110%117377
16Magic SkelGreat Dragon Gloves7050%128394
16Magic SkelGrand Soul Armor7030%163780
16Magic SkelThunder Hawk Pants6980%220390
16Magic SkelRed Spirit Helm6920%166251
16Magic SkelThunder Hawk Boots6910%169057
16Magic SkelThunder Hawk Gloves6790%275348
16Magic SkelDark Phoenix Boots6700%166255
16Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +64780%340511
16Magic SkelDark Steel Mask2620%241825
16Magic SkelGrand Soul Pants2470%235976
16Magic SkelHoly Spirit Helm2380%241941
16Magic SkelRed Spirit Boots2370%261364
16Magic SkelDark Phoenix Gloves2350%236326
16Magic SkelSpirit +12310%418173
16Magic SkelDark Soul Gloves2170%261417
16Magic SkelTransformation Ring +51590%392177
16Magic SkelHorn of Uniria1510%679937
16Magic SkelDevils Eye1210%199705
16Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +7960%124171
16Magic SkelRena +3780%157649
16Magic SkelBlood Bone +7690%124309
16Magic SkelDevils Key640%199149
16Magic SkelBox of Luck +7580%136752
16Magic SkelImp580%509474
16Magic SkelScroll of Inferno440%16758
16Magic SkelScroll of Teleport Ally380%19451
16Magic SkelGuardian Angel380%757047
16Magic SkelScroll of Decay280%22624
16Magic SkelScroll of Ice Storm250%16761
16Magic SkelJewel of Bless240%61310
16Magic SkelJewel of Soul230%56404
16Magic SkelJewel of Life160%42915
16Magic SkelJewel of Chaos130%27223
16Magic SkelPet Rudolph80%13837
16Magic SkelOrb of Summoning70%57744
16Magic SkelJewel of Creation40%20831
16Magic SkelElemental Shield20%146377
16Magic SkelBluewing Crossbow20%155408
16Magic SkelAdamantine Mask10%146516
16Magic SkelAquagold Crossbow10%129979
16Magic SkelStaff of Resurrection10%112595
16Magic SkelOrb of Penetration10%148821
16Magic SkelCrystal Sword10%129726
16Red SkeletScroll of Electric Spark24021%173629
16Red SkeletCelestial Bow23901%163853
16Red SkeletGrand Soul Pants23571%235976
16Red SkeletDark Phoenix Gloves23361%236326
16Red SkeletRed Spirit Boots23241%261364
16Red SkeletThunder Hawk Boots23151%169057
16Red SkeletHoly Spirit Pants23131%269652
16Red SkeletRed Spirit Gloves23081%253267
16Red SkeletHoly Spirit Helm23021%241941
16Red SkeletDark Phoenix Helm22931%163652
16Red SkeletDark Steel Pants22901%169509
16Red SkeletDark Soul Gloves22891%261417
16Red SkeletHoly Spirit Armor22881%164549
16Red SkeletRed Spirit Helm22861%166251
16Red SkeletDark Steel Mask22851%241825
16Red SkeletStaff of Destruction22781%199143
16Red SkeletGrand Soul Armor22781%163780
16Red SkeletDark Master Gloves22691%188400
16Red SkeletDragon Spear22671%170360
16Red SkeletDark Phoenix Boots22601%166255
16Red SkeletDark Steel Boots22531%244667
16Red SkeletBlack Dragon Armor22441%199237
16Red SkeletBlack Dragon Pants22371%254444
16Red SkeletSaint Crossbow22341%253341
16Red SkeletElemental Mace22321%199022
16Red SkeletThunder Hawk Gloves22221%275348
16Red SkeletGreat Dragon Gloves22181%128394
16Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +616460%340511
16Red SkeletTransformation Ring +54850%392177
16Red SkeletHorn of Uniria4310%679937
16Red SkeletImp4060%509474
16Red SkeletDevils Eye3310%199705
16Red SkeletBlood Bone +73250%124309
16Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +73100%124171
16Red SkeletDevils Key2880%199149
16Red SkeletGuardian Angel1980%757047
16Red SkeletRena +31920%157649
16Red SkeletBox of Luck +71600%136752
16Red SkeletScroll of Ice Storm1500%16761
16Red SkeletScroll of Soul Barrier1180%12448
16Red SkeletJewel of Soul810%56404
16Red SkeletScroll of Inferno750%16758
16Red SkeletJewel of Bless660%61310
16Red SkeletScroll of Teleport Ally650%19451
16Red SkeletJewel of Life530%42915
16Red SkeletJewel of Chaos450%27223
16Red SkeletOrb of Summoning290%57744
16Red SkeletPet Rudolph290%13837
16Red SkeletScroll of Cometfall260%13899
16Red SkeletJewel of Creation180%20831
16Red SkeletLegendary Staff40%137020
16Red SkeletLegendary Armor30%74588
16Red SkeletOrb of Penetration30%148821
16Red SkeletBluewing Crossbow20%155408
16Red SkeletBill of Balrog20%122011
16Red SkeletSilver Bow20%74563
16Red SkeletDragon Helm20%130936
16Red SkeletLight Plate Armor20%138873
16Red SkeletOrb of Greater Fortitude20%138522
16Red SkeletDragon Armor20%136838
16Red SkeletAdamantine Boots20%136453
16Red SkeletElemental Shield20%146377
16Red SkeletCrystal Morning Star10%146313
16Red SkeletLighting Sword10%136691
16Red SkeletHelical Sword10%74520
16Red SkeletDragon Shield10%137099
16Red SkeletOrb of Fire Slash10%139201
16Red SkeletAdamantine Mask10%146516
17Chief SkelGreat Scepter168353%265287
17Chief SkelGrand Soul Helm168173%188216
17Chief SkelStorm Crow Armor167553%227934
17Chief SkelScroll of Critical Damage167413%266565
17Chief SkelOrb of Rageful Blow167203%244317
17Chief SkelBlack Dragon Boots167013%259966
17Chief SkelBlack Dragon Gloves166823%161705
17Chief SkelAdamantine Armor166793%258861
17Chief SkelHoly Spirit Boots166493%189284
17Chief SkelSword of Destruction166413%265757
17Chief SkelBlack Dragon Helm166163%264533
17Chief SkelBlack Dragon Pants165953%254444
17Chief SkelDark Steel Boots165883%244667
17Chief SkelRed Spirit Gloves165803%253267
17Chief SkelSaint Crossbow165433%253341
17Chief SkelGrand Soul Boots165413%144339
17Chief SkelOrb of Ice Arrow165273%189255
17Chief SkelHoly Spirit Helm164883%241941
17Chief SkelScroll of FireBurst110692%172596
17Chief SkelGrand Soul Shield110182%168803
17Chief SkelStorm Crow Pants109462%169050
17Chief SkelDark Steel Gloves108702%174899
17Chief SkelSymbol of Kundun +598542%136323
17Chief SkelDark Phoenix Gloves77741%236326
17Chief SkelRed Spirit Boots76671%261364
17Chief SkelDark Soul Gloves76521%261417
17Chief SkelGrand Soul Pants76321%235976
17Chief SkelDark Steel Mask75411%241825
17Chief SkelTransformation Ring +529610%392177
17Chief SkelGuardian Angel23750%757047
17Chief SkelImp23130%509474
17Chief SkelHorn of Uniria20970%679937
17Chief SkelDevils Key19420%199149
17Chief SkelBlood Bone +719070%124309
17Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +718960%124171
17Chief SkelDevils Eye18890%199705
17Chief SkelScroll of Teleport Ally10300%19451
17Chief SkelScroll of Cometfall10040%13899
17Chief SkelBlood Bone +610000%20311
17Chief SkelRena +39780%157649
17Chief SkelBox of Luck +79710%136752
17Chief SkelScroll of Aqua Beam9680%17570
17Chief SkelScroll of Archangel +69610%20172
17Chief SkelScroll of Soul Barrier6470%12448
17Chief SkelJewel of Soul3780%56404
17Chief SkelJewel of Bless3590%61310
17Chief SkelJewel of Life3280%42915
17Chief SkelJewel of Chaos2250%27223
17Chief SkelJewel of Creation1000%20831
17Chief SkelOrb of Summoning870%57744
17Chief SkelAdamantine Gloves240%131284
17Chief SkelLighting Sword210%136691
17Chief SkelOrb of Greater Fortitude210%138522
17Chief SkelGuardian Pants190%29816
17Chief SkelDragon Armor190%136838
17Chief SkelGuardian Boots180%26100
17Chief SkelAdamantine Boots160%136453
17Chief SkelDragon Boots160%29542
17Chief SkelDragon Gloves150%26155
17Chief SkelDragon Helm150%130936
17Chief SkelGorgon Staff150%26185
17Chief SkelBattle Scepter150%29621
17Chief SkelGuardian Armor150%130523
17Chief SkelBronze Shield140%29816
17Chief SkelOrb of Fire Slash140%139201
17Chief SkelDragon Pants130%74359
17Chief SkelGuardian Helm120%29701
17Chief SkelGiant Sword120%26285
17Chief SkelDragon Shield110%137099
17Chief SkelLegendary Staff110%137020
17Chief SkelGreat Scythe110%29568
17Chief SkelLegendary Pants100%30087
17Chief SkelSilver Bow100%74563
17Chief SkelLegendary Helm90%7378
17Chief SkelHelical Sword90%74520
17Chief SkelLegendary Armor90%74588
17Chief SkelLight Plate Pants60%7349
17Chief SkelLight Plate Armor60%138873
17Chief SkelPendant of Ability20%7287
17Chief SkelGuardian Gloves20%7481
17Chief SkelScroll of Evil Spirit10%26425
17Dark SkullDark Master Gloves382074%188400
17Dark SkullHoly Spirit Pants381484%269652
17Dark SkullBlack Dragon Armor380244%199237
17Dark SkullThunder Hawk Gloves379394%275348
17Dark SkullElemental Mace378484%199022
17Dark SkullStaff of Destruction376184%199143
17Dark SkullBlack Dragon Pants210382%254444
17Dark SkullHoly Spirit Boots209002%189284
17Dark SkullGrand Soul Helm208982%188216
17Dark SkullScroll of Critical Damage208942%266565
17Dark SkullSword of Destruction208362%265757
17Dark SkullHoly Spirit Helm207632%241941
17Dark SkullGreat Scepter207392%265287
17Dark SkullGrand Soul Pants207292%235976
17Dark SkullDark Steel Boots207272%244667
17Dark SkullBlack Dragon Helm206912%264533
17Dark SkullRed Spirit Boots206852%261364
17Dark SkullSaint Crossbow206792%253341
17Dark SkullRed Spirit Gloves206282%253267
17Dark SkullDark Soul Gloves206172%261417
17Dark SkullDark Phoenix Gloves205922%236326
17Dark SkullStorm Crow Armor205702%227934
17Dark SkullOrb of Ice Arrow205672%189255
17Dark SkullDark Steel Mask204032%241825
17Dark SkullSymbol of Kundun +5159172%136323
17Dark SkullGuardian Angel70881%757047
17Dark SkullTransformation Ring +548190%392177
17Dark SkullHorn of Uniria43630%679937
17Dark SkullBlack Dragon Gloves35370%161705
17Dark SkullBlack Dragon Boots34720%259966
17Dark SkullOrb of Rageful Blow34260%244317
17Dark SkullGrand Soul Boots34240%144339
17Dark SkullAdamantine Armor34050%258861
17Dark SkullImp32280%509474
17Dark SkullDevils Eye31850%199705
17Dark SkullScroll of Archangel +730920%124171
17Dark SkullBlood Bone +730620%124309
17Dark SkullDevils Key30570%199149
17Dark SkullRena +319420%157649
17Dark SkullScroll of Soul Barrier18420%12448
17Dark SkullScroll of Inferno17820%16758
17Dark SkullBox of Luck +715650%136752
17Dark SkullScroll of Aqua Beam12450%17570
17Dark SkullJewel of Soul6910%56404
17Dark SkullJewel of Bless6880%61310
17Dark SkullScroll of Cometfall5040%13899
17Dark SkullScroll of Teleport Ally5030%19451
17Dark SkullJewel of Life4750%42915
17Dark SkullJewel of Chaos3750%27223
17Dark SkullPet Rudolph2500%13837
17Dark SkullOrb of Summoning2470%57744
17Dark SkullJewel of Creation1790%20831
17Dark SkullLight Plate Armor450%138873
17Dark SkullGuardian Armor430%130523
17Dark SkullOrb of Penetration390%148821
17Dark SkullDragon Armor380%136838
17Dark SkullGuardian Pants370%29816
17Dark SkullLighting Sword360%136691
17Dark SkullLegendary Armor340%74588
17Dark SkullBattle Scepter330%29621
17Dark SkullBronze Shield330%29816
17Dark SkullAdamantine Gloves320%131284
17Dark SkullDragon Pants300%74359
17Dark SkullDragon Shield290%137099
17Dark SkullBill of Balrog280%122011
17Dark SkullOrb of Fire Slash270%139201
17Dark SkullGreat Scythe260%29568
17Dark SkullHelical Sword250%74520
17Dark SkullDragon Helm250%130936
17Dark SkullDragon Boots230%29542
17Dark SkullAdamantine Boots230%136453
17Dark SkullSilver Bow220%74563
17Dark SkullOrb of Greater Fortitude190%138522
17Dark SkullLegendary Staff180%137020
17Dark SkullRing of Magic100%7781
17Dark SkullDragon Gloves80%26155
17Dark SkullGorgon Staff70%26185
17Dark SkullScroll of Evil Spirit60%26425
17Dark SkullPendant of Ability60%7287
17Dark SkullLegendary Pants50%30087
17Dark SkullGuardian Boots50%26100
17Dark SkullGuardian Helm40%29701
17Dark SkullGiant Sword30%26285
17Dark SkullScroll of Hellfire10%9016
17Giant OgreScroll of Electric Spark106352%173629
17Giant OgreBlack Dragon Helm102482%264533
17Giant OgreSword of Destruction102372%265757
17Giant OgreScroll of Critical Damage102322%266565
17Giant OgreDark Soul Gloves102322%261417
17Giant OgreElemental Mace102282%199022
17Giant OgreStaff of Destruction102172%199143
17Giant OgreRed Spirit Helm101942%166251
17Giant OgreDark Phoenix Boots101892%166255
17Giant OgreCelestial Bow101592%163853
17Giant OgreDark Steel Boots101472%244667
17Giant OgreBlack Dragon Pants101392%254444
17Giant OgreHoly Spirit Helm101342%241941
17Giant OgreHoly Spirit Armor101282%164549
17Giant OgreGreat Scepter101252%265287
17Giant OgreRed Spirit Boots101182%261364
17Giant OgreDark Steel Mask101172%241825
17Giant OgreDark Phoenix Helm100912%163652
17Giant OgreThunder Hawk Boots100882%169057
17Giant OgreDark Phoenix Gloves100832%236326
17Giant OgreDragon Spear100802%170360
17Giant OgreGrand Soul Armor100692%163780
17Giant OgreThunder Hawk Gloves100432%275348
17Giant OgreRed Spirit Gloves100232%253267
17Giant OgreDark Steel Pants99882%169509
17Giant OgreHoly Spirit Pants99692%269652
17Giant OgreGrand Soul Pants99462%235976
17Giant OgreDark Master Gloves99062%188400
17Giant OgreBlack Dragon Armor98932%199237
17Giant OgreSaint Crossbow98932%253341
17Giant OgreSymbol of Kundun +676151%340511
17Giant OgreGuardian Angel23430%757047
17Giant OgreTransformation Ring +523170%392177
17Giant OgreDevils Key15270%199149
17Giant OgreScroll of Archangel +715070%124171
17Giant OgreBlood Bone +714740%124309
17Giant OgreDevils Eye14650%199705
17Giant OgreHorn of Uniria12010%679937
17Giant OgreRena +39630%157649
17Giant OgreScroll of Teleport Ally8880%19451
17Giant OgreBox of Luck +77750%136752
17Giant OgreScroll of Cometfall6830%13899
17Giant OgreScroll of Inferno4300%16758
17Giant OgreImp4240%509474
17Giant OgreJewel of Bless3210%61310
17Giant OgreJewel of Soul3000%56404
17Giant OgreJewel of Life2550%42915
17Giant OgreScroll of Soul Barrier2000%12448
17Giant OgreJewel of Chaos1710%27223
17Giant OgreScroll of Ice Storm1650%16761
17Giant OgrePet Rudolph1030%13837
17Giant OgreJewel of Creation810%20831
17Giant OgreOrb of Summoning460%57744
17Giant OgreBill of Balrog270%122011
17Giant OgreGuardian Armor250%130523
17Giant OgreAdamantine Boots240%136453
17Giant OgreDragon Helm230%130936
17Giant OgreLighting Sword230%136691
17Giant OgreLegendary Staff230%137020
17Giant OgreOrb of Greater Fortitude230%138522
17Giant OgreCrystal Morning Star220%146313
17Giant OgreElemental Shield210%146377
17Giant OgreAdamantine Gloves210%131284
17Giant OgreDragon Shield200%137099
17Giant OgreAdamantine Mask200%146516
17Giant OgreBluewing Crossbow200%155408
17Giant OgreLight Plate Armor180%138873
17Giant OgreOrb of Penetration170%148821
17Giant OgreOrb of Fire Slash160%139201
17Giant OgreDragon Armor110%136838
17Giant OgreScroll of Evil Spirit10%26425
17Magic SkelScroll of Fire Scream43052%235363
17Magic SkelHurricane Gloves42172%235643
17Magic SkelDark Steel Pants41902%169509
17Magic SkelScroll of Summon41782%257114
17Magic SkelDark Phoenix Helm41752%163652
17Magic SkelDragon Spear41642%170360
17Magic SkelRune Blade41592%384994
17Magic SkelDragon Soul Staff41262%386281
17Magic SkelHoly Spirit Armor41222%164549
17Magic SkelRed Spirit Pants41142%386729
17Magic SkelDark Steel Armor41142%117377
17Magic SkelLord Scepter41132%253612
17Magic SkelRed Spirit Helm41032%166251
17Magic SkelGreat Dragon Gloves40972%128394
17Magic SkelCelestial Bow40932%163853
17Magic SkelThunder Hawk Boots40892%169057
17Magic SkelDark Master Boots40852%126168
17Magic SkelGreat Dragon Boots40642%253605
17Magic SkelDark Soul Boots40622%126533
17Magic SkelDark Phoenix Armor40512%386797
17Magic SkelGreat Reign Crossbow40472%386267
17Magic SkelScroll of Electric Spark40422%173629
17Magic SkelThunder Hawk Pants40392%220390
17Magic SkelDark Phoenix Boots40122%166255
17Magic SkelGrand Soul Armor39862%163780
17Magic SkelDark Phoenix Pants39822%117569
17Magic SkelSymbol of Kundun +631202%340511
17Magic SkelStaff of Destruction16761%199143
17Magic SkelThunder Hawk Gloves16701%275348
17Magic SkelElemental Mace16571%199022
17Magic SkelBlack Dragon Armor16521%199237
17Magic SkelDark Master Gloves16481%188400
17Magic SkelHoly Spirit Pants16111%269652
17Magic SkelSpirit +115631%418173
17Magic SkelTransformation Ring +58740%392177
17Magic SkelGuardian Angel8020%757047
17Magic SkelSpirit +07600%182784
17Magic SkelScroll of Archangel +76070%124171
17Magic SkelBlood Bone +76000%124309
17Magic SkelDevils Eye5760%199705
17Magic SkelDevils Key5520%199149
17Magic SkelRena +33790%157649
17Magic SkelImp3790%509474
17Magic SkelScroll of Decay3250%22624
17Magic SkelBox of Luck +72980%136752
17Magic SkelHorn of Uniria2800%679937
17Magic SkelScroll of Nova2400%39384
17Magic SkelScroll of Ice Storm1930%16761
17Magic SkelScroll of Inferno1770%16758
17Magic SkelJewel of Soul1330%56404
17Magic SkelJewel of Bless1260%61310
17Magic SkelJewel of Life870%42915
17Magic SkelJewel of Chaos620%27223
17Magic SkelPet Rudolph480%13837
17Magic SkelJewel of Creation320%20831
17Magic SkelMaster Scepter90%129097
17Magic SkelStorm Crow Boots90%129371
17Magic SkelAquagold Crossbow80%129979
17Magic SkelCrystal Morning Star80%146313
17Magic SkelHoly Spirit Gloves70%115842
17Magic SkelStorm Crow Pants70%169050
17Magic SkelGrand Soul Gloves70%101780
17Magic SkelBlack Dragon Gloves70%161705
17Magic SkelElemental Shield70%146377
17Magic SkelScroll of FireBurst60%172596
17Magic SkelAdamantine Pants60%113221
17Magic SkelGrand Soul Boots50%144339
17Magic SkelDark Steel Gloves50%174899
17Magic SkelStaff of Resurrection50%112595
17Magic SkelAdamantine Mask50%146516
17Magic SkelStorm Crow Gloves40%113032
17Magic SkelCrystal Sword40%129726
17Magic SkelGrand Soul Shield40%168803
17Magic SkelOrb of Death Stab30%115636
17Magic SkelOrb of Summoning20%57744
17Magic SkelBluewing Crossbow20%155408
17Magic SkelScroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
17Red SkeletScroll of Summon85032%257114
17Red SkeletDark Phoenix Helm82502%163652
17Red SkeletThunder Hawk Gloves82062%275348
17Red SkeletDark Master Gloves82012%188400
17Red SkeletCelestial Bow81862%163853
17Red SkeletDragon Spear81692%170360
17Red SkeletDark Phoenix Pants81442%117569
17Red SkeletRed Spirit Helm81412%166251
17Red SkeletElemental Mace81272%199022
17Red SkeletDark Soul Boots81252%126533
17Red SkeletStaff of Destruction81212%199143
17Red SkeletBlack Dragon Armor80972%199237
17Red SkeletLord Scepter80812%253612
17Red SkeletGrand Soul Armor80732%163780
17Red SkeletDark Soul Gloves80712%261417
17Red SkeletDark Steel Armor80452%117377
17Red SkeletHoly Spirit Armor80322%164549
17Red SkeletThunder Hawk Boots80192%169057
17Red SkeletHoly Spirit Pants80032%269652
17Red SkeletDark Master Boots79872%126168
17Red SkeletGreat Dragon Gloves79822%128394
17Red SkeletDark Phoenix Boots79822%166255
17Red SkeletRed Spirit Boots79582%261364
17Red SkeletGreat Dragon Boots79492%253605
17Red SkeletDark Steel Pants79482%169509
17Red SkeletScroll of Electric Spark79072%173629
17Red SkeletSymbol of Kundun +656751%340511
17Red SkeletSpirit +128551%418173
17Red SkeletTransformation Ring +517500%392177
17Red SkeletHorn of Uniria17450%679937
17Red SkeletBlack Dragon Pants13850%254444
17Red SkeletDark Steel Mask13390%241825
17Red SkeletRed Spirit Gloves13380%253267
17Red SkeletGrand Soul Pants13190%235976
17Red SkeletSaint Crossbow13060%253341
17Red SkeletDark Phoenix Gloves12990%236326
17Red SkeletHoly Spirit Helm12850%241941
17Red SkeletImp12040%509474
17Red SkeletBlood Bone +711240%124309
17Red SkeletDevils Eye11040%199705
17Red SkeletDevils Key10700%199149
17Red SkeletGuardian Angel10640%757047
17Red SkeletScroll of Archangel +710330%124171
17Red SkeletRena +37070%157649
17Red SkeletScroll of Cometfall5920%13899
17Red SkeletBox of Luck +75650%136752
17Red SkeletScroll of Decay3830%22624
17Red SkeletScroll of Teleport Ally2810%19451
17Red SkeletJewel of Bless2630%61310
17Red SkeletJewel of Soul2340%56404
17Red SkeletScroll of Inferno1970%16758
17Red SkeletJewel of Life1810%42915
17Red SkeletScroll of Ice Storm1540%16761
17Red SkeletJewel of Chaos1510%27223
17Red SkeletPet Rudolph750%13837
17Red SkeletJewel of Creation600%20831
17Red SkeletOrb of Summoning510%57744
Kalima 1Aegis1Leather Helm233%1374
Kalima 1Aegis1Bronze Pants233%810
Kalima 1Aegis1Skull Staff193%1291
Kalima 1Aegis1Vine Armor183%1517
Kalima 1Aegis1Sword of Assassin172%1457
Kalima 1Aegis1Mace172%1215
Kalima 1Aegis1Bronze Boots172%1457
Kalima 1Aegis1Bronze Helm172%915
Kalima 1Aegis1Horn Shield162%1346
Kalima 1Aegis1Ring of Poison162%1025
Kalima 1Aegis1Pendant of Fire162%1456
Kalima 1Aegis1Pad Armor162%1394
Kalima 1Aegis1Elven Bow152%875
Kalima 1Aegis1Katana152%913
Kalima 1Aegis1Leather Pants152%1399
Kalima 1Aegis1Leather Gloves142%1582
Kalima 1Aegis1Leather Armor142%1453
Kalima 1Aegis1Bone Boots142%957
Kalima 1Aegis1Leather Boots132%1365
Kalima 1Aegis1Morning Star132%1396
Kalima 1Aegis1Silk Helm132%923
Kalima 1Aegis1Skull Shield132%788
Kalima 1Aegis1Orb of Greater Fortitude132%138522
Kalima 1Aegis1Silk Gloves132%1431
Kalima 1Aegis1Vine Helm132%1324
Kalima 1Aegis1Small Shield122%1670
Kalima 1Aegis1Kite Shield122%1451
Kalima 1Aegis1Rapier122%1348
Kalima 1Aegis1Bow122%1366
Kalima 1Aegis1Double Poleaxe122%1454
Kalima 1Aegis1Pad Helm122%1322
Kalima 1Aegis1Healing Orb112%1346
Kalima 1Aegis1Bone Gloves112%1380
Kalima 1Aegis1Pad Pants112%1367
Kalima 1Aegis1Crossbow112%1631
Kalima 1Aegis1Dragon Lance112%776
Kalima 1Aegis1Bronze Gloves112%1484
Kalima 1Aegis1Golden Crossbow112%1458
Kalima 1Aegis1Hand Axe101%1558
Kalima 1Aegis1Vine Boots101%1348
Kalima 1Aegis1Double Axe101%1392
Kalima 1Aegis1Short Sword101%1673
Kalima 1Aegis1Buckler101%1401
Kalima 1Aegis1Silk Boots101%786
Kalima 1Aegis1Kris101%1326
Kalima 1Aegis1Blood Bone +181%756
Kalima 1Aegis1Pad Boots81%1541
Kalima 1Aegis1Pad Gloves81%1687
Kalima 1Aegis1Devils Eye61%199705
Kalima 1Aegis1Small Axe61%2550
Kalima 1Aegis1Vine Pants61%1339
Kalima 1Aegis1Short Bow51%2716
Kalima 1Aegis1Transformation Ring +041%641
Kalima 1Aegis1Scroll of Archangel +141%751
Kalima 1Aegis1Vine Gloves41%1516
Kalima 1Aegis1Jewel of Chaos30%27223
Kalima 1Aegis1Devils Key30%199149
Kalima 1Aegis1Scroll of Fire Ball30%89
Kalima 1Aegis1Scroll of Lighting20%158
Kalima 1Aegis1Jewel of Soul20%56404
Kalima 1Aegis1Box of Luck +720%136752
Kalima 1Aegis1Rena +320%157649
Kalima 1Aegis1Box of Luck +120%54062
Kalima 1Aegis1Jewel of Life10%42915
Kalima 1Aegis1Orb of Summoning10%57744
Kalima 1Blood SoldPendant of Lighting180%4102
Kalima 1Blood SoldRing of Ice160%4305
Kalima 1Blood SoldKatana160%913
Kalima 1Blood SoldBronze Armor160%3476
Kalima 1Blood SoldLeather Armor160%1453
Kalima 1Blood SoldSilk Helm160%923
Kalima 1Blood SoldBronze Boots150%1457
Kalima 1Blood SoldSilk Boots150%786
Kalima 1Blood SoldOrb of Greater Fortitude150%138522
Kalima 1Blood SoldHalberd150%3646
Kalima 1Blood SoldTomahawk150%3520
Kalima 1Blood SoldSkull Shield140%788
Kalima 1Blood SoldPad Armor140%1394
Kalima 1Blood SoldAngelic Staff140%3609
Kalima 1Blood SoldLarge Round Shield140%3577
Kalima 1Blood SoldGladius130%4230
Kalima 1Blood SoldDouble Poleaxe130%1454
Kalima 1Blood SoldDragon Lance130%776
Kalima 1Blood SoldVine Armor130%1517
Kalima 1Blood SoldGolden Crossbow130%1458
Kalima 1Blood SoldBone Pants120%4254
Kalima 1Blood SoldElven Shield120%4161
Kalima 1Blood SoldSilk Armor120%4242
Kalima 1Blood SoldOrb of Impale120%3937
Kalima 1Blood SoldOrb of Greater Damage120%3566
Kalima 1Blood SoldSilk Gloves110%1431
Kalima 1Blood SoldRing of Poison110%1025
Kalima 1Blood SoldBronze Pants100%810
Kalima 1Blood SoldElven Bow100%875
Kalima 1Blood SoldPendant of Fire90%1456
Kalima 1Blood SoldMorning Star90%1396
Kalima 1Blood SoldDouble Axe90%1392
Kalima 1Blood SoldSilk Pants90%3472
Kalima 1Blood SoldBone Boots80%957
Kalima 1Blood SoldArquebus80%4273
Kalima 1Blood SoldKite Shield80%1451
Kalima 1Blood SoldSword of Assassin70%1457
Kalima 1Blood SoldBronze Gloves70%1484
Kalima 1Blood SoldBox of Luck +170%54062
Kalima 1Blood SoldBone Gloves70%1380
Kalima 1Blood SoldBronze Helm60%915
Kalima 1Blood SoldBlood Bone +150%756
Kalima 1Blood SoldTransformation Ring +150%378
Kalima 1Blood SoldDevils Key50%199149
Kalima 1Blood SoldBone Helm30%3442
Kalima 1Blood SoldBox of Luck +730%136752
Kalima 1Blood SoldDevils Eye20%199705
Kalima 1Blood SoldJewel of Soul20%56404
Kalima 1Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +120%751
Kalima 1Blood SoldRena +320%157649
Kalima 1Blood SoldScroll of Fire Ball10%89
Kalima 1Blood SoldJewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 1Death AngeElven Bow170%875
Kalima 1Death AngeLarge Round Shield160%3577
Kalima 1Death AngeFlail140%4703
Kalima 1Death AngeVine Armor130%1517
Kalima 1Death AngeBone Armor130%4897
Kalima 1Death AngeBone Boots130%957
Kalima 1Death AngeSkull Shield120%788
Kalima 1Death AngeRing of Ice120%4305
Kalima 1Death AngeScale Gloves120%4773
Kalima 1Death AngeAngelic Staff120%3609
Kalima 1Death AngeOrb of Greater Fortitude120%138522
Kalima 1Death AngeHalberd110%3646
Kalima 1Death AngeSpear110%4649
Kalima 1Death AngeBone Gloves100%1380
Kalima 1Death AngeScale Boots100%4926
Kalima 1Death AngeRing of Poison100%1025
Kalima 1Death AngePendant of Fire100%1456
Kalima 1Death AngeKatana100%913
Kalima 1Death AngeSilk Pants100%3472
Kalima 1Death AngeTomahawk100%3520
Kalima 1Death AngeBronze Armor90%3476
Kalima 1Death AngePendant of Lighting90%4102
Kalima 1Death AngeBlood Bone +190%756
Kalima 1Death AngeOrb of Impale90%3937
Kalima 1Death AngeDouble Axe80%1392
Kalima 1Death AngeSword of Assassin80%1457
Kalima 1Death AngeFalcon80%4741
Kalima 1Death AngeDouble Poleaxe80%1454
Kalima 1Death AngeLeather Helm70%1374
Kalima 1Death AngeDevils Eye70%199705
Kalima 1Death AngeLeather Pants70%1399
Kalima 1Death AngeGladius70%4230
Kalima 1Death AngeSilk Boots70%786
Kalima 1Death AngeElven Shield70%4161
Kalima 1Death AngePad Armor70%1394
Kalima 1Death AngeBone Helm70%3442
Kalima 1Death AngeMorning Star70%1396
Kalima 1Death AngeSilk Armor70%4242
Kalima 1Death AngeBox of Luck +170%54062
Kalima 1Death AngeKite Shield70%1451
Kalima 1Death AngeDragon Lance60%776
Kalima 1Death AngeArquebus60%4273
Kalima 1Death AngeSilk Gloves60%1431
Kalima 1Death AngeLeather Armor60%1453
Kalima 1Death AngeKris60%1326
Kalima 1Death AngeGolden Crossbow60%1458
Kalima 1Death AngeBow50%1366
Kalima 1Death AngeDevils Key50%199149
Kalima 1Death AngePad Pants50%1367
Kalima 1Death AngeHealing Orb50%1346
Kalima 1Death AngeSilk Helm50%923
Kalima 1Death AngeBuckler40%1401
Kalima 1Death AngeTransformation Ring +140%378
Kalima 1Death AngeBronze Gloves40%1484
Kalima 1Death AngeRapier40%1348
Kalima 1Death AngeSkull Staff40%1291
Kalima 1Death AngeBronze Pants40%810
Kalima 1Death AngeBronze Boots40%1457
Kalima 1Death AngeBone Pants40%4254
Kalima 1Death AngeOrb of Greater Damage40%3566
Kalima 1Death AngeBox of Luck +730%136752
Kalima 1Death AngeVine Pants30%1339
Kalima 1Death AngeMace30%1215
Kalima 1Death AngeHorn Shield30%1346
Kalima 1Death AngeVine Helm30%1324
Kalima 1Death AngeBronze Helm20%915
Kalima 1Death AngeRena +320%157649
Kalima 1Death AngeScroll of Power Wave10%111
Kalima 1Death AngeScroll of Teleport10%125
Kalima 1Death CentBrass Gloves470%10390
Kalima 1Death CentScale Gloves460%4773
Kalima 1Death CentPlate Shield450%4649
Kalima 1Death CentFlail450%4703
Kalima 1Death CentBattle Bow440%5446
Kalima 1Death CentSymbol of Kundun +1420%57725
Kalima 1Death CentLight Crossbow390%10502
Kalima 1Death CentSerpent Sword390%7461
Kalima 1Death CentBattle Axe380%7354
Kalima 1Death CentWind Boots380%5231
Kalima 1Death CentSphinx Mask380%10441
Kalima 1Death CentScale Boots370%4926
Kalima 1Death CentSerpent Staff370%7164
Kalima 1Death CentElven Axe370%5544
Kalima 1Death CentWind Helm360%5349
Kalima 1Death CentBone Armor350%4897
Kalima 1Death CentSword of Salamander350%10242
Kalima 1Death CentRing of Fire340%7228
Kalima 1Death CentSphinx Gloves330%5551
Kalima 1Death CentSpear320%4649
Kalima 1Death CentWind Armor320%10533
Kalima 1Death CentBrass Boots320%10541
Kalima 1Death CentScale Armor320%5317
Kalima 1Death CentGiant Trident300%5312
Kalima 1Death CentFalcon300%4741
Kalima 1Death CentScale Helm290%5408
Kalima 1Death CentWind Pants280%7222
Kalima 1Death CentScale Pants280%4750
Kalima 1Death CentWind Gloves270%5484
Kalima 1Death CentSphinx Boots250%7268
Kalima 1Death CentSpiked Shield240%7274
Kalima 1Death CentBox of Luck +1140%54062
Kalima 1Death CentTransformation Ring +2110%3065
Kalima 1Death CentScroll of Archangel +2110%9980
Kalima 1Death CentDevils Key80%199149
Kalima 1Death CentHorn of Uniria70%679937
Kalima 1Death CentDevils Eye70%199705
Kalima 1Death CentOrb of Summoning70%57744
Kalima 1Death CentBox of Luck +760%136752
Kalima 1Death CentBlood Bone +260%9558
Kalima 1Death CentRena +330%157649
Kalima 1Death CentScroll of Teleport20%125
Kalima 1Death CentScroll of Poison20%4284
Kalima 1Death CentJewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 1Death CentScroll of Meteorite10%797
Kalima 1Death CentJewel of Creation10%20831
Kalima 1Death CentJewel of Life10%42915
Kalima 1Death CentJewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 1Illusion oPendant of Ability10%7287
Kalima 1Illusion oLight Plate Gloves10%33654
Kalima 1Illusion oGuardian Gloves10%7481
Kalima 1Necron1Symbol of Kundun +11064%57725
Kalima 1Necron1Pendant of Lighting703%4102
Kalima 1Necron1Gladius692%4230
Kalima 1Necron1Bone Armor682%4897
Kalima 1Necron1Sphinx Gloves632%5551
Kalima 1Necron1Ring of Poison622%1025
Kalima 1Necron1Arquebus622%4273
Kalima 1Necron1Bronze Armor612%3476
Kalima 1Necron1Scale Boots612%4926
Kalima 1Necron1Elven Axe602%5544
Kalima 1Necron1Tomahawk592%3520
Kalima 1Necron1Spear592%4649
Kalima 1Necron1Silk Armor582%4242
Kalima 1Necron1Wind Helm572%5349
Kalima 1Necron1Scale Armor562%5317
Kalima 1Necron1Wind Gloves562%5484
Kalima 1Necron1Large Round Shield552%3577
Kalima 1Necron1Halberd552%3646
Kalima 1Necron1Bone Pants542%4254
Kalima 1Necron1Scale Gloves542%4773
Kalima 1Necron1Orb of Impale542%3937
Kalima 1Necron1Angelic Staff532%3609
Kalima 1Necron1Wind Boots532%5231
Kalima 1Necron1Elven Shield522%4161
Kalima 1Necron1Falcon522%4741
Kalima 1Necron1Flail522%4703
Kalima 1Necron1Orb of Greater Damage512%3566
Kalima 1Necron1Silk Pants502%3472
Kalima 1Necron1Ring of Ice502%4305
Kalima 1Necron1Battle Bow492%5446
Kalima 1Necron1Scale Helm482%5408
Kalima 1Necron1Scale Pants482%4750
Kalima 1Necron1Bone Helm472%3442
Kalima 1Necron1Plate Shield462%4649
Kalima 1Necron1Transformation Ring +1361%378
Kalima 1Necron1Bone Gloves341%1380
Kalima 1Necron1Bone Boots331%957
Kalima 1Necron1Katana331%913
Kalima 1Necron1Skull Shield331%788
Kalima 1Necron1Silk Gloves301%1431
Kalima 1Necron1Bronze Pants301%810
Kalima 1Necron1Orb of Greater Fortitude291%138522
Kalima 1Necron1Pad Armor291%1394
Kalima 1Necron1Elven Bow291%875
Kalima 1Necron1Pendant of Fire281%1456
Kalima 1Necron1Double Axe281%1392
Kalima 1Necron1Silk Helm281%923
Kalima 1Necron1Bronze Boots271%1457
Kalima 1Necron1Devils Eye271%199705
Kalima 1Necron1Bronze Gloves271%1484
Kalima 1Necron1Sword of Assassin251%1457
Kalima 1Necron1Devils Key251%199149
Kalima 1Necron1Double Poleaxe251%1454
Kalima 1Necron1Golden Crossbow241%1458
Kalima 1Necron1Dragon Lance231%776
Kalima 1Necron1Box of Luck +1221%54062
Kalima 1Necron1Bronze Helm221%915
Kalima 1Necron1Vine Armor221%1517
Kalima 1Necron1Silk Boots211%786
Kalima 1Necron1Blood Bone +1191%756
Kalima 1Necron1Scroll of Archangel +1191%751
Kalima 1Necron1Morning Star191%1396
Kalima 1Necron1Leather Armor191%1453
Kalima 1Necron1Kite Shield141%1451
Kalima 1Necron1Box of Luck +7110%136752
Kalima 1Necron1Rena +3110%157649
Kalima 1Necron1Scroll of Meteorite100%797
Kalima 1Necron1Jewel of Soul70%56404
Kalima 1Necron1Scroll of Lighting60%158
Kalima 1Necron1Scroll of Teleport40%125
Kalima 1Necron1Jewel of Chaos30%27223
Kalima 1Necron1Jewel of Life30%42915
Kalima 1Necron1Jewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 1Necron1Orb of Summoning20%57744
Kalima 1Necron1Horn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 1Necron1Scroll of Ice10%1144
Kalima 1Rogue CentSilk Boots150%786
Kalima 1Rogue CentMorning Star130%1396
Kalima 1Rogue CentAngelic Staff130%3609
Kalima 1Rogue CentLarge Round Shield130%3577
Kalima 1Rogue CentOrb of Greater Damage120%3566
Kalima 1Rogue CentBronze Armor120%3476
Kalima 1Rogue CentGolden Crossbow110%1458
Kalima 1Rogue CentHorn Shield110%1346
Kalima 1Rogue CentVine Pants110%1339
Kalima 1Rogue CentRapier110%1348
Kalima 1Rogue CentKite Shield110%1451
Kalima 1Rogue CentVine Armor110%1517
Kalima 1Rogue CentDouble Poleaxe100%1454
Kalima 1Rogue CentLeather Pants100%1399
Kalima 1Rogue CentSmall Shield90%1670
Kalima 1Rogue CentElven Bow90%875
Kalima 1Rogue CentHealing Orb90%1346
Kalima 1Rogue CentTomahawk90%3520
Kalima 1Rogue CentLeather Armor90%1453
Kalima 1Rogue CentOrb of Greater Fortitude80%138522
Kalima 1Rogue CentBronze Gloves80%1484
Kalima 1Rogue CentKris80%1326
Kalima 1Rogue CentHalberd80%3646
Kalima 1Rogue CentVine Gloves80%1516
Kalima 1Rogue CentBronze Helm80%915
Kalima 1Rogue CentBronze Boots80%1457
Kalima 1Rogue CentRing of Poison80%1025
Kalima 1Rogue CentSmall Axe80%2550
Kalima 1Rogue CentPendant of Fire80%1456
Kalima 1Rogue CentDouble Axe80%1392
Kalima 1Rogue CentBuckler80%1401
Kalima 1Rogue CentPad Armor80%1394
Kalima 1Rogue CentBow70%1366
Kalima 1Rogue CentBone Helm70%3442
Kalima 1Rogue CentSword of Assassin70%1457
Kalima 1Rogue CentBronze Pants70%810
Kalima 1Rogue CentPad Helm60%1322
Kalima 1Rogue CentVine Boots60%1348
Kalima 1Rogue CentCrossbow60%1631
Kalima 1Rogue CentLeather Helm60%1374
Kalima 1Rogue CentBone Boots60%957
Kalima 1Rogue CentKatana60%913
Kalima 1Rogue CentDragon Lance60%776
Kalima 1Rogue CentPad Pants50%1367
Kalima 1Rogue CentBlood Bone +150%756
Kalima 1Rogue CentBone Gloves50%1380
Kalima 1Rogue CentSilk Pants50%3472
Kalima 1Rogue CentSilk Gloves50%1431
Kalima 1Rogue CentShort Bow40%2716
Kalima 1Rogue CentTransformation Ring +040%641
Kalima 1Rogue CentPad Gloves40%1687
Kalima 1Rogue CentPad Boots40%1541
Kalima 1Rogue CentSkull Shield40%788
Kalima 1Rogue CentLeather Boots40%1365
Kalima 1Rogue CentShort Sword40%1673
Kalima 1Rogue CentSilk Helm40%923
Kalima 1Rogue CentDevils Eye40%199705
Kalima 1Rogue CentHand Axe30%1558
Kalima 1Rogue CentScroll of Power Wave30%111
Kalima 1Rogue CentLeather Gloves30%1582
Kalima 1Rogue CentVine Helm30%1324
Kalima 1Rogue CentBox of Luck +730%136752
Kalima 1Rogue CentRena +320%157649
Kalima 1Rogue CentDevils Key20%199149
Kalima 1Rogue CentMace20%1215
Kalima 1Rogue CentBox of Luck +120%54062
Kalima 1Rogue CentScroll of Teleport20%125
Kalima 1Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +120%751
Kalima 1Rogue CentScroll of Fire Ball10%89
Kalima 1Rogue CentHorn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 1Schriker1Sphinx Boots283%7268
Kalima 1Schriker1Symbol of Kundun +1283%57725
Kalima 1Schriker1Berdysh263%36097
Kalima 1Schriker1Ring of Fire263%7228
Kalima 1Schriker1Sphinx Pants263%32437
Kalima 1Schriker1Spirit Helm253%35021
Kalima 1Schriker1Nikea Axe243%32035
Kalima 1Schriker1Brass Pants243%35852
Kalima 1Schriker1Dragon Slayer Shield243%35670
Kalima 1Schriker1Great Hammer243%35881
Kalima 1Schriker1Sphinx Mask233%10441
Kalima 1Schriker1Light Saber223%34812
Kalima 1Schriker1Tower Shield223%35261
Kalima 1Schriker1Sword of Salamander223%10242
Kalima 1Schriker1Serpent Staff223%7164
Kalima 1Schriker1Spiked Shield212%7274
Kalima 1Schriker1Battle Axe212%7354
Kalima 1Schriker1Brass Helm202%37830
Kalima 1Schriker1Wind Armor202%10533
Kalima 1Schriker1Spirit Boots182%35209
Kalima 1Schriker1Spirit Gloves182%35927
Kalima 1Schriker1Light Crossbow182%10502
Kalima 1Schriker1Giant Trident182%5312
Kalima 1Schriker1Brass Armor172%35890
Kalima 1Schriker1Pendant of Ice162%32342
Kalima 1Schriker1Wind Pants162%7222
Kalima 1Schriker1Elven Axe152%5544
Kalima 1Schriker1Serpent Sword152%7461
Kalima 1Schriker1Sphinx Armor152%35472
Kalima 1Schriker1Ring of Earth142%35543
Kalima 1Schriker1Blade142%37998
Kalima 1Schriker1Tiger Bow142%34836
Kalima 1Schriker1Brass Gloves132%10390
Kalima 1Schriker1Scale Helm121%5408
Kalima 1Schriker1Brass Boots111%10541
Kalima 1Schriker1Plate Shield111%4649
Kalima 1Schriker1Wind Helm101%5349
Kalima 1Schriker1Scale Gloves101%4773
Kalima 1Schriker1Sphinx Gloves91%5551
Kalima 1Schriker1Scale Armor91%5317
Kalima 1Schriker1Transformation Ring +391%15432
Kalima 1Schriker1Flail91%4703
Kalima 1Schriker1Wind Gloves91%5484
Kalima 1Schriker1Battle Bow91%5446
Kalima 1Schriker1Wind Boots81%5231
Kalima 1Schriker1Scale Boots71%4926
Kalima 1Schriker1Falcon61%4741
Kalima 1Schriker1Scale Pants61%4750
Kalima 1Schriker1Spear51%4649
Kalima 1Schriker1Bone Armor51%4897
Kalima 1Schriker1Scroll of Archangel +251%9980
Kalima 1Schriker1Rena +351%157649
Kalima 1Schriker1Devils Eye40%199705
Kalima 1Schriker1Devils Key40%199149
Kalima 1Schriker1Blood Bone +230%9558
Kalima 1Schriker1Horn of Uniria30%679937
Kalima 1Schriker1Imp30%509474
Kalima 1Schriker1Box of Luck +120%54062
Kalima 1Schriker1Jewel of Bless20%61310
Kalima 1Schriker1Jewel of Creation10%20831
Kalima 1Schriker1Jewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 1Schriker1Scroll of Flame10%3700
Kalima 1Schriker1Box of Luck +710%136752
Kalima 1Schriker1Orb of Summoning10%57744
Kalima 1Schriker1Scroll of Poison10%4284
Kalima 1Schriker1Scroll of Twister10%3848
Kalima 2Aegis2Symbol of Kundun +1834%57725
Kalima 2Aegis2Scale Pants553%4750
Kalima 2Aegis2Battle Bow553%5446
Kalima 2Aegis2Plate Shield522%4649
Kalima 2Aegis2Brass Gloves522%10390
Kalima 2Aegis2Scale Armor512%5317
Kalima 2Aegis2Sphinx Gloves512%5551
Kalima 2Aegis2Spiked Shield512%7274
Kalima 2Aegis2Sword of Salamander502%10242
Kalima 2Aegis2Scale Boots502%4926
Kalima 2Aegis2Wind Armor492%10533
Kalima 2Aegis2Giant Trident492%5312
Kalima 2Aegis2Falcon492%4741
Kalima 2Aegis2Light Crossbow472%10502
Kalima 2Aegis2Sphinx Boots472%7268
Kalima 2Aegis2Wind Gloves462%5484
Kalima 2Aegis2Elven Axe452%5544
Kalima 2Aegis2Scale Gloves432%4773
Kalima 2Aegis2Serpent Staff432%7164
Kalima 2Aegis2Wind Pants432%7222
Kalima 2Aegis2Elven Shield422%4161
Kalima 2Aegis2Battle Axe422%7354
Kalima 2Aegis2Wind Helm422%5349
Kalima 2Aegis2Pendant of Lighting412%4102
Kalima 2Aegis2Spear402%4649
Kalima 2Aegis2Wind Boots402%5231
Kalima 2Aegis2Scale Helm382%5408
Kalima 2Aegis2Serpent Sword372%7461
Kalima 2Aegis2Brass Boots362%10541
Kalima 2Aegis2Flail342%4703
Kalima 2Aegis2Sphinx Mask342%10441
Kalima 2Aegis2Ring of Fire322%7228
Kalima 2Aegis2Bone Armor322%4897
Kalima 2Aegis2Devils Key311%199149
Kalima 2Aegis2Box of Luck +1261%54062
Kalima 2Aegis2Devils Eye231%199705
Kalima 2Aegis2Transformation Ring +2211%3065
Kalima 2Aegis2Silk Helm201%923
Kalima 2Aegis2Double Axe191%1392
Kalima 2Aegis2Large Round Shield181%3577
Kalima 2Aegis2Silk Pants181%3472
Kalima 2Aegis2Blood Bone +1171%756
Kalima 2Aegis2Ring of Ice171%4305
Kalima 2Aegis2Silk Gloves161%1431
Kalima 2Aegis2Silk Boots161%786
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Archangel +2161%9980
Kalima 2Aegis2Dragon Lance161%776
Kalima 2Aegis2Skull Shield151%788
Kalima 2Aegis2Blood Bone +2151%9558
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Archangel +1151%751
Kalima 2Aegis2Bronze Pants151%810
Kalima 2Aegis2Orb of Impale151%3937
Kalima 2Aegis2Angelic Staff141%3609
Kalima 2Aegis2Bone Pants141%4254
Kalima 2Aegis2Bronze Armor131%3476
Kalima 2Aegis2Ring of Poison131%1025
Kalima 2Aegis2Tomahawk131%3520
Kalima 2Aegis2Bone Gloves131%1380
Kalima 2Aegis2Bronze Helm121%915
Kalima 2Aegis2Elven Bow121%875
Kalima 2Aegis2Bone Boots111%957
Kalima 2Aegis2Bone Helm111%3442
Kalima 2Aegis2Halberd111%3646
Kalima 2Aegis2Katana111%913
Kalima 2Aegis2Gladius100%4230
Kalima 2Aegis2Arquebus90%4273
Kalima 2Aegis2Rena +380%157649
Kalima 2Aegis2Silk Armor80%4242
Kalima 2Aegis2Horn of Uniria80%679937
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Poison70%4284
Kalima 2Aegis2Orb of Greater Damage70%3566
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Teleport60%125
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Meteorite50%797
Kalima 2Aegis2Box of Luck +750%136752
Kalima 2Aegis2Imp50%509474
Kalima 2Aegis2Scroll of Ice30%1144
Kalima 2Aegis2Jewel of Life30%42915
Kalima 2Aegis2Guardian Angel10%757047
Kalima 2Aegis2Jewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 2Aegis2Orb of Summoning10%57744
Kalima 2Blood SoldSymbol of Kundun +11440%57725
Kalima 2Blood SoldSerpent Sword1140%7461
Kalima 2Blood SoldSpiked Shield1130%7274
Kalima 2Blood SoldWind Gloves1110%5484
Kalima 2Blood SoldGiant Trident1110%5312
Kalima 2Blood SoldWind Pants1070%7222
Kalima 2Blood SoldSphinx Gloves1050%5551
Kalima 2Blood SoldScale Helm1040%5408
Kalima 2Blood SoldLight Crossbow1030%10502
Kalima 2Blood SoldBrass Helm1020%37830
Kalima 2Blood SoldBrass Pants990%35852
Kalima 2Blood SoldSerpent Staff990%7164
Kalima 2Blood SoldBattle Axe990%7354
Kalima 2Blood SoldWind Boots990%5231
Kalima 2Blood SoldDragon Slayer Shield970%35670
Kalima 2Blood SoldSword of Salamander970%10242
Kalima 2Blood SoldElven Axe960%5544
Kalima 2Blood SoldBattle Bow960%5446
Kalima 2Blood SoldPendant of Ice960%32342
Kalima 2Blood SoldWind Helm960%5349
Kalima 2Blood SoldNikea Axe950%32035
Kalima 2Blood SoldBrass Boots940%10541
Kalima 2Blood SoldRing of Fire940%7228
Kalima 2Blood SoldWind Armor930%10533
Kalima 2Blood SoldBlade920%37998
Kalima 2Blood SoldBerdysh890%36097
Kalima 2Blood SoldBrass Gloves890%10390
Kalima 2Blood SoldScale Armor890%5317
Kalima 2Blood SoldSphinx Pants870%32437
Kalima 2Blood SoldSphinx Boots850%7268
Kalima 2Blood SoldSphinx Mask840%10441
Kalima 2Blood SoldOrb of Summoning440%57744
Kalima 2Blood SoldTransformation Ring +2440%3065
Kalima 2Blood SoldDevils Eye290%199705
Kalima 2Blood SoldBox of Luck +1280%54062
Kalima 2Blood SoldDevils Key260%199149
Kalima 2Blood SoldHorn of Uniria260%679937
Kalima 2Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +2220%9980
Kalima 2Blood SoldBlood Bone +2190%9558
Kalima 2Blood SoldRena +3100%157649
Kalima 2Blood SoldBox of Luck +790%136752
Kalima 2Blood SoldScroll of Poison70%4284
Kalima 2Blood SoldImp60%509474
Kalima 2Blood SoldScroll of Flame60%3700
Kalima 2Blood SoldScroll of Ice50%1144
Kalima 2Blood SoldScroll of Meteorite50%797
Kalima 2Blood SoldJewel of Soul30%56404
Kalima 2Blood SoldJewel of Chaos30%27223
Kalima 2Blood SoldJewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 2Blood SoldJewel of Life20%42915
Kalima 2Blood SoldSword of Assassin10%1457
Kalima 2Blood SoldLeather Helm10%1374
Kalima 2Blood SoldMace10%1215
Kalima 2Blood SoldVine Gloves10%1516
Kalima 2Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +1580%57725
Kalima 2Death AngeBlade560%37998
Kalima 2Death AngeSphinx Boots540%7268
Kalima 2Death AngeSpiked Shield540%7274
Kalima 2Death AngeSphinx Armor530%35472
Kalima 2Death AngeSpirit Gloves530%35927
Kalima 2Death AngeSword of Salamander520%10242
Kalima 2Death AngeWind Pants520%7222
Kalima 2Death AngePendant of Ice510%32342
Kalima 2Death AngeLight Saber510%34812
Kalima 2Death AngeTower Shield510%35261
Kalima 2Death AngeBrass Helm500%37830
Kalima 2Death AngeLight Crossbow500%10502
Kalima 2Death AngeSpirit Helm490%35021
Kalima 2Death AngeBrass Gloves490%10390
Kalima 2Death AngeBrass Armor460%35890
Kalima 2Death AngeDragon Slayer Shield460%35670
Kalima 2Death AngeSpirit Boots460%35209
Kalima 2Death AngeBerdysh450%36097
Kalima 2Death AngeBrass Pants450%35852
Kalima 2Death AngeSphinx Pants450%32437
Kalima 2Death AngeSerpent Sword440%7461
Kalima 2Death AngeSphinx Mask440%10441
Kalima 2Death AngeGiant Trident430%5312
Kalima 2Death AngeWind Armor420%10533
Kalima 2Death AngeBattle Axe420%7354
Kalima 2Death AngeTiger Bow410%34836
Kalima 2Death AngeGreat Hammer400%35881
Kalima 2Death AngeRing of Earth390%35543
Kalima 2Death AngeRing of Fire390%7228
Kalima 2Death AngeNikea Axe390%32035
Kalima 2Death AngeScale Helm380%5408
Kalima 2Death AngeSerpent Staff360%7164
Kalima 2Death AngeBrass Boots360%10541
Kalima 2Death AngeSphinx Gloves300%5551
Kalima 2Death AngeWind Gloves290%5484
Kalima 2Death AngeWind Helm260%5349
Kalima 2Death AngeTransformation Ring +3250%15432
Kalima 2Death AngeWind Boots240%5231
Kalima 2Death AngeScale Armor230%5317
Kalima 2Death AngeElven Axe230%5544
Kalima 2Death AngeScale Gloves190%4773
Kalima 2Death AngeSpear170%4649
Kalima 2Death AngeBattle Bow160%5446
Kalima 2Death AngeBone Armor160%4897
Kalima 2Death AngeScroll of Archangel +2160%9980
Kalima 2Death AngeBox of Luck +1160%54062
Kalima 2Death AngeFlail150%4703
Kalima 2Death AngePlate Shield150%4649
Kalima 2Death AngeDevils Eye140%199705
Kalima 2Death AngeBlood Bone +2130%9558
Kalima 2Death AngeScale Pants120%4750
Kalima 2Death AngeDevils Key110%199149
Kalima 2Death AngeScale Boots110%4926
Kalima 2Death AngeFalcon100%4741
Kalima 2Death AngeScroll of Twister80%3848
Kalima 2Death AngeImp80%509474
Kalima 2Death AngeScroll of Poison70%4284
Kalima 2Death AngeHorn of Uniria60%679937
Kalima 2Death AngeRena +350%157649
Kalima 2Death AngeScroll of Ice50%1144
Kalima 2Death AngeOrb of Summoning50%57744
Kalima 2Death AngeGuardian Angel40%757047
Kalima 2Death AngeBox of Luck +730%136752
Kalima 2Death AngeJewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 2Death AngeBronze Boots10%1457
Kalima 2Death AngeJewel of Creation10%20831
Kalima 2Death AngeScroll of Flame10%3700
Kalima 2Death CentSymbol of Kundun +22310%42992
Kalima 2Death CentPendant of Water1720%11826
Kalima 2Death CentThunder Staff1660%32932
Kalima 2Death CentPlate Boots1640%33447
Kalima 2Death CentSpirit Boots1580%35209
Kalima 2Death CentLight Plate Boots1570%31376
Kalima 2Death CentOrb of Twisting Slash1570%8133
Kalima 2Death CentSpirit Armor1520%30610
Kalima 2Death CentLight Saber1520%34812
Kalima 2Death CentTiger Bow1500%34836
Kalima 2Death CentBrass Armor1500%35890
Kalima 2Death CentSerpent Spear1490%11520
Kalima 2Death CentSerpent Shield1480%31270
Kalima 2Death CentLight Spear1470%33331
Kalima 2Death CentSpirit Helm1460%35021
Kalima 2Death CentRing of Earth1440%35543
Kalima 2Death CentLight Plate Mask1430%11619
Kalima 2Death CentLarkan Axe1430%11587
Kalima 2Death CentSpirit Pants1420%33322
Kalima 2Death CentLegendary Boots1400%11723
Kalima 2Death CentPlate Pants1390%31519
Kalima 2Death CentPlate Gloves1390%33257
Kalima 2Death CentLegendary Gloves1390%31067
Kalima 2Death CentSphinx Armor1370%35472
Kalima 2Death CentLight Plate Gloves1370%33654
Kalima 2Death CentGreat Hammer1350%35881
Kalima 2Death CentLegendary Shield1340%5721
Kalima 2Death CentPlate Helm1340%11532
Kalima 2Death CentBerdysh1330%36097
Kalima 2Death CentLegendary Sword1320%31014
Kalima 2Death CentRing of Wind1320%30842
Kalima 2Death CentSpirit Gloves1310%35927
Kalima 2Death CentRing of Magic1310%7781
Kalima 2Death CentTower Shield1310%35261
Kalima 2Death CentDouble Blade1290%5721
Kalima 2Death CentSerpent Crossbow1290%5746
Kalima 2Death CentPendant of Wind1250%33525
Kalima 2Death CentPlate Armor1230%5687
Kalima 2Death CentTransformation Ring +3700%15432
Kalima 2Death CentHorn of Uniria470%679937
Kalima 2Death CentDevils Key460%199149
Kalima 2Death CentScroll of Archangel +3450%9417
Kalima 2Death CentBlood Bone +3450%9309
Kalima 2Death CentBox of Luck +1380%54062
Kalima 2Death CentDevils Eye310%199705
Kalima 2Death CentBox of Luck +7220%136752
Kalima 2Death CentRena +3210%157649
Kalima 2Death CentScroll of Poison210%4284
Kalima 2Death CentScroll of Evil Spirit160%26425
Kalima 2Death CentScroll of Flame140%3700
Kalima 2Death CentScroll of Twister50%3848
Kalima 2Death CentImp50%509474
Kalima 2Death CentJewel of Life40%42915
Kalima 2Death CentGuardian Angel40%757047
Kalima 2Death CentJewel of Soul30%56404
Kalima 2Death CentJewel of Chaos30%27223
Kalima 2Death CentJewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 2Death CentOrb of Summoning20%57744
Kalima 2Death CentJewel of Creation10%20831
Kalima 2Illusion oLegendary Staff10%137020
Kalima 2Illusion oLegendary Pants10%30087
Kalima 2Illusion oDragon Helm10%130936
Kalima 2Illusion oDragon Pants10%74359
Kalima 2Illusion oOrb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
Kalima 2Necron2Symbol of Kundun +12884%57725
Kalima 2Necron2Berdysh2693%36097
Kalima 2Necron2Spirit Gloves2533%35927
Kalima 2Necron2Tower Shield2523%35261
Kalima 2Necron2Spirit Pants2503%33322
Kalima 2Necron2Sphinx Pants2493%32437
Kalima 2Necron2Brass Pants2483%35852
Kalima 2Necron2Ring of Wind2473%30842
Kalima 2Necron2Pendant of Ice2463%32342
Kalima 2Necron2Plate Gloves2453%33257
Kalima 2Necron2Nikea Axe2443%32035
Kalima 2Necron2Ring of Earth2443%35543
Kalima 2Necron2Light Spear2433%33331
Kalima 2Necron2Light Saber2433%34812
Kalima 2Necron2Blade2413%37998
Kalima 2Necron2Plate Boots2403%33447
Kalima 2Necron2Thunder Staff2383%32932
Kalima 2Necron2Light Plate Gloves2373%33654
Kalima 2Necron2Pendant of Wind2363%33525
Kalima 2Necron2Spirit Boots2353%35209
Kalima 2Necron2Brass Helm2343%37830
Kalima 2Necron2Brass Armor2313%35890
Kalima 2Necron2Dragon Slayer Shield2293%35670
Kalima 2Necron2Legendary Sword2273%31014
Kalima 2Necron2Legendary Gloves2263%31067
Kalima 2Necron2Great Hammer2223%35881
Kalima 2Necron2Spirit Armor2203%30610
Kalima 2Necron2Sphinx Armor2173%35472
Kalima 2Necron2Spirit Helm2153%35021
Kalima 2Necron2Tiger Bow2143%34836
Kalima 2Necron2Transformation Ring +3921%15432
Kalima 2Necron2Devils Eye541%199705
Kalima 2Necron2Imp511%509474
Kalima 2Necron2Scroll of Archangel +2511%9980
Kalima 2Necron2Devils Key481%199149
Kalima 2Necron2Box of Luck +1471%54062
Kalima 2Necron2Blood Bone +2421%9558
Kalima 2Necron2Scroll of Poison330%4284
Kalima 2Necron2Rena +3240%157649
Kalima 2Necron2Box of Luck +7230%136752
Kalima 2Necron2Horn of Uniria220%679937
Kalima 2Necron2Jewel of Soul130%56404
Kalima 2Necron2Orb of Summoning130%57744
Kalima 2Necron2Guardian Angel130%757047
Kalima 2Necron2Jewel of Bless120%61310
Kalima 2Necron2Jewel of Chaos80%27223
Kalima 2Necron2Scroll of Flame80%3700
Kalima 2Necron2Scroll of Twister60%3848
Kalima 2Necron2Jewel of Life30%42915
Kalima 2Necron2Double Poleaxe10%1454
Kalima 2Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +1680%57725
Kalima 2Rogue CentSphinx Pants420%32437
Kalima 2Rogue CentBrass Boots420%10541
Kalima 2Rogue CentSword of Salamander370%10242
Kalima 2Rogue CentScale Pants360%4750
Kalima 2Rogue CentWind Boots360%5231
Kalima 2Rogue CentBattle Axe350%7354
Kalima 2Rogue CentFalcon350%4741
Kalima 2Rogue CentLight Crossbow330%10502
Kalima 2Rogue CentSerpent Staff320%7164
Kalima 2Rogue CentGiant Trident320%5312
Kalima 2Rogue CentElven Axe320%5544
Kalima 2Rogue CentWind Pants320%7222
Kalima 2Rogue CentBattle Bow310%5446
Kalima 2Rogue CentScale Helm310%5408
Kalima 2Rogue CentSerpent Sword300%7461
Kalima 2Rogue CentPendant of Ice300%32342
Kalima 2Rogue CentWind Helm290%5349
Kalima 2Rogue CentWind Gloves290%5484
Kalima 2Rogue CentWind Armor290%10533
Kalima 2Rogue CentRing of Fire280%7228
Kalima 2Rogue CentSphinx Mask270%10441
Kalima 2Rogue CentScale Armor270%5317
Kalima 2Rogue CentSpear270%4649
Kalima 2Rogue CentSpiked Shield260%7274
Kalima 2Rogue CentPendant of Lighting260%4102
Kalima 2Rogue CentPlate Shield240%4649
Kalima 2Rogue CentSphinx Boots240%7268
Kalima 2Rogue CentSphinx Gloves230%5551
Kalima 2Rogue CentBrass Gloves230%10390
Kalima 2Rogue CentBone Boots210%957
Kalima 2Rogue CentTomahawk200%3520
Kalima 2Rogue CentRing of Poison200%1025
Kalima 2Rogue CentLarge Round Shield190%3577
Kalima 2Rogue CentBronze Helm190%915
Kalima 2Rogue CentElven Bow190%875
Kalima 2Rogue CentScale Boots180%4926
Kalima 2Rogue CentScale Gloves180%4773
Kalima 2Rogue CentBone Pants180%4254
Kalima 2Rogue CentTransformation Ring +2170%3065
Kalima 2Rogue CentNikea Axe160%32035
Kalima 2Rogue CentFlail160%4703
Kalima 2Rogue CentKatana160%913
Kalima 2Rogue CentRing of Ice160%4305
Kalima 2Rogue CentOrb of Impale150%3937
Kalima 2Rogue CentBronze Armor150%3476
Kalima 2Rogue CentBone Armor150%4897
Kalima 2Rogue CentHalberd150%3646
Kalima 2Rogue CentElven Shield140%4161
Kalima 2Rogue CentDevils Eye140%199705
Kalima 2Rogue CentSilk Helm140%923
Kalima 2Rogue CentDevils Key130%199149
Kalima 2Rogue CentSilk Pants130%3472
Kalima 2Rogue CentBox of Luck +1120%54062
Kalima 2Rogue CentOrb of Greater Damage120%3566
Kalima 2Rogue CentBone Helm110%3442
Kalima 2Rogue CentBlood Bone +2100%9558
Kalima 2Rogue CentAngelic Staff90%3609
Kalima 2Rogue CentArquebus80%4273
Kalima 2Rogue CentGladius80%4230
Kalima 2Rogue CentSilk Armor70%4242
Kalima 2Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +270%9980
Kalima 2Rogue CentRena +350%157649
Kalima 2Rogue CentBox of Luck +750%136752
Kalima 2Rogue CentScroll of Ice40%1144
Kalima 2Rogue CentImp40%509474
Kalima 2Rogue CentScroll of Meteorite40%797
Kalima 2Rogue CentHorn of Uniria40%679937
Kalima 2Rogue CentOrb of Summoning30%57744
Kalima 2Rogue CentScroll of Poison30%4284
Kalima 2Rogue CentJewel of Life30%42915
Kalima 2Rogue CentScroll of Teleport10%125
Kalima 2Rogue CentJewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 2Schriker2Symbol of Kundun +2150%42992
Kalima 2Schriker2Orb of Twisting Slash150%8133
Kalima 2Schriker2Spirit Armor130%30610
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Plate Boots130%31376
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Spear120%33331
Kalima 2Schriker2Pendant of Wind110%33525
Kalima 2Schriker2Larkan Axe110%11587
Kalima 2Schriker2Ring of Wind100%30842
Kalima 2Schriker2Plate Pants100%31519
Kalima 2Schriker2Gorgon Staff100%26185
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Gloves90%31067
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Plate Gloves90%33654
Kalima 2Schriker2Plate Boots90%33447
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Plate Pants90%7349
Kalima 2Schriker2Plate Gloves80%33257
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Helm80%7378
Kalima 2Schriker2Serpent Crossbow80%5746
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Plate Mask80%11619
Kalima 2Schriker2Guardian Boots80%26100
Kalima 2Schriker2Double Blade80%5721
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Boots80%11723
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Sword70%31014
Kalima 2Schriker2Guardian Helm70%29701
Kalima 2Schriker2Thunder Staff70%32932
Kalima 2Schriker2Guardian Gloves70%7481
Kalima 2Schriker2Plate Armor70%5687
Kalima 2Schriker2Serpent Shield70%31270
Kalima 2Schriker2Pendant of Water60%11826
Kalima 2Schriker2Plate Helm60%11532
Kalima 2Schriker2Spirit Pants60%33322
Kalima 2Schriker2Pendant of Ability60%7287
Kalima 2Schriker2Scroll of Evil Spirit60%26425
Kalima 2Schriker2Giant Sword60%26285
Kalima 2Schriker2Spirit Helm50%35021
Kalima 2Schriker2Dragon Gloves50%26155
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Pants50%30087
Kalima 2Schriker2Ring of Magic50%7781
Kalima 2Schriker2Tiger Bow40%34836
Kalima 2Schriker2Scroll of Archangel +340%9417
Kalima 2Schriker2Legendary Shield40%5721
Kalima 2Schriker2Serpent Spear30%11520
Kalima 2Schriker2Box of Luck +130%54062
Kalima 2Schriker2Rena +330%157649
Kalima 2Schriker2Transformation Ring +430%2058
Kalima 2Schriker2Devils Key20%199149
Kalima 2Schriker2Devils Eye20%199705
Kalima 2Schriker2Jewel of Bless20%61310
Kalima 2Schriker2Ring of Earth20%35543
Kalima 2Schriker2Light Saber20%34812
Kalima 2Schriker2Blood Bone +320%9309
Kalima 2Schriker2Spirit Boots10%35209
Kalima 2Schriker2Guardian Angel10%757047
Kalima 2Schriker2Orb of Summoning10%57744
Kalima 2Schriker2Tower Shield10%35261
Kalima 3Aegis3Brass Pants510%35852
Kalima 3Aegis3Symbol of Kundun +1510%57725
Kalima 3Aegis3Great Hammer36%35881
Kalima 3Aegis3Sphinx Armor36%35472
Kalima 3Aegis3Pendant of Wind36%33525
Kalima 3Aegis3Transformation Ring +324%15432
Kalima 3Aegis3Spirit Boots24%35209
Kalima 3Aegis3Ring of Wind24%30842
Kalima 3Aegis3Light Saber24%34812
Kalima 3Aegis3Brass Armor24%35890
Kalima 3Aegis3Berdysh24%36097
Kalima 3Aegis3Serpent Shield24%31270
Kalima 3Aegis3Tiger Bow24%34836
Kalima 3Aegis3Plate Gloves24%33257
Kalima 3Aegis3Scroll of Evil Spirit12%26425
Kalima 3Aegis3Legendary Boots12%11723
Kalima 3Aegis3Light Spear12%33331
Kalima 3Aegis3Spirit Armor12%30610
Kalima 3Aegis3Light Plate Mask12%11619
Kalima 3Aegis3Spirit Helm12%35021
Kalima 3Aegis3Tower Shield12%35261
Kalima 3Aegis3Guardian Angel12%757047
Kalima 3Aegis3Legendary Sword12%31014
Kalima 3Aegis3Serpent Spear12%11520
Kalima 3Aegis3Horn of Uniria12%679937
Kalima 3Aegis3Dragon Slayer Shield12%35670
Kalima 3Aegis3Plate Boots12%33447
Kalima 3Aegis3Imp12%509474
Kalima 3Blood SoldSerpent Crossbow20%5746
Kalima 3Blood SoldSpirit Armor10%30610
Kalima 3Blood SoldSpirit Pants10%33322
Kalima 3Blood SoldHorn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 3Blood SoldBlood Bone +310%9309
Kalima 3Blood SoldSerpent Shield10%31270
Kalima 3Blood SoldLegendary Boots10%11723
Kalima 3Blood SoldLegendary Helm10%7378
Kalima 3Blood SoldLegendary Sword10%31014
Kalima 3Blood SoldPlate Pants10%31519
Kalima 3Blood SoldLight Plate Mask10%11619
Kalima 3Blood SoldDevils Key10%199149
Kalima 3Blood SoldLarkan Axe10%11587
Kalima 3Blood SoldLegendary Shield10%5721
Kalima 3Death AngeLight Plate Boots20%31376
Kalima 3Death AngePlate Gloves20%33257
Kalima 3Death AngeLegendary Pants20%30087
Kalima 3Death AngeGuardian Boots20%26100
Kalima 3Death AngeBlood Bone +320%9309
Kalima 3Death AngeRing of Magic20%7781
Kalima 3Death AngeGorgon Staff20%26185
Kalima 3Death AngeLarkan Axe20%11587
Kalima 3Death AngePlate Pants10%31519
Kalima 3Death AngeTransformation Ring +410%2058
Kalima 3Death AngePlate Helm10%11532
Kalima 3Death AngeThunder Staff10%32932
Kalima 3Death AngeOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
Kalima 3Death AngeGiant Sword10%26285
Kalima 3Death AngeLegendary Shield10%5721
Kalima 3Death AngeSpirit Armor10%30610
Kalima 3Death AngeRing of Wind10%30842
Kalima 3Death AngeLight Spear10%33331
Kalima 3Death AngePendant of Wind10%33525
Kalima 3Death AngeLegendary Gloves10%31067
Kalima 3Death AngeTower Shield10%35261
Kalima 3Death AngeLight Plate Mask10%11619
Kalima 3Death AngeSerpent Spear10%11520
Kalima 3Death CentGuardian Helm4040%29701
Kalima 3Death CentBronze Shield4030%29816
Kalima 3Death CentLegendary Pants4020%30087
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Gloves3940%26155
Kalima 3Death CentGuardian Pants3910%29816
Kalima 3Death CentLegendary Armor3860%74588
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Boots3850%29542
Kalima 3Death CentSymbol of Kundun +23830%42992
Kalima 3Death CentOrb of Greater Fortitude3810%138522
Kalima 3Death CentGuardian Boots3780%26100
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Shield3780%137099
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Helm3780%130936
Kalima 3Death CentBattle Scepter3760%29621
Kalima 3Death CentAdamantine Gloves3760%131284
Kalima 3Death CentBill of Balrog3740%122011
Kalima 3Death CentGiant Sword3740%26285
Kalima 3Death CentGuardian Armor3730%130523
Kalima 3Death CentOrb of Fire Slash3710%139201
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Pants3700%74359
Kalima 3Death CentDragon Armor3700%136838
Kalima 3Death CentGorgon Staff3680%26185
Kalima 3Death CentLight Plate Armor3650%138873
Kalima 3Death CentGreat Scythe3640%29568
Kalima 3Death CentHelical Sword3640%74520
Kalima 3Death CentLighting Sword3620%136691
Kalima 3Death CentLegendary Staff3580%137020
Kalima 3Death CentSilver Bow3540%74563
Kalima 3Death CentAdamantine Boots3270%136453
Kalima 3Death CentTransformation Ring +51170%392177
Kalima 3Death CentBlood Bone +4800%23322
Kalima 3Death CentDevils Key790%199149
Kalima 3Death CentScroll of Archangel +4760%23530
Kalima 3Death CentBox of Luck +1730%54062
Kalima 3Death CentDevils Eye720%199705
Kalima 3Death CentScroll of Evil Spirit430%26425
Kalima 3Death CentBox of Luck +7330%136752
Kalima 3Death CentJewel of Bless230%61310
Kalima 3Death CentJewel of Chaos220%27223
Kalima 3Death CentRena +3220%157649
Kalima 3Death CentJewel of Soul190%56404
Kalima 3Death CentJewel of Life190%42915
Kalima 3Death CentScroll of Hellfire180%9016
Kalima 3Death CentOrb of Summoning90%57744
Kalima 3Death CentHorn of Uniria80%679937
Kalima 3Death CentJewel of Creation30%20831
Kalima 3Illusion oScroll of FireBurst20%172596
Kalima 3Illusion oAquagold Crossbow20%129979
Kalima 3Illusion oOrb of Ice Arrow10%189255
Kalima 3Illusion oDevils Key10%199149
Kalima 3Necron3Gorgon Staff66%26185
Kalima 3Necron3Bronze Shield66%29816
Kalima 3Necron3Helical Sword66%74520
Kalima 3Necron3Serpent Crossbow66%5746
Kalima 3Necron3Guardian Armor55%130523
Kalima 3Necron3Double Blade55%5721
Kalima 3Necron3Symbol of Kundun +255%42992
Kalima 3Necron3Light Plate Pants55%7349
Kalima 3Necron3Battle Scepter44%29621
Kalima 3Necron3Adamantine Gloves44%131284
Kalima 3Necron3Guardian Gloves44%7481
Kalima 3Necron3Legendary Shield44%5721
Kalima 3Necron3Guardian Pants44%29816
Kalima 3Necron3Guardian Boots33%26100
Kalima 3Necron3Dragon Helm33%130936
Kalima 3Necron3Silver Bow33%74563
Kalima 3Necron3Dragon Pants33%74359
Kalima 3Necron3Ring of Magic33%7781
Kalima 3Necron3Dragon Gloves33%26155
Kalima 3Necron3Orb of Twisting Slash33%8133
Kalima 3Necron3Giant Sword22%26285
Kalima 3Necron3Dragon Boots22%29542
Kalima 3Necron3Great Scythe22%29568
Kalima 3Necron3Legendary Helm22%7378
Kalima 3Necron3Guardian Helm22%29701
Kalima 3Necron3Box of Luck +122%54062
Kalima 3Necron3Plate Armor22%5687
Kalima 3Necron3Scroll of Evil Spirit22%26425
Kalima 3Necron3Devils Key11%199149
Kalima 3Necron3Pendant of Ability11%7287
Kalima 3Necron3Legendary Armor11%74588
Kalima 3Rogue CentLegendary Boots40%11723
Kalima 3Rogue CentLight Plate Mask30%11619
Kalima 3Rogue CentRing of Wind20%30842
Kalima 3Rogue CentSpirit Boots20%35209
Kalima 3Rogue CentPlate Gloves20%33257
Kalima 3Rogue CentSerpent Spear20%11520
Kalima 3Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +320%9417
Kalima 3Rogue CentSpirit Armor20%30610
Kalima 3Rogue CentTower Shield20%35261
Kalima 3Rogue CentLegendary Shield20%5721
Kalima 3Rogue CentSerpent Crossbow10%5746
Kalima 3Rogue CentSphinx Armor10%35472
Kalima 3Rogue CentLarkan Axe10%11587
Kalima 3Rogue CentThunder Staff10%32932
Kalima 3Rogue CentSerpent Shield10%31270
Kalima 3Rogue CentLight Plate Gloves10%33654
Kalima 3Rogue CentHorn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 3Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +210%42992
Kalima 3Rogue CentSpirit Pants10%33322
Kalima 3Rogue CentTiger Bow10%34836
Kalima 3Rogue CentPlate Boots10%33447
Kalima 3Rogue CentLight Spear10%33331
Kalima 3Rogue CentBrass Armor10%35890
Kalima 3Schriker3Orb of Greater Fortitude1155%138522
Kalima 3Schriker3Dragon Shield1115%137099
Kalima 3Schriker3Orb of Penetration1105%148821
Kalima 3Schriker3Bill of Balrog1085%122011
Kalima 3Schriker3Lighting Sword1055%136691
Kalima 3Schriker3Bluewing Crossbow1045%155408
Kalima 3Schriker3Light Plate Armor1015%138873
Kalima 3Schriker3Legendary Staff995%137020
Kalima 3Schriker3Dragon Armor995%136838
Kalima 3Schriker3Crystal Morning Star984%146313
Kalima 3Schriker3Adamantine Boots974%136453
Kalima 3Schriker3Orb of Fire Slash954%139201
Kalima 3Schriker3Adamantine Mask904%146516
Kalima 3Schriker3Elemental Shield904%146377
Kalima 3Schriker3Dragon Helm814%130936
Kalima 3Schriker3Legendary Armor814%74588
Kalima 3Schriker3Adamantine Gloves804%131284
Kalima 3Schriker3Helical Sword723%74520
Kalima 3Schriker3Dragon Pants713%74359
Kalima 3Schriker3Guardian Armor673%130523
Kalima 3Schriker3Silver Bow623%74563
Kalima 3Schriker3Symbol of Kundun +3613%117836
Kalima 3Schriker3Horn of Uniria301%679937
Kalima 3Schriker3Box of Luck +1251%54062
Kalima 3Schriker3Imp251%509474
Kalima 3Schriker3Transformation Ring +5241%392177
Kalima 3Schriker3Scroll of Hellfire221%9016
Kalima 3Schriker3Scroll of Archangel +5171%14888
Kalima 3Schriker3Devils Eye151%199705
Kalima 3Schriker3Blood Bone +5111%15095
Kalima 3Schriker3Devils Key90%199149
Kalima 3Schriker3Rena +360%157649
Kalima 3Schriker3Scroll of Evil Spirit40%26425
Kalima 3Schriker3Jewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 3Schriker3Box of Luck +730%136752
Kalima 3Schriker3Jewel of Chaos20%27223
Kalima 3Schriker3Jewel of Life20%42915
Kalima 3Schriker3Orb of Summoning20%57744
Kalima 3Schriker3Jewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 4Aegis4Giant Sword505%26285
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Shield474%137099
Kalima 4Aegis4Bronze Shield454%29816
Kalima 4Aegis4Adamantine Boots434%136453
Kalima 4Aegis4Orb of Fire Slash414%139201
Kalima 4Aegis4Great Scythe414%29568
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Pants414%74359
Kalima 4Aegis4Helical Sword404%74520
Kalima 4Aegis4Legendary Armor394%74588
Kalima 4Aegis4Battle Scepter384%29621
Kalima 4Aegis4Orb of Greater Fortitude373%138522
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Helm373%130936
Kalima 4Aegis4Lighting Sword373%136691
Kalima 4Aegis4Guardian Armor363%130523
Kalima 4Aegis4Adamantine Gloves363%131284
Kalima 4Aegis4Legendary Staff363%137020
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Armor353%136838
Kalima 4Aegis4Symbol of Kundun +2353%42992
Kalima 4Aegis4Light Plate Armor343%138873
Kalima 4Aegis4Guardian Boots323%26100
Kalima 4Aegis4Legendary Pants323%30087
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Boots313%29542
Kalima 4Aegis4Dragon Gloves313%26155
Kalima 4Aegis4Silver Bow313%74563
Kalima 4Aegis4Gorgon Staff303%26185
Kalima 4Aegis4Guardian Pants293%29816
Kalima 4Aegis4Guardian Helm273%29701
Kalima 4Aegis4Guardian Angel101%757047
Kalima 4Aegis4Devils Eye81%199705
Kalima 4Aegis4Devils Key81%199149
Kalima 4Aegis4Box of Luck +171%54062
Kalima 4Aegis4Transformation Ring +571%392177
Kalima 4Aegis4Scroll of Archangel +461%23530
Kalima 4Aegis4Box of Luck +750%136752
Kalima 4Aegis4Jewel of Soul40%56404
Kalima 4Aegis4Imp40%509474
Kalima 4Aegis4Rena +330%157649
Kalima 4Aegis4Scroll of Evil Spirit30%26425
Kalima 4Aegis4Blood Bone +430%23322
Kalima 4Aegis4Jewel of Bless20%61310
Kalima 4Aegis4Scroll of Hellfire20%9016
Kalima 4Aegis4Jewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 4Aegis4Jewel of Life10%42915
Kalima 4Blood SoldBill of Balrog70%122011
Kalima 4Blood SoldStorm Crow Gloves70%113032
Kalima 4Blood SoldAdamantine Mask60%146516
Kalima 4Blood SoldDragon Shield50%137099
Kalima 4Blood SoldLight Plate Armor50%138873
Kalima 4Blood SoldOrb of Greater Fortitude40%138522
Kalima 4Blood SoldLighting Sword40%136691
Kalima 4Blood SoldGrand Soul Gloves40%101780
Kalima 4Blood SoldLegendary Staff40%137020
Kalima 4Blood SoldOrb of Penetration30%148821
Kalima 4Blood SoldOrb of Fire Slash30%139201
Kalima 4Blood SoldAdamantine Pants30%113221
Kalima 4Blood SoldCrystal Morning Star30%146313
Kalima 4Blood SoldBluewing Crossbow30%155408
Kalima 4Blood SoldElemental Shield20%146377
Kalima 4Blood SoldDragon Armor20%136838
Kalima 4Blood SoldAdamantine Boots20%136453
Kalima 4Blood SoldBox of Luck +710%136752
Kalima 4Blood SoldStaff of Resurrection10%112595
Kalima 4Blood SoldImp10%509474
Kalima 4Blood SoldHorn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 4Blood SoldScroll of Hellfire10%9016
Kalima 4Death AngeAquagold Crossbow2160%129979
Kalima 4Death AngeOrb of Death Stab2060%115636
Kalima 4Death AngeScroll of FireBurst2030%172596
Kalima 4Death AngeOrb of Penetration1970%148821
Kalima 4Death AngeBluewing Crossbow1960%155408
Kalima 4Death AngeElemental Shield1910%146377
Kalima 4Death AngeGrand Soul Gloves1890%101780
Kalima 4Death AngeBill of Balrog1850%122011
Kalima 4Death AngeStorm Crow Pants1830%169050
Kalima 4Death AngeAdamantine Mask1790%146516
Kalima 4Death AngeHoly Spirit Gloves1790%115842
Kalima 4Death AngeGrand Soul Shield1770%168803
Kalima 4Death AngeStaff of Resurrection1750%112595
Kalima 4Death AngeCrystal Sword1740%129726
Kalima 4Death AngeAdamantine Pants1730%113221
Kalima 4Death AngeStorm Crow Gloves1700%113032
Kalima 4Death AngeStorm Crow Boots1670%129371
Kalima 4Death AngeMaster Scepter1640%129097
Kalima 4Death AngeCrystal Morning Star1620%146313
Kalima 4Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +31410%117836
Kalima 4Death AngeTransformation Ring +5370%392177
Kalima 4Death AngeBlood Bone +5300%15095
Kalima 4Death AngeDevils Key290%199149
Kalima 4Death AngeDevils Eye280%199705
Kalima 4Death AngeBox of Luck +1220%54062
Kalima 4Death AngeScroll of Archangel +5180%14888
Kalima 4Death AngeRena +3150%157649
Kalima 4Death AngeHorn of Uniria140%679937
Kalima 4Death AngeGuardian Angel130%757047
Kalima 4Death AngeBox of Luck +7120%136752
Kalima 4Death AngeImp110%509474
Kalima 4Death AngeScroll of Evil Spirit90%26425
Kalima 4Death AngeScroll of Aqua Beam80%17570
Kalima 4Death AngeJewel of Life60%42915
Kalima 4Death AngeJewel of Soul50%56404
Kalima 4Death AngeJewel of Bless30%61310
Kalima 4Death AngeJewel of Chaos20%27223
Kalima 4Death AngePlate Helm10%11532
Kalima 4Death AngeScroll of Hellfire10%9016
Kalima 4Death CentOrb of Ice Arrow5640%189255
Kalima 4Death CentStorm Crow Boots5600%129371
Kalima 4Death CentDark Steel Boots5520%244667
Kalima 4Death CentAquagold Crossbow5450%129979
Kalima 4Death CentCrystal Sword5440%129726
Kalima 4Death CentDark Steel Gloves5370%174899
Kalima 4Death CentBlack Dragon Boots5250%259966
Kalima 4Death CentStorm Crow Armor5190%227934
Kalima 4Death CentAdamantine Armor5170%258861
Kalima 4Death CentGrand Soul Boots5150%144339
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of FireBurst5140%172596
Kalima 4Death CentBlack Dragon Gloves5140%161705
Kalima 4Death CentGrand Soul Helm5110%188216
Kalima 4Death CentOrb of Rageful Blow5080%244317
Kalima 4Death CentGreat Scepter5070%265287
Kalima 4Death CentHoly Spirit Gloves5050%115842
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Critical Damage5000%266565
Kalima 4Death CentStorm Crow Pants4990%169050
Kalima 4Death CentSword of Destruction4920%265757
Kalima 4Death CentBlack Dragon Helm4910%264533
Kalima 4Death CentMaster Scepter4900%129097
Kalima 4Death CentHoly Spirit Boots4680%189284
Kalima 4Death CentOrb of Death Stab4620%115636
Kalima 4Death CentGrand Soul Shield4500%168803
Kalima 4Death CentSymbol of Kundun +44380%82503
Kalima 4Death CentTransformation Ring +51430%392177
Kalima 4Death CentHorn of Uniria1380%679937
Kalima 4Death CentImp1210%509474
Kalima 4Death CentDevils Eye940%199705
Kalima 4Death CentDevils Key940%199149
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Archangel +6890%20172
Kalima 4Death CentBlood Bone +6800%20311
Kalima 4Death CentGuardian Angel480%757047
Kalima 4Death CentBox of Luck +7460%136752
Kalima 4Death CentRena +3360%157649
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Cometfall220%13899
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Teleport Ally200%19451
Kalima 4Death CentJewel of Bless160%61310
Kalima 4Death CentJewel of Soul140%56404
Kalima 4Death CentJewel of Life130%42915
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Soul Barrier120%12448
Kalima 4Death CentScroll of Aqua Beam100%17570
Kalima 4Death CentJewel of Chaos90%27223
Kalima 4Death CentJewel of Creation80%20831
Kalima 4Death CentGuardian Gloves10%7481
Kalima 4Death CentLegendary Helm10%7378
Kalima 4Death CentDragon Boots10%29542
Kalima 4Illusion oDark Phoenix Armor30%386797
Kalima 4Illusion oThunder Hawk Pants30%220390
Kalima 4Illusion oLord Scepter20%253612
Kalima 4Illusion oDragon Soul Staff20%386281
Kalima 4Illusion oBlood Bone +710%124309
Kalima 4Illusion oThunder Hawk Boots10%169057
Kalima 4Illusion oRed Spirit Pants10%386729
Kalima 4Illusion oJewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 4Illusion oGreat Reign Crossbow10%386267
Kalima 4Illusion oSpirit +110%418173
Kalima 4Illusion oDark Phoenix Gloves10%236326
Kalima 4Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +610%340511
Kalima 4Illusion oDark Master Gloves10%188400
Kalima 4Illusion oHorn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 4Illusion oGreat Dragon Boots10%253605
Kalima 4Illusion oRune Blade10%384994
Kalima 4Illusion oDevils Key10%199149
Kalima 4Necron4Master Scepter266%129097
Kalima 4Necron4Black Dragon Boots256%259966
Kalima 4Necron4Scroll of FireBurst256%172596
Kalima 4Necron4Grand Soul Gloves225%101780
Kalima 4Necron4Holy Spirit Gloves225%115842
Kalima 4Necron4Black Dragon Gloves205%161705
Kalima 4Necron4Adamantine Pants205%113221
Kalima 4Necron4Storm Crow Pants205%169050
Kalima 4Necron4Bluewing Crossbow194%155408
Kalima 4Necron4Aquagold Crossbow194%129979
Kalima 4Necron4Storm Crow Gloves184%113032
Kalima 4Necron4Dark Steel Gloves174%174899
Kalima 4Necron4Staff of Resurrection174%112595
Kalima 4Necron4Storm Crow Boots174%129371
Kalima 4Necron4Grand Soul Boots164%144339
Kalima 4Necron4Orb of Rageful Blow164%244317
Kalima 4Necron4Symbol of Kundun +4154%82503
Kalima 4Necron4Grand Soul Shield154%168803
Kalima 4Necron4Orb of Death Stab154%115636
Kalima 4Necron4Crystal Sword143%129726
Kalima 4Necron4Adamantine Armor133%258861
Kalima 4Necron4Devils Eye61%199705
Kalima 4Necron4Devils Key41%199149
Kalima 4Necron4Transformation Ring +541%392177
Kalima 4Necron4Jewel of Soul31%56404
Kalima 4Necron4Box of Luck +120%54062
Kalima 4Necron4Guardian Angel20%757047
Kalima 4Necron4Scroll of Hellfire20%9016
Kalima 4Necron4Blood Bone +620%20311
Kalima 4Necron4Scroll of Evil Spirit20%26425
Kalima 4Necron4Jewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 4Necron4Scroll of Archangel +610%20172
Kalima 4Necron4Rena +310%157649
Kalima 4Necron4Jewel of Bless10%61310
Kalima 4Necron4Jewel of Life10%42915
Kalima 4Necron4Scroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
Kalima 4Necron4Imp10%509474
Kalima 4Rogue CentBill of Balrog60%122011
Kalima 4Rogue CentSilver Bow60%74563
Kalima 4Rogue CentLighting Sword50%136691
Kalima 4Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +350%117836
Kalima 4Rogue CentGuardian Armor40%130523
Kalima 4Rogue CentDragon Shield40%137099
Kalima 4Rogue CentDragon Armor40%136838
Kalima 4Rogue CentOrb of Greater Fortitude40%138522
Kalima 4Rogue CentElemental Shield40%146377
Kalima 4Rogue CentLight Plate Armor30%138873
Kalima 4Rogue CentHelical Sword30%74520
Kalima 4Rogue CentDragon Helm20%130936
Kalima 4Rogue CentOrb of Fire Slash20%139201
Kalima 4Rogue CentAdamantine Mask20%146516
Kalima 4Rogue CentDragon Pants20%74359
Kalima 4Rogue CentDevils Key10%199149
Kalima 4Rogue CentGuardian Angel10%757047
Kalima 4Rogue CentAdamantine Gloves10%131284
Kalima 4Rogue CentScroll of Evil Spirit10%26425
Kalima 4Rogue CentCrystal Morning Star10%146313
Kalima 4Rogue CentTransformation Ring +510%392177
Kalima 4Rogue CentJewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 4Rogue CentLegendary Armor10%74588
Kalima 4Rogue CentLegendary Staff10%137020
Kalima 4Rogue CentOrb of Penetration10%148821
Kalima 4Schriker4Black Dragon Pants11224%254444
Kalima 4Schriker4Dark Steel Mask11134%241825
Kalima 4Schriker4Dark Phoenix Gloves11124%236326
Kalima 4Schriker4Orb of Ice Arrow11094%189255
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Critical Damage11064%266565
Kalima 4Schriker4Dark Steel Boots10964%244667
Kalima 4Schriker4Red Spirit Boots10814%261364
Kalima 4Schriker4Black Dragon Helm10754%264533
Kalima 4Schriker4Grand Soul Helm10704%188216
Kalima 4Schriker4Sword of Destruction10664%265757
Kalima 4Schriker4Storm Crow Armor10614%227934
Kalima 4Schriker4Adamantine Armor10604%258861
Kalima 4Schriker4Thunder Hawk Gloves10564%275348
Kalima 4Schriker4Holy Spirit Helm10504%241941
Kalima 4Schriker4Saint Crossbow10484%253341
Kalima 4Schriker4Holy Spirit Boots10484%189284
Kalima 4Schriker4Dark Soul Gloves10464%261417
Kalima 4Schriker4Black Dragon Boots10404%259966
Kalima 4Schriker4Holy Spirit Pants10374%269652
Kalima 4Schriker4Grand Soul Pants10334%235976
Kalima 4Schriker4Orb of Rageful Blow10334%244317
Kalima 4Schriker4Red Spirit Gloves10264%253267
Kalima 4Schriker4Great Scepter10164%265287
Kalima 4Schriker4Symbol of Kundun +59363%136323
Kalima 4Schriker4Imp3301%509474
Kalima 4Schriker4Transformation Ring +52761%392177
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of FireBurst2041%172596
Kalima 4Schriker4Black Dragon Gloves2001%161705
Kalima 4Schriker4Grand Soul Boots1991%144339
Kalima 4Schriker4Grand Soul Shield1981%168803
Kalima 4Schriker4Storm Crow Pants1931%169050
Kalima 4Schriker4Devils Key1861%199149
Kalima 4Schriker4Dark Steel Gloves1841%174899
Kalima 4Schriker4Devils Eye1781%199705
Kalima 4Schriker4Guardian Angel1691%757047
Kalima 4Schriker4Blood Bone +71561%124309
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Archangel +71551%124171
Kalima 4Schriker4Horn of Uniria1170%679937
Kalima 4Schriker4Box of Luck +71020%136752
Kalima 4Schriker4Rena +3850%157649
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Inferno850%16758
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Aqua Beam680%17570
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Teleport Ally340%19451
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Soul Barrier330%12448
Kalima 4Schriker4Scroll of Cometfall260%13899
Kalima 4Schriker4Jewel of Bless210%61310
Kalima 4Schriker4Jewel of Life200%42915
Kalima 4Schriker4Jewel of Soul160%56404
Kalima 4Schriker4Jewel of Chaos130%27223
Kalima 4Schriker4Orb of Summoning70%57744
Kalima 4Schriker4Jewel of Creation40%20831
Kalima 4Schriker4Dragon Shield10%137099
Kalima 4Schriker4Dragon Pants10%74359
Kalima 4Schriker4Adamantine Gloves10%131284
Kalima 4Schriker4Battle Scepter10%29621
Kalima 4Schriker4Gorgon Staff10%26185
Kalima 5Aegis5Orb of Rageful Blow12385%244317
Kalima 5Aegis5Holy Spirit Gloves12174%115842
Kalima 5Aegis5Adamantine Armor12024%258861
Kalima 5Aegis5Bluewing Crossbow11764%155408
Kalima 5Aegis5Grand Soul Gloves11764%101780
Kalima 5Aegis5Black Dragon Gloves11674%161705
Kalima 5Aegis5Dark Steel Gloves11654%174899
Kalima 5Aegis5Staff of Resurrection11644%112595
Kalima 5Aegis5Grand Soul Boots11564%144339
Kalima 5Aegis5Black Dragon Boots11564%259966
Kalima 5Aegis5Adamantine Pants11544%113221
Kalima 5Aegis5Master Scepter11544%129097
Kalima 5Aegis5Storm Crow Gloves11544%113032
Kalima 5Aegis5Orb of Death Stab11524%115636
Kalima 5Aegis5Storm Crow Boots11514%129371
Kalima 5Aegis5Aquagold Crossbow11464%129979
Kalima 5Aegis5Storm Crow Pants11444%169050
Kalima 5Aegis5Scroll of FireBurst11424%172596
Kalima 5Aegis5Grand Soul Shield11234%168803
Kalima 5Aegis5Crystal Sword10984%129726
Kalima 5Aegis5Symbol of Kundun +49814%82503
Kalima 5Aegis5Crystal Morning Star3931%146313
Kalima 5Aegis5Elemental Shield3841%146377
Kalima 5Aegis5Adamantine Mask3651%146516
Kalima 5Aegis5Transformation Ring +53111%392177
Kalima 5Aegis5Scroll of Archangel +62111%20172
Kalima 5Aegis5Devils Eye2031%199705
Kalima 5Aegis5Blood Bone +61951%20311
Kalima 5Aegis5Box of Luck +11651%54062
Kalima 5Aegis5Devils Key1571%199149
Kalima 5Aegis5Box of Luck +71060%136752
Kalima 5Aegis5Rena +3840%157649
Kalima 5Aegis5Scroll of Soul Barrier580%12448
Kalima 5Aegis5Horn of Uniria560%679937
Kalima 5Aegis5Jewel of Soul540%56404
Kalima 5Aegis5Jewel of Bless470%61310
Kalima 5Aegis5Jewel of Life430%42915
Kalima 5Aegis5Jewel of Chaos220%27223
Kalima 5Aegis5Scroll of Aqua Beam180%17570
Kalima 5Aegis5Jewel of Creation90%20831
Kalima 5Aegis5Guardian Angel70%757047
Kalima 5Aegis5Imp60%509474
Kalima 5Aegis5Giant Sword20%26285
Kalima 5Blood SoldGrand Soul Boots2800%144339
Kalima 5Blood SoldRed Spirit Gloves2760%253267
Kalima 5Blood SoldAdamantine Armor2690%258861
Kalima 5Blood SoldSaint Crossbow2620%253341
Kalima 5Blood SoldOrb of Ice Arrow2600%189255
Kalima 5Blood SoldGrand Soul Helm2600%188216
Kalima 5Blood SoldOrb of Rageful Blow2590%244317
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlack Dragon Helm2590%264533
Kalima 5Blood SoldGreat Scepter2560%265287
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlack Dragon Pants2550%254444
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlack Dragon Boots2550%259966
Kalima 5Blood SoldHoly Spirit Helm2500%241941
Kalima 5Blood SoldSymbol of Kundun +52490%136323
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlack Dragon Gloves2480%161705
Kalima 5Blood SoldDark Steel Gloves2470%174899
Kalima 5Blood SoldSword of Destruction2450%265757
Kalima 5Blood SoldDark Steel Boots2430%244667
Kalima 5Blood SoldStorm Crow Armor2400%227934
Kalima 5Blood SoldGrand Soul Shield2370%168803
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Critical Damage2350%266565
Kalima 5Blood SoldStorm Crow Pants2350%169050
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of FireBurst2330%172596
Kalima 5Blood SoldHoly Spirit Boots2280%189284
Kalima 5Blood SoldTransformation Ring +5630%392177
Kalima 5Blood SoldImp570%509474
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +7490%124171
Kalima 5Blood SoldDevils Eye480%199705
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlood Bone +7460%124309
Kalima 5Blood SoldDevils Key420%199149
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +6400%20172
Kalima 5Blood SoldBlood Bone +6350%20311
Kalima 5Blood SoldHorn of Uniria310%679937
Kalima 5Blood SoldBox of Luck +7270%136752
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Teleport Ally240%19451
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Soul Barrier210%12448
Kalima 5Blood SoldRena +3180%157649
Kalima 5Blood SoldGuardian Angel130%757047
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Cometfall110%13899
Kalima 5Blood SoldScroll of Aqua Beam100%17570
Kalima 5Blood SoldJewel of Bless90%61310
Kalima 5Blood SoldJewel of Chaos20%27223
Kalima 5Blood SoldJewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 5Blood SoldOrb of Fire Slash10%139201
Kalima 5Blood SoldJewel of Life10%42915
Kalima 5Blood SoldHelical Sword10%74520
Kalima 5Blood SoldGuardian Gloves10%7481
Kalima 5Blood SoldJewel of Creation10%20831
Kalima 5Death AngeBlack Dragon Helm8340%264533
Kalima 5Death AngeHoly Spirit Boots8170%189284
Kalima 5Death AngeBlack Dragon Pants8040%254444
Kalima 5Death AngeGreat Scepter8010%265287
Kalima 5Death AngeRed Spirit Gloves7920%253267
Kalima 5Death AngeBlack Dragon Boots7840%259966
Kalima 5Death AngeOrb of Rageful Blow7830%244317
Kalima 5Death AngeGrand Soul Pants7730%235976
Kalima 5Death AngeDark Steel Mask7720%241825
Kalima 5Death AngeDark Phoenix Gloves7660%236326
Kalima 5Death AngeRed Spirit Boots7650%261364
Kalima 5Death AngeStorm Crow Armor7590%227934
Kalima 5Death AngeHoly Spirit Helm7580%241941
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Critical Damage7570%266565
Kalima 5Death AngeDark Soul Gloves7490%261417
Kalima 5Death AngeGrand Soul Helm7480%188216
Kalima 5Death AngeHoly Spirit Pants7430%269652
Kalima 5Death AngeSaint Crossbow7420%253341
Kalima 5Death AngeThunder Hawk Gloves7420%275348
Kalima 5Death AngeDark Steel Boots7390%244667
Kalima 5Death AngeAdamantine Armor7280%258861
Kalima 5Death AngeSword of Destruction7170%265757
Kalima 5Death AngeOrb of Ice Arrow7040%189255
Kalima 5Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +56190%136323
Kalima 5Death AngeTransformation Ring +52010%392177
Kalima 5Death AngeBlack Dragon Gloves1620%161705
Kalima 5Death AngeGrand Soul Boots1540%144339
Kalima 5Death AngeStorm Crow Pants1540%169050
Kalima 5Death AngeGrand Soul Shield1470%168803
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of FireBurst1460%172596
Kalima 5Death AngeImp1450%509474
Kalima 5Death AngeGuardian Angel1350%757047
Kalima 5Death AngeDark Steel Gloves1340%174899
Kalima 5Death AngeBlood Bone +71300%124309
Kalima 5Death AngeDevils Eye1220%199705
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Archangel +71180%124171
Kalima 5Death AngeDevils Key1150%199149
Kalima 5Death AngeRena +3670%157649
Kalima 5Death AngeBox of Luck +7620%136752
Kalima 5Death AngeJewel of Soul370%56404
Kalima 5Death AngeJewel of Bless360%61310
Kalima 5Death AngeJewel of Chaos320%27223
Kalima 5Death AngeHorn of Uniria300%679937
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Aqua Beam280%17570
Kalima 5Death AngeJewel of Life260%42915
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Inferno240%16758
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Teleport Ally220%19451
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Cometfall200%13899
Kalima 5Death AngeScroll of Soul Barrier120%12448
Kalima 5Death AngeOrb of Summoning70%57744
Kalima 5Death AngeJewel of Creation60%20831
Kalima 5Death AngeDragon Pants10%74359
Kalima 5Death AngeBill of Balrog10%122011
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Summon59490%257114
Kalima 5Death CentElemental Mace58090%199022
Kalima 5Death CentDark Soul Boots57510%126533
Kalima 5Death CentLord Scepter57180%253612
Kalima 5Death CentRed Spirit Helm56700%166251
Kalima 5Death CentStaff of Destruction56670%199143
Kalima 5Death CentDark Master Boots56650%126168
Kalima 5Death CentDark Phoenix Pants56600%117569
Kalima 5Death CentGreat Dragon Gloves56590%128394
Kalima 5Death CentRed Spirit Boots56480%261364
Kalima 5Death CentDark Master Gloves56440%188400
Kalima 5Death CentCelestial Bow56400%163853
Kalima 5Death CentDark Phoenix Boots56380%166255
Kalima 5Death CentDark Steel Pants56340%169509
Kalima 5Death CentDark Phoenix Helm56310%163652
Kalima 5Death CentHoly Spirit Pants56240%269652
Kalima 5Death CentDark Soul Gloves56190%261417
Kalima 5Death CentThunder Hawk Gloves56160%275348
Kalima 5Death CentDark Steel Armor55960%117377
Kalima 5Death CentThunder Hawk Boots55840%169057
Kalima 5Death CentHoly Spirit Armor55830%164549
Kalima 5Death CentGreat Dragon Boots55790%253605
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Electric Spark55540%173629
Kalima 5Death CentBlack Dragon Armor55450%199237
Kalima 5Death CentDragon Spear55270%170360
Kalima 5Death CentSymbol of Kundun +654930%340511
Kalima 5Death CentGrand Soul Armor54850%163780
Kalima 5Death CentSpirit +126590%418173
Kalima 5Death CentTransformation Ring +516500%392177
Kalima 5Death CentHorn of Uniria14500%679937
Kalima 5Death CentDevils Key10720%199149
Kalima 5Death CentDevils Eye10710%199705
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Archangel +710270%124171
Kalima 5Death CentBlood Bone +710250%124309
Kalima 5Death CentRed Spirit Gloves9790%253267
Kalima 5Death CentHoly Spirit Helm9720%241941
Kalima 5Death CentGuardian Angel9700%757047
Kalima 5Death CentSaint Crossbow9690%253341
Kalima 5Death CentBlack Dragon Pants9630%254444
Kalima 5Death CentDark Steel Mask9220%241825
Kalima 5Death CentGrand Soul Pants8960%235976
Kalima 5Death CentDark Phoenix Gloves8940%236326
Kalima 5Death CentRena +36000%157649
Kalima 5Death CentBox of Luck +75500%136752
Kalima 5Death CentImp5360%509474
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Cometfall3970%13899
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Decay3220%22624
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Teleport Ally2050%19451
Kalima 5Death CentJewel of Soul1740%56404
Kalima 5Death CentJewel of Bless1670%61310
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Inferno1460%16758
Kalima 5Death CentJewel of Life1110%42915
Kalima 5Death CentJewel of Chaos890%27223
Kalima 5Death CentPet Rudolph780%13837
Kalima 5Death CentScroll of Ice Storm690%16761
Kalima 5Death CentOrb of Summoning670%57744
Kalima 5Death CentJewel of Creation420%20831
Kalima 5Illusion oDark Master Armor80%1128694
Kalima 5Illusion oDark Soul Pants60%1129043
Kalima 5Illusion oDark Soul Helm50%1124378
Kalima 5Illusion oThunder Hawk Armor40%639707
Kalima 5Illusion oDark Master Mask40%513210
Kalima 5Illusion oSpirit +130%418173
Kalima 5Illusion oHurricane Boots30%1123073
Kalima 5Illusion oGreat Dragon Helm20%341555
Kalima 5Illusion oRed Spirit Armor20%770788
Kalima 5Illusion oDark Master Pants20%1123568
Kalima 5Illusion oScroll of Archangel +710%124171
Kalima 5Illusion oScroll of Nova10%39384
Kalima 5Illusion oSpirit +010%182784
Kalima 5Illusion oGuardian Angel10%757047
Kalima 5Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +710%543835
Kalima 5Illusion oThunder Blade10%348277
Kalima 5Illusion oGreat Dragon Pants10%1116594
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Electric Spark56313%173629
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Steel Mask55013%241825
Kalima 5Necron5Red Spirit Gloves54843%253267
Kalima 5Necron5Thunder Hawk Boots54833%169057
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Steel Boots54613%244667
Kalima 5Necron5Elemental Mace54453%199022
Kalima 5Necron5Dragon Spear54453%170360
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Phoenix Boots54443%166255
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Phoenix Helm54383%163652
Kalima 5Necron5Symbol of Kundun +654173%340511
Kalima 5Necron5Red Spirit Boots54163%261364
Kalima 5Necron5Black Dragon Armor54153%199237
Kalima 5Necron5Grand Soul Armor54103%163780
Kalima 5Necron5Staff of Destruction54063%199143
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Critical Damage54033%266565
Kalima 5Necron5Holy Spirit Helm54023%241941
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Steel Pants53993%169509
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Phoenix Gloves53973%236326
Kalima 5Necron5Great Scepter53933%265287
Kalima 5Necron5Celestial Bow53863%163853
Kalima 5Necron5Thunder Hawk Gloves53733%275348
Kalima 5Necron5Sword of Destruction53623%265757
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Master Gloves53623%188400
Kalima 5Necron5Holy Spirit Armor53553%164549
Kalima 5Necron5Dark Soul Gloves53483%261417
Kalima 5Necron5Holy Spirit Pants53273%269652
Kalima 5Necron5Black Dragon Pants53263%254444
Kalima 5Necron5Grand Soul Pants53153%235976
Kalima 5Necron5Black Dragon Helm52933%264533
Kalima 5Necron5Saint Crossbow52863%253341
Kalima 5Necron5Red Spirit Helm52783%166251
Kalima 5Necron5Transformation Ring +516001%392177
Kalima 5Necron5Devils Eye11181%199705
Kalima 5Necron5Devils Key11081%199149
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Archangel +710821%124171
Kalima 5Necron5Blood Bone +710511%124309
Kalima 5Necron5Guardian Angel6890%757047
Kalima 5Necron5Rena +36450%157649
Kalima 5Necron5Box of Luck +75560%136752
Kalima 5Necron5Horn of Uniria4020%679937
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Teleport Ally3460%19451
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Cometfall3140%13899
Kalima 5Necron5Jewel of Bless2320%61310
Kalima 5Necron5Jewel of Soul2240%56404
Kalima 5Necron5Jewel of Life1680%42915
Kalima 5Necron5Imp1670%509474
Kalima 5Necron5Jewel of Chaos1640%27223
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Ice Storm1480%16761
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Inferno1460%16758
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Soul Barrier1180%12448
Kalima 5Necron5Pet Rudolph860%13837
Kalima 5Necron5Jewel of Creation450%20831
Kalima 5Necron5Orb of Summoning410%57744
Kalima 5Necron5Orb of Fire Slash50%139201
Kalima 5Necron5Legendary Staff50%137020
Kalima 5Necron5Adamantine Boots40%136453
Kalima 5Necron5Bluewing Crossbow40%155408
Kalima 5Necron5Scroll of Evil Spirit30%26425
Kalima 5Necron5Bill of Balrog20%122011
Kalima 5Necron5Elemental Shield20%146377
Kalima 5Necron5Dragon Shield20%137099
Kalima 5Necron5Crystal Morning Star10%146313
Kalima 5Necron5Guardian Armor10%130523
Kalima 5Necron5Adamantine Mask10%146516
Kalima 5Necron5Orb of Penetration10%148821
Kalima 5Necron5Dragon Armor10%136838
Kalima 5Necron5Adamantine Gloves10%131284
Kalima 5Necron5Light Plate Armor10%138873
Kalima 5Necron5Orb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of Critical Damage26740%266565
Kalima 5Rogue CentOrb of Ice Arrow26250%189255
Kalima 5Rogue CentOrb of Rageful Blow25930%244317
Kalima 5Rogue CentSword of Destruction25830%265757
Kalima 5Rogue CentBlack Dragon Gloves25820%161705
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of FireBurst25810%172596
Kalima 5Rogue CentGreat Scepter25760%265287
Kalima 5Rogue CentBlack Dragon Boots25760%259966
Kalima 5Rogue CentStorm Crow Armor25640%227934
Kalima 5Rogue CentOrb of Death Stab25470%115636
Kalima 5Rogue CentDark Steel Gloves25430%174899
Kalima 5Rogue CentCrystal Sword25390%129726
Kalima 5Rogue CentHoly Spirit Boots25350%189284
Kalima 5Rogue CentBlack Dragon Helm25200%264533
Kalima 5Rogue CentGrand Soul Shield24970%168803
Kalima 5Rogue CentAquagold Crossbow24910%129979
Kalima 5Rogue CentGrand Soul Boots24840%144339
Kalima 5Rogue CentMaster Scepter24830%129097
Kalima 5Rogue CentStorm Crow Pants24820%169050
Kalima 5Rogue CentGrand Soul Helm24810%188216
Kalima 5Rogue CentStorm Crow Boots24710%129371
Kalima 5Rogue CentAdamantine Armor24580%258861
Kalima 5Rogue CentHoly Spirit Gloves24290%115842
Kalima 5Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +423790%82503
Kalima 5Rogue CentTransformation Ring +57290%392177
Kalima 5Rogue CentDevils Eye4840%199705
Kalima 5Rogue CentBlood Bone +64770%20311
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +64730%20172
Kalima 5Rogue CentDevils Key4470%199149
Kalima 5Rogue CentGrand Soul Gloves4420%101780
Kalima 5Rogue CentAdamantine Pants4380%113221
Kalima 5Rogue CentImp4190%509474
Kalima 5Rogue CentStaff of Resurrection4170%112595
Kalima 5Rogue CentStorm Crow Gloves4110%113032
Kalima 5Rogue CentBluewing Crossbow4000%155408
Kalima 5Rogue CentRena +32270%157649
Kalima 5Rogue CentBox of Luck +72250%136752
Kalima 5Rogue CentHorn of Uniria2230%679937
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of Cometfall850%13899
Kalima 5Rogue CentJewel of Bless810%61310
Kalima 5Rogue CentJewel of Soul720%56404
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of Aqua Beam630%17570
Kalima 5Rogue CentJewel of Life620%42915
Kalima 5Rogue CentScroll of Soul Barrier530%12448
Kalima 5Rogue CentJewel of Chaos500%27223
Kalima 5Rogue CentGuardian Angel280%757047
Kalima 5Rogue CentJewel of Creation150%20831
Kalima 5Rogue CentOrb of Summoning130%57744
Kalima 5Rogue CentGuardian Armor30%130523
Kalima 5Rogue CentHelical Sword20%74520
Kalima 5Rogue CentLegendary Pants10%30087
Kalima 5Rogue CentOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
Kalima 5Rogue CentDouble Blade10%5721
Kalima 5Rogue CentLegendary Shield10%5721
Kalima 5Rogue CentRing of Magic10%7781
Kalima 5Rogue CentAdamantine Gloves10%131284
Kalima 5Rogue CentGreat Scythe10%29568
Kalima 5Rogue CentGuardian Pants10%29816
Kalima 5Rogue CentSerpent Spear10%11520
Kalima 5Rogue CentLegendary Armor10%74588
Kalima 5Rogue CentPlate Armor10%5687
Kalima 5Rogue CentDragon Helm10%130936
Kalima 5Rogue CentGuardian Boots10%26100
Kalima 5Rogue CentBattle Scepter10%29621
Kalima 5Schriker5Thunder Blade39155%348277
Kalima 5Schriker5Great Dragon Helm38124%341555
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Breaker38004%342121
Kalima 5Schriker5Great Dragon Boots35104%253605
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Fire Scream34904%235363
Kalima 5Schriker5Lord Scepter34634%253612
Kalima 5Schriker5Red Spirit Pants34514%386729
Kalima 5Schriker5Hurricane Gloves34444%235643
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Phoenix Armor34424%386797
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Master Boots34344%126168
Kalima 5Schriker5Great Dragon Gloves33964%128394
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Soul Boots33954%126533
Kalima 5Schriker5Dragon Soul Staff33714%386281
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Summon33624%257114
Kalima 5Schriker5Rune Blade33564%384994
Kalima 5Schriker5Thunder Hawk Pants33504%220390
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Phoenix Pants33464%117569
Kalima 5Schriker5Great Reign Crossbow33314%386267
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Steel Armor33174%117377
Kalima 5Schriker5Symbol of Kundun +626633%340511
Kalima 5Schriker5Spirit +113172%418173
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Electric Spark10331%173629
Kalima 5Schriker5Dragon Spear10331%170360
Kalima 5Schriker5Celestial Bow10251%163853
Kalima 5Schriker5Red Spirit Helm10201%166251
Kalima 5Schriker5Grand Soul Armor9861%163780
Kalima 5Schriker5Thunder Hawk Boots9841%169057
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Steel Pants9711%169509
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Phoenix Boots9591%166255
Kalima 5Schriker5Dark Phoenix Helm9111%163652
Kalima 5Schriker5Holy Spirit Armor9061%164549
Kalima 5Schriker5Transformation Ring +58271%392177
Kalima 5Schriker5Spirit +06531%182784
Kalima 5Schriker5Devils Key5321%199149
Kalima 5Schriker5Devils Eye5241%199705
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Archangel +75151%124171
Kalima 5Schriker5Guardian Angel4911%757047
Kalima 5Schriker5Blood Bone +74791%124309
Kalima 5Schriker5Horn of Uniria4090%679937
Kalima 5Schriker5Rena +33740%157649
Kalima 5Schriker5Imp3690%509474
Kalima 5Schriker5Box of Luck +72580%136752
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Nova1940%39384
Kalima 5Schriker5Jewel of Soul1600%56404
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Decay1560%22624
Kalima 5Schriker5Jewel of Bless1210%61310
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Ice Storm1150%16761
Kalima 5Schriker5Jewel of Life930%42915
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of Inferno890%16758
Kalima 5Schriker5Jewel of Chaos830%27223
Kalima 5Schriker5Pet Rudolph370%13837
Kalima 5Schriker5Jewel of Creation180%20831
Kalima 5Schriker5Orb of Summoning180%57744
Kalima 5Schriker5Grand Soul Boots20%144339
Kalima 5Schriker5Grand Soul Gloves20%101780
Kalima 5Schriker5Staff of Resurrection10%112595
Kalima 5Schriker5Grand Soul Shield10%168803
Kalima 5Schriker5Black Dragon Boots10%259966
Kalima 5Schriker5Adamantine Armor10%258861
Kalima 5Schriker5Scroll of FireBurst10%172596
Kalima 5Schriker5Crystal Sword10%129726
Kalima 5Schriker5Black Dragon Gloves10%161705
Kalima 6Aegis6Great Dragon Gloves87155%128394
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Soul Boots85554%126533
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Phoenix Boots85274%166255
Kalima 6Aegis6Red Spirit Helm84824%166251
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Master Boots84544%126168
Kalima 6Aegis6Symbol of Kundun +664873%340511
Kalima 6Aegis6Dragon Spear57963%170360
Kalima 6Aegis6Black Dragon Pants57803%254444
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Electric Spark57713%173629
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Soul Gloves57663%261417
Kalima 6Aegis6Holy Spirit Pants57603%269652
Kalima 6Aegis6Red Spirit Gloves57383%253267
Kalima 6Aegis6Holy Spirit Helm57213%241941
Kalima 6Aegis6Thunder Hawk Boots57143%169057
Kalima 6Aegis6Celestial Bow57013%163853
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Phoenix Gloves56973%236326
Kalima 6Aegis6Holy Spirit Armor56873%164549
Kalima 6Aegis6Black Dragon Armor56853%199237
Kalima 6Aegis6Thunder Hawk Gloves56823%275348
Kalima 6Aegis6Elemental Mace56813%199022
Kalima 6Aegis6Grand Soul Armor56803%163780
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Master Gloves56753%188400
Kalima 6Aegis6Saint Crossbow56523%253341
Kalima 6Aegis6Red Spirit Boots56493%261364
Kalima 6Aegis6Grand Soul Pants56433%235976
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Phoenix Helm56203%163652
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Steel Pants56203%169509
Kalima 6Aegis6Staff of Destruction56173%199143
Kalima 6Aegis6Dark Steel Mask56073%241825
Kalima 6Aegis6Transformation Ring +519041%392177
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Archangel +713331%124171
Kalima 6Aegis6Devils Eye13001%199705
Kalima 6Aegis6Devils Key12831%199149
Kalima 6Aegis6Blood Bone +712661%124309
Kalima 6Aegis6Rena +38550%157649
Kalima 6Aegis6Box of Luck +76630%136752
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Cometfall3910%13899
Kalima 6Aegis6Horn of Uniria3690%679937
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Inferno3420%16758
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Teleport Ally3100%19451
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Ice Storm2890%16761
Kalima 6Aegis6Scroll of Soul Barrier2760%12448
Kalima 6Aegis6Jewel of Soul2170%56404
Kalima 6Aegis6Imp2140%509474
Kalima 6Aegis6Jewel of Bless1960%61310
Kalima 6Aegis6Jewel of Life1390%42915
Kalima 6Aegis6Pet Rudolph950%13837
Kalima 6Aegis6Jewel of Chaos920%27223
Kalima 6Aegis6Orb of Summoning710%57744
Kalima 6Aegis6Jewel of Creation440%20831
Kalima 6Aegis6Guardian Angel230%757047
Kalima 6Aegis6Storm Crow Gloves70%113032
Kalima 6Aegis6Bluewing Crossbow50%155408
Kalima 6Aegis6Bill of Balrog40%122011
Kalima 6Aegis6Elemental Shield40%146377
Kalima 6Aegis6Adamantine Pants40%113221
Kalima 6Aegis6Legendary Staff30%137020
Kalima 6Aegis6Crystal Morning Star30%146313
Kalima 6Aegis6Adamantine Boots30%136453
Kalima 6Aegis6Light Plate Armor30%138873
Kalima 6Aegis6Grand Soul Gloves30%101780
Kalima 6Aegis6Dragon Shield30%137099
Kalima 6Aegis6Orb of Fire Slash30%139201
Kalima 6Aegis6Dragon Armor30%136838
Kalima 6Aegis6Lighting Sword20%136691
Kalima 6Aegis6Staff of Resurrection10%112595
Kalima 6Aegis6Adamantine Mask10%146516
Kalima 6Aegis6Orb of Greater Fortitude10%138522
Kalima 6Aegis6Orb of Penetration10%148821
Kalima 6Blood SoldSymbol of Kundun +6111790%340511
Kalima 6Blood SoldLord Scepter108760%253612
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Phoenix Pants108380%117569
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Phoenix Armor108140%386797
Kalima 6Blood SoldGreat Dragon Boots107950%253605
Kalima 6Blood SoldGreat Reign Crossbow107830%386267
Kalima 6Blood SoldThunder Hawk Pants107770%220390
Kalima 6Blood SoldGrand Soul Armor107570%163780
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Steel Armor107550%117377
Kalima 6Blood SoldRune Blade107460%384994
Kalima 6Blood SoldDragon Soul Staff107410%386281
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Electric Spark107210%173629
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Phoenix Boots107210%166255
Kalima 6Blood SoldGreat Dragon Gloves106990%128394
Kalima 6Blood SoldBlack Dragon Armor106960%199237
Kalima 6Blood SoldStaff of Destruction106940%199143
Kalima 6Blood SoldElemental Mace106870%199022
Kalima 6Blood SoldRed Spirit Pants106800%386729
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Summon106770%257114
Kalima 6Blood SoldHoly Spirit Armor106620%164549
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Master Boots106540%126168
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Soul Boots106390%126533
Kalima 6Blood SoldDragon Spear106360%170360
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Steel Pants105850%169509
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Phoenix Helm105800%163652
Kalima 6Blood SoldThunder Hawk Boots105800%169057
Kalima 6Blood SoldRed Spirit Helm105610%166251
Kalima 6Blood SoldCelestial Bow105200%163853
Kalima 6Blood SoldSpirit +156820%418173
Kalima 6Blood SoldTransformation Ring +534580%392177
Kalima 6Blood SoldHorn of Uniria30900%679937
Kalima 6Blood SoldBlood Bone +721990%124309
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +721740%124171
Kalima 6Blood SoldDevils Eye21320%199705
Kalima 6Blood SoldDevils Key20860%199149
Kalima 6Blood SoldImp15760%509474
Kalima 6Blood SoldRena +314060%157649
Kalima 6Blood SoldBox of Luck +710990%136752
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Teleport Ally10770%19451
Kalima 6Blood SoldGuardian Angel8860%757047
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Decay6300%22624
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Nova4620%39384
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Ice Storm4030%16761
Kalima 6Blood SoldJewel of Bless3730%61310
Kalima 6Blood SoldJewel of Soul3660%56404
Kalima 6Blood SoldJewel of Life2740%42915
Kalima 6Blood SoldJewel of Chaos2000%27223
Kalima 6Blood SoldPet Rudolph1600%13837
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of Inferno1240%16758
Kalima 6Blood SoldJewel of Creation930%20831
Kalima 6Blood SoldOrb of Summoning670%57744
Kalima 6Blood SoldCrystal Sword170%129726
Kalima 6Blood SoldScroll of FireBurst110%172596
Kalima 6Blood SoldBlack Dragon Gloves100%161705
Kalima 6Blood SoldAquagold Crossbow90%129979
Kalima 6Blood SoldAdamantine Pants80%113221
Kalima 6Blood SoldMaster Scepter70%129097
Kalima 6Blood SoldStorm Crow Pants70%169050
Kalima 6Blood SoldElemental Shield60%146377
Kalima 6Blood SoldBluewing Crossbow60%155408
Kalima 6Blood SoldOrb of Death Stab50%115636
Kalima 6Blood SoldGrand Soul Boots50%144339
Kalima 6Blood SoldHoly Spirit Gloves50%115842
Kalima 6Blood SoldStaff of Resurrection50%112595
Kalima 6Blood SoldGrand Soul Gloves40%101780
Kalima 6Blood SoldGrand Soul Shield40%168803
Kalima 6Blood SoldStorm Crow Boots40%129371
Kalima 6Blood SoldStorm Crow Gloves40%113032
Kalima 6Blood SoldAdamantine Mask40%146516
Kalima 6Blood SoldDark Steel Gloves30%174899
Kalima 6Blood SoldCrystal Morning Star20%146313
Kalima 6Death AngeGreat Dragon Helm226661%341555
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Breaker226531%342121
Kalima 6Death AngeThunder Blade224871%348277
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Soul Boots200021%126533
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Summon199191%257114
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Phoenix Armor199061%386797
Kalima 6Death AngeGreat Dragon Gloves199001%128394
Kalima 6Death AngeHurricane Gloves198911%235643
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Phoenix Pants198731%117569
Kalima 6Death AngeRune Blade198421%384994
Kalima 6Death AngeDragon Soul Staff198371%386281
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Fire Scream198071%235363
Kalima 6Death AngeRed Spirit Pants197591%386729
Kalima 6Death AngeThunder Hawk Pants196981%220390
Kalima 6Death AngeGreat Dragon Boots196891%253605
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Steel Armor196601%117377
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Master Boots195161%126168
Kalima 6Death AngeGreat Reign Crossbow194931%386267
Kalima 6Death AngeLord Scepter194751%253612
Kalima 6Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +6147860%340511
Kalima 6Death AngeSpirit +173970%418173
Kalima 6Death AngeDragon Spear57960%170360
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Phoenix Helm56830%163652
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Phoenix Boots56790%166255
Kalima 6Death AngeCelestial Bow56590%163853
Kalima 6Death AngeRed Spirit Helm56350%166251
Kalima 6Death AngeGrand Soul Armor56290%163780
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Steel Pants56100%169509
Kalima 6Death AngeThunder Hawk Boots55780%169057
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Electric Spark55430%173629
Kalima 6Death AngeHoly Spirit Armor55390%164549
Kalima 6Death AngeGuardian Angel53190%757047
Kalima 6Death AngeTransformation Ring +544510%392177
Kalima 6Death AngeSpirit +037230%182784
Kalima 6Death AngeDevils Eye30030%199705
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Archangel +729790%124171
Kalima 6Death AngeBlood Bone +729510%124309
Kalima 6Death AngeDevils Key28500%199149
Kalima 6Death AngeHorn of Uniria25910%679937
Kalima 6Death AngeRena +318130%157649
Kalima 6Death AngeImp16460%509474
Kalima 6Death AngeBox of Luck +715580%136752
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Decay11580%22624
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Nova10420%39384
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Ice Storm10060%16761
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Inferno7430%16758
Kalima 6Death AngeJewel of Bless5640%61310
Kalima 6Death AngeJewel of Soul5530%56404
Kalima 6Death AngeJewel of Life4060%42915
Kalima 6Death AngeJewel of Chaos3640%27223
Kalima 6Death AngePet Rudolph2270%13837
Kalima 6Death AngeJewel of Creation1510%20831
Kalima 6Death AngeOrb of Summoning980%57744
Kalima 6Death AngeOrb of Rageful Blow200%244317
Kalima 6Death AngeAdamantine Armor180%258861
Kalima 6Death AngeStorm Crow Armor150%227934
Kalima 6Death AngeDark Steel Gloves120%174899
Kalima 6Death AngeBlack Dragon Boots100%259966
Kalima 6Death AngeAdamantine Pants90%113221
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of FireBurst80%172596
Kalima 6Death AngeHoly Spirit Gloves80%115842
Kalima 6Death AngeStorm Crow Gloves70%113032
Kalima 6Death AngeGrand Soul Boots70%144339
Kalima 6Death AngeStaff of Resurrection70%112595
Kalima 6Death AngeAquagold Crossbow70%129979
Kalima 6Death AngeStorm Crow Pants70%169050
Kalima 6Death AngeBlack Dragon Gloves60%161705
Kalima 6Death AngeMaster Scepter60%129097
Kalima 6Death AngeGrand Soul Gloves60%101780
Kalima 6Death AngeOrb of Death Stab60%115636
Kalima 6Death AngeGrand Soul Shield50%168803
Kalima 6Death AngeCrystal Sword40%129726
Kalima 6Death AngeScroll of Aqua Beam10%17570
Kalima 6Death CentDark Master Pants468741%1123568
Kalima 6Death CentDark Soul Helm466761%1124378
Kalima 6Death CentDark Breaker466151%342121
Kalima 6Death CentThunder Blade466111%348277
Kalima 6Death CentGreat Dragon Pants465351%1116594
Kalima 6Death CentDark Master Mask465081%513210
Kalima 6Death CentGreat Dragon Helm462941%341555
Kalima 6Death CentRed Spirit Armor462531%770788
Kalima 6Death CentThunder Hawk Armor461011%639707
Kalima 6Death CentHurricane Boots460201%1123073
Kalima 6Death CentSpirit +193740%418173
Kalima 6Death CentImp85070%509474
Kalima 6Death CentGreat Reign Crossbow79860%386267
Kalima 6Death CentHurricane Gloves78670%235643
Kalima 6Death CentDragon Soul Staff77960%386281
Kalima 6Death CentRed Spirit Pants77360%386729
Kalima 6Death CentRune Blade76920%384994
Kalima 6Death CentDark Phoenix Armor76740%386797
Kalima 6Death CentScroll of Fire Scream76600%235363
Kalima 6Death CentHorn of Uniria69640%679937
Kalima 6Death CentTransformation Ring +560030%392177
Kalima 6Death CentSpirit +047090%182784
Kalima 6Death CentGuardian Angel41720%757047
Kalima 6Death CentBlood Bone +737940%124309
Kalima 6Death CentDevils Key37910%199149
Kalima 6Death CentScroll of Archangel +737740%124171
Kalima 6Death CentDevils Eye37250%199705
Kalima 6Death CentScroll of Decay32310%22624
Kalima 6Death CentRena +323860%157649
Kalima 6Death CentBox of Luck +718800%136752
Kalima 6Death CentScroll of Nova15970%39384
Kalima 6Death CentJewel of Life9250%42915
Kalima 6Death CentJewel of Bless7370%61310
Kalima 6Death CentJewel of Soul7090%56404
Kalima 6Death CentJewel of Chaos4320%27223
Kalima 6Death CentPet Rudolph2860%13837
Kalima 6Death CentOrb of Summoning1750%57744
Kalima 6Death CentJewel of Creation1720%20831
Kalima 6Illusion oKnight Blade491%291
Kalima 6Illusion oGreat Lord Scepter311%277
Kalima 6Illusion oGreat Dragon Armor311%1522585
Kalima 6Illusion oHurricane Armor311%2010726
Kalima 6Illusion oArrow Viper Bow291%551273
Kalima 6Illusion oDark Reign Blade281%269
Kalima 6Illusion oStaff of Kundun241%254
Kalima 6Illusion oGuardian Angel110%757047
Kalima 6Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +7110%543835
Kalima 6Illusion oImp40%509474
Kalima 6Illusion oSpirit +140%418173
Kalima 6Illusion oHorn of Uniria40%679937
Kalima 6Illusion oOrb of Summoning30%57744
Kalima 6Illusion oTransformation Ring +520%392177
Kalima 6Illusion oSpirit +010%182784
Kalima 6Necron6Dark Breaker283425%342121
Kalima 6Necron6Thunder Blade282485%348277
Kalima 6Necron6Hurricane Gloves282375%235643
Kalima 6Necron6Dark Phoenix Armor282035%386797
Kalima 6Necron6Thunder Hawk Armor282005%639707
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Fire Scream281985%235363
Kalima 6Necron6Red Spirit Pants281945%386729
Kalima 6Necron6Dark Master Mask281925%513210
Kalima 6Necron6Dragon Soul Staff281605%386281
Kalima 6Necron6Thunder Hawk Pants281495%220390
Kalima 6Necron6Great Dragon Helm281245%341555
Kalima 6Necron6Great Reign Crossbow280955%386267
Kalima 6Necron6Red Spirit Armor280855%770788
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Summon279205%257114
Kalima 6Necron6Rune Blade278185%384994
Kalima 6Necron6Lord Scepter278125%253612
Kalima 6Necron6Great Dragon Boots277975%253605
Kalima 6Necron6Symbol of Kundun +6161563%340511
Kalima 6Necron6Spirit +178931%418173
Kalima 6Necron6Transformation Ring +548431%392177
Kalima 6Necron6Spirit +040251%182784
Kalima 6Necron6Devils Key31871%199149
Kalima 6Necron6Horn of Uniria31581%679937
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Archangel +731411%124171
Kalima 6Necron6Blood Bone +731131%124309
Kalima 6Necron6Devils Eye31091%199705
Kalima 6Necron6Guardian Angel26120%757047
Kalima 6Necron6Rena +320180%157649
Kalima 6Necron6Box of Luck +716290%136752
Kalima 6Necron6Imp15750%509474
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Decay15660%22624
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Ice Storm14280%16761
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of Nova8980%39384
Kalima 6Necron6Jewel of Bless5940%61310
Kalima 6Necron6Jewel of Soul5730%56404
Kalima 6Necron6Jewel of Life4590%42915
Kalima 6Necron6Orb of Summoning3980%57744
Kalima 6Necron6Jewel of Chaos3580%27223
Kalima 6Necron6Pet Rudolph2320%13837
Kalima 6Necron6Jewel of Creation1490%20831
Kalima 6Necron6Sword of Destruction100%265757
Kalima 6Necron6Red Spirit Gloves90%253267
Kalima 6Necron6Orb of Ice Arrow80%189255
Kalima 6Necron6Storm Crow Armor80%227934
Kalima 6Necron6Grand Soul Helm80%188216
Kalima 6Necron6Grand Soul Boots80%144339
Kalima 6Necron6Dark Steel Gloves70%174899
Kalima 6Necron6Grand Soul Shield70%168803
Kalima 6Necron6Adamantine Armor70%258861
Kalima 6Necron6Black Dragon Gloves60%161705
Kalima 6Necron6Saint Crossbow60%253341
Kalima 6Necron6Orb of Rageful Blow50%244317
Kalima 6Necron6Great Scepter50%265287
Kalima 6Necron6Holy Spirit Boots50%189284
Kalima 6Necron6Scroll of FireBurst50%172596
Kalima 6Necron6Dark Steel Boots40%244667
Kalima 6Necron6Black Dragon Helm40%264533
Kalima 6Necron6Black Dragon Pants40%254444
Kalima 6Necron6Storm Crow Pants40%169050
Kalima 6Necron6Aquagold Crossbow30%129979
Kalima 6Necron6Storm Crow Boots20%129371
Kalima 6Necron6Crystal Sword20%129726
Kalima 6Necron6Master Scepter20%129097
Kalima 6Necron6Black Dragon Boots20%259966
Kalima 6Necron6Orb of Death Stab10%115636
Kalima 6Necron6Staff of Resurrection10%112595
Kalima 6Necron6Storm Crow Gloves10%113032
Kalima 6Necron6Holy Spirit Gloves10%115842
Kalima 6Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +6126681%340511
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Summon125691%257114
Kalima 6Rogue CentHoly Spirit Pants121511%269652
Kalima 6Rogue CentHoly Spirit Armor121011%164549
Kalima 6Rogue CentStaff of Destruction120841%199143
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Master Boots120711%126168
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Soul Gloves120511%261417
Kalima 6Rogue CentGreat Dragon Boots119811%253605
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Soul Boots119771%126533
Kalima 6Rogue CentRed Spirit Boots119641%261364
Kalima 6Rogue CentRed Spirit Helm119501%166251
Kalima 6Rogue CentLord Scepter119481%253612
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Electric Spark119201%173629
Kalima 6Rogue CentBlack Dragon Armor119131%199237
Kalima 6Rogue CentGrand Soul Armor119051%163780
Kalima 6Rogue CentElemental Mace118991%199022
Kalima 6Rogue CentDragon Spear118981%170360
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Master Gloves118761%188400
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Steel Armor118721%117377
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Steel Pants118631%169509
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Phoenix Pants118481%117569
Kalima 6Rogue CentCelestial Bow118141%163853
Kalima 6Rogue CentThunder Hawk Gloves118121%275348
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Phoenix Helm117921%163652
Kalima 6Rogue CentGreat Dragon Gloves117851%128394
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Phoenix Boots117781%166255
Kalima 6Rogue CentThunder Hawk Boots116721%169057
Kalima 6Rogue CentSpirit +160991%418173
Kalima 6Rogue CentTransformation Ring +537980%392177
Kalima 6Rogue CentDevils Eye25300%199705
Kalima 6Rogue CentDevils Key25210%199149
Kalima 6Rogue CentBlood Bone +725070%124309
Kalima 6Rogue CentHorn of Uniria24320%679937
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +724170%124171
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Phoenix Gloves20650%236326
Kalima 6Rogue CentRed Spirit Gloves20200%253267
Kalima 6Rogue CentDark Steel Mask20150%241825
Kalima 6Rogue CentHoly Spirit Helm20140%241941
Kalima 6Rogue CentImp20120%509474
Kalima 6Rogue CentBlack Dragon Pants20010%254444
Kalima 6Rogue CentSaint Crossbow19840%253341
Kalima 6Rogue CentGrand Soul Pants19770%235976
Kalima 6Rogue CentRena +315450%157649
Kalima 6Rogue CentGuardian Angel15130%757047
Kalima 6Rogue CentBox of Luck +712430%136752
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Cometfall7840%13899
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Decay4990%22624
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Teleport Ally4030%19451
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Inferno3740%16758
Kalima 6Rogue CentJewel of Soul3550%56404
Kalima 6Rogue CentJewel of Bless3530%61310
Kalima 6Rogue CentScroll of Ice Storm3320%16761
Kalima 6Rogue CentJewel of Life2740%42915
Kalima 6Rogue CentJewel of Chaos1910%27223
Kalima 6Rogue CentPet Rudolph1840%13837
Kalima 6Rogue CentOrb of Summoning1110%57744
Kalima 6Rogue CentJewel of Creation940%20831
Kalima 6Schriker6Hurricane Boots6865512%1123073
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Soul Helm6865012%1124378
Kalima 6Schriker6Great Dragon Pants6849912%1116594
Kalima 6Schriker6Red Spirit Armor6845512%770788
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Soul Pants6840912%1129043
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Master Pants6834912%1123568
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Master Armor6825012%1128694
Kalima 6Schriker6Symbol of Kundun +7194283%543835
Kalima 6Schriker6Guardian Angel113882%757047
Kalima 6Schriker6Horn of Uniria104442%679937
Kalima 6Schriker6Spirit +195312%418173
Kalima 6Schriker6Imp84121%509474
Kalima 6Schriker6Transformation Ring +557161%392177
Kalima 6Schriker6Spirit +048271%182784
Kalima 6Schriker6Thunder Hawk Armor40631%639707
Kalima 6Schriker6Thunder Blade40081%348277
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Master Mask39031%513210
Kalima 6Schriker6Scroll of Archangel +738121%124171
Kalima 6Schriker6Devils Key37661%199149
Kalima 6Schriker6Devils Eye37381%199705
Kalima 6Schriker6Blood Bone +736751%124309
Kalima 6Schriker6Rena +323300%157649
Kalima 6Schriker6Box of Luck +720260%136752
Kalima 6Schriker6Orb of Summoning17300%57744
Kalima 6Schriker6Jewel of Bless8660%61310
Kalima 6Schriker6Jewel of Soul7900%56404
Kalima 6Schriker6Jewel of Life5790%42915
Kalima 6Schriker6Jewel of Chaos5380%27223
Kalima 6Schriker6Pet Rudolph2950%13837
Kalima 6Schriker6Jewel of Creation1790%20831
Kalima 6Schriker6Dragon Spear120%170360
Kalima 6Schriker6Red Spirit Gloves100%253267
Kalima 6Schriker6Celestial Bow80%163853
Kalima 6Schriker6Black Dragon Pants70%254444
Kalima 6Schriker6Staff of Destruction70%199143
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Steel Pants60%169509
Kalima 6Schriker6Holy Spirit Pants60%269652
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Phoenix Gloves60%236326
Kalima 6Schriker6Thunder Hawk Gloves60%275348
Kalima 6Schriker6Red Spirit Boots60%261364
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Phoenix Helm50%163652
Kalima 6Schriker6Scroll of Electric Spark50%173629
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Master Gloves50%188400
Kalima 6Schriker6Saint Crossbow50%253341
Kalima 6Schriker6Red Spirit Helm50%166251
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Soul Gloves50%261417
Kalima 6Schriker6Great Dragon Gloves40%128394
Kalima 6Schriker6Thunder Hawk Boots40%169057
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Steel Boots40%244667
Kalima 6Schriker6Elemental Mace40%199022
Kalima 6Schriker6Holy Spirit Helm30%241941
Kalima 6Schriker6Grand Soul Pants30%235976
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Phoenix Boots30%166255
Kalima 6Schriker6Holy Spirit Armor30%164549
Kalima 6Schriker6Black Dragon Armor30%199237
Kalima 6Schriker6Grand Soul Armor20%163780
Kalima 6Schriker6Dark Steel Mask10%241825
Kalima 6Schriker6Scroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
32Alpha CrusSymbol of Kundun +642425%340511
32Alpha CrusScroll of Electric Spark36494%173629
32Alpha CrusThunder Hawk Boots34294%169057
32Alpha CrusDark Steel Pants34224%169509
32Alpha CrusGreat Scepter33884%265287
32Alpha CrusSaint Crossbow33824%253341
32Alpha CrusSword of Destruction33754%265757
32Alpha CrusScroll of Critical Damage33754%266565
32Alpha CrusDark Steel Mask33724%241825
32Alpha CrusBlack Dragon Armor33704%199237
32Alpha CrusBlack Dragon Helm33464%264533
32Alpha CrusThunder Hawk Gloves33314%275348
32Alpha CrusRed Spirit Gloves33294%253267
32Alpha CrusDragon Spear33054%170360
32Alpha CrusDark Soul Gloves33044%261417
32Alpha CrusBlack Dragon Pants32984%254444
32Alpha CrusStaff of Destruction32954%199143
32Alpha CrusDark Master Gloves32834%188400
32Alpha CrusRed Spirit Boots32384%261364
32Alpha CrusElemental Mace31944%199022
32Alpha CrusDark Steel Boots31934%244667
32Alpha CrusJewel of Bless22373%61310
32Alpha CrusJewel of Soul17512%56404
32Alpha CrusTransformation Ring +512941%392177
32Alpha CrusBlood Bone +78651%124309
32Alpha CrusScroll of Archangel +78091%124171
32Alpha CrusDevils Eye7991%199705
32Alpha CrusDevils Key7751%199149
32Alpha CrusJewel of Life5201%42915
32Alpha CrusRena +35081%157649
32Alpha CrusBox of Luck +74380%136752
32Alpha CrusGuardian Angel4310%757047
32Alpha CrusImp4050%509474
32Alpha CrusHorn of Uniria3830%679937
32Alpha CrusOrb of Ice Arrow3650%189255
32Alpha CrusJewel of Creation3620%20831
32Alpha CrusGrand Soul Helm3570%188216
32Alpha CrusHoly Spirit Boots3540%189284
32Alpha CrusCelestial Bow3520%163853
32Alpha CrusHoly Spirit Pants3480%269652
32Alpha CrusGrand Soul Armor3430%163780
32Alpha CrusHoly Spirit Helm3430%241941
32Alpha CrusGrand Soul Pants3380%235976
32Alpha CrusDark Phoenix Helm3370%163652
32Alpha CrusDark Phoenix Gloves3280%236326
32Alpha CrusHoly Spirit Armor3250%164549
32Alpha CrusJewel of Chaos2750%27223
32Alpha CrusScroll of Soul Barrier1700%12448
32Alpha CrusScroll of Teleport Ally1530%19451
32Alpha CrusScroll of Inferno1500%16758
32Alpha CrusScroll of Cometfall1230%13899
32Alpha CrusScroll of Aqua Beam1100%17570
32Alpha CrusPet Rudolph650%13837
32Alpha CrusOrb of Summoning440%57744
32Alpha CrusLegendary Armor50%74588
32Alpha CrusAdamantine Gloves40%131284
32Alpha CrusAdamantine Boots40%136453
32Alpha CrusAdamantine Mask30%146516
32Alpha CrusDragon Armor30%136838
32Alpha CrusDragon Shield30%137099
32Alpha CrusBill of Balrog30%122011
32Alpha CrusCrystal Morning Star20%146313
32Alpha CrusElemental Shield20%146377
32Alpha CrusLegendary Staff20%137020
32Alpha CrusGuardian Armor10%130523
32Alpha CrusHelical Sword10%74520
32Alpha CrusLighting Sword10%136691
32Alpha CrusLight Plate Armor10%138873
32Ax WarriorGrand Soul Shield4875%168803
32Ax WarriorScroll of FireBurst4825%172596
32Ax WarriorStorm Crow Pants4654%169050
32Ax WarriorAquagold Crossbow4604%129979
32Ax WarriorBluewing Crossbow4554%155408
32Ax WarriorAdamantine Pants4534%113221
32Ax WarriorElemental Shield4524%146377
32Ax WarriorStorm Crow Gloves4434%113032
32Ax WarriorCrystal Sword4364%129726
32Ax WarriorDark Steel Gloves4284%174899
32Ax WarriorAdamantine Mask4254%146516
32Ax WarriorCrystal Morning Star4234%146313
32Ax WarriorSymbol of Kundun +34174%117836
32Ax WarriorStaff of Resurrection4144%112595
32Ax WarriorStorm Crow Boots4134%129371
32Ax WarriorMaster Scepter4034%129097
32Ax WarriorJewel of Bless2082%61310
32Ax WarriorJewel of Soul1872%56404
32Ax WarriorTransformation Ring +51291%392177
32Ax WarriorScroll of Archangel +51211%14888
32Ax WarriorGuardian Angel1041%757047
32Ax WarriorDevils Key921%199149
32Ax WarriorBlood Bone +5871%15095
32Ax WarriorBox of Luck +1861%54062
32Ax WarriorDevils Eye821%199705
32Ax WarriorOrb of Penetration551%148821
32Ax WarriorOrb of Death Stab531%115636
32Ax WarriorJewel of Life500%42915
32Ax WarriorHoly Spirit Gloves490%115842
32Ax WarriorHorn of Uniria460%679937
32Ax WarriorBox of Luck +7440%136752
32Ax WarriorImp440%509474
32Ax WarriorRena +3420%157649
32Ax WarriorGrand Soul Gloves390%101780
32Ax WarriorJewel of Creation330%20831
32Ax WarriorJewel of Chaos320%27223
32Ax WarriorScroll of Evil Spirit320%26425
32Ax WarriorScroll of Aqua Beam130%17570
32Ax WarriorScroll of Hellfire100%9016
32Ax WarriorSerpent Shield10%31270
32Ax WarriorLegendary Gloves10%31067
32Ax WarriorOrb of Summoning10%57744
32Beam KnighBlack Dragon Helm5912%264533
32Beam KnighScroll of Critical Damage5882%266565
32Beam KnighSword of Destruction5862%265757
32Beam KnighBlack Dragon Boots5792%259966
32Beam KnighGreat Scepter5722%265287
32Beam KnighRed Spirit Gloves5692%253267
32Beam KnighDark Steel Gloves5662%174899
32Beam KnighStorm Crow Pants5652%169050
32Beam KnighBlack Dragon Gloves5602%161705
32Beam KnighSaint Crossbow5512%253341
32Beam KnighGrand Soul Shield5472%168803
32Beam KnighDark Steel Boots5412%244667
32Beam KnighStorm Crow Armor5402%227934
32Beam KnighBlack Dragon Pants5372%254444
32Beam KnighAdamantine Armor5322%258861
32Beam KnighScroll of FireBurst5322%172596
32Beam KnighSymbol of Kundun +55042%136323
32Beam KnighJewel of Bless2701%61310
32Beam KnighJewel of Soul2321%56404
32Beam KnighTransformation Ring +51781%392177
32Beam KnighDevils Eye1250%199705
32Beam KnighAquagold Crossbow1140%129979
32Beam KnighStorm Crow Boots1130%129371
32Beam KnighCrystal Sword1110%129726
32Beam KnighMaster Scepter1100%129097
32Beam KnighDevils Key1090%199149
32Beam KnighAdamantine Pants1050%113221
32Beam KnighStorm Crow Gloves1030%113032
32Beam KnighStaff of Resurrection970%112595
32Beam KnighGuardian Angel970%757047
32Beam KnighBlood Bone +6940%20311
32Beam KnighScroll of Archangel +6910%20172
32Beam KnighJewel of Life820%42915
32Beam KnighImp650%509474
32Beam KnighGrand Soul Helm640%188216
32Beam KnighBox of Luck +7610%136752
32Beam KnighGrand Soul Boots570%144339
32Beam KnighHorn of Uniria560%679937
32Beam KnighHoly Spirit Boots540%189284
32Beam KnighOrb of Ice Arrow530%189255
32Beam KnighOrb of Rageful Blow530%244317
32Beam KnighRena +3480%157649
32Beam KnighJewel of Creation430%20831
32Beam KnighJewel of Chaos370%27223
32Beam KnighScroll of Cometfall360%13899
32Beam KnighScroll of Teleport Ally240%19451
32Beam KnighHoly Spirit Gloves140%115842
32Beam KnighScroll of Aqua Beam140%17570
32Beam KnighScroll of Soul Barrier100%12448
32Beam KnighOrb of Death Stab80%115636
32Beam KnighGrand Soul Gloves80%101780
32Beam KnighOrb of Summoning30%57744
32Bloody wolDark Steel Gloves5451%174899
32Bloody wolCrystal Morning Star5421%146313
32Bloody wolScroll of FireBurst5361%172596
32Bloody wolElemental Shield5281%146377
32Bloody wolCrystal Sword5241%129726
32Bloody wolAdamantine Mask5181%146516
32Bloody wolStorm Crow Gloves5161%113032
32Bloody wolGrand Soul Shield5131%168803
32Bloody wolStaff of Resurrection5121%112595
32Bloody wolBluewing Crossbow5121%155408
32Bloody wolMaster Scepter5091%129097
32Bloody wolStorm Crow Pants4851%169050
32Bloody wolAdamantine Pants4751%113221
32Bloody wolBlack Dragon Gloves4721%161705
32Bloody wolAquagold Crossbow4631%129979
32Bloody wolStorm Crow Boots4601%129371
32Bloody wolSymbol of Kundun +34521%117836
32Bloody wolJewel of Bless2141%61310
32Bloody wolJewel of Soul1760%56404
32Bloody wolTransformation Ring +51550%392177
32Bloody wolBlood Bone +5960%15095
32Bloody wolDevils Key960%199149
32Bloody wolScroll of Archangel +6900%20172
32Bloody wolBlood Bone +6890%20311
32Bloody wolScroll of Archangel +5890%14888
32Bloody wolDevils Eye750%199705
32Bloody wolBox of Luck +1710%54062
32Bloody wolImp700%509474
32Bloody wolGrand Soul Boots670%144339
32Bloody wolHorn of Uniria590%679937
32Bloody wolJewel of Life560%42915
32Bloody wolRena +3530%157649
32Bloody wolGuardian Angel470%757047
32Bloody wolOrb of Death Stab470%115636
32Bloody wolGrand Soul Gloves460%101780
32Bloody wolHoly Spirit Gloves450%115842
32Bloody wolBox of Luck +7360%136752
32Bloody wolJewel of Creation320%20831
32Bloody wolScroll of Hellfire250%9016
32Bloody wolJewel of Chaos230%27223
32Bloody wolScroll of Evil Spirit230%26425
32Bloody wolScroll of Aqua Beam190%17570
32Bloody wolOrb of Summoning60%57744
32Bloody wolPlate Armor20%5687
32Bloody wolLegendary Gloves10%31067
32Bloody wolScroll of Twister10%3848
32Bloody wolSpirit Boots10%35209
32Bloody wolSphinx Armor10%35472
32Death AngeScroll of FireBurst8060%172596
32Death AngeAquagold Crossbow7920%129979
32Death AngeAdamantine Mask7890%146516
32Death AngeCrystal Morning Star7880%146313
32Death AngeCrystal Sword7800%129726
32Death AngeStorm Crow Gloves7730%113032
32Death AngeMaster Scepter7720%129097
32Death AngeGrand Soul Shield7650%168803
32Death AngeStorm Crow Boots7650%129371
32Death AngeElemental Shield7650%146377
32Death AngeBill of Balrog7490%122011
32Death AngeStaff of Resurrection7480%112595
32Death AngeStorm Crow Pants7200%169050
32Death AngeBluewing Crossbow7150%155408
32Death AngeAdamantine Pants7140%113221
32Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +35690%117836
32Death AngeJewel of Bless2680%61310
32Death AngeJewel of Soul2150%56404
32Death AngeTransformation Ring +51600%392177
32Death AngeGuardian Angel1430%757047
32Death AngeImp1410%509474
32Death AngeBlood Bone +51070%15095
32Death AngeDevils Key1030%199149
32Death AngeScroll of Archangel +51030%14888
32Death AngeBox of Luck +11020%54062
32Death AngeDevils Eye1010%199705
32Death AngeHoly Spirit Gloves880%115842
32Death AngeGrand Soul Gloves770%101780
32Death AngeHorn of Uniria730%679937
32Death AngeOrb of Penetration720%148821
32Death AngeOrb of Death Stab720%115636
32Death AngeJewel of Life610%42915
32Death AngeRena +3520%157649
32Death AngeBox of Luck +7460%136752
32Death AngeJewel of Creation440%20831
32Death AngeScroll of Evil Spirit420%26425
32Death AngeJewel of Chaos360%27223
32Death AngeScroll of Aqua Beam320%17570
32Death AngeScroll of Hellfire100%9016
32Death AngeOrb of Summoning20%57744
32Death AngeSpirit Armor10%30610
32Death AngeTiger Bow10%34836
32Death AngePlate Boots10%33447
32Death AngeSpirit Gloves10%35927
32Death AngeOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
32Death AngeScroll of Twister10%3848
32Death AngePlate Helm10%11532
32Death AngeSphinx Armor10%35472
32Death AngeLight Plate Boots10%31376
32DrakanBlack Dragon Pants6102%254444
32DrakanRed Spirit Gloves5972%253267
32DrakanSword of Destruction5822%265757
32DrakanAdamantine Armor5802%258861
32DrakanScroll of Critical Damage5772%266565
32DrakanDark Steel Boots5692%244667
32DrakanGreat Scepter5662%265287
32DrakanBlack Dragon Boots5652%259966
32DrakanBlack Dragon Gloves5612%161705
32DrakanStorm Crow Armor5532%227934
32DrakanDark Steel Gloves5512%174899
32DrakanSymbol of Kundun +55422%136323
32DrakanDark Steel Mask5402%241825
32DrakanBlack Dragon Helm5402%264533
32DrakanSaint Crossbow5271%253341
32DrakanJewel of Bless2841%61310
32DrakanJewel of Soul2001%56404
32DrakanTransformation Ring +51730%392177
32DrakanGuardian Angel1350%757047
32DrakanDevils Eye1140%199705
32DrakanHorn of Uniria1140%679937
32DrakanScroll of Archangel +71120%124171
32DrakanBlood Bone +71030%124309
32DrakanDevils Key910%199149
32DrakanOrb of Ice Arrow660%189255
32DrakanHoly Spirit Helm630%241941
32DrakanRena +3620%157649
32DrakanJewel of Life620%42915
32DrakanGrand Soul Helm600%188216
32DrakanDark Phoenix Gloves590%236326
32DrakanScroll of Cometfall580%13899
32DrakanGrand Soul Pants580%235976
32DrakanHoly Spirit Boots560%189284
32DrakanBox of Luck +7510%136752
32DrakanGrand Soul Boots510%144339
32DrakanOrb of Rageful Blow510%244317
32DrakanScroll of Aqua Beam380%17570
32DrakanJewel of Creation370%20831
32DrakanJewel of Chaos300%27223
32DrakanScroll of Soul Barrier240%12448
32DrakanScroll of Teleport Ally220%19451
32DrakanOrb of Summoning40%57744
32DrakanDragon Boots20%29542
32DrakanLight Plate Pants10%7349
32DrakanGorgon Staff10%26185
32DrakanSilver Bow10%74563
32DrakanGuardian Armor10%130523
32DrakanDragon Helm10%130936
32Illusion oGreat Dragon Armor2578%1522585
32Illusion oHurricane Armor2497%2010726
32Illusion oGreat Lord Scepter2467%277
32Illusion oKnight Blade2427%291
32Illusion oDark Reign Blade2417%269
32Illusion oStaff of Kundun2307%254
32Illusion oArrow Viper Bow2267%551273
32Illusion oBox of Luck +10903%790
32Illusion oBox of Luck +11873%1977
32Illusion oBox of Luck +12822%1716
32Illusion oImp542%509474
32Illusion oGuardian Angel512%757047
32Illusion oSymbol of Kundun +7491%543835
32Illusion oHorn of Uniria451%679937
32Illusion oSpirit +1331%418173
32Illusion oRed Spirit Armor271%770788
32Illusion oJewel of Bless231%61310
32Illusion oHurricane Boots231%1123073
32Illusion oGreat Dragon Pants211%1116594
32Illusion oDark Soul Helm201%1124378
32Illusion oDark Master Mask191%513210
32Illusion oTransformation Ring +5191%392177
32Illusion oThunder Hawk Armor181%639707
32Illusion oDark Master Pants171%1123568
32Illusion oDark Soul Pants160%1129043
32Illusion oDark Master Armor160%1128694
32Illusion oJewel of Soul140%56404
32Illusion oJewel of Creation120%20831
32Illusion oSpirit +090%182784
32Illusion oBox of Luck +980%1211
32Illusion oBox of Luck +760%136752
32Illusion oJewel of Life60%42915
32Illusion oOrb of Summoning50%57744
32Illusion oJewel of Chaos50%27223
32Illusion oPet Rudolph20%13837
32Illusion oScroll of Archangel +720%124171
32Illusion oDevils Eye20%199705
32Illusion oThunder Blade10%348277
32Illusion oDevils Key10%199149
32Illusion oScroll of Nova10%39384
32Illusion oGreat Dragon Helm10%341555
32Iron WheelBlack Dragon Boots81898%259966
32Iron WheelAdamantine Armor81218%258861
32Iron WheelStorm Crow Armor80988%227934
32Iron WheelSymbol of Kundun +438834%82503
32Iron WheelAquagold Crossbow38044%129979
32Iron WheelStaff of Resurrection38014%112595
32Iron WheelCrystal Sword37964%129726
32Iron WheelMaster Scepter37744%129097
32Iron WheelDark Steel Gloves37604%174899
32Iron WheelStorm Crow Gloves37524%113032
32Iron WheelStorm Crow Pants37434%169050
32Iron WheelAdamantine Pants37354%113221
32Iron WheelScroll of FireBurst37274%172596
32Iron WheelGrand Soul Shield37054%168803
32Iron WheelStorm Crow Boots37054%129371
32Iron WheelBlack Dragon Gloves37024%161705
32Iron WheelJewel of Bless20362%61310
32Iron WheelJewel of Soul14891%56404
32Iron WheelImp13361%509474
32Iron WheelTransformation Ring +511801%392177
32Iron WheelHorn of Uniria9781%679937
32Iron WheelOrb of Rageful Blow8571%244317
32Iron WheelDevils Key7641%199149
32Iron WheelDevils Eye7551%199705
32Iron WheelBox of Luck +17291%54062
32Iron WheelScroll of Archangel +67201%20172
32Iron WheelBlood Bone +67081%20311
32Iron WheelJewel of Life4660%42915
32Iron WheelGuardian Angel4390%757047
32Iron WheelHoly Spirit Gloves3870%115842
32Iron WheelBox of Luck +73830%136752
32Iron WheelOrb of Death Stab3590%115636
32Iron WheelGrand Soul Boots3580%144339
32Iron WheelRena +33420%157649
32Iron WheelGrand Soul Gloves3250%101780
32Iron WheelJewel of Creation3200%20831
32Iron WheelJewel of Chaos2640%27223
32Iron WheelScroll of Soul Barrier1800%12448
32Iron WheelScroll of Cometfall1390%13899
32Iron WheelScroll of Aqua Beam1170%17570
32Iron WheelOrb of Summoning390%57744
32Iron WheelLegendary Helm40%7378
32Iron WheelPlate Helm30%11532
32Iron WheelPendant of Ability30%7287
32Iron WheelLight Plate Boots20%31376
32Iron WheelLegendary Gloves20%31067
32Iron WheelDouble Blade20%5721
32Iron WheelLight Plate Mask20%11619
32Iron WheelBattle Scepter20%29621
32Iron WheelPendant of Water20%11826
32Iron WheelSerpent Crossbow10%5746
32Iron WheelGreat Scythe10%29568
32Iron WheelLight Plate Pants10%7349
32Iron WheelOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
32Iron WheelDragon Gloves10%26155
32Iron WheelRing of Magic10%7781
32Iron WheelGorgon Staff10%26185
32Iron WheelPlate Pants10%31519
32Iron WheelScroll of Twister10%3848
32Iron WheelLegendary Boots10%11723
32Iron WheelGuardian Helm10%29701
32Iron WheelSpirit Armor10%30610
32Iron WheelLegendary Pants10%30087
32Iron WheelGuardian Boots10%26100
32Lizard WarBlack Dragon Boots38915%259966
32Lizard WarAquagold Crossbow38595%129979
32Lizard WarSymbol of Kundun +438285%82503
32Lizard WarAdamantine Armor38025%258861
32Lizard WarStorm Crow Gloves37635%113032
32Lizard WarAdamantine Pants37635%113221
32Lizard WarMaster Scepter37615%129097
32Lizard WarGrand Soul Shield37495%168803
32Lizard WarStorm Crow Pants37295%169050
32Lizard WarStorm Crow Boots36975%129371
32Lizard WarBlack Dragon Gloves36845%161705
32Lizard WarScroll of FireBurst36825%172596
32Lizard WarDark Steel Gloves36665%174899
32Lizard WarStaff of Resurrection36665%112595
32Lizard WarBluewing Crossbow36565%155408
32Lizard WarCrystal Sword36245%129726
32Lizard WarJewel of Bless19123%61310
32Lizard WarJewel of Soul15572%56404
32Lizard WarDevils Eye15032%199705
32Lizard WarDevils Key14792%199149
32Lizard WarTransformation Ring +511131%392177
32Lizard WarBox of Luck +17771%54062
32Lizard WarScroll of Archangel +67191%20172
32Lizard WarBlood Bone +66891%20311
32Lizard WarGuardian Angel5921%757047
32Lizard WarHorn of Uniria5631%679937
32Lizard WarJewel of Life4471%42915
32Lizard WarOrb of Rageful Blow3981%244317
32Lizard WarBox of Luck +73911%136752
32Lizard WarRena +33771%157649
32Lizard WarOrb of Death Stab3720%115636
32Lizard WarGrand Soul Boots3670%144339
32Lizard WarHoly Spirit Gloves3630%115842
32Lizard WarGrand Soul Gloves3410%101780
32Lizard WarJewel of Creation2990%20831
32Lizard WarScroll of Evil Spirit2600%26425
32Lizard WarJewel of Chaos2520%27223
32Lizard WarScroll of Aqua Beam1700%17570
32Lizard WarScroll of Soul Barrier1450%12448
32Lizard WarImp1310%509474
32Lizard WarScroll of Hellfire980%9016
32Lizard WarOrb of Summoning420%57744
32Lizard WarGiant Sword20%26285
32Lizard WarDragon Gloves20%26155
32Lizard WarLight Plate Mask20%11619
32Lizard WarPendant of Wind20%33525
32Lizard WarLight Spear20%33331
32Lizard WarRing of Earth10%35543
32Lizard WarPendant of Ability10%7287
32Lizard WarSerpent Spear10%11520
32Lizard WarSerpent Crossbow10%5746
32Lizard WarLegendary Shield10%5721
32Lizard WarLight Plate Pants10%7349
32Lizard WarLight Plate Gloves10%33654
32Lizard WarThunder Staff10%32932
32Lizard WarPlate Helm10%11532
32Lizard WarPlate Gloves10%33257
32Lizard WarSpirit Boots10%35209
32Lizard WarSerpent Shield10%31270
32Lizard WarRing of Wind10%30842
32Lizard WarLight Plate Boots10%31376
32Mega CrustCrystal Sword6870%129726
32Mega CrustStorm Crow Gloves6800%113032
32Mega CrustAdamantine Pants6550%113221
32Mega CrustStorm Crow Pants6500%169050
32Mega CrustDark Steel Gloves6470%174899
32Mega CrustStorm Crow Boots6450%129371
32Mega CrustGrand Soul Shield6430%168803
32Mega CrustAdamantine Armor6310%258861
32Mega CrustAquagold Crossbow6270%129979
32Mega CrustBlack Dragon Boots6260%259966
32Mega CrustScroll of FireBurst6250%172596
32Mega CrustMaster Scepter6250%129097
32Mega CrustStaff of Resurrection6230%112595
32Mega CrustBlack Dragon Gloves6070%161705
32Mega CrustBluewing Crossbow5900%155408
32Mega CrustSymbol of Kundun +45430%82503
32Mega CrustJewel of Bless2490%61310
32Mega CrustJewel of Soul2180%56404
32Mega CrustDevils Key2010%199149
32Mega CrustDevils Eye1810%199705
32Mega CrustTransformation Ring +51540%392177
32Mega CrustBox of Luck +11140%54062
32Mega CrustScroll of Archangel +61060%20172
32Mega CrustHorn of Uniria1010%679937
32Mega CrustBlood Bone +6970%20311
32Mega CrustGuardian Angel900%757047
32Mega CrustOrb of Death Stab860%115636
32Mega CrustOrb of Rageful Blow740%244317
32Mega CrustGrand Soul Boots690%144339
32Mega CrustGrand Soul Gloves670%101780
32Mega CrustHoly Spirit Gloves590%115842
32Mega CrustRena +3590%157649
32Mega CrustBox of Luck +7580%136752
32Mega CrustScroll of Evil Spirit540%26425
32Mega CrustJewel of Life470%42915
32Mega CrustJewel of Creation460%20831
32Mega CrustJewel of Chaos340%27223
32Mega CrustImp330%509474
32Mega CrustScroll of Soul Barrier310%12448
32Mega CrustScroll of Aqua Beam200%17570
32Mega CrustScroll of Hellfire180%9016
32Mega CrustOrb of Summoning140%57744
32Mega CrustGorgon Staff10%26185
32Mega CrustLegendary Shield10%5721
32Mega CrustTower Shield10%35261
32Mega CrustOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
32Mega CrustSpirit Pants10%33322
32Mega CrustSerpent Crossbow10%5746
32Mega CrustThunder Staff10%32932
32Poison GolSymbol of Kundun +542485%136323
32Poison GolScroll of Critical Damage40195%266565
32Poison GolStorm Crow Armor40145%227934
32Poison GolBlack Dragon Gloves39965%161705
32Poison GolScroll of FireBurst39955%172596
32Poison GolRed Spirit Gloves39905%253267
32Poison GolBlack Dragon Boots39825%259966
32Poison GolSword of Destruction39815%265757
32Poison GolStorm Crow Pants39364%169050
32Poison GolBlack Dragon Helm39314%264533
32Poison GolDark Steel Gloves39224%174899
32Poison GolBlack Dragon Pants39134%254444
32Poison GolGrand Soul Shield39114%168803
32Poison GolDark Steel Boots38924%244667
32Poison GolSaint Crossbow38834%253341
32Poison GolGreat Scepter38824%265287
32Poison GolAdamantine Armor38144%258861
32Poison GolJewel of Bless20852%61310
32Poison GolJewel of Soul17222%56404
32Poison GolTransformation Ring +513282%392177
32Poison GolBlood Bone +68561%20311
32Poison GolDevils Eye8371%199705
32Poison GolDevils Key8281%199149
32Poison GolScroll of Archangel +68231%20172
32Poison GolStorm Crow Gloves7951%113032
32Poison GolAquagold Crossbow7801%129979
32Poison GolMaster Scepter7771%129097
32Poison GolStorm Crow Boots7701%129371
32Poison GolAdamantine Pants7401%113221
32Poison GolCrystal Sword7391%129726
32Poison GolStaff of Resurrection7371%112595
32Poison GolGuardian Angel6131%757047
32Poison GolHorn of Uniria5211%679937
32Poison GolJewel of Life4991%42915
32Poison GolImp4991%509474
32Poison GolGrand Soul Helm4300%188216
32Poison GolBox of Luck +74190%136752
32Poison GolOrb of Ice Arrow4160%189255
32Poison GolOrb of Rageful Blow4150%244317
32Poison GolRena +33960%157649
32Poison GolGrand Soul Boots3930%144339
32Poison GolHoly Spirit Boots3850%189284
32Poison GolJewel of Creation3000%20831
32Poison GolJewel of Chaos2770%27223
32Poison GolScroll of Cometfall2690%13899
32Poison GolScroll of Teleport Ally1890%19451
32Poison GolScroll of Soul Barrier1380%12448
32Poison GolScroll of Aqua Beam980%17570
32Poison GolHoly Spirit Gloves860%115842
32Poison GolGrand Soul Gloves780%101780
32Poison GolOrb of Death Stab780%115636
32Poison GolOrb of Summoning270%57744
32Queen BeeSymbol of Kundun +643215%340511
32Queen BeeScroll of Electric Spark31364%173629
32Queen BeeSaint Crossbow30754%253341
32Queen BeeDark Soul Gloves30724%261417
32Queen BeeDragon Spear30694%170360
32Queen BeeBlack Dragon Helm30284%264533
32Queen BeeDark Steel Pants30284%169509
32Queen BeeScroll of Critical Damage30254%266565
32Queen BeeRed Spirit Boots30044%261364
32Queen BeeBlack Dragon Armor29784%199237
32Queen BeeThunder Hawk Boots29684%169057
32Queen BeeDark Steel Boots29684%244667
32Queen BeeDark Steel Mask29484%241825
32Queen BeeThunder Hawk Gloves29424%275348
32Queen BeeDark Master Gloves29374%188400
32Queen BeeGreat Scepter29184%265287
32Queen BeeBlack Dragon Pants29184%254444
32Queen BeeElemental Mace29124%199022
32Queen BeeRed Spirit Gloves29054%253267
32Queen BeeSword of Destruction28964%265757
32Queen BeeStaff of Destruction28864%199143
32Queen BeeJewel of Bless22073%61310
32Queen BeeJewel of Soul17512%56404
32Queen BeeTransformation Ring +512732%392177
32Queen BeeDevils Eye8621%199705
32Queen BeeBlood Bone +78171%124309
32Queen BeeDevils Key8111%199149
32Queen BeeScroll of Archangel +77841%124171
32Queen BeeJewel of Life4981%42915
32Queen BeeRena +34521%157649
32Queen BeeBox of Luck +74301%136752
32Queen BeeHorn of Uniria3840%679937
32Queen BeeGuardian Angel3690%757047
32Queen BeeImp3540%509474
32Queen BeeJewel of Creation3370%20831
32Queen BeeCelestial Bow3240%163853
32Queen BeeGrand Soul Helm3150%188216
32Queen BeeOrb of Ice Arrow3130%189255
32Queen BeeDark Phoenix Gloves3090%236326
32Queen BeeGrand Soul Pants3080%235976
32Queen BeeHoly Spirit Pants3070%269652
32Queen BeeDark Phoenix Helm3000%163652
32Queen BeeHoly Spirit Armor2890%164549
32Queen BeeGrand Soul Armor2880%163780
32Queen BeeHoly Spirit Boots2810%189284
32Queen BeeHoly Spirit Helm2740%241941
32Queen BeeJewel of Chaos2630%27223
32Queen BeeScroll of Soul Barrier1580%12448
32Queen BeeScroll of Inferno1230%16758
32Queen BeeScroll of Cometfall1200%13899
32Queen BeeScroll of Teleport Ally980%19451
32Queen BeeScroll of Aqua Beam830%17570
32Queen BeePet Rudolph640%13837
32Queen BeeOrb of Summoning370%57744
32Queen BeeHelical Sword50%74520
32Queen BeeSilver Bow50%74563
32Queen BeeDragon Shield30%137099
32Queen BeeLight Plate Armor30%138873
32Queen BeeElemental Shield30%146377
32Queen BeeLegendary Staff20%137020
32Queen BeeDragon Armor20%136838
32Queen BeeAdamantine Gloves20%131284
32Queen BeeBill of Balrog20%122011
32Queen BeeLegendary Armor20%74588
32Queen BeeAdamantine Boots10%136453
32Queen BeeLighting Sword10%136691
32Queen BeeAdamantine Mask10%146516
32Queen BeeOrb of Penetration10%148821
32Queen BeeGuardian Armor10%130523
32Queen RainScroll of Critical Damage44251%266565
32Queen RainAdamantine Armor43911%258861
32Queen RainSword of Destruction43741%265757
32Queen RainBlack Dragon Helm43641%264533
32Queen RainAquagold Crossbow43591%129979
32Queen RainGrand Soul Shield43581%168803
32Queen RainSymbol of Kundun +443501%82503
32Queen RainStorm Crow Pants43141%169050
32Queen RainStorm Crow Armor43071%227934
32Queen RainBlack Dragon Boots42811%259966
32Queen RainBlack Dragon Gloves42761%161705
32Queen RainGreat Scepter42561%265287
32Queen RainDark Steel Gloves42441%174899
32Queen RainMaster Scepter42431%129097
32Queen RainStorm Crow Boots42351%129371
32Queen RainCrystal Sword42341%129726
32Queen RainScroll of FireBurst41821%172596
32Queen RainJewel of Bless22250%61310
32Queen RainJewel of Soul17070%56404
32Queen RainTransformation Ring +512470%392177
32Queen RainBlood Bone +68750%20311
32Queen RainDevils Eye8070%199705
32Queen RainDevils Key7940%199149
32Queen RainScroll of Archangel +67820%20172
32Queen RainAdamantine Pants7300%113221
32Queen RainStorm Crow Gloves7230%113032
32Queen RainStaff of Resurrection7170%112595
32Queen RainBluewing Crossbow7040%155408
32Queen RainHorn of Uniria5820%679937
32Queen RainGuardian Angel5820%757047
32Queen RainJewel of Life4890%42915
32Queen RainOrb of Ice Arrow4750%189255
32Queen RainRena +34630%157649
32Queen RainOrb of Rageful Blow4500%244317
32Queen RainBox of Luck +74450%136752
32Queen RainHoly Spirit Boots4410%189284
32Queen RainHoly Spirit Gloves4290%115842
32Queen RainGrand Soul Helm4250%188216
32Queen RainOrb of Death Stab4190%115636
32Queen RainGrand Soul Boots3990%144339
32Queen RainJewel of Creation3380%20831
32Queen RainJewel of Chaos2810%27223
32Queen RainImp2350%509474
32Queen RainScroll of Cometfall2100%13899
32Queen RainScroll of Aqua Beam1330%17570
32Queen RainScroll of Soul Barrier1090%12448
32Queen RainGrand Soul Gloves700%101780
32Queen RainOrb of Summoning200%57744
32Queen RainGuardian Pants50%29816
32Queen RainGreat Scythe40%29568
32Queen RainBattle Scepter30%29621
32Queen RainGuardian Gloves30%7481
32Queen RainGuardian Boots20%26100
32Queen RainAdamantine Gloves20%131284
32Queen RainDragon Pants20%74359
32Queen RainPlate Armor20%5687
32Queen RainSerpent Spear20%11520
32Queen RainLegendary Shield20%5721
32Queen RainDragon Boots20%29542
32Queen RainHelical Sword10%74520
32Queen RainGorgon Staff10%26185
32Queen RainLegendary Boots10%11723
32Queen RainSilver Bow10%74563
32Queen RainLegendary Armor10%74588
32Queen RainDragon Helm10%130936
32Queen RainBronze Shield10%29816
32Queen RainLarkan Axe10%11587
32Queen RainGuardian Helm10%29701
32Queen RainLegendary Pants10%30087
32Queen RainLegendary Helm10%7378
32Queen RainPendant of Water10%11826
32Queen RainSerpent Crossbow10%5746
32Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +410%82503
32Rogue CentGreat Scepter10%265287
32Rogue CentSword of Destruction10%265757
AidaBloody DeaRed Spirit Armor5481612%770788
AidaBloody DeaDark Master Pants5457212%1123568
AidaBloody DeaDark Soul Helm5447012%1124378
AidaBloody DeaDark Soul Pants5446012%1129043
AidaBloody DeaDark Master Armor5439312%1128694
AidaBloody DeaGreat Dragon Pants5424312%1116594
AidaBloody DeaHurricane Boots5400612%1123073
AidaBloody DeaSymbol of Kundun +7141663%543835
AidaBloody DeaGuardian Angel80732%757047
AidaBloody DeaHorn of Uniria78832%679937
AidaBloody DeaSpirit +169452%418173
AidaBloody DeaImp54061%509474
AidaBloody DeaTransformation Ring +543751%392177
AidaBloody DeaSpirit +035701%182784
AidaBloody DeaDark Master Mask32691%513210
AidaBloody DeaThunder Blade31781%348277
AidaBloody DeaThunder Hawk Armor31621%639707
AidaBloody DeaScroll of Archangel +727591%124171
AidaBloody DeaBlood Bone +727551%124309
AidaBloody DeaDevils Eye27141%199705
AidaBloody DeaDevils Key26561%199149
AidaBloody DeaRena +317640%157649
AidaBloody DeaOrb of Summoning16660%57744
AidaBloody DeaBox of Luck +713650%136752
AidaBloody DeaJewel of Bless6040%61310
AidaBloody DeaJewel of Soul5810%56404
AidaBloody DeaJewel of Life3880%42915
AidaBloody DeaJewel of Chaos3360%27223
AidaBloody DeaPet Rudolph2210%13837
AidaBloody DeaJewel of Creation1320%20831
AidaBloody DeaElemental Mace110%199022
AidaBloody DeaDark Phoenix Helm90%163652
AidaBloody DeaDark Phoenix Boots90%166255
AidaBloody DeaBlack Dragon Armor80%199237
AidaBloody DeaRed Spirit Gloves80%253267
AidaBloody DeaHoly Spirit Armor80%164549
AidaBloody DeaGreat Dragon Gloves70%128394
AidaBloody DeaDark Soul Gloves70%261417
AidaBloody DeaThunder Hawk Gloves70%275348
AidaBloody DeaThunder Hawk Boots70%169057
AidaBloody DeaRed Spirit Boots70%261364
AidaBloody DeaDark Steel Boots70%244667
AidaBloody DeaSaint Crossbow70%253341
AidaBloody DeaDark Phoenix Gloves60%236326
AidaBloody DeaRed Spirit Helm60%166251
AidaBloody DeaDark Master Gloves60%188400
AidaBloody DeaStaff of Destruction50%199143
AidaBloody DeaGrand Soul Pants50%235976
AidaBloody DeaDragon Spear50%170360
AidaBloody DeaDark Steel Mask40%241825
AidaBloody DeaGrand Soul Armor40%163780
AidaBloody DeaBlack Dragon Pants40%254444
AidaBloody DeaCelestial Bow40%163853
AidaBloody DeaHoly Spirit Pants40%269652
AidaBloody DeaScroll of Electric Spark30%173629
AidaBloody DeaDark Steel Pants30%169509
AidaBloody DeaHoly Spirit Helm30%241941
AidaBloody DeaScroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
AidaBloody GolGreat Dragon Pants11008214%1116594
AidaBloody GolDark Soul Helm10962113%1124378
AidaBloody GolHurricane Boots10935513%1123073
AidaBloody GolDark Master Pants10932113%1123568
AidaBloody GolDark Master Armor10928413%1128694
AidaBloody GolDark Soul Pants10899613%1129043
AidaBloody GolRed Spirit Armor276203%770788
AidaBloody GolThunder Hawk Armor272203%639707
AidaBloody GolSymbol of Kundun +7240363%543835
AidaBloody GolGuardian Angel167462%757047
AidaBloody GolImp145522%509474
AidaBloody GolSpirit +1115951%418173
AidaBloody GolHorn of Uniria96101%679937
AidaBloody GolTransformation Ring +573221%392177
AidaBloody GolSpirit +060051%182784
AidaBloody GolRena +328740%157649
AidaBloody GolBox of Luck +723660%136752
AidaBloody GolOrb of Summoning17070%57744
AidaBloody GolJewel of Bless11230%61310
AidaBloody GolJewel of Life11090%42915
AidaBloody GolJewel of Soul11080%56404
AidaBloody GolJewel of Creation8460%20831
AidaBloody GolJewel of Chaos6820%27223
AidaBloody GolPet Rudolph3430%13837
AidaBloody GolThunder Hawk Gloves220%275348
AidaBloody GolDragon Spear170%170360
AidaBloody GolCelestial Bow170%163853
AidaBloody GolRed Spirit Boots160%261364
AidaBloody GolHoly Spirit Pants160%269652
AidaBloody GolHoly Spirit Helm150%241941
AidaBloody GolDark Phoenix Helm150%163652
AidaBloody GolDark Steel Mask130%241825
AidaBloody GolDark Steel Pants120%169509
AidaBloody GolGreat Dragon Gloves120%128394
AidaBloody GolDark Master Boots120%126168
AidaBloody GolGrand Soul Pants110%235976
AidaBloody GolDark Soul Boots110%126533
AidaBloody GolDark Steel Armor110%117377
AidaBloody GolDark Soul Gloves100%261417
AidaBloody GolScroll of Electric Spark100%173629
AidaBloody GolDark Phoenix Gloves100%236326
AidaBloody GolStaff of Destruction100%199143
AidaBloody GolDark Phoenix Pants100%117569
AidaBloody GolElemental Mace100%199022
AidaBloody GolHoly Spirit Armor100%164549
AidaBloody GolThunder Hawk Boots100%169057
AidaBloody GolBlack Dragon Armor100%199237
AidaBloody GolDark Master Gloves90%188400
AidaBloody GolRed Spirit Helm90%166251
AidaBloody GolGrand Soul Armor90%163780
AidaBloody GolDark Phoenix Boots30%166255
AidaBloody GolScroll of Decay10%22624
AidaBloody GolScroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
AidaBloody OrcDark Master Mask358199%513210
AidaBloody OrcDark Soul Helm357219%1124378
AidaBloody OrcGreat Dragon Pants356749%1116594
AidaBloody OrcDark Master Armor356089%1128694
AidaBloody OrcRed Spirit Armor355579%770788
AidaBloody OrcDark Soul Pants355439%1129043
AidaBloody OrcHurricane Boots354739%1123073
AidaBloody OrcDark Master Pants354709%1123568
AidaBloody OrcThunder Hawk Armor353819%639707
AidaBloody OrcSymbol of Kundun +7116463%543835
AidaBloody OrcHorn of Uniria70732%679937
AidaBloody OrcSpirit +156761%418173
AidaBloody OrcDark Breaker44691%342121
AidaBloody OrcThunder Blade44131%348277
AidaBloody OrcGreat Dragon Helm43551%341555
AidaBloody OrcTransformation Ring +536021%392177
AidaBloody OrcImp32631%509474
AidaBloody OrcGuardian Angel29791%757047
AidaBloody OrcScroll of Nova29571%39384
AidaBloody OrcSpirit +028921%182784
AidaBloody OrcBlood Bone +723221%124309
AidaBloody OrcDevils Key23151%199149
AidaBloody OrcDevils Eye22801%199705
AidaBloody OrcScroll of Archangel +722061%124171
AidaBloody OrcRena +314930%157649
AidaBloody OrcBox of Luck +711560%136752
AidaBloody OrcJewel of Life5700%42915
AidaBloody OrcJewel of Soul4710%56404
AidaBloody OrcJewel of Bless4520%61310
AidaBloody OrcJewel of Chaos2670%27223
AidaBloody OrcOrb of Summoning2280%57744
AidaBloody OrcPet Rudolph1590%13837
AidaBloody OrcJewel of Creation1060%20831
AidaBloody OrcScroll of Electric Spark90%173629
AidaBloody OrcThunder Hawk Gloves70%275348
AidaBloody OrcHoly Spirit Helm70%241941
AidaBloody OrcDragon Spear60%170360
AidaBloody OrcScroll of Critical Damage60%266565
AidaBloody OrcSaint Crossbow50%253341
AidaBloody OrcDark Master Gloves50%188400
AidaBloody OrcDark Phoenix Helm50%163652
AidaBloody OrcHoly Spirit Armor50%164549
AidaBloody OrcElemental Mace40%199022
AidaBloody OrcDark Soul Gloves40%261417
AidaBloody OrcDark Steel Pants40%169509
AidaBloody OrcHoly Spirit Pants30%269652
AidaBloody OrcBlack Dragon Pants30%254444
AidaBloody OrcBlack Dragon Armor30%199237
AidaBloody OrcHoly Spirit Boots30%189284
AidaBloody OrcOrb of Ice Arrow30%189255
AidaBloody OrcDark Steel Boots30%244667
AidaBloody OrcStaff of Destruction20%199143
AidaBloody OrcDark Steel Mask20%241825
AidaBloody OrcDark Phoenix Gloves20%236326
AidaBloody OrcRed Spirit Gloves20%253267
AidaBloody OrcGrand Soul Pants20%235976
AidaBloody OrcBlack Dragon Helm20%264533
AidaBloody OrcRed Spirit Boots20%261364
AidaBloody OrcScroll of Cometfall10%13899
AidaBloody OrcCelestial Bow10%163853
AidaBloody OrcGreat Scepter10%265287
AidaBloody OrcGrand Soul Helm10%188216
AidaBloody OrcSword of Destruction10%265757
AidaBloody OrcGrand Soul Armor10%163780
AidaBloody WitGreat Dragon Pants4049414%1116594
AidaBloody WitDark Soul Pants4048314%1129043
AidaBloody WitHurricane Pants4046814%1371261
AidaBloody WitDark Soul Armor4023714%1372053
AidaBloody WitDark Master Armor4020014%1128694
AidaBloody WitDark Soul Helm136615%1124378
AidaBloody WitRed Spirit Armor136055%770788
AidaBloody WitDark Master Pants135055%1123568
AidaBloody WitHurricane Boots131595%1123073
AidaBloody WitSymbol of Kundun +772033%543835
AidaBloody WitHorn of Uniria44372%679937
AidaBloody WitSpirit +136371%418173
AidaBloody WitTransformation Ring +522451%392177
AidaBloody WitGuardian Angel22161%757047
AidaBloody WitImp19731%509474
AidaBloody WitSpirit +018701%182784
AidaBloody WitOrb of Summoning13500%57744
AidaBloody WitRena +39140%157649
AidaBloody WitBox of Luck +77660%136752
AidaBloody WitJewel of Soul3780%56404
AidaBloody WitJewel of Life3590%42915
AidaBloody WitJewel of Bless3400%61310
AidaBloody WitJewel of Creation2560%20831
AidaBloody WitJewel of Chaos2040%27223
AidaBloody WitPet Rudolph1040%13837
AidaBloody WitGreat Dragon Boots60%253605
AidaBloody WitDark Phoenix Pants60%117569
AidaBloody WitThunder Hawk Gloves50%275348
AidaBloody WitGrand Soul Armor50%163780
AidaBloody WitDragon Spear50%170360
AidaBloody WitBlack Dragon Armor40%199237
AidaBloody WitDark Soul Gloves40%261417
AidaBloody WitCelestial Bow40%163853
AidaBloody WitGreat Dragon Gloves40%128394
AidaBloody WitDark Steel Pants40%169509
AidaBloody WitRed Spirit Helm40%166251
AidaBloody WitScroll of Electric Spark30%173629
AidaBloody WitRed Spirit Boots30%261364
AidaBloody WitDark Phoenix Boots20%166255
AidaBloody WitHoly Spirit Armor20%164549
AidaBloody WitLord Scepter20%253612
AidaBloody WitDark Steel Armor20%117377
AidaBloody WitDark Soul Boots20%126533
AidaBloody WitGrand Soul Pants20%235976
AidaBloody WitBlack Dragon Pants20%254444
AidaBloody WitHoly Spirit Pants20%269652
AidaBloody WitDark Steel Mask10%241825
AidaBloody WitStaff of Destruction10%199143
AidaBloody WitThunder Hawk Boots10%169057
AidaBloody WitDark Phoenix Helm10%163652
AidaBloody WitRed Spirit Gloves10%253267
AidaBloody WitElemental Mace10%199022
AidaBlue GolemSymbol of Kundun +510864%136323
AidaBlue GolemBlack Dragon Helm10544%264533
AidaBlue GolemGrand Soul Boots10424%144339
AidaBlue GolemGrand Soul Shield10394%168803
AidaBlue GolemDark Steel Boots10244%244667
AidaBlue GolemBlack Dragon Pants10214%254444
AidaBlue GolemGreat Scepter10034%265287
AidaBlue GolemHoly Spirit Boots9914%189284
AidaBlue GolemAdamantine Armor9914%258861
AidaBlue GolemSaint Crossbow9914%253341
AidaBlue GolemBlack Dragon Gloves9884%161705
AidaBlue GolemOrb of Ice Arrow9884%189255
AidaBlue GolemBlack Dragon Boots9844%259966
AidaBlue GolemStorm Crow Pants9834%169050
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Critical Damage9834%266565
AidaBlue GolemScroll of FireBurst9704%172596
AidaBlue GolemStorm Crow Armor9694%227934
AidaBlue GolemOrb of Rageful Blow9684%244317
AidaBlue GolemDark Steel Gloves9664%174899
AidaBlue GolemRed Spirit Gloves9624%253267
AidaBlue GolemGrand Soul Helm9574%188216
AidaBlue GolemSword of Destruction9204%265757
AidaBlue GolemTransformation Ring +53201%392177
AidaBlue GolemOrb of Death Stab2301%115636
AidaBlue GolemStorm Crow Boots2131%129371
AidaBlue GolemHoly Spirit Gloves2111%115842
AidaBlue GolemImp2111%509474
AidaBlue GolemBlood Bone +62091%20311
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Archangel +62071%20172
AidaBlue GolemMaster Scepter2051%129097
AidaBlue GolemDevils Eye2031%199705
AidaBlue GolemAdamantine Pants2021%113221
AidaBlue GolemStorm Crow Gloves1991%113032
AidaBlue GolemAquagold Crossbow1951%129979
AidaBlue GolemGrand Soul Gloves1921%101780
AidaBlue GolemDevils Key1861%199149
AidaBlue GolemStaff of Resurrection1831%112595
AidaBlue GolemCrystal Sword1781%129726
AidaBlue GolemHorn of Uniria1751%679937
AidaBlue GolemRena +31070%157649
AidaBlue GolemBox of Luck +7940%136752
AidaBlue GolemGuardian Angel890%757047
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Cometfall660%13899
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Teleport Ally560%19451
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Aqua Beam360%17570
AidaBlue GolemJewel of Soul320%56404
AidaBlue GolemScroll of Soul Barrier270%12448
AidaBlue GolemJewel of Bless200%61310
AidaBlue GolemJewel of Life190%42915
AidaBlue GolemJewel of Chaos150%27223
AidaBlue GolemJewel of Creation50%20831
AidaBlue GolemOrb of Summoning30%57744
AidaBlue GolemScroll of the Emperor20%293
AidaDeath RideOrb of Rageful Blow28535%244317
AidaDeath RideBlack Dragon Gloves27494%161705
AidaDeath RideBluewing Crossbow27464%155408
AidaDeath RideAdamantine Pants27444%113221
AidaDeath RideBlack Dragon Boots27274%259966
AidaDeath RideMaster Scepter27244%129097
AidaDeath RideScroll of FireBurst27044%172596
AidaDeath RideStorm Crow Gloves26884%113032
AidaDeath RideAquagold Crossbow26714%129979
AidaDeath RideDark Steel Gloves26664%174899
AidaDeath RideGrand Soul Gloves26574%101780
AidaDeath RideHoly Spirit Gloves26514%115842
AidaDeath RideCrystal Sword26454%129726
AidaDeath RideGrand Soul Shield26454%168803
AidaDeath RideStorm Crow Boots26324%129371
AidaDeath RideOrb of Death Stab26294%115636
AidaDeath RideStorm Crow Pants26204%169050
AidaDeath RideStaff of Resurrection25944%112595
AidaDeath RideGrand Soul Boots25874%144339
AidaDeath RideAdamantine Armor25594%258861
AidaDeath RideSymbol of Kundun +424804%82503
AidaDeath RideDevils Key9822%199149
AidaDeath RideDevils Eye8971%199705
AidaDeath RideTransformation Ring +58201%392177
AidaDeath RideScroll of Archangel +64971%20172
AidaDeath RideBox of Luck +14831%54062
AidaDeath RideBlood Bone +64641%20311
AidaDeath RideBox of Luck +72750%136752
AidaDeath RideRena +32300%157649
AidaDeath RideImp1750%509474
AidaDeath RideScroll of Evil Spirit1740%26425
AidaDeath RideGuardian Angel1200%757047
AidaDeath RideScroll of Soul Barrier1170%12448
AidaDeath RideScroll of Aqua Beam940%17570
AidaDeath RideHorn of Uniria860%679937
AidaDeath RideJewel of Bless660%61310
AidaDeath RideJewel of Soul520%56404
AidaDeath RideScroll of Hellfire520%9016
AidaDeath RideJewel of Chaos440%27223
AidaDeath RideOrb of Summoning400%57744
AidaDeath RideJewel of Life370%42915
AidaDeath RideJewel of Creation180%20831
AidaDeath RideGuardian Boots10%26100
AidaDeath RideLegendary Pants10%30087
AidaDeath RideLegendary Boots10%11723
AidaDeath RideSerpent Shield10%31270
AidaDeath RideRing of Wind10%30842
AidaDeath RideSpirit Armor10%30610
AidaDeath RideLegendary Shield10%5721
AidaDeath RideTower Shield10%35261
AidaDeath RideGuardian Gloves10%7481
AidaDeath RidePlate Helm10%11532
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Death Stab16435%115636
AidaDeath TreeStaff of Resurrection15415%112595
AidaDeath TreeCrystal Morning Star15265%146313
AidaDeath TreeStorm Crow Gloves15255%113032
AidaDeath TreeGrand Soul Gloves15245%101780
AidaDeath TreeLight Plate Armor15175%138873
AidaDeath TreeCrystal Sword15025%129726
AidaDeath TreeAdamantine Pants14965%113221
AidaDeath TreeBluewing Crossbow14935%155408
AidaDeath TreeHoly Spirit Gloves14845%115842
AidaDeath TreeStorm Crow Boots14785%129371
AidaDeath TreeMaster Scepter14715%129097
AidaDeath TreeAquagold Crossbow14655%129979
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Penetration14615%148821
AidaDeath TreeElemental Shield14515%146377
AidaDeath TreeAdamantine Mask14384%146516
AidaDeath TreeBill of Balrog14324%122011
AidaDeath TreeSymbol of Kundun +312254%117836
AidaDeath TreeDragon Shield4181%137099
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Fire Slash4151%139201
AidaDeath TreeTransformation Ring +54101%392177
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Greater Fortitude3741%138522
AidaDeath TreeLegendary Staff3741%137020
AidaDeath TreeAdamantine Boots3661%136453
AidaDeath TreeDragon Armor3541%136838
AidaDeath TreeLighting Sword3511%136691
AidaDeath TreeGuardian Angel2981%757047
AidaDeath TreeScroll of Archangel +52651%14888
AidaDeath TreeBox of Luck +12641%54062
AidaDeath TreeDevils Eye2511%199705
AidaDeath TreeDevils Key2471%199149
AidaDeath TreeBlood Bone +52201%15095
AidaDeath TreeHorn of Uniria1490%679937
AidaDeath TreeBox of Luck +71430%136752
AidaDeath TreeRena +31170%157649
AidaDeath TreeScroll of Evil Spirit1090%26425
AidaDeath TreeImp1090%509474
AidaDeath TreeScroll of Hellfire720%9016
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Summoning610%57744
AidaDeath TreeJewel of Soul420%56404
AidaDeath TreeJewel of Bless260%61310
AidaDeath TreeJewel of Chaos230%27223
AidaDeath TreeJewel of Life180%42915
AidaDeath TreeJewel of Creation80%20831
AidaDeath TreeScroll of the Emperor30%293
AidaDeath TreeLight Spear10%33331
AidaDeath TreeLight Plate Gloves10%33654
AidaDeath TreeOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
AidaDeath TreeLight Saber10%34812
AidaForest OrcScroll of FireBurst4565%172596
AidaForest OrcCrystal Sword4535%129726
AidaForest OrcStorm Crow Gloves4445%113032
AidaForest OrcStaff of Resurrection4425%112595
AidaForest OrcHoly Spirit Gloves4415%115842
AidaForest OrcStorm Crow Boots4395%129371
AidaForest OrcAdamantine Pants4385%113221
AidaForest OrcOrb of Death Stab4325%115636
AidaForest OrcBluewing Crossbow4295%155408
AidaForest OrcMaster Scepter4185%129097
AidaForest OrcGrand Soul Gloves4125%101780
AidaForest OrcGrand Soul Shield4094%168803
AidaForest OrcStorm Crow Pants4074%169050
AidaForest OrcElemental Shield4064%146377
AidaForest OrcAdamantine Mask3984%146516
AidaForest OrcOrb of Penetration3974%148821
AidaForest OrcAquagold Crossbow3964%129979
AidaForest OrcBill of Balrog3924%122011
AidaForest OrcSymbol of Kundun +33824%117836
AidaForest OrcCrystal Morning Star3784%146313
AidaForest OrcTransformation Ring +51171%392177
AidaForest OrcBlood Bone +5831%15095
AidaForest OrcDevils Eye791%199705
AidaForest OrcDevils Key731%199149
AidaForest OrcBox of Luck +1661%54062
AidaForest OrcScroll of Archangel +5611%14888
AidaForest OrcGuardian Angel440%757047
AidaForest OrcImp390%509474
AidaForest OrcBox of Luck +7330%136752
AidaForest OrcRena +3300%157649
AidaForest OrcHorn of Uniria250%679937
AidaForest OrcScroll of Evil Spirit230%26425
AidaForest OrcScroll of Aqua Beam160%17570
AidaForest OrcJewel of Soul160%56404
AidaForest OrcJewel of Life140%42915
AidaForest OrcJewel of Chaos100%27223
AidaForest OrcJewel of Bless70%61310
AidaForest OrcOrb of Summoning10%57744
AidaForest OrcLarkan Axe10%11587
AidaHell MaineThunder Hawk Gloves318%275348
AidaHell MaineSaint Crossbow212%253341
AidaHell MaineElemental Mace212%199022
AidaHell MaineRed Spirit Helm212%166251
AidaHell MaineScroll of Summon16%257114
AidaHell MaineRena +316%157649
AidaHell MaineSymbol of Kundun +616%340511
AidaHell MaineDragon Spear16%170360
AidaHell MaineDark Steel Armor16%117377
AidaHell MaineDark Master Boots16%126168
AidaHell MaineHoly Spirit Pants16%269652
AidaHell MaineDark Steel Pants16%169509
AidaWitch QueeDark Steel Pants1294%169509
AidaWitch QueeGrand Soul Armor1294%163780
AidaWitch QueeThunder Hawk Gloves1274%275348
AidaWitch QueeBlack Dragon Pants1224%254444
AidaWitch QueeRed Spirit Boots1174%261364
AidaWitch QueeDark Master Gloves1143%188400
AidaWitch QueeStaff of Destruction1123%199143
AidaWitch QueeThunder Hawk Boots1093%169057
AidaWitch QueeHoly Spirit Pants1093%269652
AidaWitch QueeDark Steel Mask1093%241825
AidaWitch QueeSaint Crossbow1063%253341
AidaWitch QueeDark Phoenix Gloves1063%236326
AidaWitch QueeElemental Mace1043%199022
AidaWitch QueeRed Spirit Helm1043%166251
AidaWitch QueeSymbol of Kundun +61043%340511
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Electric Spark1043%173629
AidaWitch QueeHoly Spirit Armor1033%164549
AidaWitch QueeDark Phoenix Boots1033%166255
AidaWitch QueeHoly Spirit Helm1033%241941
AidaWitch QueeCelestial Bow1013%163853
AidaWitch QueeDark Soul Gloves1003%261417
AidaWitch QueeDragon Spear983%170360
AidaWitch QueeBlack Dragon Armor973%199237
AidaWitch QueeGrand Soul Pants963%235976
AidaWitch QueeDark Steel Boots913%244667
AidaWitch QueeRed Spirit Gloves903%253267
AidaWitch QueeGreat Dragon Gloves883%128394
AidaWitch QueeDark Phoenix Helm873%163652
AidaWitch QueeHorn of Uniria742%679937
AidaWitch QueeGuardian Angel361%757047
AidaWitch QueeDevils Eye331%199705
AidaWitch QueeTransformation Ring +5331%392177
AidaWitch QueeDevils Key221%199149
AidaWitch QueeBlood Bone +7201%124309
AidaWitch QueeRena +3201%157649
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Archangel +7150%124171
AidaWitch QueeBox of Luck +7100%136752
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Ice Storm100%16761
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Soul Barrier40%12448
AidaWitch QueeJewel of Life40%42915
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Inferno40%16758
AidaWitch QueeJewel of Bless30%61310
AidaWitch QueePet Rudolph30%13837
AidaWitch QueeJewel of Soul20%56404
AidaWitch QueeScroll of Teleport Ally20%19451
AidaWitch QueeDragon Armor10%136838
AidaWitch QueeJewel of Chaos10%27223
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Soul Boots270%126533
Kalima 7Aegis6Great Dragon Gloves240%128394
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Phoenix Boots220%166255
Kalima 7Aegis6Symbol of Kundun +6220%340511
Kalima 7Aegis6Red Spirit Helm190%166251
Kalima 7Aegis6Grand Soul Pants190%235976
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Soul Gloves190%261417
Kalima 7Aegis6Red Spirit Gloves180%253267
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Steel Mask170%241825
Kalima 7Aegis6Celestial Bow170%163853
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Steel Pants170%169509
Kalima 7Aegis6Holy Spirit Armor160%164549
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Master Boots160%126168
Kalima 7Aegis6Thunder Hawk Gloves150%275348
Kalima 7Aegis6Black Dragon Armor150%199237
Kalima 7Aegis6Grand Soul Armor150%163780
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Master Gloves150%188400
Kalima 7Aegis6Holy Spirit Helm130%241941
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Phoenix Helm120%163652
Kalima 7Aegis6Red Spirit Boots120%261364
Kalima 7Aegis6Dragon Spear120%170360
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Electric Spark120%173629
Kalima 7Aegis6Holy Spirit Pants110%269652
Kalima 7Aegis6Thunder Hawk Boots110%169057
Kalima 7Aegis6Black Dragon Pants110%254444
Kalima 7Aegis6Elemental Mace100%199022
Kalima 7Aegis6Saint Crossbow100%253341
Kalima 7Aegis6Dark Phoenix Gloves100%236326
Kalima 7Aegis6Staff of Destruction100%199143
Kalima 7Aegis6Transformation Ring +560%392177
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Archangel +750%124171
Kalima 7Aegis6Imp20%509474
Kalima 7Aegis6Devils Eye20%199705
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Cometfall20%13899
Kalima 7Aegis6Blood Bone +720%124309
Kalima 7Aegis6Sunlight Pants20%6814
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Ice Storm10%16761
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Inferno10%16758
Kalima 7Aegis6Sylph Wind Bow10%6895
Kalima 7Aegis6Horn of Uniria10%679937
Kalima 7Aegis6Dragon Knight Helm10%6846
Kalima 7Aegis6Jewel of Bless10%61310
Kalima 7Aegis6Sylphid Ray Gloves10%6900
Kalima 7Aegis6Devils Key10%199149
Kalima 7Aegis6Bone Blade10%6874
Kalima 7Aegis6Volcano Gloves10%7042
Kalima 7Aegis6Volcano Pants10%6803
Kalima 7Aegis6Dragon Knight Boots10%6849
Kalima 7Aegis6Rena +310%157649
Kalima 7Aegis6Scroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
Kalima 7Aegis6Jewel of Soul10%56404
Kalima 7Aegis6Dragon Knight Armor10%6873
Kalima 7Aegis6Dragon Knight Pants10%6948
Kalima 7Aegis7Great Dragon Helm575922%341555
Kalima 7Aegis7Great Reign Crossbow574912%386267
Kalima 7Aegis7Thunder Blade574332%348277
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Phoenix Armor573162%386797
Kalima 7Aegis7Hurricane Boots573092%1123073
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Fire Scream572222%235363
Kalima 7Aegis7Thunder Hawk Armor571902%639707
Kalima 7Aegis7Hurricane Gloves571602%235643
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Master Pants571462%1123568
Kalima 7Aegis7Red Spirit Pants571182%386729
Kalima 7Aegis7Shining Scepter571032%320625
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Soul Helm570592%1124378
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Master Mask570572%513210
Kalima 7Aegis7Red Spirit Armor570372%770788
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Breaker568952%342121
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Soul Staff568552%386281
Kalima 7Aegis7Rune Blade565862%384994
Kalima 7Aegis7Symbol of Kundun +6385021%340511
Kalima 7Aegis7Spirit +1191751%418173
Kalima 7Aegis7Horn of Uniria147841%679937
Kalima 7Aegis7Transformation Ring +5117070%392177
Kalima 7Aegis7Guardian Angel105880%757047
Kalima 7Aegis7Spirit +094760%182784
Kalima 7Aegis7Devils Eye75000%199705
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Archangel +774930%124171
Kalima 7Aegis7Devils Key74930%199149
Kalima 7Aegis7Blood Bone +772620%124309
Kalima 7Aegis7Imp51750%509474
Kalima 7Aegis7Rena +346880%157649
Kalima 7Aegis7Box of Luck +738570%136752
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Nova30520%39384
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Decay27690%22624
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Ice Storm24960%16761
Kalima 7Aegis7Jewel of Bless11820%61310
Kalima 7Aegis7Jewel of Soul11090%56404
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylphid Ray Armor9830%6977
Kalima 7Aegis7Explosion Blade9740%6943
Kalima 7Aegis7Volcano Pants9640%6803
Kalima 7Aegis7Venom Mist Boots9610%6814
Kalima 7Aegis7Sunlight Armor9580%6938
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylphid Ray Boots9530%6883
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylphid Ray Helm9530%6965
Kalima 7Aegis7Volcano Gloves9530%7042
Kalima 7Aegis7Venom Mist Helm9460%6882
Kalima 7Aegis7Venom Mist Pants9450%6985
Kalima 7Aegis7Sunlight Boots9410%6832
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Knight Gloves9390%6877
Kalima 7Aegis7Soleil Scepter9380%6773
Kalima 7Aegis7Sunlight Mask9380%6916
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Knight Armor9360%6873
Kalima 7Aegis7Grand Viper Staff9340%6902
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylph Wind Bow9310%6895
Kalima 7Aegis7Volcano Boots9290%6948
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Knight Boots9290%6849
Kalima 7Aegis7Venom Mist Armor9250%6838
Kalima 7Aegis7Bone Blade9210%6874
Kalima 7Aegis7Volcano Armor9190%6861
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylphid Ray Gloves9160%6900
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Knight Helm9150%6846
Kalima 7Aegis7Sunlight Pants9150%6814
Kalima 7Aegis7Dragon Knight Pants9120%6948
Kalima 7Aegis7Sunlight Gloves9110%6824
Kalima 7Aegis7Sylphid Ray Pants8960%6990
Kalima 7Aegis7Venom Mist Gloves8880%6900
Kalima 7Aegis7Jewel of Life8850%42915
Kalima 7Aegis7Orb of Summoning8850%57744
Kalima 7Aegis7Jewel of Chaos6940%27223
Kalima 7Aegis7Pet Rudolph5550%13837
Kalima 7Aegis7Jewel of Creation3020%20831
Kalima 7Aegis7Adamantine Armor220%258861
Kalima 7Aegis7Red Spirit Gloves210%253267
Kalima 7Aegis7Orb of Rageful Blow190%244317
Kalima 7Aegis7Saint Crossbow180%253341
Kalima 7Aegis7Great Scepter180%265287
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Steel Boots180%244667
Kalima 7Aegis7Holy Spirit Helm160%241941
Kalima 7Aegis7Grand Soul Boots160%144339
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Critical Damage160%266565
Kalima 7Aegis7Black Dragon Gloves160%161705
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Steel Gloves150%174899
Kalima 7Aegis7Orb of Ice Arrow150%189255
Kalima 7Aegis7Grand Soul Pants140%235976
Kalima 7Aegis7Black Dragon Boots140%259966
Kalima 7Aegis7Holy Spirit Boots140%189284
Kalima 7Aegis7Storm Crow Armor130%227934
Kalima 7Aegis7Black Dragon Helm130%264533
Kalima 7Aegis7Black Dragon Pants110%254444
Kalima 7Aegis7Sword of Destruction100%265757
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Steel Mask100%241825
Kalima 7Aegis7Grand Soul Helm90%188216
Kalima 7Aegis7Dark Phoenix Gloves70%236326
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Aqua Beam30%17570
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Cometfall20%13899
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
Kalima 7Aegis7Scroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
Kalima 7Blood SoldGreat Dragon Pants701733%1116594
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Soul Helm699353%1124378
Kalima 7Blood SoldRed Spirit Armor697723%770788
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Master Mask697353%513210
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Master Pants696973%1123568
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Soul Pants696873%1129043
Kalima 7Blood SoldHurricane Boots695163%1123073
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Master Armor694913%1128694
Kalima 7Blood SoldShining Scepter694703%320625
Kalima 7Blood SoldThunder Hawk Armor693333%639707
Kalima 7Blood SoldSymbol of Kundun +7291321%543835
Kalima 7Blood SoldSpirit +1143481%418173
Kalima 7Blood SoldHorn of Uniria132170%679937
Kalima 7Blood SoldImp106780%509474
Kalima 7Blood SoldGuardian Angel94210%757047
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Breaker86780%342121
Kalima 7Blood SoldThunder Blade86540%348277
Kalima 7Blood SoldGreat Dragon Helm86460%341555
Kalima 7Blood SoldTransformation Ring +586410%392177
Kalima 7Blood SoldSpirit +070570%182784
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Nova64240%39384
Kalima 7Blood SoldBlood Bone +756720%124309
Kalima 7Blood SoldDevils Eye56100%199705
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Archangel +755620%124171
Kalima 7Blood SoldDevils Key55410%199149
Kalima 7Blood SoldRena +335570%157649
Kalima 7Blood SoldBox of Luck +729280%136752
Kalima 7Blood SoldJewel of Life11320%42915
Kalima 7Blood SoldJewel of Soul8820%56404
Kalima 7Blood SoldJewel of Bless8490%61310
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylphid Ray Gloves7700%6900
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Knight Armor7430%6873
Kalima 7Blood SoldSunlight Pants7430%6814
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Knight Helm7350%6846
Kalima 7Blood SoldVolcano Gloves7310%7042
Kalima 7Blood SoldVenom Mist Boots7270%6814
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylphid Ray Helm7270%6965
Kalima 7Blood SoldSunlight Mask7220%6916
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Knight Pants7190%6948
Kalima 7Blood SoldExplosion Blade7190%6943
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylphid Ray Boots7170%6883
Kalima 7Blood SoldVenom Mist Pants7140%6985
Kalima 7Blood SoldSunlight Boots7120%6832
Kalima 7Blood SoldBone Blade7110%6874
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Knight Gloves7080%6877
Kalima 7Blood SoldSoleil Scepter7030%6773
Kalima 7Blood SoldVenom Mist Helm7020%6882
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylph Wind Bow7000%6895
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Knight Boots6990%6849
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylphid Ray Armor6980%6977
Kalima 7Blood SoldSunlight Armor6920%6938
Kalima 7Blood SoldGrand Viper Staff6880%6902
Kalima 7Blood SoldVenom Mist Gloves6880%6900
Kalima 7Blood SoldSylphid Ray Pants6860%6990
Kalima 7Blood SoldVenom Mist Armor6840%6838
Kalima 7Blood SoldVolcano Armor6790%6861
Kalima 7Blood SoldSunlight Gloves6770%6824
Kalima 7Blood SoldVolcano Pants6740%6803
Kalima 7Blood SoldVolcano Boots6580%6948
Kalima 7Blood SoldJewel of Chaos5000%27223
Kalima 7Blood SoldPet Rudolph4210%13837
Kalima 7Blood SoldOrb of Summoning2560%57744
Kalima 7Blood SoldJewel of Creation2080%20831
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Soul Gloves130%261417
Kalima 7Blood SoldStaff of Destruction120%199143
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Steel Mask110%241825
Kalima 7Blood SoldGreat Scepter110%265287
Kalima 7Blood SoldDragon Spear110%170360
Kalima 7Blood SoldHoly Spirit Helm110%241941
Kalima 7Blood SoldGrand Soul Helm100%188216
Kalima 7Blood SoldBlack Dragon Pants100%254444
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Phoenix Helm100%163652
Kalima 7Blood SoldOrb of Ice Arrow100%189255
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Phoenix Gloves90%236326
Kalima 7Blood SoldBlack Dragon Armor90%199237
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Master Gloves90%188400
Kalima 7Blood SoldHoly Spirit Armor80%164549
Kalima 7Blood SoldRed Spirit Boots80%261364
Kalima 7Blood SoldRed Spirit Gloves70%253267
Kalima 7Blood SoldGrand Soul Pants70%235976
Kalima 7Blood SoldHoly Spirit Pants70%269652
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Steel Boots70%244667
Kalima 7Blood SoldBlack Dragon Helm70%264533
Kalima 7Blood SoldDark Steel Pants60%169509
Kalima 7Blood SoldSaint Crossbow60%253341
Kalima 7Blood SoldCelestial Bow60%163853
Kalima 7Blood SoldThunder Hawk Boots60%169057
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Electric Spark50%173629
Kalima 7Blood SoldSword of Destruction50%265757
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Critical Damage40%266565
Kalima 7Blood SoldThunder Hawk Gloves40%275348
Kalima 7Blood SoldGrand Soul Armor40%163780
Kalima 7Blood SoldElemental Mace30%199022
Kalima 7Blood SoldHoly Spirit Boots20%189284
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Cometfall10%13899
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
Kalima 7Blood SoldScroll of Inferno10%16758
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Soul Pants1495144%1129043
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Master Armor1494154%1128694
Kalima 7Death AngeGreat Dragon Pants1492824%1116594
Kalima 7Death AngeShining Scepter1491774%320625
Kalima 7Death AngeHurricane Boots1490634%1123073
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Soul Helm1489944%1124378
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Master Pants1488404%1123568
Kalima 7Death AngeSymbol of Kundun +7391621%543835
Kalima 7Death AngeRed Spirit Armor373081%770788
Kalima 7Death AngeThunder Hawk Armor369371%639707
Kalima 7Death AngeGuardian Angel266731%757047
Kalima 7Death AngeImp198771%509474
Kalima 7Death AngeSpirit +1190521%418173
Kalima 7Death AngeTransformation Ring +5116090%392177
Kalima 7Death AngeSpirit +095240%182784
Kalima 7Death AngeHorn of Uniria87240%679937
Kalima 7Death AngeRena +347350%157649
Kalima 7Death AngeBox of Luck +739650%136752
Kalima 7Death AngeOrb of Summoning23640%57744
Kalima 7Death AngeJewel of Soul14250%56404
Kalima 7Death AngeJewel of Bless14210%61310
Kalima 7Death AngeJewel of Life14080%42915
Kalima 7Death AngeJewel of Creation10550%20831
Kalima 7Death AngeSunlight Armor9910%6938
Kalima 7Death AngeVolcano Gloves9890%7042
Kalima 7Death AngeExplosion Blade9860%6943
Kalima 7Death AngeVolcano Armor9820%6861
Kalima 7Death AngeSoleil Scepter9810%6773
Kalima 7Death AngeVenom Mist Gloves9800%6900
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Knight Pants9700%6948
Kalima 7Death AngeSunlight Boots9660%6832
Kalima 7Death AngeVenom Mist Pants9650%6985
Kalima 7Death AngeVolcano Boots9640%6948
Kalima 7Death AngeVenom Mist Armor9610%6838
Kalima 7Death AngeSylphid Ray Pants9610%6990
Kalima 7Death AngeVenom Mist Boots9590%6814
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Knight Gloves9520%6877
Kalima 7Death AngeGrand Viper Staff9510%6902
Kalima 7Death AngeBone Blade9490%6874
Kalima 7Death AngeVenom Mist Helm9480%6882
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Knight Boots9470%6849
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Knight Helm9460%6846
Kalima 7Death AngeSunlight Pants9370%6814
Kalima 7Death AngeSylph Wind Bow9360%6895
Kalima 7Death AngeSylphid Ray Gloves9340%6900
Kalima 7Death AngeSylphid Ray Armor9330%6977
Kalima 7Death AngeSylphid Ray Helm9300%6965
Kalima 7Death AngeSunlight Gloves9250%6824
Kalima 7Death AngeSylphid Ray Boots9080%6883
Kalima 7Death AngeVolcano Pants9080%6803
Kalima 7Death AngeSunlight Mask9040%6916
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Knight Armor8610%6873
Kalima 7Death AngeJewel of Chaos8260%27223
Kalima 7Death AngePet Rudolph5460%13837
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Phoenix Pants280%117569
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Master Boots220%126168
Kalima 7Death AngeStaff of Destruction220%199143
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Soul Gloves210%261417
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Soul Boots210%126533
Kalima 7Death AngeDragon Spear200%170360
Kalima 7Death AngeThunder Hawk Boots200%169057
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Phoenix Boots190%166255
Kalima 7Death AngeBlack Dragon Armor190%199237
Kalima 7Death AngeHoly Spirit Pants180%269652
Kalima 7Death AngeThunder Hawk Gloves170%275348
Kalima 7Death AngeRed Spirit Boots160%261364
Kalima 7Death AngeElemental Mace150%199022
Kalima 7Death AngeHoly Spirit Helm150%241941
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Master Gloves150%188400
Kalima 7Death AngeScroll of Electric Spark140%173629
Kalima 7Death AngeGrand Soul Armor140%163780
Kalima 7Death AngeGreat Dragon Gloves130%128394
Kalima 7Death AngeHoly Spirit Armor130%164549
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Phoenix Helm130%163652
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Phoenix Gloves120%236326
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Steel Armor110%117377
Kalima 7Death AngeRed Spirit Helm100%166251
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Steel Mask80%241825
Kalima 7Death AngeGrand Soul Pants80%235976
Kalima 7Death AngeDark Steel Pants80%169509
Kalima 7Death AngeScroll of Cometfall60%13899
Kalima 7Death AngeCelestial Bow50%163853
Kalima 7Death AngeScroll of Ice Storm10%16761
Kalima 7Death CentHurricane Armor4150886%2010726
Kalima 7Death CentGreat Dragon Armor2762774%1522585
Kalima 7Death CentDark Soul Armor2762114%1372053
Kalima 7Death CentHurricane Pants2762094%1371261
Kalima 7Death CentGuardian Angel1092942%757047
Kalima 7Death CentHorn of Uniria638111%679937
Kalima 7Death CentSymbol of Kundun +7487011%543835
Kalima 7Death CentImp459291%509474
Kalima 7Death CentSpirit +1239400%418173
Kalima 7Death CentTransformation Ring +5145810%392177
Kalima 7Death CentSpirit +0120510%182784
Kalima 7Death CentRena +359710%157649
Kalima 7Death CentBox of Luck +748670%136752
Kalima 7Death CentOrb of Summoning41710%57744
Kalima 7Death CentJewel of Bless18010%61310
Kalima 7Death CentJewel of Life17430%42915
Kalima 7Death CentJewel of Soul17190%56404
Kalima 7Death CentJewel of Creation12960%20831
Kalima 7Death CentVenom Mist Helm12490%6882
Kalima 7Death CentVolcano Boots12460%6948
Kalima 7Death CentSunlight Armor12390%6938
Kalima 7Death CentSunlight Mask12280%6916
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Knight Pants12150%6948
Kalima 7Death CentSylphid Ray Pants12100%6990
Kalima 7Death CentExplosion Blade12000%6943
Kalima 7Death CentSylphid Ray Armor11960%6977
Kalima 7Death CentSylph Wind Bow11910%6895
Kalima 7Death CentSylphid Ray Gloves11900%6900
Kalima 7Death CentBone Blade11880%6874
Kalima 7Death CentSunlight Gloves11850%6824
Kalima 7Death CentSylphid Ray Boots11850%6883
Kalima 7Death CentVolcano Gloves11840%7042
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Knight Armor11820%6873
Kalima 7Death CentSylphid Ray Helm11780%6965
Kalima 7Death CentVolcano Pants11760%6803
Kalima 7Death CentVenom Mist Boots11720%6814
Kalima 7Death CentGrand Viper Staff11680%6902
Kalima 7Death CentVenom Mist Armor11660%6838
Kalima 7Death CentVenom Mist Pants11640%6985
Kalima 7Death CentSoleil Scepter11590%6773
Kalima 7Death CentSunlight Pants11530%6814
Kalima 7Death CentVolcano Armor11500%6861
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Knight Gloves11480%6877
Kalima 7Death CentVenom Mist Gloves11470%6900
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Knight Boots11380%6849
Kalima 7Death CentSunlight Boots11360%6832
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Knight Helm11170%6846
Kalima 7Death CentJewel of Chaos10290%27223
Kalima 7Death CentPet Rudolph7100%13837
Kalima 7Death CentDark Breaker300%342121
Kalima 7Death CentGreat Reign Crossbow300%386267
Kalima 7Death CentRune Blade290%384994
Kalima 7Death CentGreat Dragon Helm280%341555
Kalima 7Death CentGreat Dragon Boots280%253605
Kalima 7Death CentDark Soul Boots270%126533
Kalima 7Death CentThunder Blade250%348277
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Soul Staff250%386281
Kalima 7Death CentGreat Dragon Gloves240%128394
Kalima 7Death CentDark Steel Armor230%117377
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Summon220%257114
Kalima 7Death CentDark Phoenix Armor220%386797
Kalima 7Death CentDark Phoenix Pants210%117569
Kalima 7Death CentThunder Hawk Pants210%220390
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Fire Scream200%235363
Kalima 7Death CentLord Scepter180%253612
Kalima 7Death CentDark Master Boots180%126168
Kalima 7Death CentHurricane Gloves170%235643
Kalima 7Death CentRed Spirit Pants170%386729
Kalima 7Death CentThunder Hawk Boots100%169057
Kalima 7Death CentGrand Soul Armor100%163780
Kalima 7Death CentRed Spirit Helm90%166251
Kalima 7Death CentHoly Spirit Armor70%164549
Kalima 7Death CentCelestial Bow70%163853
Kalima 7Death CentDragon Spear50%170360
Kalima 7Death CentDark Steel Pants50%169509
Kalima 7Death CentDark Phoenix Boots50%166255
Kalima 7Death CentDark Phoenix Helm40%163652
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Electric Spark30%173629
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Ice Storm10%16761
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Inferno10%16758
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Decay10%22624
Kalima 7Death CentScroll of Nova10%39384
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Soul Pants21087218%1129043
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Master Armor21068218%1128694
Kalima 7Necron7Hurricane Pants21040018%1371261
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Soul Armor21032318%1372053
Kalima 7Necron7Great Dragon Pants1050929%1116594
Kalima 7Necron7Horn of Uniria606835%679937
Kalima 7Necron7Symbol of Kundun +7342383%543835
Kalima 7Necron7Spirit +1169581%418173
Kalima 7Necron7Guardian Angel134111%757047
Kalima 7Necron7Transformation Ring +5102841%392177
Kalima 7Necron7Imp97921%509474
Kalima 7Necron7Spirit +085181%182784
Kalima 7Necron7Rena +340890%157649
Kalima 7Necron7Box of Luck +734330%136752
Kalima 7Necron7Orb of Summoning30970%57744
Kalima 7Necron7Jewel of Life13080%42915
Kalima 7Necron7Jewel of Soul12530%56404
Kalima 7Necron7Jewel of Bless12110%61310
Kalima 7Necron7Jewel of Creation8990%20831
Kalima 7Necron7Sylphid Ray Armor8920%6977
Kalima 7Necron7Sylphid Ray Pants8880%6990
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Knight Pants8860%6948
Kalima 7Necron7Venom Mist Gloves8710%6900
Kalima 7Necron7Sunlight Armor8630%6938
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Knight Boots8560%6849
Kalima 7Necron7Volcano Boots8480%6948
Kalima 7Necron7Venom Mist Pants8470%6985
Kalima 7Necron7Volcano Armor8440%6861
Kalima 7Necron7Sylphid Ray Boots8410%6883
Kalima 7Necron7Volcano Pants8320%6803
Kalima 7Necron7Sylphid Ray Gloves8320%6900
Kalima 7Necron7Sunlight Boots8310%6832
Kalima 7Necron7Sylph Wind Bow8250%6895
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Knight Armor8240%6873
Kalima 7Necron7Explosion Blade8210%6943
Kalima 7Necron7Volcano Gloves8210%7042
Kalima 7Necron7Sunlight Mask8200%6916
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Knight Gloves8200%6877
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Knight Helm8180%6846
Kalima 7Necron7Grand Viper Staff8180%6902
Kalima 7Necron7Bone Blade8150%6874
Kalima 7Necron7Sunlight Gloves8030%6824
Kalima 7Necron7Venom Mist Helm7960%6882
Kalima 7Necron7Soleil Scepter7920%6773
Kalima 7Necron7Venom Mist Boots7910%6814
Kalima 7Necron7Sylphid Ray Helm7900%6965
Kalima 7Necron7Venom Mist Armor7880%6838
Kalima 7Necron7Sunlight Pants7750%6814
Kalima 7Necron7Jewel of Chaos7180%27223
Kalima 7Necron7Pet Rudolph5210%13837
Kalima 7Necron7Rune Blade320%384994
Kalima 7Necron7Scroll of Summon280%257114
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Soul Staff250%386281
Kalima 7Necron7Lord Scepter240%253612
Kalima 7Necron7Great Dragon Boots230%253605
Kalima 7Necron7Thunder Hawk Pants180%220390
Kalima 7Necron7Great Reign Crossbow180%386267
Kalima 7Necron7Red Spirit Pants170%386729
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Phoenix Armor150%386797
Kalima 7Necron7Celestial Bow130%163853
Kalima 7Necron7Thunder Hawk Boots100%169057
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Phoenix Pants90%117569
Kalima 7Necron7Holy Spirit Armor80%164549
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Steel Armor70%117377
Kalima 7Necron7Scroll of Electric Spark70%173629
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Soul Boots60%126533
Kalima 7Necron7Black Dragon Armor50%199237
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Phoenix Boots50%166255
Kalima 7Necron7Red Spirit Helm50%166251
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Phoenix Helm50%163652
Kalima 7Necron7Elemental Mace40%199022
Kalima 7Necron7Dragon Spear40%170360
Kalima 7Necron7Great Dragon Gloves40%128394
Kalima 7Necron7Red Spirit Boots40%261364
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Master Gloves40%188400
Kalima 7Necron7Grand Soul Armor30%163780
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Steel Pants20%169509
Kalima 7Necron7Holy Spirit Pants20%269652
Kalima 7Necron7Scroll of Teleport Ally20%19451
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Master Boots20%126168
Kalima 7Necron7Staff of Destruction20%199143
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Steel Mask20%241825
Kalima 7Necron7Thunder Hawk Gloves20%275348
Kalima 7Necron7Scroll of Nova10%39384
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Soul Gloves10%261417
Kalima 7Necron7Grand Soul Pants10%235976
Kalima 7Necron7Dark Phoenix Gloves10%236326
Kalima 7Rogue CentThunder Hawk Armor454284%639707
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Soul Helm453774%1124378
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Breaker451804%342121
Kalima 7Rogue CentRed Spirit Armor451304%770788
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Master Mask449914%513210
Kalima 7Rogue CentGreat Dragon Helm449734%341555
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Master Pants449734%1123568
Kalima 7Rogue CentHurricane Boots449034%1123073
Kalima 7Rogue CentShining Scepter447694%320625
Kalima 7Rogue CentThunder Blade447144%348277
Kalima 7Rogue CentGreat Dragon Pants446874%1116594
Kalima 7Rogue CentSpirit +1105581%418173
Kalima 7Rogue CentImp81241%509474
Kalima 7Rogue CentRed Spirit Pants75821%386729
Kalima 7Rogue CentGreat Reign Crossbow75151%386267
Kalima 7Rogue CentRune Blade75141%384994
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Fire Scream74841%235363
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Phoenix Armor74591%386797
Kalima 7Rogue CentHurricane Gloves73361%235643
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Soul Staff73241%386281
Kalima 7Rogue CentHorn of Uniria72921%679937
Kalima 7Rogue CentTransformation Ring +565111%392177
Kalima 7Rogue CentSpirit +052060%182784
Kalima 7Rogue CentBlood Bone +742750%124309
Kalima 7Rogue CentGuardian Angel42710%757047
Kalima 7Rogue CentDevils Key42650%199149
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Archangel +742080%124171
Kalima 7Rogue CentDevils Eye42040%199705
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Decay30310%22624
Kalima 7Rogue CentRena +327270%157649
Kalima 7Rogue CentBox of Luck +721450%136752
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Nova16930%39384
Kalima 7Rogue CentJewel of Life8730%42915
Kalima 7Rogue CentJewel of Soul7140%56404
Kalima 7Rogue CentJewel of Bless7070%61310
Kalima 7Rogue CentSunlight Mask5740%6916
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Knight Gloves5720%6877
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylphid Ray Helm5620%6965
Kalima 7Rogue CentVenom Mist Gloves5620%6900
Kalima 7Rogue CentVenom Mist Pants5530%6985
Kalima 7Rogue CentVenom Mist Armor5390%6838
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Knight Armor5390%6873
Kalima 7Rogue CentVolcano Gloves5380%7042
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Knight Boots5320%6849
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylphid Ray Pants5320%6990
Kalima 7Rogue CentBone Blade5310%6874
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylph Wind Bow5300%6895
Kalima 7Rogue CentSunlight Pants5290%6814
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylphid Ray Boots5290%6883
Kalima 7Rogue CentGrand Viper Staff5250%6902
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Knight Helm5250%6846
Kalima 7Rogue CentSoleil Scepter5240%6773
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylphid Ray Armor5210%6977
Kalima 7Rogue CentVenom Mist Helm5200%6882
Kalima 7Rogue CentVolcano Pants5140%6803
Kalima 7Rogue CentExplosion Blade5130%6943
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Knight Pants5110%6948
Kalima 7Rogue CentSunlight Gloves5040%6824
Kalima 7Rogue CentVolcano Boots5040%6948
Kalima 7Rogue CentVolcano Armor5030%6861
Kalima 7Rogue CentSylphid Ray Gloves5030%6900
Kalima 7Rogue CentSunlight Armor5020%6938
Kalima 7Rogue CentVenom Mist Boots4960%6814
Kalima 7Rogue CentSunlight Boots4800%6832
Kalima 7Rogue CentJewel of Chaos3590%27223
Kalima 7Rogue CentPet Rudolph2680%13837
Kalima 7Rogue CentJewel of Creation1670%20831
Kalima 7Rogue CentOrb of Summoning1570%57744
Kalima 7Rogue CentBlack Dragon Armor260%199237
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Steel Pants220%169509
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Master Boots210%126168
Kalima 7Rogue CentGrand Soul Armor210%163780
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Summon200%257114
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Master Gloves180%188400
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Soul Boots170%126533
Kalima 7Rogue CentDragon Spear160%170360
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Phoenix Pants160%117569
Kalima 7Rogue CentHoly Spirit Armor150%164549
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Phoenix Helm140%163652
Kalima 7Rogue CentCelestial Bow140%163853
Kalima 7Rogue CentElemental Mace140%199022
Kalima 7Rogue CentSymbol of Kundun +6130%340511
Kalima 7Rogue CentStaff of Destruction130%199143
Kalima 7Rogue CentGreat Dragon Gloves130%128394
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Steel Armor130%117377
Kalima 7Rogue CentThunder Hawk Boots130%169057
Kalima 7Rogue CentThunder Hawk Gloves130%275348
Kalima 7Rogue CentRed Spirit Boots130%261364
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Phoenix Boots120%166255
Kalima 7Rogue CentHoly Spirit Pants120%269652
Kalima 7Rogue CentGreat Dragon Boots110%253605
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Electric Spark110%173629
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Soul Gloves100%261417
Kalima 7Rogue CentRed Spirit Helm90%166251
Kalima 7Rogue CentLord Scepter70%253612
Kalima 7Rogue CentGrand Soul Pants30%235976
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Phoenix Gloves20%236326
Kalima 7Rogue CentSaint Crossbow20%253341
Kalima 7Rogue CentBlack Dragon Pants20%254444
Kalima 7Rogue CentDark Steel Mask10%241825
Kalima 7Rogue CentHoly Spirit Helm10%241941
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Teleport Ally10%19451
Kalima 7Rogue CentScroll of Cometfall10%13899
Kalima 7Schriker7Hurricane Armor52275822%2010726
Kalima 7Schriker7Great Dragon Armor52217322%1522585
Kalima 7Schriker7Arrow Viper Bow52119522%551273
Kalima 7Schriker7Hurricane Pants1308835%1371261
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Soul Armor1305845%1372053
Kalima 7Schriker7Horn of Uniria983434%679937
Kalima 7Schriker7Imp749723%509474
Kalima 7Schriker7Symbol of Kundun +7681963%543835
Kalima 7Schriker7Guardian Angel623673%757047
Kalima 7Schriker7Spirit +1337681%418173
Kalima 7Schriker7Transformation Ring +5207521%392177
Kalima 7Schriker7Spirit +0169531%182784
Kalima 7Schriker7Rena +385270%157649
Kalima 7Schriker7Orb of Summoning80320%57744
Kalima 7Schriker7Box of Luck +769080%136752
Kalima 7Schriker7Jewel of Bless24340%61310
Kalima 7Schriker7Jewel of Life23980%42915
Kalima 7Schriker7Jewel of Soul23960%56404
Kalima 7Schriker7Grand Viper Staff17450%6902
Kalima 7Schriker7Volcano Gloves17410%7042
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylphid Ray Helm17340%6965
Kalima 7Schriker7Jewel of Creation17340%20831
Kalima 7Schriker7Sunlight Gloves17320%6824
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylphid Ray Pants17230%6990
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylph Wind Bow17210%6895
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Knight Armor17150%6873
Kalima 7Schriker7Volcano Boots17140%6948
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Knight Helm17120%6846
Kalima 7Schriker7Venom Mist Pants17080%6985
Kalima 7Schriker7Volcano Armor16980%6861
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylphid Ray Boots16830%6883
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylphid Ray Armor16810%6977
Kalima 7Schriker7Bone Blade16770%6874
Kalima 7Schriker7Sunlight Pants16770%6814
Kalima 7Schriker7Venom Mist Armor16770%6838
Kalima 7Schriker7Sunlight Boots16730%6832
Kalima 7Schriker7Venom Mist Gloves16720%6900
Kalima 7Schriker7Sylphid Ray Gloves16720%6900
Kalima 7Schriker7Volcano Pants16660%6803
Kalima 7Schriker7Sunlight Mask16560%6916
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Knight Pants16530%6948
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Knight Boots16520%6849
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Knight Gloves16510%6877
Kalima 7Schriker7Venom Mist Helm16430%6882
Kalima 7Schriker7Explosion Blade16370%6943
Kalima 7Schriker7Venom Mist Boots16230%6814
Kalima 7Schriker7Sunlight Armor16090%6938
Kalima 7Schriker7Soleil Scepter16030%6773
Kalima 7Schriker7Jewel of Chaos12960%27223
Kalima 7Schriker7Pet Rudolph10170%13837
Kalima 7Schriker7Hurricane Boots1130%1123073
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Master Pants1080%1123568
Kalima 7Schriker7Shining Scepter1060%320625
Kalima 7Schriker7Red Spirit Armor960%770788
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Soul Helm910%1124378
Kalima 7Schriker7Scroll of Fire Scream260%235363
Kalima 7Schriker7Red Spirit Pants230%386729
Kalima 7Schriker7Rune Blade220%384994
Kalima 7Schriker7Hurricane Gloves220%235643
Kalima 7Schriker7Great Reign Crossbow180%386267
Kalima 7Schriker7Great Dragon Helm180%341555
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Breaker170%342121
Kalima 7Schriker7Thunder Hawk Pants170%220390
Kalima 7Schriker7Thunder Blade160%348277
Kalima 7Schriker7Thunder Hawk Armor160%639707
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Master Mask160%513210
Kalima 7Schriker7Dark Phoenix Armor150%386797
Kalima 7Schriker7Dragon Soul Staff150%386281
Kalima 7Schriker7Scroll of Decay40%22624
Kalima 7Schriker7Scroll of Nova30%39384
Kalima 7Schriker7Scroll of Ice Storm10%16761
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Summon1407746%257114
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGreat Dragon Boots1397156%253605
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerLord Scepter1396386%253612
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerRed Spirit Pants1394906%386729
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerRune Blade1394446%384994
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Phoenix Armor1394166%386797
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDragon Soul Staff1392736%386281
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGreat Reign Crossbow1391726%386267
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerThunder Hawk Pants1389296%220390
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerSymbol of Kundun +6688733%340511
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerSpirit +1346112%418173
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerHoly Spirit Armor321751%164549
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDragon Spear318821%170360
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerRed Spirit Helm318211%166251
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Steel Pants318081%169509
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Master Boots317601%126168
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerBlack Dragon Armor317361%199237
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Phoenix Boots317301%166255
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Steel Armor316961%117377
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Phoenix Pants316371%117569
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Electric Spark315671%173629
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Phoenix Helm315651%163652
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerElemental Mace315651%199022
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerThunder Hawk Boots315561%169057
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerStaff of Destruction315461%199143
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGreat Dragon Gloves314721%128394
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Soul Boots314471%126533
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerCelestial Bow314181%163853
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGrand Soul Armor313881%163780
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Master Gloves312291%188400
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerTransformation Ring +5209711%392177
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGuardian Angel181261%757047
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerHorn of Uniria181231%679937
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerImp161791%509474
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDevils Key135061%199149
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Archangel +7134141%124171
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDevils Eye133381%199705
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerBlood Bone +7130671%124309
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGrand Soul Pants127381%235976
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerHoly Spirit Pants126581%269652
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerThunder Hawk Gloves126421%275348
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Phoenix Gloves126391%236326
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Steel Mask126051%241825
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Soul Gloves126041%261417
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerRed Spirit Boots125341%261364
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerRena +384930%157649
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerBox of Luck +767910%136752
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Teleport Ally52160%19451
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Ice Storm38000%16761
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Nova35240%39384
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Decay24410%22624
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerJewel of Bless23540%61310
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerJewel of Soul22950%56404
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerJewel of Life16870%42915
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Inferno14190%16758
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerJewel of Chaos13370%27223
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerPet Rudolph10060%13837
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerSpirit +06470%182784
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerJewel of Creation5490%20831
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerOrb of Summoning1770%57744
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerStorm Crow Pants530%169050
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerStorm Crow Boots450%129371
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerHoly Spirit Gloves450%115842
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerAdamantine Mask410%146516
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerOrb of Death Stab410%115636
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerElemental Shield400%146377
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerOrb of Penetration400%148821
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerAdamantine Pants400%113221
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGrand Soul Shield380%168803
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerCrystal Morning Star370%146313
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerGrand Soul Gloves350%101780
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerDark Steel Gloves340%174899
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of FireBurst320%172596
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerStorm Crow Gloves310%113032
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerAquagold Crossbow300%129979
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerCrystal Sword290%129726
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerMaster Scepter290%129097
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerBluewing Crossbow280%155408
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of the Emperor260%293
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerStaff of Resurrection240%112595
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerScroll of Hellfire10%9016
Kanturu RuinsBerserkerBroken Sword10%129
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBlack Dragon Pants1043734%254444
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBlack Dragon Boots1043524%259966
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntThunder Hawk Gloves1042344%275348
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDark Steel Boots1042134%244667
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntHoly Spirit Helm1042094%241941
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSaint Crossbow1041994%253341
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntHoly Spirit Boots1040804%189284
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntHoly Spirit Pants1040244%269652
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSword of Destruction1039614%265757
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGreat Scepter1039574%265287
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGrand Soul Pants1038974%235976
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntRed Spirit Gloves1037814%253267
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDark Phoenix Gloves1037534%236326
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntRed Spirit Boots1037464%261364
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntAdamantine Armor1037074%258861
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDark Soul Gloves1036734%261417
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntOrb of Rageful Blow1036614%244317
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Critical Damage1035844%266565
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDark Steel Mask1034534%241825
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntOrb of Ice Arrow1033934%189255
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntStorm Crow Armor1033614%227934
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGrand Soul Helm1032454%188216
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBlack Dragon Helm1029144%264533
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSymbol of Kundun +5868923%136323
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntTransformation Ring +5264401%392177
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntImp208741%509474
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of FireBurst207501%172596
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBlack Dragon Gloves207491%161705
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDark Steel Gloves207471%174899
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntStorm Crow Pants207451%169050
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGrand Soul Shield205241%168803
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGrand Soul Boots203621%144339
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntHorn of Uniria177781%679937
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDevils Eye171191%199705
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDevils Key170961%199149
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBlood Bone +7170941%124309
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Archangel +7170491%124171
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGuardian Angel107200%757047
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Aqua Beam89900%17570
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBox of Luck +788780%136752
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntRena +386270%157649
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Inferno76710%16758
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Teleport Ally32440%19451
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Soul Barrier31200%12448
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntJewel of Bless27770%61310
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntJewel of Soul27330%56404
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntJewel of Life21020%42915
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Cometfall19970%13899
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntJewel of Chaos16160%27223
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSpirit +18450%418173
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSpirit +08440%182784
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntJewel of Creation7410%20831
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntOrb of Summoning1800%57744
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBattle Scepter410%29621
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGuardian Boots400%26100
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntHelical Sword390%74520
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Helm380%130936
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGuardian Armor370%130523
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntLegendary Pants360%30087
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGuardian Pants360%29816
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGorgon Staff350%26185
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntOrb of Fire Slash350%139201
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntOrb of Greater Fortitude340%138522
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntAdamantine Boots340%136453
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGuardian Helm340%29701
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntLegendary Armor330%74588
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntLight Plate Armor330%138873
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGreat Scythe320%29568
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBill of Balrog320%122011
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntLegendary Staff320%137020
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBronze Shield310%29816
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Pants300%74359
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Armor300%136838
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Boots300%29542
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Shield290%137099
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntLighting Sword290%136691
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntAdamantine Gloves280%131284
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntDragon Gloves280%26155
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntGiant Sword260%26285
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntSilver Bow260%74563
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of the Emperor160%293
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntScroll of Hellfire30%9016
Kanturu RuinsBlade HuntBroken Sword10%129
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Breaker148264%342121
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGreat Dragon Helm148104%341555
Kanturu RuinsGenociderThunder Blade147944%348277
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Master Boots131304%126168
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Summon131214%257114
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Fire Scream131204%235363
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Steel Armor131034%117377
Kanturu RuinsGenociderHurricane Gloves130954%235643
Kanturu RuinsGenociderThunder Hawk Pants130714%220390
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDragon Soul Staff130414%386281
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Soul Boots130044%126533
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGreat Dragon Gloves129174%128394
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGreat Reign Crossbow129034%386267
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Phoenix Armor128684%386797
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGreat Dragon Boots128564%253605
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Phoenix Pants128354%117569
Kanturu RuinsGenociderRune Blade127824%384994
Kanturu RuinsGenociderRed Spirit Pants127774%386729
Kanturu RuinsGenociderLord Scepter127244%253612
Kanturu RuinsGenociderSymbol of Kundun +6101153%340511
Kanturu RuinsGenociderSpirit +150321%418173
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Phoenix Boots37941%166255
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Phoenix Helm37731%163652
Kanturu RuinsGenociderRed Spirit Helm37661%166251
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Steel Pants37531%169509
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGrand Soul Armor37441%163780
Kanturu RuinsGenociderThunder Hawk Boots36751%169057
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDragon Spear36431%170360
Kanturu RuinsGenociderHoly Spirit Armor36431%164549
Kanturu RuinsGenociderCelestial Bow36041%163853
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Electric Spark35871%173629
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGuardian Angel32821%757047
Kanturu RuinsGenociderTransformation Ring +530811%392177
Kanturu RuinsGenociderSpirit +025721%182784
Kanturu RuinsGenociderHorn of Uniria22301%679937
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDevils Eye20511%199705
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDevils Key20251%199149
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Archangel +720001%124171
Kanturu RuinsGenociderBlood Bone +719821%124309
Kanturu RuinsGenociderRena +313550%157649
Kanturu RuinsGenociderBox of Luck +79680%136752
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Decay7990%22624
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Nova7050%39384
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Ice Storm6960%16761
Kanturu RuinsGenociderImp6660%509474
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Inferno4690%16758
Kanturu RuinsGenociderJewel of Soul3360%56404
Kanturu RuinsGenociderJewel of Bless3160%61310
Kanturu RuinsGenociderJewel of Life2750%42915
Kanturu RuinsGenociderJewel of Chaos2310%27223
Kanturu RuinsGenociderPet Rudolph1390%13837
Kanturu RuinsGenociderJewel of Creation820%20831
Kanturu RuinsGenociderOrb of Summoning410%57744
Kanturu RuinsGenociderOrb of Rageful Blow110%244317
Kanturu RuinsGenociderAdamantine Armor100%258861
Kanturu RuinsGenociderStorm Crow Armor80%227934
Kanturu RuinsGenociderBlack Dragon Boots80%259966
Kanturu RuinsGenociderBlack Dragon Gloves60%161705
Kanturu RuinsGenociderDark Steel Gloves50%174899
Kanturu RuinsGenociderOrb of Death Stab50%115636
Kanturu RuinsGenociderHoly Spirit Gloves50%115842
Kanturu RuinsGenociderAdamantine Pants40%113221
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGrand Soul Gloves40%101780
Kanturu RuinsGenociderGrand Soul Boots30%144339
Kanturu RuinsGenociderStorm Crow Boots30%129371
Kanturu RuinsGenociderMaster Scepter30%129097
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of FireBurst30%172596
Kanturu RuinsGenociderStorm Crow Pants30%169050
Kanturu RuinsGenociderAquagold Crossbow10%129979
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Soul Barrier10%12448
Kanturu RuinsGenociderStaff of Resurrection10%112595
Kanturu RuinsGenociderStorm Crow Gloves10%113032
Kanturu RuinsGenociderScroll of Cometfall10%13899
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Summon77143%257114
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Steel Pants74813%169509
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Soul Boots74733%126533
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDragon Spear73783%170360
Kanturu RuinsGigantisGreat Dragon Gloves73693%128394
Kanturu RuinsGigantisBlack Dragon Armor73563%199237
Kanturu RuinsGigantisGreat Dragon Boots73563%253605
Kanturu RuinsGigantisThunder Hawk Gloves73423%275348
Kanturu RuinsGigantisGrand Soul Armor73363%163780
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Master Boots73303%126168
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Phoenix Boots73263%166255
Kanturu RuinsGigantisLord Scepter73263%253612
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Master Gloves73233%188400
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Phoenix Pants73133%117569
Kanturu RuinsGigantisCelestial Bow73133%163853
Kanturu RuinsGigantisThunder Hawk Boots73063%169057
Kanturu RuinsGigantisStaff of Destruction73043%199143
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Electric Spark73023%173629
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Phoenix Helm72813%163652
Kanturu RuinsGigantisRed Spirit Boots72693%261364
Kanturu RuinsGigantisHoly Spirit Pants72653%269652
Kanturu RuinsGigantisHoly Spirit Armor72533%164549
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Soul Gloves72513%261417
Kanturu RuinsGigantisElemental Mace72363%199022
Kanturu RuinsGigantisRed Spirit Helm72353%166251
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Steel Armor71703%117377
Kanturu RuinsGigantisSymbol of Kundun +670353%340511
Kanturu RuinsGigantisSpirit +133782%418173
Kanturu RuinsGigantisTransformation Ring +520011%392177
Kanturu RuinsGigantisImp14351%509474
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Archangel +713861%124171
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDevils Key13521%199149
Kanturu RuinsGigantisBlood Bone +713111%124309
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDevils Eye12961%199705
Kanturu RuinsGigantisRed Spirit Gloves12411%253267
Kanturu RuinsGigantisSaint Crossbow12281%253341
Kanturu RuinsGigantisBlack Dragon Pants12261%254444
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Phoenix Gloves12041%236326
Kanturu RuinsGigantisHoly Spirit Helm12011%241941
Kanturu RuinsGigantisDark Steel Mask11861%241825
Kanturu RuinsGigantisGrand Soul Pants11331%235976
Kanturu RuinsGigantisHorn of Uniria11251%679937
Kanturu RuinsGigantisRena +38930%157649
Kanturu RuinsGigantisGuardian Angel7830%757047
Kanturu RuinsGigantisBox of Luck +76860%136752
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Cometfall4170%13899
Kanturu RuinsGigantisJewel of Bless2670%61310
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Teleport Ally2520%19451
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Decay2420%22624
Kanturu RuinsGigantisJewel of Soul2380%56404
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Inferno2120%16758
Kanturu RuinsGigantisScroll of Ice Storm2020%16761
Kanturu RuinsGigantisJewel of Life1730%42915
Kanturu RuinsGigantisJewel of Chaos1610%27223
Kanturu RuinsGigantisPet Rudolph1080%13837
Kanturu RuinsGigantisOrb of Summoning860%57744
Kanturu RuinsGigantisJewel of Creation660%20831
Kanturu RuinsGigantisSpirit +0580%182784
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderOrb of Ice Arrow8374%189255
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderAquagold Crossbow8354%129979
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderStorm Crow Armor8224%227934
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGreat Scepter8174%265287
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderOrb of Rageful Blow8134%244317
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderStorm Crow Boots8104%129371
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderAdamantine Armor8094%258861
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDark Steel Gloves8014%174899
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderOrb of Death Stab7984%115636
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBlack Dragon Helm7984%264533
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderSymbol of Kundun +47984%82503
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBlack Dragon Gloves7944%161705
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGrand Soul Shield7944%168803
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderStorm Crow Pants7894%169050
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderHoly Spirit Boots7884%189284
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Critical Damage7854%266565
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderHoly Spirit Gloves7804%115842
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderCrystal Sword7774%129726
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of FireBurst7724%172596
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderSword of Destruction7694%265757
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGrand Soul Helm7634%188216
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderMaster Scepter7464%129097
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBlack Dragon Boots7464%259966
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGrand Soul Boots7363%144339
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGuardian Angel2431%757047
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderTransformation Ring +52321%392177
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBlood Bone +61621%20311
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Archangel +61441%20172
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDevils Eye1441%199705
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGrand Soul Gloves1371%101780
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDevils Key1351%199149
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBluewing Crossbow1311%155408
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderStorm Crow Gloves1261%113032
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderAdamantine Pants1251%113221
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderStaff of Resurrection1211%112595
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderBox of Luck +7870%136752
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderRena +3810%157649
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderHorn of Uniria550%679937
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Cometfall380%13899
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Aqua Beam320%17570
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderJewel of Bless280%61310
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Soul Barrier260%12448
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderJewel of Soul210%56404
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderJewel of Chaos200%27223
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderJewel of Life190%42915
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderImp110%509474
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderSpirit +170%418173
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderJewel of Creation50%20831
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderSpirit +050%182784
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderPendant of Ability10%7287
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderPlate Helm10%11532
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderOrb of Summoning10%57744
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderLegendary Pants10%30087
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderGuardian Pants10%29816
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDragon Pants10%74359
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderScroll of Twister10%3848
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDragon Gloves10%26155
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderDragon Boots10%29542
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderOrb of Twisting Slash10%8133
Kanturu RuinsIron RiderRing of Magic10%7781
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Electric Spark512493%173629
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosSymbol of Kundun +6497493%340511
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Steel Mask485563%241825
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosSword of Destruction484883%265757
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosGrand Soul Armor484803%163780
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosHoly Spirit Armor484753%164549
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Master Gloves484563%188400
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBlack Dragon Armor484103%199237
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Steel Boots484063%244667
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBlack Dragon Helm483873%264533
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Phoenix Gloves483773%236326
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosGrand Soul Pants483693%235976
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosSaint Crossbow483583%253341
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Phoenix Boots483463%166255
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosHoly Spirit Helm483423%241941
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDragon Spear483303%170360
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosCelestial Bow483103%163853
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosRed Spirit Boots482913%261364
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosRed Spirit Helm482833%166251
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosThunder Hawk Gloves482833%275348
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBlack Dragon Pants482823%254444
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosStaff of Destruction482493%199143
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosRed Spirit Gloves482423%253267
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosHoly Spirit Pants481833%269652
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Critical Damage481663%266565
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Soul Gloves481383%261417
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosElemental Mace480613%199022
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosThunder Hawk Boots480373%169057
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosGreat Scepter480323%265287
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Phoenix Helm480253%163652
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDark Steel Pants478793%169509
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosTransformation Ring +5151011%392177
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDevils Eye100101%199705
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Archangel +798561%124171
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDevils Key98291%199149
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBlood Bone +797741%124309
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosGuardian Angel85181%757047
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosRena +360970%157649
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosHorn of Uniria57010%679937
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBox of Luck +750100%136752
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Teleport Ally39690%19451
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Cometfall30830%13899
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosImp24610%509474
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Inferno16970%16758
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosJewel of Bless16420%61310
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosJewel of Soul16160%56404
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosJewel of Life12880%42915
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Ice Storm10940%16761
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosJewel of Chaos9560%27223
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Soul Barrier9030%12448
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosPet Rudolph7320%13837
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosSpirit +04750%182784
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosSpirit +14550%418173
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosJewel of Creation4320%20831
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosOrb of Summoning2600%57744
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of the Emperor1000%293
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosOrb of Fire Slash370%139201
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosAdamantine Mask350%146516
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosAdamantine Boots350%136453
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosLegendary Staff340%137020
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosOrb of Greater Fortitude330%138522
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosGuardian Armor320%130523
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosElemental Shield320%146377
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBluewing Crossbow300%155408
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosOrb of Penetration290%148821
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDragon Armor290%136838
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosLight Plate Armor280%138873
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDragon Helm280%130936
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBill of Balrog270%122011
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosDragon Shield270%137099
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosCrystal Morning Star240%146313
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosLighting Sword240%136691
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosAdamantine Gloves180%131284
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosBroken Sword20%129
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Hellfire10%9016
Kanturu RuinsKentaurosScroll of Evil Spirit10%26425
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGreat Scepter85614%265287
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosOrb of Ice Arrow84934%189255
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosHoly Spirit Boots84854%189284
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSaint Crossbow84844%253341
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlack Dragon Pants84434%254444
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSword of Destruction84404%265757
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosHoly Spirit Helm84104%241941
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlack Dragon Helm84054%264533
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDark Steel Boots84004%244667
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGrand Soul Helm83954%188216
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of FireBurst83764%172596
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosStorm Crow Pants83704%169050
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlack Dragon Gloves83664%161705
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosAdamantine Armor83634%258861
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGrand Soul Shield83564%168803
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Critical Damage83404%266565
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDark Steel Gloves83344%174899
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGrand Soul Boots83324%144339
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosStorm Crow Armor83324%227934
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosRed Spirit Gloves82894%253267
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlack Dragon Boots82774%259966
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosOrb of Rageful Blow82354%244317
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSymbol of Kundun +574374%136323
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosTransformation Ring +522661%392177
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlood Bone +614881%20311
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDevils Key14211%199149
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBlood Bone +714191%124309
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Archangel +714031%124171
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Archangel +614001%20172
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDevils Eye13761%199705
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGuardian Angel13751%757047
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosImp10260%509474
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBox of Luck +77490%136752
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosRena +37250%157649
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosHorn of Uniria7120%679937
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Teleport Ally4500%19451
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Cometfall4320%13899
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Aqua Beam3610%17570
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosScroll of Soul Barrier3090%12448
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosJewel of Soul2850%56404
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosJewel of Bless2520%61310
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosJewel of Life2100%42915
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosJewel of Chaos1730%27223
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSpirit +1690%418173
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSpirit +0650%182784
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosJewel of Creation580%20831
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosOrb of Summoning390%57744
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Boots70%29542
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBattle Scepter40%29621
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosBronze Shield40%29816
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosAdamantine Boots40%136453
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Helm30%130936
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosOrb of Greater Fortitude30%138522
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGuardian Helm30%29701
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGiant Sword30%26285
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGorgon Staff30%26185
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Pants20%74359
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLighting Sword20%136691
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGuardian Armor20%130523
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLegendary Pants20%30087
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Armor20%136838
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Gloves10%26155
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLegendary Armor10%74588
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLegendary Helm10%7378
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosOrb of Fire Slash10%139201
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosDragon Shield10%137099
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGuardian Pants10%29816
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosSilver Bow10%74563
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLegendary Staff10%137020
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGreat Scythe10%29568
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosLight Plate Pants10%7349
Kanturu RuinsSatyrosGuardian Gloves10%7481
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WOrb of Rageful Blow216028%244317
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBlack Dragon Boots208198%259966
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WAdamantine Armor206378%258861
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WStorm Crow Armor206158%227934
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBlack Dragon Gloves96264%161705
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WCrystal Sword95924%129726
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGrand Soul Boots95584%144339
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDark Steel Gloves95324%174899
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WAquagold Crossbow95284%129979
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of FireBurst95134%172596
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WAdamantine Pants94914%113221
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGrand Soul Gloves94514%101780
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WStorm Crow Boots94454%129371
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSymbol of Kundun +494414%82503
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WMaster Scepter94214%129097
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGrand Soul Shield94184%168803
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WStorm Crow Gloves94164%113032
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WHoly Spirit Gloves94114%115842
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WStorm Crow Pants94024%169050
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WStaff of Resurrection94014%112595
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WOrb of Death Stab92443%115636
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WImp36501%509474
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WTransformation Ring +527801%392177
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDevils Eye19211%199705
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBox of Luck +118631%54062
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDevils Key18311%199149
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of Archangel +618231%20172
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBlood Bone +617811%20311
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WHorn of Uniria17551%679937
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGuardian Angel11340%757047
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WRena +39190%157649
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBox of Luck +79010%136752
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of Soul Barrier3980%12448
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WJewel of Bless3330%61310
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WJewel of Soul3240%56404
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of Aqua Beam2970%17570
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of Cometfall2690%13899
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WJewel of Life2590%42915
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WJewel of Chaos2340%27223
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WOrb of Summoning1210%57744
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSpirit +11000%418173
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSpirit +0740%182784
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WJewel of Creation690%20831
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSerpent Shield60%31270
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBattle Scepter50%29621
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGuardian Gloves50%7481
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Sword40%31014
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Pants40%30087
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDragon Gloves40%26155
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLight Plate Boots40%31376
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WScroll of the Emperor40%293
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSerpent Spear30%11520
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WOrb of Twisting Slash30%8133
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSerpent Crossbow30%5746
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLight Plate Pants30%7349
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Gloves30%31067
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WPlate Armor30%5687
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGorgon Staff20%26185
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBronze Shield20%29816
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGreat Scythe20%29568
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WPendant of Water20%11826
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Helm20%7378
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Shield20%5721
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLegendary Boots20%11723
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGuardian Pants20%29816
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WPlate Pants20%31519
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGiant Sword20%26285
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDouble Blade10%5721
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WLight Plate Mask10%11619
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGuardian Boots10%26100
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WSpirit Armor10%30610
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WPlate Helm10%11532
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WDragon Pants10%74359
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WBroken Sword10%129
Kanturu RuinsSplinter WGuardian Helm10%29701
246Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel33413%2556
247Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel1817%2556
248Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel231%2556
249Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel582%2556
250Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel622%2556
251Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel33913%2556
252Statue of Absolute Weapon of Archangel155961%2556