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Total online: 25 / 100

Server time

Season 2 Upgraded

Exp 150 dynamic, Drop 60

Last 10 players in game
Char nameResetLevel

Updates and Announcements

2024-12-01 02:19:28

Reset Milestone: Soon Reaching Reset 80

  • The player lieliskais will soon achieve Reset 80, but this does not mark the end of the current epoch.
  • We’re waiting for an epic Castle Siege (minimum 5x5 participants) to conclude this epoch.
  • Reward:
    • The winning guild’s Guild Master will receive 5 additional slots to distribute among guild members.
    • Reminder: Defending the Castle is harder than attacking—plan your strategy wisely!

Quest for Players Below Reset 40

  • New Quest: Aimed at players who haven’t yet reached Reset 40.
  • How It Works:
    1. Complete the quest.
    2. Report your completion in the Discord channel or web chat.
    3. Receive 1 extra slot for your account.
  • Important:
    • Do not attempt this quest using low-reset characters if you already have a character with 40+ resets.
    • We will verify accounts to ensure fairness. Please don’t misuse this opportunity.

Invite-to-Play Bonus

  • Invite a Friend: Gain a slot by inviting new players!
    • If the invited player reaches 10 resets, the inviter will earn 1 extra slot.
    • The inviter can assign the slot to themselves or the invited player.
  • Conditions:
    • Similar fairness rules apply: do not create accounts and claim them as invited players.
    • We will verify accounts to maintain integrity.

Game Info and Events

  • Info Section Update: Additional information has been added under Info => About on the website.
  • Crywolf Event Launch:
    • Event starts today at 21:30.
    • Please report any issues immediately via Discord or web chat.

Planning for the Next Epoch

  • We have two exciting concepts for the next epoch:
    1. Castle Siege Focused: Emphasis on large-scale PvP.
    2. Grind Focused: Centered around progression and individual effort.
  • Community Vote:
    • Details will be shared on Discord this week or next.
    • Your feedback will shape the direction of the next epoch!

Zen drop

2024-11-06 22:16:42

Added zen drop to these boxes:

  • Sacred Birth Star
  • Boxes of kundun (all)
  • Heart of love
  • Silver Medal
  • Gold Medal
  • Box of heaven

What about 350kk from BOK+5? ;)

Reward for voting

2024-11-03 02:08:22

Increased zen rewards for voting in topg: 75kk for first vote and 25kk for next.

New quests and weekend quest

2024-10-31 23:29:19


We are continuing to add new web quests, currently focusing on starter quests, this can help you to progress your character early.

On Friday 01.11.2024 around 00:00 we will add a weekend quest, this will be temporary on weekends, you will need to find and upgrade items. The prize will be zen, it is a good opportunity to transfer your other resources into zen.


Мы продолжаем добавлять новые веб-квесты, в настоящее время уделяя особое внимание стартовым квестам, это может помочь вам на ранних этапах развития вашего персонажа.

В пятницу 01.11.2024 около 00:00 мы добавим квест выходного дня, он будет временным на выходные , вам нужно будет найти и улучшить предметы. Призом будет zen, это хорошая возможность перевести в zen другие свои ресурсы.

Minor fixes/improvements

2024-10-29 14:40:00
  • Fixed CryWolf and Valey of Loren maps
  • Removed tax for selling wCoins on the money exchange
  • Reminder: client a bit changed (updated prices in shop) for this Epoch, you can download new version on the Downloads pages
  • Reminder about Hall of fame

Epoch targets

2024-10-28 00:00:26

The main (first) target for current Epoch is 80 resets: when the first character achieves 80 resets we will set "countdown" to the next wipe. In this Epoch there are no additional slots for those who achieve the main target, it's just a trigger for the next target: to win the last Castle Siege, after that a guild will get additional slots and Guild Master will decide how to distribute these slots between the guild members.

What to do if you don't want or can't participate in resets race and/or Castle Siege? Just earn slots and try to get the best items to save them into the next Epoch. You can get the first slot when one character gets 40 resets, then for each 15 resets you will get 1, and 1 if the sum of resets is 80. If you earned slots in the previous Epoch then you have them in this (and all other) Epoch too - slots are permanent.

Enjoy your game! :)

New epoch started!

2024-10-26 17:03:59

Today we made the wipe on the server and all the progress was cleared, but all the items that you saved in all time storage, and 50% of donations + 20% of wcoins on the balance before the wipe was moved to the new Epoch! You can find the items in your storage. The account and password are the same, just login, create a new character and let's play!

The target for a new Epoch: after first character achieves 80 reset, we will wait for the next Castle Siege and winners of this Siege will get additional slots for the next Epoch. And, of course, you can earn slots by other achievements. All slots that you have earned before today's wipe are your and could reuse them and/or earn new!

Also we did a few changes to improve gameplay:

  1. Slightly lowered exp and zen to make reseting a bit slower
  2. Increased rewards for active play and decreased for multiple accounts afk play by changing GP(rewards for activities)

Have a nice play!

New epoch

2024-10-19 14:53:59

What about the wipe on Friday October 25th?


2024-09-21 22:07:10

Hello! We spent many years creating a long-lasting game server without wipes, but in the end we came to one simple truth: anything long gets boring.

We decided to change the strategy and do wipes on a regular basis, each interval between wipes will be called epochs.

Epochs feature is described on the separate web page Info -> Epochs.

We will start next epoch in the middle of October - definite date we will announce separately, before wipe you have 3 main options what to do:

  • Decide which items to save for the next Epochs... if you have slots :)
  • Make more resets to get additional slots in the All time storage:
    • spend all your zen for them
    • and all reset item cards,
    • also activate VIP bonus if you didn't do it before.
  • Sell your items for zen and try to sell zen for wCoins on the Money exchange to get 20% cashback in the next epoch.

In short: you have time to prepare yourself for the next Epoch, use it ;)

Wipe preparations

2024-09-21 03:25:22

Added possibility to remove reset tasks (items and events) for zen and added a new type of storage: All time storage, where you can save any item you own for the next wipe - all be removed instead of items in this storage. Count of slots depends on total resets count on your account (sum of resets of all chars).

Also you'll receive cashback after wipe for wCoins that you have on the balance and for donated (and spent).

We'll describe a new strategy of the server a bit later and will announce the date of the wipe (somewhen in October), but for now we recommend you to spend all your zen to get more resets (for additional slots) or the best item (that you'll save in the all time storage) or more wCoins (for bigger cashback) =)

Golden Invasion

Total Golden count: 17

Killed: 9

Remaining: 8

Maps: Noria, Devias, Atlans, Tarkan

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